394 resultados para THF


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Although the transition metal chemistry of many dialkylamido ligands has been well studied, the chemistry of the bulky di(tert-butyl)amido ligand has been largely overlooked. The di(tert-butyl)amido ligand is well suited for synthesizing transition metal compounds with low coordination numbers; such compounds may exhibit interesting structural, physical, and chemical properties. Di(tert-butyl)amido complexes of transition metals are expected to exhibit high volatilities and low decomposition temperatures, thus making them well suited for the chemical vapor deposition of metals and metal nitrides. Treatment of MnBr₂(THF)₂, FeI₂, CoBr₂(DME), or NiBr₂(DME) with two equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in benzene affords the two-coordinate complex M[N(t-Bu)₂]₂, where M is Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni. Crystallographic studies show that the M-N distances decrease across the series: 1.9365 (Mn), 1.8790 (Fe), 1.845 (Co), 1.798 Å (Ni). The N-M- N angles are very close to linear for Mn and Fe (179.30 and 179.45°, respectively), but bent for Co and Ni (159.2 and 160.90°, respectively). As expected, the d⁵ Mn complex has a magnetic moment of 5.53 μΒ that is very close to the spin only value. The EPR spectrum is nearly axial with a low E/D ratio of 0.014. The d⁶ Fe compound has a room temperature magnetic moment of 5.55 μΒ indicative of a large orbital angular momentum contribution. It does not exhibit a Jahn-Teller distortion despite the expected doubly degenerate ground state. Applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that the effective internal hyperfine field is unusually large, Hint = 105 T. The magnetic moments of Co[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ and Ni[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ are 5.24 and 3.02 μΒ respectively. Both are EPR silent at 4.2 K. Treatment of TiCl₄ with three equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in pentane affords the briding imido compound Ti₂[μ-N(t-Bu)]₂Cl₂[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ via a dealkylation reaction. Rotation around the bis(tert-butyl)amido groups is hindered, with activation parameters of ΔH‡ = 12.8 ± 0.6 kcal mol-1 and ΔS‡ = -8 ± 2 cal K-1 ·mol-1, as evidenced by variable temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy. Treatment of TiCl₄ with two equivalents of HN(t-Bu)₂ affords Ti₂Cl₆[N(t-Bu)₂]₂. This complex shows a close-contact of 2.634(3) Å between Ti and the carbon atom of one of the CH₃ substituents on the tert-butyl groups. Theoretical considerations and detailed structural comparisons suggest this interaction is not agostic in nature, but rather is a consequence of interligand repulsions. Treatment of NiI₂(PPh3)₂ and PdCl₂(PPh₃)₂ with LiN(t-Bu)₂in benzene affords Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I and Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)2(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) respectively. The compound Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I has distorted T-shape in geometry, whereas Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)₂(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) contains a triangular palladium core. Manganese nitride films were grown from Mn[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ in the presence of anhydrous ammonia. The growth rate was several nanometers per minute even at the remarkably low temperature of 80⁰C. As grown, the films are carbon- and oxygen-free, and have a columnar morphology. The spacings between the columns become smaller and the films become smoother as the growth temperature is increased. The composition of the films is consistent with a stoichiometry of Mn₅N₂.


