997 resultados para Spin components


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Spin injection, manipulation and detection are the integral parts of spintronics devices and have attracted tremendous attention in the last decade. It is necessary to judiciously choose the right combination of materials to have compatibility with the existing semiconductor technology. Conventional metallic magnets were the first choice for injecting spins into semiconductors in the past. So far there is no success in using a magnetic oxide material for spin injection, which is very important for the development of oxide based spintronics devices. Here we demonstrate the electrical spin injection from an oxide magnetic material Fe3O4, into GaAs with the help of tunnel barrier MgO at room temperature using 3-terminal Hanle measurement technique. A spin relaxation time tau similar to 0.9 ns for n-GaAs at 300 K is observed along with expected temperature dependence of t. Spin injection using Fe3O4/MgO system is further established by injecting spins into p-GaAs and a tau of similar to 0.32 ns is obtained at 300 K. Enhancement of spin injection efficiency is seen with barrier thickness. In the field of spin injection and detection, our work using an oxide magnetic material establishes a good platform for the development of room temperature oxide based spintronics devices.


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Precise experimental implementation of unitary operators is one of the most important tasks for quantum information processing. Numerical optimization techniques are widely used to find optimized control fields to realize a desired unitary operator. However, finding high-fidelity control pulses to realize an arbitrary unitary operator in larger spin systems is still a difficult task. In this work, we demonstrate that a combination of the GRAPE algorithm, which is a numerical pulse optimization technique, and a unitary operator decomposition algorithm Ajoy et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 030303 (2012)] can realize unitary operators with high experimental fidelity. This is illustrated by simulating the mirror-inversion propagator of an XY spin chain in a five-spin dipolar coupled nuclear spin system. Further, this simulation has been used to demonstrate the transfer of entangled states from one end of the spin chain to the other end.


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Based on an interdiffusion study using an incremental diffusion couple in the V-Ga binary system, we have shown that V diffuses via the lattice, whereas Ga does so via grain boundaries, for the growth of the V3Ga phase. We estimate the contributions from the two different mechanisms, which are usually difficult to delineate in an interdiffusion study. Available tracer diffusion studies and the atomic arrangement in the crystal structure have been considered for a discussion on the diffusion mechanisms.


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High-power voltage-source inverters (VSI) are often switched at low frequencies due to switching loss constraints. Numerous low-switching-frequency PWM techniques have been reported, which are quite successful in reducing the total harmonic distortion under open-loop conditions at such low operating frequencies. However, the line current still contains low-frequency components (though of reduced amplitudes), which are fed back to the current loop controller during closed-loop operation. Since the harmonic frequencies are quite low and are not much higher than the bandwidth of the current loop, these are amplified by the current controller, causing oscillations and instability. Hence, only the fundamental current should be fed back. Filtering out these harmonics from the measured current (before feeding back) leads to phase shift and attenuation of the fundamental component, while not eliminating the harmonics totally. This paper proposes a method for on-line extraction of the fundamental current in induction motor drives, modulated with low-switching-frequency PWM. The proposed method is validated through simulations on MATLAB/Simulink. Further, the proposed algorithm is implemented on Cyclone FPGA based controller board. Experimental results are presented for an R-L load.


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Employing nitronyl nitroxide lanthanide(III) complexes as metallo-ligands allowed the efficient and highly selective preparation of three series of unprecedented heterotri-spin (Cu Ln-radical) one-dimensional compounds. These 2p-3d-4f spin systems, namely Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOAII)41 (Ln(III)=Gd 1(Gd), Tb 1(Tb), Dy 1(Dy); NitPhOAII=2-(4'-allyloxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3- oxide), Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOPO4] (1-nrn=Gd 2Gd, Tb 2Tb, Dy 2(Dy), Ho 2HOf Yb 2yb; NitPhOPr= 2-(4'-propoxyphenyI)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) and Ln3Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOB441 (LnIm=Gd 3Gd, Tb 3Tb, Dy 3(Dy); NitPhOBz=2-(4'-benzyloxy- phenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) involve O-bound nitronyl nitroxide radicals as bridging ligands in chain structures with a Cu-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit] repeating unit. The dc magnetic studies show that ferromagnetic metal radical interactions take place in these heterotri-spin chain complexes, these and the next-neighbor interactions have been quantified for the Gd derivatives. Complexes 1Tb and 2Tb exhibit frequency dependence of ac magnetic susceptibilities, indicating single-chain magnet behavior.


