716 resultados para Spotted owl
Hematocrit (Hct) is one of the most critical issues associated with the bioanalytical methods used for dried blood spot (DBS) sample analysis. Because Hct determines the viscosity of blood, it may affect the spreading of blood onto the filter paper. Hence, accurate quantitative data can only be obtained if the size of the paper filter extracted contains a fixed blood volume. We describe for the first time a microfluidic-based sampling procedure to enable accurate blood volume collection on commercially available DBS cards. The system allows the collection of a controlled volume of blood (e.g., 5 or 10 μL) within several seconds. Reproducibility of the sampling volume was examined in vivo on capillary blood by quantifying caffeine and paraxanthine on 5 different extracted DBS spots at two different time points and in vitro with a test compound, Mavoglurant, on 10 different spots at two Hct levels. Entire spots were extracted. In addition, the accuracy and precision (n = 3) data for the Mavoglurant quantitation in blood with Hct levels between 26% and 62% were evaluated. The interspot precision data were below 9.0%, which was equivalent to that of a manually spotted volume with a pipet. No Hct effect was observed in the quantitative results obtained for Hct levels from 26% to 62%. These data indicate that our microfluidic-based sampling procedure is accurate and precise and that the analysis of Mavoglurant is not affected by the Hct values. This provides a simple procedure for DBS sampling with a fixed volume of capillary blood, which could eliminate the recurrent Hct issue linked to DBS sample analysis.
One hypothesis for the maintenance of genetic variation states that alternative genotypes are adapted to different environmental conditions (i.e., genotype-by-environment interaction GxE) that vary in space and time. Although GxE has been demonstrated for morphological traits, little evidence has been given whether these GxE are associated with traits used as signal in mate choice. In three wild bird species, we investigated whether the degree of melanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, covaries with nestling growth rate in rich and poor environments. Variation in the degree of reddish-brown phaeomelanism is pronounced in the barn owl (Tyto alba) and tawny owl (Strix aluco), and variation in black eumelanism in the barn owl and Alpine swift (Apus melba). Melanin-based coloration has been shown to be a criterion in mate choice in the barn owl. We cross-fostered hatchlings to test whether nestlings sired by parents displaying melanin-based colorations to different extent exhibit alternative growth trajectories when raised by foster parents in poor (experimentally enlarged broods) and rich (experimentally reduced broods) environments. With respect to phaeomelanism, barn owl and tawny owl offspring sired by redder parents grew more rapidly in body mass only in experimentally reduced broods. With respect to eumelanism, Alpine swift offspring of darker fathers grew their wings more rapidly only in experimentally enlarged broods, a difference that was not detected in reduced broods. These interactions between parental melanism and offspring growth rate indicate that individuals display substantial plasticity in response to the rearing environment which is associated with the degree of melanism: at least with respect to nestling growth, phaeomelanic and eumelanic individuals are best adapted to rich and poor environments, respectively. It now remains to be investigated why eumelanism and phaeomelanism have a different signaling function and what the lifelong consequences of these melanism-dependent allocation strategies are. This is important to fully appraise the role played by environmental heterogeneity in maintaining variation in the degree of melanin-based coloration.
Capsule Boldness defines the extent to which animals are willing to take risks in the presence of a predator. Late, but not early, in the breeding season, Israeli nestling Barn Owls displaying larger black feather spots were more docile, feigned death longer and had a lower breathing rate when handled than smaller-spotted nestlings. Larger-spotted breeding females were less docile if heavy but more more docile if light. The covariation between personality (boldness vs. timid) and melanin-based colouration is therefore conditional on environmental factors.
Recent studies have shown that melanin-based coloration is associated with the ability to cope with stressful environments, potentially explaining why coloration covaries with anti-predator behaviours, boldness and docility. To investigate whether these relationships are consistent across species, we performed a study in the European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Similar to our results found previously in the barn owl (Tyto alba), nestling kestrels displaying a larger sub-terminal black tail band stayed on their back longer (tonic immobility test) and breathed at a lower rate than individuals with a smaller black band when handled. However, in contrast to barn owls, nestling kestrels with a larger black tail band were more aggressive and more agitated. Our results strengthen the hypothesis that melanin coloration is related to stress response and in turn to the reaction to predators, a very important personality trait (i.e. boldness).
