912 resultados para Stable distributions
This correspondence studies the formulation of members ofthe Cohen-Posch class of positive time-frequency energy distributions.Minimization of cross-entropy measures with respect to different priorsand the case of no prior or maximum entropy were considered. It isconcluded that, in general, the information provided by the classicalmarginal constraints is very limited, and thus, the final distributionheavily depends on the prior distribution. To overcome this limitation,joint time and frequency marginals are derived based on a "directioninvariance" criterion on the time-frequency plane that are directly relatedto the fractional Fourier transform.
This study presents an evaluation of the stable isotopic composition of water (hydrogen and oxygen) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of Lake Geneva, a deep, peri-alpine lake situated at the border between Switzerland and France. The research goal is to apply vertical and seasonal variations of the isotope compositions to evaluate mixing processes of pollutants, nutrients and oxygen. Depth profiles were sampled at different locations throughout Lake Geneva on a monthly and seasonal basis over the course of three years (2009-2011). The results of the oxygen isotopic composition indicate a Rhône River interflow, which can be traced for about 55 km throughout the lake during summer. The Rhône River interflow is 7 to 15 m thick and the molar fraction of Rhône water is estimated to amount up to 37 %. Calculated density of the water and measured isotopic compositions demonstrate that the interflow depth changes in conjunction with the density gradient in the water column during fall. Partial pressure of CO2 indicates that the epilimnion is taking up CO2 from the atmosphere between spring and fall. The epilimnion is most enriched in 13CDIC in September and a progressive depletion of 13CDIC can be observed in the metalimnion from spring to late fall. This stratification is dependent on the local density stratification and the results demonstrate that parameters, which are indicating photosynthesis, are not necessarily linked to δ13CDIC values. In addition, the amount of primary production shows a strong discrepancy between summer 2009 and 2010, but δ13CDIC values of the epilimnion and metalimnion do not indicate variations. In the hypolimnion of the deep lake δ13CDIC values are constant and the progressive depletion allows tracing remineralization processes. The combination of stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions allows furthermore tracing Rhône River water fractions, as well as wastewater, stormwater and anthropogenic induced carbon in the water column of the shallow Bay of Vidy. In combination with the results of measured micropollutants, the study underlines that concentrations of certain substances may be related to the Rhône River interflow and/or remineralization of particulate organic carbon. Water quality monitoring and research should therefore be extended to the metalimnion as well as sediment water interface.
Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has recently made its appearance in the forensic community. This high-precision technology has already been applied to a broad range of forensic fields such as illicit drugs, explosives and flammable liquids, where current, routinely used techniques have limited powers of discrimination. The conclusions drawn from the majority of these IRMS studies appear to be very promising. Used in a comparative process, as in food or drug authentication, the measurement of stable isotope ratios is a new and remarkable analytical tool for the discrimination or the identification of a substance with a definite source or origin. However, the research consists mostly of preliminary studies. The significance of this 'new' piece of information needs to be evaluated in light of a forensic framework to assess the actual potential and validity of IRMS, considering the characteristics of each field. Through the isotopic study of black powder, this paper aims at illustrating the potential of the method and the limitations of current knowledge in stable isotopes when facing forensic problems.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Knowledge of cerebral blood flow (CBF) alterations in cases of acute stroke could be valuable in the early management of these cases. Among imaging techniques affording evaluation of cerebral perfusion, perfusion CT studies involve sequential acquisition of cerebral CT sections obtained in an axial mode during the IV administration of iodinated contrast material. They are thus very easy to perform in emergency settings. Perfusion CT values of CBF have proved to be accurate in animals, and perfusion CT affords plausible values in humans. The purpose of this study was to validate perfusion CT studies of CBF by comparison with the results provided by stable xenon CT, which have been reported to be accurate, and to evaluate acquisition and processing modalities of CT data, notably the possible deconvolution methods and the selection of the reference artery. METHODS: Twelve stable xenon CT and perfusion CT cerebral examinations were performed within an interval of a few minutes in patients with various cerebrovascular diseases. CBF maps were obtained from perfusion CT data by deconvolution using singular value decomposition and least mean square methods. The CBF were compared with the stable xenon CT results in multiple regions of interest through linear regression analysis and bilateral t tests for matched variables. RESULTS: Linear regression analysis showed good correlation between perfusion CT and stable xenon CT CBF values (singular value decomposition method: R(2) = 0.79, slope = 0.87; least mean square method: R(2) = 0.67, slope = 0.83). Bilateral t tests for matched variables did not identify a significant difference between the two imaging methods (P >.1). Both deconvolution methods were equivalent (P >.1). The choice of the reference artery is a major concern and has a strong influence on the final perfusion CT CBF map. CONCLUSION: Perfusion CT studies of CBF achieved with adequate acquisition parameters and processing lead to accurate and reliable results.