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The complex perovskite oxide SrRuO3 shows intriguing transport properties at low temperatures due to the interplay of spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom. One of the open questions in this system is regarding the origin and nature of the low-temperature glassy state. In this paper we report on measurements of higher-order statistics of resistance fluctuations performed in epitaxial thin films of SrRuO3 to probe this issue. We observe large low-frequency non-Gaussian resistance fluctuations over a certain temperature range. Our observations are compatible with that of a spin-glass system with properties described by hierarchical dynamics rather than with that of a simple ferromagnet with a large coercivity.


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Optical emission from emitters strongly interacting among themselves and also with other polarizable matter in close proximity has been approximated by emission from independent emitters. This is primarily due to our inability to evaluate the self-energy matrices and radiative properties of the collective eigenstates of emitters in heterogeneous ensembles. A method to evaluate self-energy matrices that is not limited by the geometry and material composition is presented to understand and exploit such collective excitations. Numerical evaluations using this method are used to highlight the significant differences between independent and the collective modes of emission in nanoscale heterostructures. A set of N Lorentz emitters and other polarizable entities is used to represent the coupled system of a generalized geometry in a volume integral approach. Closed form relations between the Green tensors of entity pairs in free space and their correspondents in a heterostructure are derived concisely. This is made possible for general geometries because the global matrices consisting of all free-space Green dyads are subject to conservation laws. The self-energy matrix can then be assembled using the evaluated Green tensors of the heterostructure, but a decomposition of its components into their radiative and nonradiative decay contributions is nontrivial. The relations to compute the observables of the eigenstates (such as quantum efficiency, power/energy of emission, radiative and nonradiative decay rates) are presented. A note on extension of this method to collective excitations, which also includes strong interactions with a surface in the near-field, is added. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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Spin noise phenomenon was predicted way back in 1946. However, experimental investigations regarding spin noise became possible only recently with major technological improvements in NMR hardware. These experiments have several potential novel applications and also demand refinements in the existing theoretical framework to explain the phenomenon. Elegance of noise spectroscopy in gathering information about the properties of a system lies in the fact that it does not require external perturbation, and the system remains in thermal equilibrium. Spin noise is intrinsic magnetic fluctuations, and both longitudinal and transverse components have been detected independently in many systems. Detection of fluctuating longitudinal magnetization leads to field of Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM) that can efficiently probe very few spins even down to the level of single spin utilizing ultrasensitive cantilevers. Transverse component of spin noise, which can simultaneously monitor different resonances over a given frequency range enabling one to distinguish between different chemical environments, has also received considerable attention, and found many novel applications. These experiments demand a detailed understanding of the underlying spin noise phenomenon in order to perform perturbation-free magnetic resonance and widen the highly promising application area. Detailed investigations of noise magnetization have been performed recently using force microscopy on equilibrium ensemble of paramagnetic alkali atoms. It was observed that random fluctuations generate spontaneous spin coherences which has similar characteristics as generated by macroscopic magnetization of polarized ensemble in terms of precession and relaxation properties. Several other intrinsic properties like g-factors, isotope-abundance ratios, hyperfine splitting, spin coherence lifetimes etc. also have been achieved without having to excite the sample. In contrast to MRFM-approaches, detection of transverse spin noise also offers novel applications, attracting considerable attention. This has unique advantage as different resonances over a given frequency range enable one to distinguish between different chemical environments. Since these noise signatures scale inversely with sample size, these approaches lead to the possibility of non-perturbative magnetic resonance of small systems down to nano-scale. In this review, these different approaches will be highlighted with main emphasis on transverse spin noise investigations.