PURPOSE: Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous retinal disease. Although electroretinographic (ERG) measurements can discriminate clinical subgroups, the identification of the underlying genetic defects has been complicated for CSNB because of genetic heterogeneity, the uncertainty about the mode of inheritance, and time-consuming and costly mutation scanning and direct sequencing approaches. METHODS: To overcome these challenges and to generate a time- and cost-efficient mutation screening tool, the authors developed a CSNB genotyping microarray with arrayed primer extension (APEX) technology. To cover as many mutations as possible, a comprehensive literature search was performed, and DNA samples from a cohort of patients with CSNB were first sequenced directly in known CSNB genes. Subsequently, oligonucleotides were designed representing 126 sequence variations in RHO, CABP4, CACNA1F, CACNA2D4, GNAT1, GRM6, NYX, PDE6B, and SAG and spotted on the chip. RESULTS: Direct sequencing of genes known to be associated with CSNB in the study cohort revealed 21 mutations (12 novel and 9 previously reported). The resultant microarray containing oligonucleotides, which allow to detect 126 known and novel mutations, was 100% effective in determining the expected sequence changes in all known samples assessed. In addition, investigation of 34 patients with CSNB who were previously not genotyped revealed sequence variants in 18%, of which 15% are thought to be disease-causing mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This relatively inexpensive first-pass genetic testing device for patients with a diagnosis of CSNB will improve molecular diagnostics and genetic counseling of patients and their families and gives the opportunity to analyze whether, for example, more progressive disorders such as cone or cone-rod dystrophies underlie the same gene defects.
The aim of this work is to present a new concept, called on-line desorption of dried blood spots (on-line DBS), allowing the direct analysis of a dried blood spot coupled to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry device (LC/MS). The system is based on an inox cell which can receive a blood sample (10 microL) previously spotted on a filter paper. The cell is then integrated into LC/MS system where the analytes are desorbed out of the paper towards a column switching system ensuring the purification and separation of the compounds before their detection on a single quadrupole MS coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) source. The described procedure implies that no pretreatment is necessary in spite the analysis is based on whole blood sample. To ensure the applicability of the concept, saquinavir, imipramine, and verapamil were chosen. Despite the use of a small sampling volume and a single quadrupole detector, on-line DBS allowed the analyses of these three compounds over their therapeutic concentrations from 50 to 500 ng/mL for imipramine and verapamil and from 100 to 1000 ng/mL for saquinavir. Moreover, the method showed good repeatability with relative standard deviation (RSD) lower than 15% based on two levels of concentration (low and high). Function responses were found to be linear over the therapeutic concentration for each compound and were used to determine the concentrations of real patient samples for saquinavir. Comparison of the founded values with those of a validated method used routinely in a reference laboratory showed a good correlation between the two methods. Moreover, good selectivity was observed ensuring that no endogenous or chemical components interfered with the quantitation of the analytes. This work demonstrates the feasibility and applicability of the on-line DBS procedure for bioanalysis.
Behavioral and physiological responses to unpredictable changes in environmental conditions are, in part, mediated by glucocorticoids (corticosterone in birds). In polymorphic species, individuals of the same sex and age display different heritable melanin-based color morphs, associated with physiological and reproductive parameters and possibly alternative strategies to cope with variation in environmental conditions. We examined whether the role of corticosterone in resolving the trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductive activities covaries with the size of melanin-based spots displayed on the ventral body side of male barn owls. Administration of corticosterone to simulate physiological stress in males revealed pronounced changes in their food-provisioning rates to nestlings compared to control males. Corticosterone-treated males with small eumelanic spots reduced nestling provisioning rates as compared to controls, and also to a greater degree than did corticosterone-treated males with large spots. Large-spotted males generally exhibited lower parental provisioning and appear insensitive to exogenous corticosterone suggesting that the size of the black spots on the breast feathers predicts the ability to cope with stressful situations. The reduced provisioning rate of corticosterone-treated males caused a temporary reduction in nestling growth rates but, did not affect fledgling success. This suggests that moderately elevated corticosterone levels are not inhibitory to current reproduction but rather trigger behavioral responses to maximize lifetime reproductive success.