1. Biogeographical models of species' distributions are essential tools for assessing impacts of changing environmental conditions on natural communities and ecosystems. Practitioners need more reliable predictions to integrate into conservation planning (e.g. reserve design and management). 2. Most models still largely ignore or inappropriately take into account important features of species' distributions, such as spatial autocorrelation, dispersal and migration, biotic and environmental interactions. Whether distributions of natural communities or ecosystems are better modelled by assembling individual species' predictions in a bottom-up approach or modelled as collective entities is another important issue. An international workshop was organized to address these issues. 3. We discuss more specifically six issues in a methodological framework for generalized regression: (i) links with ecological theory; (ii) optimal use of existing data and artificially generated data; (iii) incorporating spatial context; (iv) integrating ecological and environmental interactions; (v) assessing prediction errors and uncertainties; and (vi) predicting distributions of communities or collective properties of biodiversity. 4. Synthesis and applications. Better predictions of the effects of impacts on biological communities and ecosystems can emerge only from more robust species' distribution models and better documentation of the uncertainty associated with these models. An improved understanding of causes of species' distributions, especially at their range limits, as well as of ecological assembly rules and ecosystem functioning, is necessary if further progress is to be made. A better collaborative effort between theoretical and functional ecologists, ecological modellers and statisticians is required to reach these goals.
OBJECTIVE: The last decade has seen a proliferation in options for testosterone replacement. However, little is known as to the benefits of different treatment modalities. Our objective was to determine the testosterone prescription pattern and to examine the impact on various outcome measures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 816 adult-onset hypopituitary males on stable pituitary replacement for at least 1 year were identified from the KIMS database. Patients were classified as either eugonadal (n = 106), or hypogonadal (n = 710) on intramuscular (IM, n = 558), oral (n = 74), transdermal (n = 61), and depot (n = 17) testosterone. RESULTS: After 1 year of stable pituitary replacement therapy, body composition, cardiovascular parameters, GH replacement and quality of life were not significantly different in androgen-replaced hypogonadal patients compared to eugonadal patients. There were no differences in outcome variables within the hypogonadal group according to the testosterone replacement regimen used and no difference in response to GH therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of hypopituitary patients in the last decade have received IM testosterone. Body composition, cardiovascular parameters, GH replacement and quality of life were not different between eugonadal and hypogonadal patients and were not differentially affected by the mode of testosterone replacement. These findings are reassuring that there is no major difference in response to different testosterone replacement regimens.
Bulk and molecular stable C isotopic compositions and biomarker distributions provide evidence for a diverse community of algal and bacterial organisms in the sedimentary organic matter of a carbonate section throughout the Permian-Triassic (P/Tr) transition at the Idrijca Valley, Western Slovenia. The input of algae and bacteria in all the Upper Permian and Lower Scythian samples is represented by the predominance of C-15-C-22 n-alkanes, odd C-number alkylcyclohexanes, C-27 steranes and substantial contents Of C-21-C-30 acyclic isoprenoids. The occurrence of odd long-chain n-alkanes (C-22-C-30) and C29 steranes in all the samples indicate a contribution of continental material. The decrease of C-org and C-carb contents, increase of Rock-Eval oxygen indices, and C-13-enrichment of the kerogen suggest a decrease in anoxia of the uppermost Permian bottom water. The predominance of odd C-number alkylcycloalkanes, C-27 steranes, and C-17 n-alkanes with delta(13)C values similar to-30parts per thousand, and C-13-enrichment of the kerogens in the lowermost Scythian samples are evidence of greater algal productivity. This increased productivity was probably sustained by a high nutrient availability and changes of dissolved CO2 speciation associated to the earliest Triassic transgression. A decrease Of Corg content in the uppermost Scythian samples, associated to a C-13-depletetion in the carbonates (up to 4parts per thousand) and individual n-alkanes (up to 3.4parts per thousand) compared to the Upper Permian samples, indicate lowering of the primary productivity (algae, cyanobacteria) and/or higher degradation of the organic matter. