443 resultados para Substratum


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The major geologic units of the Itremo region in central Madagascar include: (1) upper amphibolite to granulite facies (higher grade) Precambrian rocks, mainly para- and orthogneisses, and migmatites; (2) the newly defined Itremo Nappes, a fold-and-thrust belt containing the Proterozoic Itremo Group sediments, metamorphosed at greenschist to lower amphibolite facies (lower grade) conditions: (3) Middle Neoproterozoic and Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian intrusives. The stratigraphic succession of the Itremo Group in the eastern part of the Itremo region is, from bottom to top: quartzites, metapelites, metacarbonates and metapelites overlain by metacarbonates. During D1 the Itremo Group sediments were detached from their continental substratum, deformed into a fold-and-thrust nappe (Itremo Nappes), and transported on top of higher grade rocks that are intruded by Middle Neoproterozoic (c. 797–780 Ma) granites and gabbros. A second phase of deformation shortening (D2) affected both the Itremo Sedimentary Nappes and structurally underlying higher-grade rocksunits, and formed large-scale N-S-trending F2 folds. S1 axial plane foliations in Itremo Group sediments are truncated by Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian granites (c. 570–540 Ma). The age of the formation of the Itremo Nappes is not well constrained: they formed in Neoproterozoic times between 780 and 570 Ma.


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The monograph summarizes geological and metallogenic data on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge obtained during research expeditions of the Geological Institute RAS in 2000-2003. Formation of the earth crust in the region, structure of the rift zone, structure of the newly discovered Bogdanov Fracture Zone, neotectonic deformations, metallogenic peculiarities, prospecting criteria of ocean ore mineralization are under consideration.


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Seriocarpa rhizoides Diehl 1969 was collected in abundance from the calcareous sand of the Josephine Bank (between Portugal and Madeira) during the "Meteor" seamount cruises in 1967. Attachment in this loose soft substratum is effected by fine anchoring strands of the tests. Two irregular series of small polycarp-like hermaphrodite bodies which are embedded in a connective tissue lie directly below the endostyle, forming a tubular compound gonad, but without common ducts. The intermediate nature of the reproductive system with respect to arrangement and structure increases our knowledge about the polygenetic relations of the stylid-genera. Some of the hitherto known ecological facts point to the presumed "seamounts effect" on this species.


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Many serine proteases play important regulatory roles in complex biological systems, but only a few have been linked directly with capillary morphogenesis and angiogenesis. Here we provide evidence that serine protease activities, independent of the plasminogen activation cascade, are required for microvascular endothelial cell reorganization and capillary morphogenesis in vitro. A homology cloning approach targeting conserved motifs present in all serine proteases, was used to identify candidate serine proteases involved in these processes, and revealed 5 genes (acrosin, testisin, neurosin, PSP and neurotrypsin), none of which had been associated previously with expression in endothelial cells. A subsequent gene-specific RT-PCR screen for 22 serine proteases confirmed expression of these 5 genes and identified 7 additional serine protease genes expressed by human endothelial cells, urokinase-type plasminogen activator, protein C,TMPRSS2, hepsin, matriptase/ MT-SPI, dipepticlylpepticlase IV, and seprase. Differences in serine protease gene expression between microvascular and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were identified and several serine protease genes were found to be regulated by the nature of the substratum, ie. artificial basement membrane or fibrillar type I collagen. mRNA transcripts of several serine protease genes were associated with blood vessels in vivo by in situ hybridization of human tissue specimens. These data suggest a potential role for serine proteases, not previously associated with endothelium, in vascular function and angiogenesis.


