932 resultados para Tenax tubes
This work analyzes an active fuzzy logic control system in a Rijke type pulse combustor. During the system development, a study of the existing types of control for pulse combustion was carried out and a simulation model was implemented to be used with the package Matlab and Simulink. Blocks which were not available in the simulator library were developed. A fuzzy controller was developed and its membership functions and inference rules were established. The obtained simulation showed that fuzzy logic is viable in the control of combustion instabilities. The obtained results indicated that the control system responded to pulses in an efficient and desirable way. It was verified that the system needed approximately 0.2 s to increase the tube internal pressure from 30 to 90 mbar, with an assumed total delay of 2 ms. The effects of delay variation were studied. Convergence was always obtained and general performance was not affected by the delay. The controller sends a pressure signal in phase with the Rijke tube internal pressure signal, through the speakers, when an increase the oscillations pressure amplitude is desired. On the other hand, when a decrease of the tube internal pressure amplitude is desired, the controller sends a signal 180º out of phase.
Inhibition of global warming has become one of the major goals for the coming decades. A key strategy is to replace fossil fuels with more sustainable fuels, which has generated growing interest in the use of waste-derived fuels and of biomass fuels. However, from the chemical point of view, biomass is an inhomogeneous fuel, usually with a high concentration of water and considerable amounts of potassium and chlorine, all of which are known to affect the durability of superheater tubes. To slow down or reduce corrosion, power plants using biomass as fuel have been forced to operate at lower steam temperatures as compared to fossil fuel power plants. This reduces power production efficiency: every 10°C rise in the steam temperature results in an approximate increase of 2% in power production efficiency. More efficient ways to prevent corrosion are needed so that power plants using biomass and waste-derived fuels can operate at higher steam temperatures. The aim of this work was to shed more light on the alkali-induced corrosion of superheater steels at elevated temperatures, focusing on potassium chloride, the alkali salt most frequently encountered in biomass combustion, and on potassium carbonate, another potassium salt occasionally found in fly ash. The mechanisms of the reactions between various corrosive compounds and steels were investigated. Based on the results, the potassium-induced accelerated oxidation of chromia protected steels appears to occur in two consecutive stages. In the first, the protective chromium oxide layer is destroyed through a reaction with potassium leading to the formation of intermediates such as potassium chromate (K2CrO4) and depleting the chromium in the protective oxide layer. As the chromium is depleted, chromium from the bulk steel diffuses into the oxide layer to replenish it. In this stage, the ability of the material to withstand corrosion depends on the chromium content (which affects how long it takes the chromium in the oxide layer to be depleted) and on external factors such as temperature (which affects how fast the chromium diffuses into the protective oxide from the bulk steel). For accelerated oxidation to continue, the presence of chloride appears to be essential.
The objective of this work was to determine the coefficients of sorption and desorption of picloram in Ultisol (PVA) and Oxisol (LVA), displaying different physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of soil were collected at the 0 20 cm depth in degraded pasture areas in Viçosa-MG. Firstly, the equilibrium time between the herbicide in solution and the herbicide which was sorbed in the soil was determined by the Batch Equilibrium method. The time required was 24 hours. Sorption and desorption studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions; the sorption evaluation consisted in adding 10.0 mL of herbicide solutions at different concentrations to tubes containing 2.00 g of soil, with vertical rotary agitation being maintained during the pre-determined equilibrium time. After centrifugation, supernatant extract cleaning and filtration, herbicide concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 254 nm. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the sorption tests. The Freundlich model was used for interpretation of the sorption process. Ultisol showed higher adsorption coefficient (Kf a) compared with Oxisol, which may be attributed to the lower pH of the soil and its higher organic matter content. Desorption process occurred in both soils; the LVA allowed greater release of the previously sorbed molecules.
The reproductive biology of Capparis retusa was studied by means of controlled pollination experiments and fluorescence microscopy observations of post-pollination events. Self-pollinated flowers mostly failed to form fruits despite the fact that self-pollen tubes grew to the ovary and penetrated ovules within 24 h. Since embryo development to globular stage was observed in some self-fertilized ovules it was concluded that control of self-fertilization in this species occurs by some kind of post-zygotic mechanism.
