493 resultados para Swarm Brittany


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The present data set provides a tab separated text file compressed in a zip archive. The file includes metadata for each TaraOceans V9 rDNA OTU including the following fields: md5sum = identifier of the representative (most abundant) sequence of the swarm; cid = identifier of the OTU; totab = total abundance of barcodes in this OTU; TARA_xxx = number of occurrences of barcodes in this OTU in each of the 334 samples;rtotab = total abundance of the representative barcode; pid = percentage identity of the representative barcode to the closest reference sequence from V9_PR2; lineage = taxonomic path assigned to the representative barcode ; refs = best hit reference sequence(s) with respect to the representative barcode ; taxogroup = high-taxonomic level assignation of the representative barcode. The file also includes three categories of functional annotations: (1) Chloroplast: yes, presence of permanent chloroplast; no, absence of permanent chloroplast ; NA, undetermined. (2) Symbiont (small partner): parasite, the species is a parasite; commensal, the species is a commensal; mutualist, the species is a mutualist symbiont, most often a microalgal taxon involved in photosymbiosis; no the species is not involved in a symbiosis as small partner; NA, undetermined. (3) Symbiont (host): photo, the host species relies on a mutualistic microalgal photosymbiont to survive (obligatory photosymbiosis); photo_falc, same as photo, but facultative relationship; photo_klep, the host species maintains chloroplasts from microalgal prey(s) to survive; photo_klep_falc, same as photo_klep, but facultative; Nfix, the host species must interact with a mutualistic symbiont providing N2 fixation to survive; Nfix_falc, same as Nfix, but facultative; no, the species is not involved in any mutualistic symbioses; NA, undetermined.


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Coralline algae are considered among the most sensitive species to near future ocean acidification. We tested the effects of elevated pCO2 on the metabolism of the free-living coralline alga Lithothamnion corallioides ("maerl") and the interactions with changes in temperature. Specimens were collected in North Brittany (France) and grown for 3 months at pCO2 of 380 (ambient pCO2), 550, 750, and 1000 µatm (elevated pCO2) and at successive temperatures of 10°C (ambient temperature in winter), 16°C (ambient temperature in summer), and 19°C (ambient temperature in summer +3°C). At each temperature, gross primary production, respiration (oxygen flux), and calcification (alkalinity flux) rates were assessed in the light and dark. Pigments were determined by HPLC. Chl a, carotene, and zeaxanthin were the three major pigments found in L. corallioides thalli. Elevated pCO2 did not affect pigment content while temperature slightly decreased zeaxanthin and carotene content at 10°C. Gross production was not affected by temperature but was significantly affected by pCO2 with an increase between 380 and 550 µatm. Light, dark, and diel (24 h) calcification rates strongly decreased with increasing pCO2 regardless of the temperature. Although elevated pCO2 only slightly affected gross production in L. corallioides, diel net calcification was reduced by up to 80% under the 1,000 µatm treatment. Our findings suggested that near future levels of CO2 will have profound consequences for carbon and carbonate budgets in rhodolith beds and for the sustainability of these habitats.


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Coralline algae are major calcifiers of significant ecological importance in marine habitats but are among the most sensitive calcifying organisms to ocean acidification. The elevated pCO2 effects were examined in three coralline algal species living in contrasting habitats from intertidal to subtidal zones on the north-western coast of Brittany, France: (i) Corallina elongata, a branched alga found in tidal rock pools, (ii) Lithophyllum incrustans, a crustose coralline alga from the low intertidal zone, and (iii) Lithothamnion corallioides (maerl), a free-living form inhabiting the subtidal zone. Metabolic rates were assessed on specimens grown for one month at varying pCO2: 380 (current pCO2), 550, 750 and 1000 µatm (elevated pCO2). There was no pCO2 effect on gross production in C. elongata and L. incrustans but L. incrustans respiration strongly increased with elevated pCO2. L. corallioides gross production slightly increased at 1000 µatm, while respiration remained unaffected. Calcification rates decreased with pCO2 in L. incrustans (both in the light and dark) and L. corallioides (only in the light), while C. elongata calcification was unaffected. This was consistent with the lower skeletal mMg/Ca ratio of C. elongata (0.17) relative to the two other species (0.20). L. incrustans had a higher occurrence of bleaching that increased with increasing pCO2. pCO2 could indirectly impact this coralline species physiology making them more sensitive to other stresses such as diseases or pathogens. These results underlined that the physiological response of coralline algae to near-future ocean acidification is species-specific and that species experiencing naturally strong pH variations were not necessarily more resistant to elevated pCO2 than species from more stable environment.