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Es descriu una metodologia recent per a inferir la precipitació en el passat basada en l’anàlisi de la composició isotòpica del carboni (δ13C) en restes arqueobotàniques. Un cop descrita la base fisiològica de la tècnica, s’il·lustra l’aplicabilitat de δ13C mitjançant un exemple referent al NE peninsular. Hom pretén proporcionar una estimació quantitativa de l’evolució de la precipitació estacional (primavera) i anual al llarg dels darrers quatre mil anys basada en δ13C. Les mostres analitzades comprenen carbons (pi blanc) i llavors carbonitzades (blat i ordi), i s’obtenen estimes pluviomètriques superiors en el passat que actualment, amb una tendència gradual cap a condicions progressivament més àrides. No obstant això, aquesta tendència no esdevé uniforme, i es detecten dues fases de major precipitació (1800-900 aC; 300 aC - 300 dC) alternadament amb períodes relativament secs (900-300 aC; 900 dC - present). Dels resultats presentats també es desprèn que la importància relativa de la pluja primaveral en el passat fou variable. Des d’aproximadament el 300 aC en endavant, el període primaveral subministrà una major proporció de pluja anual que actualment. Contràriament, durant el període 1800-800 dC la seva contribució va esdevenir inferior, i va aparèixer una fase transitòria (800-300 aC) que mostra una recuperació sobtada en aportació primaveral. Posteriorment a aquesta fase la sincronia de canvis en δ13C en granes i carbons suggereix l’arribada del clima mediterrani a la regió.
El empleo de isótopos estables en el ámbito de la ecología forestal ha ido creciendo progresivamente en las últimas dos décadas. Cabe esperar que esta tendencia se mantenga en el futuro, ya que éstos aportan una visión integradora de cómo las plantas, hoy y en el pasado, han interaccionado con el medio así como con otros organismos. Su implementación es particularmente relevante en climas secos debido a la fuerte limitación de recursos que en ellos acontece. Tras una breve introducción sobre las bases teóricas de los isótopos estables en fisiología vegetal, esta revisión destaca, sobre diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales, los últimos avances en ecología forestal empleando esta metodología y con un énfasis especial en los sistemas áridos y semiáridos.
In the classical theorems of extreme value theory the limits of suitably rescaled maxima of sequences of independent, identically distributed random variables are studied. The vast majority of the literature on the subject deals with affine normalization. We argue that more general normalizations are natural from a mathematical and physical point of view and work them out. The problem is approached using the language of renormalization-group transformations in the space of probability densities. The limit distributions are fixed points of the transformation and the study of its differential around them allows a local analysis of the domains of attraction and the computation of finite-size corrections.
The GS-distribution is a family of distributions that provide an accurate representation of any unimodal univariate continuous distribution. In this contribution we explore the utility of this family as a general model in survival analysis. We show that the survival function based on the GS-distribution is able to provide a model for univariate survival data and that appropriate estimates can be obtained. We develop some hypotheses tests that can be used for checking the underlying survival model and for comparing the survival of different groups.
Inter-individual diet variation within populations is likely to have important ecological and evolutionary implications. The diet-fitness relationships at the individual level and the emerging population processes are, however, poorly understood for most avian predators inhabiting complex terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we use an isotopic approach to assess the trophic ecology of nestlings in a long-lived raptor, the Bonelli"s eagle Aquila fasciata, and investigate whether nestling dietary breath and main prey consumption can affect the species" reproductive performance at two spatial scales: territories within populations and populations over a large geographic area. At the territory level, those breeding pairs whose nestlings consumed similar diets to the overall population (i.e. moderate consumption of preferred prey, but complemented by alternative prey categories) or those disproportionally consuming preferred prey were more likely to fledge two chicks. An increase in the diet diversity, however, related negatively with productivity. The age and replacements of breeding pair members had also an influence on productivity, with more fledglings associated to adult pairs with few replacements, as expected in long-lived species. At the population level, mean productivity was higher in those population-years with lower dietary breadth and higher diet similarity among territories, which was related to an overall higher consumption of preferred prey. Thus, we revealed a correspondence in diet-fitness relationships at two spatial scales: territories and populations. We suggest that stable isotope analyses may be a powerful tool to monitor the diet of terrestrial avian predators on large spatio-temporal scales, which could serve to detect potential changes in the availability of those prey on which predators depend for breeding. We encourage ecologists and evolutionary and conservation biologists concerned with the multi-scale fitness consequences of inter-individual variation in resource use to employ similar stable isotope-based approaches, which can be successfully applied to complex ecosystems such as the Mediterranean.