Sex-dependent selection can help maintain sexual dimorphism. When the magnitude of selection exerted on a heritable sex trait differs between the sexes, it may prevent each sex to reach its phenotypic optimum. As a consequence, the benefit of expressing a sex trait to a given value may differ between males and females favouring sex-specific adaptations associated with different values of a sex trait. The level of metabolites regulated by genes that are under sex-dependent selection may therefore covary with the degree of ornamentation differently in the two sexes. We investigated this prediction in the barn owl, a species in which females display on average larger black spots on the plumage than males, a heritable ornament. This melanin-based colour trait is strongly selected in females and weakly counter-selected in males indicating sex-dependent selection. In nestling barn owls, we found that daily variation in baseline corticosterone levels, a key hormone that mediates life history trade-offs, covaries with spot diameter displayed by their biological parents. When their mother displayed larger spots, nestlings had lower corticosterone levels in the morning and higher levels in the evening, whereas the opposite pattern was found with the size of paternal spots. Our study suggests a link between daily regulation of glucocorticoids and sex-dependent selection exerted on sexually dimorphic melanin-based ornaments.
Ecological parameters vary in space, and the resulting heterogeneity of selective forces can drive adaptive population divergence. Clinal variation represents a classical model to study the interplay of gene flow and selection in the dynamics of this local adaptation process. Although geographic variation in phenotypic traits in discrete populations could be remainders of past adaptation, maintenance of adaptive clinal variation requires recurrent selection. Clinal variation in genetically determined traits is generally attributed to adaptation of different genotypes to local conditions along an environmental gradient, although it can as well arise from neutral processes. Here, we investigated whether selection accounts for the strong clinal variation observed in a highly heritable pheomelanin-based color trait in the European barn owl by comparing spatial differentiation of color and of neutral genes among populations. Barn owl's coloration varies continuously from white in southwestern Europe to reddish-brown in northeastern Europe. A very low differentiation at neutral genetic markers suggests that substantial gene flow occurs among populations. The persistence of pronounced color differentiation despite this strong gene flow is consistent with the hypothesis that selection is the primary force maintaining color variation among European populations. Therefore, the color cline is most likely the result of local adaptation.
Although gene by environment interactions may play a key role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, little is known about the ecological factors involved in these interactions. We investigated whether food supply and parasites can mediate covariation between the degree of adult pheomelanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, and offspring body mass in the tawny owl (Strix aluco). We swapped clutches between nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments. Three weeks after hatching, we challenged the immune system of 80 unrelated nestlings with either a phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or a lipopolysaccharide, surrogates of alternative parasites, and then fed them ad lib. or food-restricted them during the following 6 days in the laboratory. Whatever the immune challenge, nestlings fed ad lib. converted food more efficiently into body mass when their biological mother was dark pheomelanic. In contrast, food-restricted nestlings challenged with PHA lost less body mass when their biological mother was pale pheomelanic. Nestling tawny owls born from differently melanic mothers thus show differing reaction norms relative to food availability and parasitism. This suggests that dark and pale pheomelanic owls reflect alternative adaptations to food availability and parasites, factors known to vary in space and time.
Abstract The maintenance of genetic variation is a long-standing issue because the adaptive value of life-history strategies associated with each genetic variant is usually unknown. However, evidence for the coexistence of alternative evolutionary fixed strategies at the population level remains scarce. Because in the tawny owl (Strix aluco) heritable melanin-based coloration shows different physiological and behavioral norms of reaction, we investigated whether coloration is associated with investment in maintenance and reproduction. Light melanic owls had lower adult survival compared to dark melanic conspecifics, and color variation was related to the trade-off between offspring number and quality. When we experimentally enlarged brood size, light melanic males produced more fledglings but in poorer condition, and they were less often recruited in the local breeding population than those of darker melanic conspecifics. Our results also suggest that dark melanic males allocate a constant effort to raise their brood independently of environmental conditions, whereas lighter melanic males finely adjust reproductive effort in relation to changes in environmental conditions. Color traits can therefore be associated with life-history strategies, and stochastic environmental perturbation can temporarily favor one phenotype over others. The existence of fixed strategies implies that some phenotypes can sometimes display a "maladapted" strategy. Long-term population monitoring is therefore vital for a full understanding of how different genotypes deal with trade-offs.