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The mixed layer (ML) temperature and salinity changes in the central tropical Atlantic have been studied by a dedicated experiment (Cold Tongue Experiment (CTE)) carried out from May to July 2011. The CTE was based on two successive research cruises, a glider swarm, and moored observations. The acquired in situ data sets together with satellite, reanalysis, and assimilation model data were used to evaluate box-averaged ML heat and salinity budgets for two subregions: (1) the western equatorial Atlantic cold tongue (ACT) (23°-10°W) and (2) the region north of the ACT. The strong ML heat loss in the ACT region during the CTE was found to be the result of the balance of warming due to net surface heat flux and cooling due to zonal advection and diapycnal mixing. The northern region was characterized by weak cooling and the dominant balance of net surface heat flux and zonal advection. A strong salinity increase occurred at the equator, 10°W, just before the CTE. During the CTE, ML salinity in the ACT region slightly increased. Largest contributions to the ML salinity budget were zonal advection and the net surface freshwater flux. While essential for the ML heat budget in the ACT region, diapycnal mixing played only a minor role for the ML salinity budget. In the region north of the ACT, the ML freshened at the beginning of the CTE due to precipitation, followed by a weak salinity increase. Zonal advection changed sign contributing to ML freshening at the beginning of the CTE and salinity increase afterward.


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Swarm colonies reproduce social habits. Working together in a group to reach a predefined goal is a social behaviour occurring in nature. Linear optimization problems have been approached by different techniques based on natural models. In particular, Particles Swarm optimization is a meta-heuristic search technique that has proven to be effective when dealing with complex optimization problems. This paper presents and develops a new method based on different penalties strategies to solve complex problems. It focuses on the training process of the neural networks, the constraints and the election of the parameters to ensure successful results and to avoid the most common obstacles when searching optimal solutions.