Dahlstedtia has been considered a monotypic genus by some authors, but comprising two species according to others. The latter view was supported by our biosystematic study. The two species are Neotropical, mainly occurring in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, where they are, however, allopatric. Experimental pollinations show that the two species are intersterile. After interspecificcrossings, few pollen tubes reach the ovule, a dense secretion fills the micropyle and no proembryos are formed. Probably, there is no gene flow between species, but if it should occur, no hybrids would be formed. The present work confirms Burkart's taxonomic view, according to which Dahlstedtia comprises at least two species: D. pinnata and D. pentaphylla.
Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schumann) is a fruit tree that is attracting attention in Brazil and also in other tropical countries. Its pulp is used to prepare ice-cream, juices, jellies and many other home-made sweets. This species has a very low fecundity, attributed to problems with pollination and self-incompatibility, noted as being restrictive to the agronomic productivity of the species. Controlled pollinations between compatible and incompatible parents were made and flowers were collected at three times: 24, 48 and 72 h after pollinations, during the floral seasons of 1995 and 1998. In flowers collected 24 h after pollination, in both compatible and incompatible crosses, around 70% of ovules showed egg apparatus without evidences of sperm cell delivery; nevertheless some pollen tubes had been observed. Ovaries collected at 48 h showed different behaviors according to the type of cross. In the compatibles, 35% of ovules did not show evidences of gamete fusion. In incompatible crosses this number rose to 50%. Collected ovaries with 72 h, from compatible and incompatible crosses, showed respectively 1.2% and 14.2% of the ovules with the egg apparatus and polar nuclei only. In these ovaries, for the two types of crosses, the presence of sperm nuclei was common and the zygote was still undivided. The incompatibility action is occurring after fertilization, in a late self-incompatibility action.
Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh is an important agarophyte occurring in the western Atlantic Ocean. Green colour individuals of G. cornea were found in a natural population, growing next to red individuals, which were more common. Due to the importance of colour strains in genetic and intraspecific variability studies, this work aimed to characterize the red and green strains evaluating different nutritional and light conditions. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at 14:10 light: dark cycle, with alternating aeration periods of 30 min. Two different enriched solutions were tested: von Stosch (VSS) at concentrations reduced to 12.5% and 25%; and Provasoli (PES) at concentrations reduced to 25% and 50%, and 100%. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at the irradiance of 45 mumol photons m-2 s-1. In another experiment utilizing PES 100%, two sources of light (Osram 40 W daylight fluorescent tubes and Sylvania Designer 3,500 tubes) were tested at irradiances of 90 and 180 mumol photons m-2 s-1. Growth rates (GR) were evaluated for five weeks. Gametophytes developed few branches and reproductive structures were not induced. Differences were not observed between GR of red and green strains in the conditions tested. GR were higher in VSS 12.5% (8.4% day-1) than in 25% (7.1% day-1), suggesting an adaptation of the species to low nutrient concentrations. GR were higher at 180 (9.0% day-1) than at 90 mumol photons m-2 s-1 (6.3% day-1). These results suggest that G. cornea should be cultivated in laboratory at high irradiances and low nutrient concentrations. These data will be useful in future genetic and physiological studies of the species.
We investigated the reproductive biology of Protium spruceanum (Benth.) Engler in vegetation corridors of secondary Atlantic forest in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The reproductive phenology was investigated fortnightly over a one year period. Floral biology studies involved pollen viability analysis, nectar production, stigmatic receptivity, pollen tube growth, visiting insect species and visit rates. The small, pale yellowish flowers (0.3-0.4 cm diameter) are functionally unisexual and organized in dense inflorescences (ca. 45 flowers). P. spruceanum presented annual flowering between September and November. Staminate flowers supplied a high percentage of viable pollen (90.6%) and relatively abundant nectar (x = 4.5 μL). Pistillate flowers produced only nectar to flower visitors (x = 4.0 μL). The effective pollinators were Apis mellifera and Trigona sp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Pollen tubes of cross-pollinated flowers were observed entering the ovaries 48 h after pollination. The fruiting season is from October to March, with a peak in November, coinciding with the rainfall peak. Ecological implications of these findings, and alternative arguments to explain the high genetic diversity at regional landscape are discussed.
