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In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.


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Introducción: La hiponatremia es un trastorno electrolítico frecuente entre pacientes adultos mayores hospitalizados, además es un factor pronóstico para su hospitalización. Varios estudios afirman que aumenta la morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la hiponatremia y los factores asociados a la hiponatremia en los adultos mayores hospitalizados en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de Cuenca, en el año 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal que permitió identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la hiponatremia. Para ello se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes de las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia. Partiendo de un universo de 2089 historias clínicas, calculando la muestra con una prevalencia no conocida, un intervalo de confianza del 95% y una precisión del 5 %, obteniendo un total de 325 pacientes. Resultados: Se trabajó con 325 adultos mayores, siendo el grupo de edad del Adulto Mayor Joven el más frecuente (43,7%) de los cuales el 52,6 % pertenece al sexo femenino, además la mayoría de pacientes se encontraban en Clínica (77%). La prevalencia de la hiponatremia fue del 31%. La insuficiencia cardiaca, es el factor que se asoció con una probabilidad de 2,4 de padecer hiponatremia. Los fármacos antiarritmicos, se relacionan estadísticamente pues aumentan la probabilidad en 4,8 veces de padecer hiponatremia, seguidos por los antidepresivos que aumentan 3,2 veces. Conclusiones: la hiponatremia en los adultos mayores hospitalizados fue 31%, además la insuficiencia cardiaca y la dosificación de fármacos antiarrítmicos y antidepresivos se asocian a un mayor riesgo de padecerla


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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In this study, we examined the point prevalence rate of atypical features in bipolar disorder, and estimated the potential impact of these features on treatment practices in China. Using the atypical features criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV), we documented the atypical symptoms in 3 906 consecutive participants with bipolar disorder enrolled at 26 psychiatric services across China. We further assessed the association between atypical features and the treatment approaches, including the prescription of antidepressants. The overall point prevalence rate of atypical features was 9.1% among patients with various bipolar disorder subtypes. When the definition was broadened to include atypical features B, the overall rate increased to 11.8%. Interestingly, among patients with the mixed state and remission subtypes, there was a significant difference in the rates of antidepressant medication usage between patients who met and those who did not meet the criteria for atypical features B. These findings indicate a trend of using antidepressants for these two types of patients with atypical features. Further, for both mixed state and remission patients, treatment approaches were related to atypical features B. Our findings provide evidence to assist clinicians to readily recognize atypical features in bipolar subtypes and can propose treatments based on these diagnoses.


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BACKGROUND: Cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder (MDD) encompasses several domains, including but not limited to executive function, verbal memory, and attention. Furthermore, cognitive dysfunction is a frequent residual manifestation in depression and may persist during the remitted phase. Cognitive deficits may also impede functional recovery, including workforce performance, in patients with MDD. The overarching aims of this opinion article are to critically evaluate the effects of available antidepressants as well as novel therapeutic targets on neurocognitive dysfunction in MDD.

DISCUSSION: Conventional antidepressant drugs mitigate cognitive dysfunction in some people with MDD. However, a significant proportion of MDD patients continue to experience significant cognitive impairment. Two multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reported that vortioxetine, a multimodal antidepressant, has significant precognitive effects in MDD unrelated to mood improvement. Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate was shown to alleviate executive dysfunction in an RCT of adults after full or partial remission of MDD. Preliminary evidence also indicates that erythropoietin may alleviate cognitive dysfunction in MDD. Several other novel agents may be repurposed as cognitive enhancers for MDD treatment, including minocycline, insulin, antidiabetic agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, S-adenosyl methionine, acetyl-L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, melatonin, modafinil, galantamine, scopolamine, N-acetylcysteine, curcumin, statins, and coenzyme Q10. The management of cognitive dysfunction remains an unmet need in the treatment of MDD. However, it is hoped that the development of novel therapeutic targets will contribute to 'cognitive remission', which may aid functional recovery in MDD.


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High frequency deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the lateral habenula (LHb) reduces symptoms of depression in severely treatment-resistant individuals. Despite the observed therapeutic effects, the molecular underpinnings of DBS are poorly understood. This study investigated the efficacy of high frequency LHb DBS (130Hz; 200μA; 90μs) in an animal model of tricyclic antidepressant resistance. Further, we reported DBS mediated changes in Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKIIα/β), glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3α/β) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) both locally and in the infralimbic cortex (IL). Protein expressions were then correlated to immobility time during the forced swim test (FST). Antidepressant actions were quantified via FST. Treatment groups comprised of animals treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone alone (ACTH; 100μg/day, 14days, n=7), ACTH with active DBS (n=7), sham DBS (n=8), surgery only (n=8) or control (n=8). Active DBS significantly reduced immobility in ACTH-treated animals (p<0.05). For this group, western blot results demonstrated phosphorylation status of LHb CaMKIIα/β and GSK3α/β significantly correlated to immobility time in the FST. Concurrently, we observed phosphorylation status of CaMKIIα/β, GSK3α/β, and AMPK in the IL to be negatively correlated with antidepressant actions of DBS. These findings suggest that activity dependent phosphorylation of CaMKIIα/β, and GSK3α/β in the LHb together with the downregulation of CaMKIIα/β, GSK3α/β, and AMPK in the IL, contribute to the antidepressant actions of DBS.