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Con el surgir de los problemas irresolubles de forma eficiente en tiempo polinomial en base al dato de entrada, surge la Computación Natural como alternativa a la computación clásica. En esta disciplina se trata de o bien utilizar la naturaleza como base de cómputo o bien, simular su comportamiento para obtener mejores soluciones a los problemas que los encontrados por la computación clásica. Dentro de la computación natural, y como una representación a nivel celular, surge la Computación con Membranas. La primera abstracción de las membranas que se encuentran en las células, da como resultado los P sistemas de transición. Estos sistemas, que podrían ser implementados en medios biológicos o electrónicos, son la base de estudio de esta Tesis. En primer lugar, se estudian las implementaciones que se han realizado, con el fin de centrarse en las implementaciones distribuidas, que son las que pueden aprovechar las características intrínsecas de paralelismo y no determinismo. Tras un correcto estudio del estado actual de las distintas etapas que engloban a la evolución del sistema, se concluye con que las distribuciones que buscan un equilibrio entre las dos etapas (aplicación y comunicación), son las que mejores resultados presentan. Para definir estas distribuciones, es necesario definir completamente el sistema, y cada una de las partes que influyen en su transición. Además de los trabajos de otros investigadores, y junto a ellos, se realizan variaciones a los proxies y arquitecturas de distribución, para tener completamente definidos el comportamiento dinámico de los P sistemas. A partir del conocimiento estático –configuración inicial– del P sistema, se pueden realizar distribuciones de membranas en los procesadores de un clúster para obtener buenos tiempos de evolución, con el fin de que la computación del P sistema sea realizada en el menor tiempo posible. Para realizar estas distribuciones, hay que tener presente las arquitecturas –o forma de conexión– de los procesadores del clúster. La existencia de 4 arquitecturas, hace que el proceso de distribución sea dependiente de la arquitectura a utilizar, y por tanto, aunque con significativas semejanzas, los algoritmos de distribución deben ser realizados también 4 veces. Aunque los propulsores de las arquitecturas han estudiado el tiempo óptimo de cada arquitectura, la inexistencia de distribuciones para estas arquitecturas ha llevado a que en esta Tesis se probaran las 4, hasta que sea posible determinar que en la práctica, ocurre lo mismo que en los estudios teóricos. Para realizar la distribución, no existe ningún algoritmo determinista que consiga una distribución que satisfaga las necesidades de la arquitectura para cualquier P sistema. Por ello, debido a la complejidad de dicho problema, se propone el uso de metaheurísticas de Computación Natural. En primer lugar, se propone utilizar Algoritmos Genéticos, ya que es posible realizar alguna distribución, y basada en la premisa de que con la evolución, los individuos mejoran, con la evolución de dichos algoritmos, las distribuciones también mejorarán obteniéndose tiempos cercanos al óptimo teórico. Para las arquitecturas que preservan la topología arbórea del P sistema, han sido necesarias realizar nuevas representaciones, y nuevos algoritmos de cruzamiento y mutación. A partir de un estudio más detallado de las membranas y las comunicaciones entre procesadores, se ha comprobado que los tiempos totales que se han utilizado para la distribución pueden ser mejorados e individualizados para cada membrana. Así, se han probado los mismos algoritmos, obteniendo otras distribuciones que mejoran los tiempos. De igual forma, se han planteado el uso de Optimización por Enjambres de Partículas y Evolución Gramatical con reescritura de gramáticas (variante de Evolución Gramatical que se presenta en esta Tesis), para resolver el mismo cometido, obteniendo otro tipo de distribuciones, y pudiendo realizar una comparativa de las arquitecturas. Por último, el uso de estimadores para el tiempo de aplicación y comunicación, y las variaciones en la topología de árbol de membranas que pueden producirse de forma no determinista con la evolución del P sistema, hace que se deba de monitorizar el mismo, y en caso necesario, realizar redistribuciones de membranas en procesadores, para seguir obteniendo tiempos de evolución razonables. Se explica, cómo, cuándo y dónde se deben realizar estas modificaciones y redistribuciones; y cómo es posible realizar este recálculo. Abstract Natural Computing is becoming a useful alternative to classical computational models since it its able to solve, in an efficient way, hard problems in polynomial time. This discipline is based on biological behaviour of living organisms, using nature as a basis of computation or simulating nature behaviour to obtain better solutions to problems solved by the classical computational models. Membrane Computing is a sub discipline of Natural Computing in which only the cellular representation and behaviour of nature is taken into account. Transition P Systems are the first abstract representation of membranes belonging to cells. These systems, which can be implemented in biological organisms or in electronic devices, are the main topic studied in this thesis. Implementations developed in this field so far have been studied, just to focus on distributed implementations. Such distributions are really important since they can exploit the intrinsic parallelism and non-determinism behaviour of living cells, only membranes in this case study. After a detailed survey of the current state of the art of membranes evolution and proposed algorithms, this work concludes that best results are obtained using an equal assignment of communication and rules application inside the Transition P System architecture. In order to define such optimal distribution, it is necessary to fully define the system, and each one of the elements that influence in its transition. Some changes have been made in the work of other authors: load distribution architectures, proxies definition, etc., in order to completely define the dynamic behaviour of the Transition P System. Starting from the static representation –initial configuration– of the Transition P System, distributions of membranes in several physical processors of a cluster is algorithmically done in order to get a better performance of evolution so that the computational complexity of the Transition P System is done in less time as possible. To build these distributions, the cluster architecture –or connection links– must be considered. The existence of 4 architectures, makes that the process of distribution depends on the chosen architecture, and therefore, although with significant similarities, the distribution algorithms must be implemented 4 times. Authors who proposed such architectures have studied the optimal time of each one. The non existence of membrane distributions for these architectures has led us to implement a dynamic distribution for the 4. Simulations performed in this work fix with the theoretical studies. There is not any deterministic algorithm that gets a distribution that meets the needs of the architecture for any Transition P System. Therefore, due to the complexity of the problem, the use of meta-heuristics of Natural Computing is proposed. First, Genetic Algorithm heuristic is proposed since it is possible to make a distribution based on the premise that along with evolution the individuals improve, and with the improvement of these individuals, also distributions enhance, obtaining complexity times close to theoretical optimum time. For architectures that preserve the tree topology of the Transition P System, it has been necessary to make new representations of individuals and new algorithms of crossover and mutation operations. From a more detailed study of the membranes and the communications among processors, it has been proof that the total time used for the distribution can be improved and individualized for each membrane. Thus, the same algorithms have been tested, obtaining other distributions that improve the complexity time. In the same way, using Particle Swarm Optimization and Grammatical Evolution by rewriting grammars (Grammatical Evolution variant presented in this thesis), to solve the same distribution task. New types of distributions have been obtained, and a comparison of such genetic and particle architectures has been done. Finally, the use of estimators for the time of rules application and communication, and variations in tree topology of membranes that can occur in a non-deterministic way with evolution of the Transition P System, has been done to monitor the system, and if necessary, perform a membrane redistribution on processors to obtain reasonable evolution time. How, when and where to make these changes and redistributions, and how it can perform this recalculation, is explained.