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The effects of acetate and propionate on the performance of a recently proposed and characterized photosynthetic biological sulfide removal system have been investigated with a view to predicting this concept's suitability for removing sulfide from wastewater undergoing or having undergone anaerobic treatment. The concept relies on substratum-irradiated biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB), which are supplied with radiant energy in the band 720 - 780 nm. A model reactor was fed for 7 months with a synthetic wastewater free of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), after which time intermittent dosing of the wastewater with acetate or propionate was begun. Such dosing suppressed the areal net sulfide removal rate by similar to50%, and caused the principal net product of sulfide removal to switch from sulfate to elemental-S. Similarly suppressed values of this rate were observed when the wastewater was dosed continuously with acetate, and this rate was not significantly affected by changes in the concentration of ammonia-N in the feed. The main net product of sulfide removal was again elemental-S, which was scarcely released into the liquid, however. Sulfate reduction and sulfur reduction were observed when the light supply was interrupted and were inferred to be occurring within the irradiated biofilm. A preexisting conceptual model of the biofilm was augmented with both of these reductive processes, and this augmented model was shown to account for most of the observed effects of VFA dosing. The implications of these findings for the practicality of the technology are considered. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Colour changes in fiddler crabs have long been noted, but a functional interpretation is still lacking. Here we report that neighbouring populations of Uca vomeris in Australia exhibit different degrees of carapace colours, which range from dull mottled to brilliant blue and white. We determined the spectral characteristics of the mud substratum and of the carapace colours of U. vomeris and found that the mottled colours of crabs are cryptic against this background, while display colours provide strong colour contrast for both birds and crabs, but luminance contrast only for a crab visual system. We tested whether crab populations may become cryptic under the influence of bird predation by counting birds overflying or feeding on differently coloured colonies. Colonies with cryptically coloured crabs indeed experience a much higher level of bird presence, compared to colourful colonies. We show in addition that colourful crab individuals subjected to dummy bird predation do change their body colouration over a matter of days. The crabs thus appear to modify their social signalling system depending on their assessment of predation risk.


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A presente tese procura demonstrar como a Igreja Católica, a partir de Leão XIII, despertou para a questão social, particularmente a dos trabalhadores, fornecendo uma intelectualidade que influenciaria muitas gerações de católicos que aí encontrariam o substrato e o contraponto das concepções marxistas. Com o avanço das correntes progressistas dentro da Igreja, estes se reorientaram e tentaram fazer o cruzamento entre o marxismo e o cristianismo, que culminaria com a Teologia da Libertação. Este foi o momento do encontro também com o movimento sindical, por meio de seus militantes e das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base. Essa intersecção forneceu a base moral que norteou o movimento sindical no final dos anos 70, dando origem ao chamado novo sindicalismo . Os militantes acreditavam que a classe trabalhadora estava engajada e comprometida com as mudanças sociais, quando, na verdade, esta pensava em suas questões mais particulares. Com o tempo, a Igreja, por meio de sua hierarquia, fragmentou a rede de apoio ao movimento sindical e a utopia se desvaneceu.(AU)


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The centres of thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. were removed, the major lobes were separated from each other and from the substratum, and then the lobes were glued back together in their original configuration. The mean radial growth, the pattern of seasonal growth, and the degree of variation in growth between lobes of the reconstructed thalli, were similar to those of control thalli. When lobes were removed from thalli and glued apart from one another, the pattern of seasonal growth and the degree of variation in lobe growth were unaffected, but annual growth rates were reduced compared with lobes reconstructed into a thallus. Glueing the lobes together in a different configuration and constructing thalli in which each lobe came from a different ‘donor’ thallus did not influence the mean radial growth of the lobes or the degree of variation in lobe growth. These results suggest that although major lobes of P. conspersa are influenced by the proximity of their neighbours there is little chemical exchange between them. In addition, some thalli may form as a result of the fusion of lobes or propagules derived from different individuals. Copyright © 1984, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved


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Lichens are symbiotic organisms that often dominate stressful environments such as the surfaces of rock and tree bark. Whether or not competition occurs between lichens in these environments, however, is controversial. This review considers various aspects of the competitive interactions between lichens including the observational studies that suggest competitive effects may be important, the methods that have been used to study lichen competition in the field, the result of marginal contacts between lichen thalli, the attributes that may give a species a competitive advantage, and the role of competition in structuring lichen communities. These studies suggest that competition for space and light does occur in lichen communities and that individual lichen species can be excluded from a substratum as a result of competition. Moreover, competitive interactions in multi-species communities can also lead to stable assemblages of species. Future research should consider those aspects of the lichen symbiosis that may confer a competitive advantage and the factors that may promote stability in multi-species communities. Studies of competition in lichen communities may have implications for other stressful environments in which symbiotic organisms play a significant role. ©2007 Balaban.


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Low German is a West-germanic language, which is used mainly as a spoken language in the coastal areas of Northwest Germany, North-eastern parts of the Netherlands and along the German coasts of the Baltic Sea. Although still a variety used by millions of speakers, Low German must be counted among the languages threatened by decline if not extinction within the next twenty years because it is no longer used by the younger generations. Apart from the question of whether Low German will survive altogether, the variety is in a process of linguistic change due to the contact situation with the dominant language of the media and almost all written official communications, Standard German. Low German, therefore, is a field for research in all areas of language contact, e.g. codeswitching, language shift, mixed languages or language death. Within Low German, the variety spoken in East Frisia has a distinct history of language contact and language change over the last six hundred years. It is based on a Frisian substratum and has been in close linguistic contact with Dutch since the 16th century.