We describe the isolation of crotoxin, a presynaptic B-neurotoxin, as well as its subunits B (crotactine) and A (crotapotin) from lyophilized Crotalus durissus terrificus venom by a single-step preparative isoelectric focusing procedure. From 98 mg of dried venom protein 20.1 mg of crotactine and 13.1 mg of crotapotin were recovered in the first step of focalization and 4.2 mg in a second run. These values correspond to 35.7% of the total venom protein applied. Crotactine separated in the 9.3-7.0 pH range (tubes 1-6) and crotapotin in the 1.8-2.8 pH range (tubes 15-19) and both were homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and N-terminal amino acid analysis. Crotactine, a 12-kDa protein, presented hemolytic and phospholipase A2 activity. Thus, using isoelectric focusing we simultaneously purified both toxins in high yields. This method can be used as an alternative for the purification and characterization of proteins from other snake venoms under conditions in which biological activity is retained
In the design of electrical machines, efficiency improvements have become very important. However, there are at least two significant cases in which the compactness of electrical machines is critical and the tolerance of extremely high losses is valued: vehicle traction, where very high torque density is desired at least temporarily; and direct-drive wind turbine generators, whose mass should be acceptably low. As ever higher torque density and ever more compact electrical machines are developed for these purposes, thermal issues, i.e. avoidance of over-temperatures and damage in conditions of high heat losses, are becoming of utmost importance. The excessive temperatures of critical machine components, such as insulation and permanent magnets, easily cause failures of the whole electrical equipment. In electrical machines with excitation systems based on permanent magnets, special attention must be paid to the rotor temperature because of the temperature-sensitive properties of permanent magnets. The allowable temperature of NdFeB magnets is usually significantly less than 150 ˚C. The practical problem is that the part of the machine where the permanent magnets are located should stay cooler than the copper windings, which can easily tolerate temperatures of 155 ˚C or 180 ˚C. Therefore, new cooling solutions should be developed in order to cool permanent magnet electrical machines with high torque density and because of it with high concentrated losses in stators. In this doctoral dissertation, direct and indirect liquid cooling techniques for permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines (PMSM) with high torque density are presented and discussed. The aim of this research is to analyse thermal behaviours of the machines using the most applicable and accurate thermal analysis methods and to propose new, practical machine designs based on these analyses. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) thermal simulations of the heat transfer inside the machines and lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) simulations both presented herein are used for the analyses. Detailed descriptions of the simulated thermal models are also presented. Most of the theoretical considerations and simulations have been verified via experimental measurements on a copper tooth-coil (motorette) and on various prototypes of electrical machines. The indirect liquid cooling systems of a 100 kW axial flux (AF) PMSM and a 110 kW radial flux (RF) PMSM are analysed here by means of simplified 3D CFD conjugate thermal models of the parts of both machines. In terms of results, a significant temperature drop of 40 ̊C in the stator winding and 28 ̊C in the rotor of the AF PMSM was achieved with the addition of highly thermally conductive materials into the machine: copper bars inserted in the teeth, and potting material around the end windings. In the RF PMSM, the potting material resulted in a temperature decrease of 6 ̊C in the stator winding, and in a decrease of 10 ̊C in the rotor embedded-permanentmagnets. Two types of unique direct liquid cooling systems for low power machines are analysed herein to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cooling systems in conditions of highly concentrated heat losses. LPTN analysis and CFD thermal analysis (the latter being particularly useful for unique design) were applied to simulate the temperature distribution within the machine models. Oil-immersion cooling provided good cooling capability for a 26.6 kW PMSM of a hybrid vehicle. A direct liquid cooling system for the copper winding with inner stainless steel tubes was designed for an 8 MW directdrive PM synchronous generator. The design principles of this cooling solution are described in detail in this thesis. The thermal analyses demonstrate that the stator winding and the rotor magnet temperatures are kept significantly below their critical temperatures with demineralized water flow. A comparison study of the coolant agents indicates that propylene glycol is more effective than ethylene glycol in arctic conditions.