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OBJECTIVE: There is burgeoning interest in augmentation strategies for improving inadequate response to antidepressants. The adjunctive use of standardized pharmaceutical-grade nutrients, known as nutraceuticals, has the potential to modulate several neurochemical pathways implicated in depression. While many studies have been conducted in this area, to date no specialized systematic review (or meta-analysis) has been conducted. METHOD: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science was conducted up to December 2015 for clinical trials using adjunctive nutrients for depression. Where sufficient data were available, a random-effects model analyzed the standard mean difference between treatment and placebo in the change from baseline to endpoint, combining the effect size data. Funnel plot and heterogeneity analyses were also performed. RESULTS: Primarily positive results were found for replicated studies testing S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), methylfolate, omega-3 (primarily EPA or ethyl-EPA), and vitamin D, with positive isolated studies for creatine, folinic acid, and an amino acid combination. Mixed results were found for zinc, folic acid, vitamin C, and tryptophan, with nonsignificant results for inositol. No major adverse effects were noted in the studies (aside from minor digestive disturbance). A meta-analysis of adjunctive omega-3 versus placebo revealed a significant and moderate to strong effect in favor of omega-3. Conversely, a meta-analysis of folic acid revealed a nonsignificant difference from placebo. Marked study heterogeneity was found in a Higgins test for both omega-3 and folic acid studies; funnel plots also revealed asymmetry (reflecting potential study bias). CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence supports adjunctive use of SAMe, methylfolate, omega-3, and vitamin D with antidepressants to reduce depressive symptoms.


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This thesis investigated the nature of treatment-resistant depression and novel antidepressants utilizing a preclinical model of antidepressant-resistance. Chronic disruption of the stress response impaired response to antidepressants and altered dopamine signaling in this model. Inflammatory profile and energy regulation were identified as potential biomarkers for response to ketamine and lithium.


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Deep brain stimulation to clinically relevant brain targets all produced therapeutic responses in an animal model of antidepressant resistance. Such effects were achieved by modulating cellular stress, impaired synaptic plasticity, dysregulated dopamine transmission and energy metabolism. The implication of these findings underscore the need for using appropriate animal models to gain valuable insight on the neurobiological state of the organism in health and disease.


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The use of traditional psychostimulants (methylphenidate and dexamphetamine) and stimulant-like drugs (modafinil and armodafinil) for the treatment of depression is a growing concern given the lack of research evidence supporting their effectiveness. The current article describes the role of stimulants in treating depression--specifically their risks and benefits and their potential use alongside antidepressants. Clinically, the rapid amelioration of depressive symptoms with traditional psychostimulants is often dramatic but short-lived, and this suggests that they likely operate via different mechanisms to conventional antidepressants. More importantly, there is little evidence from randomised controlled trials supporting their efficacy in treating depression, although modafinil has been shown to be effective in reducing prominent depressive symptoms, such as fatigue. Research is urgently required to clarify psychostimulants' mechanisms of action and to evaluate their long-term benefits and risks in the treatment of major and bipolar depression. Ultimately, specificity of action needs to be determined to inform the sophisticated clinical use of psychostimulants in the management of depression. Until then they should only be prescribed if absolutely necessary, and even then their prescription should be facilitatory and time limited unless it is for investigational purposes.