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A sample of run-off water from a vertical, slate rock surface in Wales, U.K. contained abundant fragments of the lichen Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa from about 0.6 to 8.0 mm in diameter, a few fragments of Parmelia conspersa from 0.6 to 4.0 mm in diameter and a large number of unidentified propagules from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter. The colonization of permanent plots on the rock surface was studied over six years. At the end of the experiment relatively few thalli of Parmelia conspersa, Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Buellia aethalea had established in plots on undisturbed and newly-exposed slate. Fragments (2 mm in diameter) of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate survived up to 120 days in cracks, 20 days on a thin smear of bird droppings but only 2-3 days on smooth slate, against small joints in the rock or in small holes. Isidia of Parmelia conspersa placed on horizontal pieces of slate established equally in plots on smooth undisturbed slate and in plots on the surface exposed after the removal of large Parmelia conspersa thalli, but less well on newly-exposed slate. These results suggest that lichen propagules are abundant in run-off water but establishment is a hazardous process. This may be attributable to a shortage of suitable sites on the substratum for attachment of propagules.


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The crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. comprises yellow-green lichenized areolae which develop and grow on the surface of a non-lichenized fungal hypothallus, the latter extending beyond the edge of the areolae to form a marginal ring. The hypothallus advances very slowly and the considerable longevity of R. geographicum, especially in Arctic and Alpine environments, has been exploited by geologists in dating the exposure age of rock surfaces (lichenometry). This review explores various aspects of the biology of R. geographicum including: (1) structure and symbionts, (2) lichenization, (3) development of areolae, (4) radial growth rates (RaGR), (5) growth physiology, (6) changes in RaGR with thallus size (growth ratesize curve), (7) maturity and senescence, and (8) aspects of ecology. Lichenization occurs when fungal hyphae become associated with a compatible species of the alga Trebouxia, commonly found free-living on the substratum. Similarly, 'primary' areolae develop from free-living algal cells trapped by the advancing hypothallus. The shape of the growth rate-size curve of R. geographicum is controversial but may exhibit a phase of decreasing growth in larger thalli. Low rates of translocation of carbohydrate to the hypothallus together with allocation for stress resistance results in very slow RaGR, a low demand for nutrients, hence, the ability of R. geographicum to colonize more extreme environments. Several aspects of the biology of R. geographicum have implications for lichenometry including early development, mortality rates, the shape of the growth-rate size curve, and competition. © The Author(s) 2012.


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The levels of Mn, Cu, zn, Mg and Ca were measured in the lichens Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ach.) Hale and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby): Laund. growing on a steep slate rock surface in south Gwynedd, Wales, UK. The objective was to test the following hypotheses: 1) that foliose lichens growing in a rural environment concentrate metal ions relative to the substratum, 2) that the concentration of metal ions increases significantly with thallus size and 3) that individual ions accumulate preferentially either in the marginal lobes or thallus centre. Mg and Ca were present in rainfall whereas all ions were present in rock surface runoff and in the substratum. Levels of Mn, Mg and Ca were increased in runoff collected from the bottom compared with the top of the rock surface. In P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa thalli, ions were present as follows, Mg > Ca=Mn=Zn>Cu, and there were no significant differences in thalli collected from the top and bottom of the rock surface. With the exception of Mg and Ca, ion levels in thalli were similar to or less than those in the substratum. The levels of Ca, Cu and Zn were similar in thalli from under 1 to over 4 cm in diameter. However, the level of Mg increased with thallus size in X. conspersa while the level of Mn decreased with thallus size in both species. Ion levels were similar in the marginal lobes and centres of large diameter (over 4 cm) and small diameter (under 2 cm) X. conspersa thalli. With the exception of Mg, there was no evidence for a significant accumulation of ions relative to the substratum or with thallus size. In addition, there was no evidence to suggest preferential accumulation of ions either in the thallus centre or marginal lobes.


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Progress in the field of lichen growth rates is briefly reviewed. The application of a new method of measuring growth rate to thalli of different size has led to the conclusion that there are changes in the radial growth rate during the life of a lichen thallus. For most of the life of a lichen thallus the radial growth rate is constant and the thallus radius increases linearly. Preceeding the linear phase the radial growth rate increases with time and the thallus radius increases logarithmically. There is no evidence for a postlinear phase in the radial growth of a lichen thallus. Studies on the growth rate of lichens are applied both to the problems of determining the age of a lichen thallus on an undated substratum and to an ecological investigation in the field.