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää energianmuuntimen kaupallistamiseksi kannattavin valmistuskonsepti. Työssä esitettiin energianmuuntimelle kaksi mahdollista valmistuskonseptia; hitsattu rakenne ja tuotteen rungon valaminen. Tuotteen uuden rakenteen suunnittelu suoritettiin DFMA -projektin etenemisjärjestyksen mukaisesti. Uuden rakenteen suunnittelun tuloksena DFMA -projektille asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin. Työssä valittiin rungon valamiseen soveltuvat valumenetelmät, joita ovat hiekkavalu, Lost Foam ja Replicast CS. Kappaleen valettavuudelle suoritettiin analyysi, jonka perusteella ennen diplomityön aloittamista suunniteltu valurunko ei ole valmistettavissa työssä esitettynä konstruktiona. Johtopäätöksenä rungon valamisesta todettiin, että valurunko on suunniteltava uudestaan huomioimalla diplomityössä esitetyt toimenpiteet valmistettavuuden parantamiseksi. Mikäli tuotekehitysprosessia ei jatketa valurungon sunnittelun osalta, valitaan hitsattu rakenne energianmuuntimen valmistuskonseptiksi.
A pulsatile pressure-flow model was developed for in vitro quantitative color Doppler flow mapping studies of valvular regurgitation. The flow through the system was generated by a piston which was driven by stepper motors controlled by a computer. The piston was connected to acrylic chambers designed to simulate "ventricular" and "atrial" heart chambers. Inside the "ventricular" chamber, a prosthetic heart valve was placed at the inflow connection with the "atrial" chamber while another prosthetic valve was positioned at the outflow connection with flexible tubes, elastic balloons and a reservoir arranged to mimic the peripheral circulation. The flow model was filled with a 0.25% corn starch/water suspension to improve Doppler imaging. A continuous flow pump transferred the liquid from the peripheral reservoir to another one connected to the "atrial" chamber. The dimensions of the flow model were designed to permit adequate imaging by Doppler echocardiography. Acoustic windows allowed placement of transducers distal and perpendicular to the valves, so that the ultrasound beam could be positioned parallel to the valvular flow. Strain-gauge and electromagnetic transducers were used for measurements of pressure and flow in different segments of the system. The flow model was also designed to fit different sizes and types of prosthetic valves. This pulsatile flow model was able to generate pressure and flow in the physiological human range, with independent adjustment of pulse duration and rate as well as of stroke volume. This model mimics flow profiles observed in patients with regurgitant prosthetic valves.
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different conditions of collection, transport and storage on the quality of blood samples from normal individuals in terms of the activity of the enzymes ß-glucuronidase, total hexosaminidase, hexosaminidase A, arylsulfatase A and ß-galactosidase. The enzyme activities were not affected by the different materials used for collection (plastic syringes or vacuum glass tubes). In the evaluation of different heparin concentrations (10% heparin, 5% heparin, and heparinized syringe) in the syringes, it was observed that higher doses resulted in an increase of at least 1-fold in the activities of ß-galactosidase, total hexosaminidase and hexosaminidase A in leukocytes, and ß-glucuronidase in plasma. When the effects of time and means of transportation were studied, samples that had been kept at room temperature showed higher deterioration with time (72 and 96 h) before processing, and in this case it was impossible to isolate leukocytes from most samples. Comparison of heparin and acid citrate-dextrose (ACD) as anticoagulants revealed that ß-glucuronidase and hexosaminidase activities in plasma reached levels near the lower normal limits when ACD was used. In conclusion, we observed that heparin should be used as the preferable anticoagulant when measuring these lysosomal enzyme activities, and we recommend that, when transport time is more than 24 h, samples should be shipped by air in a styrofoam box containing wet ice.