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When a liquid is irradiated with ultrasound, acoustic cavitation (the formation, growth, and implosive collapse of bubbles in liquids irradiated with ultrasound) generally occurs. This is the phenomenon responsible for the driving of chemical reactions (sonochemistry) and the emission of light (sonoluminescence). The implosive collapse of bubbles in liquids results in an enormous concentration of sound energy into compressional heating of the bubble contents. Therefore, extreme chemical and physical conditions are generated during cavitation. The study of multibubble sonoluminescence (MBSL) and single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) in exotic liquids such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) leads to useful information regarding the intracavity conditions during bubble collapse. Distinct sonoluminescing bubble populations were observed from the intense orange and blue-white emissions by doping H2SO4 and H3PO4 with sodium salts, which provides the first experimental evidence for the injected droplet model over the heated-shell model for cavitation. Effective emission temperatures measured based on excited OH• and PO• emission indicate that there is a temperature inhomogeneity during MBSL in 85% H3PO4. The formation of a temperature inhomogeneity is due to the existence of different cavitating bubble populations: asymmetric collapsing bubbles contain liquid droplets and spherical collapsing bubbles do not contain liquid droplets. Strong molecular emission from SBSL in 65% H3PO4 have been obtained and used as a spectroscopic probe to determine the cavitation temperatures. It is found that the intracavity temperatures are dependent on the applied acoustic pressures and the thermal conductivities of the dissolved noble gases. The chemical and physical effects of ultrasound can be used for materials synthesis. Highly reactive species, including HO2•, H•, and OH• (or R• after additives react with OH•), are formed during aqueous sonolysis as a consequence of the chemical effects of ultrasound. Reductive species can be applied to synthesis of water-soluble fluorescent silver nanoclusters in the presence of a suitable stabilizer or capping agent. The optical and fluorescent properties of the Ag nanoclusters can be easily controlled by the synthetic conditions such as the sonication time, the stoichiometry of the carboxylate groups to Ag+, and the polymer molecular weight. The chemical and physical effects of ultrasound can be combined to prepare polymer functionalized graphenes from graphites and a reactive solvent, styrene. The physical effects of ultrasound are used to exfoliate graphites to graphenes while the chemical effects of ultrasound are used to induce the polymerization of styrene which can then functionalize graphene sheets via radical coupling. The prepared polymer functionalized graphenes are highly stable in common organic solvents like THF, CHCl3, and DMF. Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP) is used to prepare porous carbon spheres using energetic alkali propiolates as the carbon precursors. In this synthesis, metal salts are generated in situ, introducing porous structures into the carbon spheres. When different alkali salts or their mixtures are used as the precursor, carbon spheres with different morphologies and structures are obtained. The different precursor decomposition pathways are responsible for the observed structural difference. Such prepared carbon materials have high surface area and are thermally stable, making them potentially useful for catalytic supports, adsorbents, or for other applications by integrating other functional materials into their pores.


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This study investigated the self-assembled microphase separated morphologies that are obtained in bulk, by the complexation of a semicrystalline poly(ε-caprolactone-dimethyl siloxane-ε-caprolactone) (PCL-PDMS-PCL) triblock copolymer and a homopolymer, poly(hydroxyether of bisphenol A) (PH) in tetrahydrofuran (THF). In these blends, microphase separation takes place due to the disparity in intermolecular interactions; specifically, the homopolymer interacts with PCL blocks through hydrogen bonding interactions. The crystallization, microphase separation and crystalline structures of a triblock copolymer/homopolymer blends were investigated. The phase behavior of the complexes was investigated using small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy. At low PH concentrations, PCL interacts relatively weakly with PH, whereas in complexes containing more than 50 wt% PH, the PCL block interacts significantly with PH, leading to the formation of composition-dependent nanostructures. SAXS and TEM results indicate that the lamellar morphology of neat PCL-PDMS-PCL triblock copolymer changes into disordered structures at 40-60 wt% PH. Spherical microdomains were obtained in the order of 40-50 nm in complexes with 80 wt% PH. At this concentration, the complexes show a completely homogenous phase of PH/PCL, with phase-separated spherical PDMS domains. The formation of these nanostructures and changes in morphology depends on the strength of hydrogen bonding between PH/PCL blocks and also the phase separated PDMS blocks.


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The synthesis of amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(bisphenol A carbonate) (PEG-b-PC) block copolymer is presented here using a simple bio-chemistry coupling reaction between poly(bisphenol A carbonate) (PC) with a monomethylether poly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG-OH) block, mediated by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide/4-dimethylaminopyridine. This method inherently allows great flexibility in the choice of starting materials as well as easy product purification only requiring phase separation and water washing. Collective data from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and modulated dynamic scanning calorimetry (MDSC) confirmed the successful attachment of the poly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG-OH) and poly(bisphenol A carbonate) (PC) blocks. The preparation of nano-capsules was carried out by sudden addition of water to PEG-b-PC copolymers dispersed in THF, resulting in the controlled precipitation (i.e. thermodynamic entrapment) of the copolymer. Nano-capsules as small as 85 nm ± 30 nm were produced using this simple and fast methodology. We also demonstrate that encapsulating a water-insoluble bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (DGEBA) epoxy resin is possible highlighting the potential use of these capsules as a chemical delivery system.