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Ce mémoire décrit les travaux qui ont été réalisés sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox, un sesquiterpène tricyclique comportant un éther diallylique dans un cycle tétrahydropyranique. Les approches envisagées sont la formation du cycle à cinq puis la formation du tétrahydropyrane et une autre plus convergente qui implique la synthèse des deux cycles en une seule étape. La première partie du mémoire discute de la synthèse d’un précurseur acyclique du cycle à cinq membres, afin de réaliser une réaction de métathèse de fermeture de cycle. Toutefois, les essais n’ont pas été concluants et cette voie a été abandonnée. Dans la deuxième partie, une nouvelle approche impliquant la synthèse d’un bicycle par une réaction de Pauson-Khand a été étudiée. Le précurseur de la réaction de Pauson- Khand a été préparé en 9 étapes (30% de rendement global) à partir du diéthyle tartrate. Le produit de cyclisation a été également obtenu mais il n’a pas été possible par la suite d’introduire le groupement isopropyle. Dans la dernière partie de ce mémoire, les travaux de Lise Brethous sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox ont été repris. Celle-ci avait montré que le cycle à 5 membres pouvait être obtenu à partir de l’a-acétyl g-butyrolactone et que la formation du bicycle pouvait être réalisée par une réaction catalytique d’insertion d’un composé diazoïque dans un lien O-H. Certaines de ces étapes ont été optimisées et différents tests ont été effectués pour réaliser les dernières étapes de la synthèse de l’hodgosonox, mais sans succès.


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Ce mémoire décrit les travaux qui ont été réalisés sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox, un sesquiterpène tricyclique comportant un éther diallylique dans un cycle tétrahydropyranique. Les approches envisagées sont la formation du cycle à cinq puis la formation du tétrahydropyrane et une autre plus convergente qui implique la synthèse des deux cycles en une seule étape. La première partie du mémoire discute de la synthèse d’un précurseur acyclique du cycle à cinq membres, afin de réaliser une réaction de métathèse de fermeture de cycle. Toutefois, les essais n’ont pas été concluants et cette voie a été abandonnée. Dans la deuxième partie, une nouvelle approche impliquant la synthèse d’un bicycle par une réaction de Pauson-Khand a été étudiée. Le précurseur de la réaction de Pauson- Khand a été préparé en 9 étapes (30% de rendement global) à partir du diéthyle tartrate. Le produit de cyclisation a été également obtenu mais il n’a pas été possible par la suite d’introduire le groupement isopropyle. Dans la dernière partie de ce mémoire, les travaux de Lise Brethous sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox ont été repris. Celle-ci avait montré que le cycle à 5 membres pouvait être obtenu à partir de l’a-acétyl g-butyrolactone et que la formation du bicycle pouvait être réalisée par une réaction catalytique d’insertion d’un composé diazoïque dans un lien O-H. Certaines de ces étapes ont été optimisées et différents tests ont été effectués pour réaliser les dernières étapes de la synthèse de l’hodgosonox, mais sans succès.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Previous studies have shown that antidepressants reduce inflammation in animal models of colitis. The present trial aimed to examine whether fluoxetine added to standard therapy for Crohn's disease [CD] maintained remission, improved quality of life [QoL] and/or mental health in people with CD as compared to placebo. METHODS: A parallel randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial was conducted. Participants with clinically established CD, with quiescent or only mild disease, were randomly assigned to receive either fluoxetine 20 mg daily or placebo, and followed for 12 months. Participants provided blood and stool samples and completed mental health and QoL questionnaires. Immune functions were assessed by stimulated cytokine secretion [CD3/CD28 stimulation] and flow cytometry for cell type. Linear mixed-effects models were used to compare groups. RESULTS: Of the 26 participants, 14 were randomized to receive fluoxetine and 12 to placebo. Overall, 14 [54%] participants were male. The mean age was 37.4 [SD=13.2] years. Fluoxetine had no effect on inflammatory bowel disease activity measured using either the Crohn's Disease Activity Index [F(3, 27.5)=0.064, p=0.978] or faecal calprotectin [F(3, 32.5)=1.08, p=0.371], but did have modest effects on immune function. There was no effect of fluoxetine on physical, psychological, social or environmental QoL, anxiety or depressive symptoms as compared to placebo [all p>0.05]. CONCLUSIONS: In this small pilot clinical trial, fluoxetine was not superior to placebo in maintaining remission or improving QoL. [ID: ACTRN12612001067864.].


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Objective: This study aimed to explore patients' experiences and views on psychotherapy in relation to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and Crohn's disease (CD) in particular. Method: This descriptive survey study used semi-structured in-depth interviews with open-ended questions and a qualitative content analysis to summarise responses of 12 CD patients with mental health problems undergoing treatment with antidepressants. Results: Of 12 interviewed CD sufferers, only four received any form of psychotherapy. Two psychotherapy users considered it useful and beneficial. Patients who used psychotherapy with good results reported it improved their disease course, most likely due to improving patients' skills in reducing stress and thus, delaying relapse of the disease. Conclusion: Psychotherapy seems to be under used in IBD patients with mental health problems. Psychotherapy may act as a preventer of disease relapse in some patients and this observation needs to be tested with further quantitative studies. Online therapies may be the answer to limited psychotherapeutic resources in gastroenterology clinics.