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Para aquellos arquitectos que trabajan hoy con nuevas variables espaciales asociadas a la era de los Media, esta tesis se establece como un tipo de guía. Se trata de una mirada organizada que nos propone dos compañeros indispensables para facilitar el viaje. El primero, ha sido siempre ocultado o marginado por la academia. Hablamos de la psicodelia con sus prácticas llamadas radicales, formando un cuerpo deliberadamente inestable que nos permite entender que un espacio sobrecargado de efectos y de límites borrosos, resultaría imposible de acotar hoy mediante las certezas de la idea de "los volúmenes bajo la luz". En este contexto nos encontramos con el concepto de expansión de conciencia, que a partir del consumo de alucinógenos o la meditación, nos permite construir un catálogo de siete "comportamientos espaciales" que a su vez, expanden nuestros los límites para enriquecer la percepción espacial. El segundo viajero, es Toyo Ito que se convierte en un exégeta involuntario del programa psicodélico. A partir de su capacidad de comprensión del intercambio de los fenómenos artificial y eléctrico con la naturaleza; Toyo Ito nos ofrece, gracias a la naturaleza de su pensamiento oriental, un entrelazado espontáneo entre la espacialidad contemporánea y esas dimensiones expansivas y ondulantes del ideario contracultural. Mediante estos dos compañeros de viaje, situamos y comprendemos mejor aquellas prácticas proyectuales que se relacionan hoy con nuevas propiedades espaciales de la materia y que trabajan con sus magnitudes imperceptibles; dando lugar a espacios que se esconden bajo etiquetas como, atmosféricos, virtuales, o enjambre entre otros. For those architects who are nowadays working with new spatial conditions associated with the era of Media, this thesis aims to establish a kirjd of guide. We propose two indispensable companions to commence the trip and to organize our perception. The first companion has always been concealed or marginalized by the academy. We are talking about of psychedelia and its radical practices, creating a deliberately unstable body that allows us to understand a space overloaded by effects, with blurry boundaries. A kind of space that refuses to be described trough the simplicity of "the volumes under the light".^ In this context, the use of hallucinogens or meditation, are behind the concept of expanded consciousness and they are assisting us, creating a catalog of seven spatial behaviors that simultaneously allows us to expand our understanding of space limits. The second passenger is Toyo Ito who becomes an involuntary exegete of the psychedelic program. Through his ability to understand the exchange between phenomena as artificiality and electricity with nature, Toyo Ito offers a spontaneous interlaced between contemporary spatiality and all these expansive and undulating magnitudes from countercultural ideology, also thanks to his Eastern mind. Through these companions for our trip, we are able to recognize and understand more deeply those architectural practices that are dealing today with new dimensions of matter today, working with its imperceptible magnitudes; magnitudes creating spaces that are concealed under labels such as, atmospheric, virtual, or "swarm" among others.


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In this paper, we present our research into self-organizing building algorithms. This idea of self-organization of animal/plants behaviour interests researchers to explore the mechanisms required for this emergent phenomena and try to apply them in other domains. We were able to implement a typical construction algorithm in a 3D simulation environment and reproduce the results of previous research in the area. LSystems, morphogenetic programming and wasp nest building are explained in order to understand self-organizing models. We proposed Grammatical swarm as a good tool to optimize building structures.