Molecular diagnosis using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may allow earlier diagnosis of rickettsiosis. We developed a duplex real-time PCR that amplifies (1) DNA of any rickettsial species and (2) DNA of both typhus group rickettsia, that is, Rickettsia prowazekii and Rickettsia typhi. Primers and probes were selected to amplify a segment of the 16S rRNA gene of Rickettsia spp. for the pan-rickettsial PCR and the citrate synthase gene (gltA) for the typhus group rickettsia PCR. Analytical sensitivity was 10 copies of control plasmid DNA per reaction. No cross-amplification was observed when testing human DNA and 22 pathogens or skin commensals. Real-time PCR was applied to 16 clinical samples. Rickettsial DNA was detected in the skin biopsies of three patients. In one patient with severe murine typhus, the typhus group PCR was positive in a skin biopsy from a petechial lesion and seroconversion was later documented. The two other patients with negative typhus group PCR suffered from Mediterranean and African spotted fever, respectively; in both cases, skin biopsy was performed on the eschar. Our duplex real-time PCR showed a good analytical sensitivity and specificity, allowing early diagnosis of rickettsiosis among three patients, and recognition of typhus in one of them.
Parents allocate food resources to their offspring in proportion to the intensity of begging behaviour. Begging encompasses several activities including vocalizations that should honestly signal need and jostling for the position in the nest where parents predictably deliver food items. Although siblings are known to adjust begging level to each other, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. We examined this issue in experimental two-chick broods of the barn owl, Tyto alba, a species in which siblings communicate vocally with each other in the prolonged absence of parents. The function of sib-sib vocal communication, so-called sibling negotiation, is to resolve conflicts over which individual will have priority of access to the next delivered indivisible food item. We found that when a nestling produced longer negotiation calls and stood closer to the nestbox entrance in the absence of parents, its sibling vocally negotiated at a lower rate. Additionally, when an individual produced more negotiation calls in the absence of parents, its sibling begged less intensely at the parent's return, with begging being the key factor that determined which nestling obtained a food item. We conclude that position in the nest and the duration of negotiation calls produced in the absence of parents influence the rate of producing negotiation calls, which in turn influences the rate at which siblings beg for food from their parents. Adjusting begging behaviour could therefore depend on complex sib-sib interactions taking place in the prolonged absence of parents.
Identifying the factors that mediate covariation between an ornament and other phenotypic attributes is important to determine the signaling function of ornaments. Sign and magnitude of a covariation may vary across environments if the expression of the ornament or of its linked genes regulating correlated phenotypes is condition-dependent. I investigated in the barn owl Tyto alba whether sign and magnitude of covariation between body mass and two heritable melanin-based plumage ornaments change with food supply, along the reproductive cycle and from the morning to the evening. Using a dataset of 1,848 measurements of body mass in 336 breeding females, I found that females displaying large black spots were heavier than conspecifics with smaller spots in the afternoon (i.e., a long time after the last feeding) but not in the morning (i.e., a short time after the last feeding). This is consistent with the recently proposed hypothesis that eumelanin-based ornaments are associated with the ability to maintain energy balance between food intake and energy expenditure. Thus, covariation between melanin-based coloration and body mass can be detected only under specific conditions potentially explaining why it has been reported in only ten out of 28 vertebrate species. The proposition that ornamented individuals achieve a higher fitness than drab conspecifics only in specific environments should be tested for other ornaments.
Memory is essential to adjust behaviour according to past experience. In societies where animals interact on numerous occasions, memory of previous social interactions may help optimise investment in competition. How long information about the resource holding potential and motivation to compete of conspecifics is retained depends on how fast the value of this information fades, but also on the cost and benefit of retaining information. Information retention has never been investigated in the context of interactions prevailing within the family and more specifically sibling competition. In the absence of parents, barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally compete for priority of access to the next indivisible food item brought by a parent. The finding that owlets eavesdrop on vocal interactions between siblings to adjust investment in vocalization once competing with them suggests that they memorize siblings' vocal interactions. Playback experiments showed that owlets take into account the past siblings' vocal performance that signals hunger for at least 15 min, but only if the performance was witnessed during a sufficiently long period of time (30 min). Moreover, using natural vocal exchanges in another set of individuals, we showed that sibling signalling was no more taken into account after a few minutes. This suggests that young barn owls need to continuously display their motivation to trigger siblings' withdrawal from the current competition. Repeating a vocal display may ensure its honesty. Studying the extent to which individuals retain past information is important to understand how individuals adjust their competitive investment over resources.