Double grade S420MH/S355J2H – rakenneputki on Ruukin kylmämuovattujen rakenneputkien vakioteräslaji. Se voidaan mitoittaa joko lujuusluokan S355 tai S420 mukaisesti. Teräslajin S355 mukaisesti mitoitettaessa on suunnittelu yksinkertaista. Painonsäästöä ja pidennettyjä jännevälejä haluttaessa käytetään lujuusluokan S420 mukaista mitoitusta. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kylmämuovattujen teräsrakenneputkien todellinen puristuskestävyys. Eurocode 3:n mukaan kylmämuovatut teräsrakenneputket kuuluvat nurjahduskäyrälle c. Tutkimukseen valittiin viisi eri profiilia olevaa rakenneputkea, joiden poikkileikkausluokat olivat 1, 2, 3 ja 4. Käytettäessä rakenneputkia puristussauvoina, on teräksen käyttö tehokkainta poikkileikkausluokassa 3, lähellä poikkileikkausluokkaa 4. Rakenneputkista laskettiin muunnetun hoikkuuden arvoilla 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 ja 1.5 koesauvojen pituudet kaikille profiileille. Valmistettiin kolme samanlaista koesauvaa jokaisesta koosta ja puristuskokeita suoritettiin yhteensä 57 kappaletta. Koesauvojen todelliset pituudet, alkukäyryydet ja poikkileikkaukset mitattiin. Ainestodistuksista saatiin materiaalin todelliset lujuudet. Laskettiin Eurocode 3:n mukaisesti kestävyydet nurjahduskäyrille a, b ja c. Laskennallisia kestävyyksiä verrattiin puristuskokeiden tuloksiin. Puristuskokeiden tulosten perusteella voidaan b-käyrää pitää oikeana profiileille 100x100x3, 150,150x5 ja 200x200x6. Profiili 150x150x5 kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 2. Profiilit 100x100x3 ja 200x200x6 kuuluvat poikkileikkausluokkaan 4. Profiili 50x50x2 kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle c. Profiilin poikkileikkausluokka on 1 ja aiemmat tutkimukset tukevat nurjahduskäyrän c käyttöä. Profiilista 300x300x8.8 ei saatu testattua täyttä sarjaa sen suuren kapasiteetin rikottua testilaitteiston, mutta puristuskokeiden perusteella se kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle b. Profiili kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 4.
Brazil is a country of continental dimension with a population of different ethnic backgrounds. Thus, a wide variation in the frequencies of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes is expected to occur. To address this point, 1,688 sequential samples from chronic HCV patients were analyzed. HCV-RNA was amplified by the RT-PCR from blood samples collected from 1995 to 2000 at different laboratories located in different cities from all Brazilian States. Samples were collected in tubes containing a gel separator, centrifuged in the site of collection and sent by express mail in a refrigerated container to Laboratório Bioquímico Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. HCV- RNA was extracted from serum and submitted to RT and nested PCR using standard procedures. Nested PCR products were submitted to cycle sequencing reactions without prior purification. Sequences were analyzed for genotype determination and the following frequencies were found: 64.9% (1,095) for genotype 1, 4.6% (78) for genotype 2, 30.2% (510) for genotype 3, 0.2% (3) for genotype 4, and 0.1% (2) for genotype 5. The frequencies of HCV genotypes were statistically different among Brazilian regions (P = 0.00017). In all regions, genotype 1 was the most frequent (51.7 to 74.1%), reaching the highest value in the North; genotype 2 was more prevalent in the Center-West region (11.4%), especially in Mato Grosso State (25.8%), while genotype 3 was more common in the South (43.2%). Genotypes 4 and 5 were rarely found and only in the Southeast, in São Paulo State. The present data indicate the need for careful epidemiological surveys throughout Brazil since knowing the frequency and distribution of the genotypes would provide key information for understanding the spread of HCV.