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We consider conformal field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with W-algebra symmetries, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. We show that the order mu(2) correction to the Renyi and entanglement entropies of a single interval in the deformed theory, on the infinite spatial line and at finite temperature, is universal. The correction is completely determined by the operator product expansion of two spin-three currents, and by the expectation values of the stress tensor, its descendants and its composites, evaluated on the n-sheeted Riemann surface branched along the interval. This explains the recently found agreement of the order mu(2) correction across distinct free field CFTs and higher spin black hole solutions holographically dual to CFTs with W symmetry.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry in the electroproduction of J/psi taking into account the transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of J/psi. We have calculated the asymmetry using recent parameters extracted by Echevarria et al. using the Collins-Soper-Sterman approach to TMD evolution. These recent TMD evolution fits are based on the evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We have also estimated the asymmetry by using parameters which had been obtained by a fit by Anselmino et al., using both an exact numerical and an approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equations. We find that the variation among the different estimates obtained using TMD evolution is much smaller than between these on one hand and the estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution on the other. Even though the use of TMD evolution causes an overall reduction in asymmetries compared to the ones obtained without it, they remain sizable. Overall, upon use of TMD evolution, predictions for asymmetries stabilize.


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We examine relative entropy in the context of the higher spin/CFT duality. We consider 3D bulk configurations in higher spin gravity which are dual to the vacuum and a high temperature state of a CFT with W-algebra symmetries in the presence of a chemical potential for a higher spin current. The relative entropy between these states is then evaluated using the Wilson line functional for holographic entanglement entropy. In the limit of small entangling intervals, the relative entropy should vanish for a generic quantum system. We confirm this behavior by showing that the difference in the expectation values of the modular Hamiltonian between the states matches with the difference in the entanglement entropy in the short-distance regime. Additionally, we compute the relative entropy of states corresponding to smooth solutions in the SL(2, Z) family with respect to the vacuum.


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We investigated the site response characteristics of Kachchh rift basin over the meizoseismal area of the 2001, Mw 7.6, Bhuj (NW India) earthquake using the spectral ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of ambient vibrations. Using the available knowledge on the regional geology of Kachchh and well documented ground responses from the earthquake, we evaluated the H/V curves pattern across sediment filled valleys and uplifted areas generally characterized by weathered sandstones. Although our HIV curves showed a largely fuzzy nature, we found that the hierarchical clustering method was useful for comparing large numbers of response curves and identifying the areas with similar responses. Broad and plateau shaped peaks of a cluster of curves within the valley region suggests the possibility of basin effects within valley. Fundamental resonance frequencies (f(0)) are found in the narrow range of 0.1-2.3 Hz and their spatial distribution demarcated the uplifted regions from the valleys. In contrary, low HIV peak amplitudes (A(0) = 2-4) were observed on the uplifted areas and varying values (2-9) were found within valleys. Compared to the amplification factors, the liquefaction indices (kg) were able to effectively indicate the areas which experienced severe liquefaction. The amplification ranges obtained in the current study were found to be comparable to those obtained from earthquake data for a limited number of seismic stations located on uplifted areas; however the values on the valley region may not reflect their true amplification potential due to basin effects. Our study highlights the practical usefulness as well as limitations of the HIV method to study complex geological settings as Kachchh. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of the municipal solid waste settlements and the contribution of each of the components are essential in the estimation of the volume of the waste that can be accommodated in a landfill and increase the post-usage of the landfill. This article describes an experimental methodology for estimating and separating primary settlement, settlement owing to creep and biodegradation-induced settlement. The primary settlement and secondary settlement have been estimated and separated based on 100% pore pressure dissipation time and the coefficient of consolidation. Mechanical creep and biodegradation settlements were estimated and separated based on the observed time required for landfill gas production. The results of a series of laboratory triaxial tests, creep tests and anaerobic reactor cell setups were conducted to describe the components of settlement. All the tests were conducted on municipal solid waste (compost reject) samples. It was observed that biodegradation accounted to more than 40% of the total settlement, whereas mechanical creep contributed more than 20% towards the total settlement. The essential model parameters, such as the compression ratio (C-c'), rate of mechanical creep (c), coefficient of mechanical creep (b), rate of biodegradation (d) and the total strain owing to biodegradation (E-DG), are useful parameters in the estimation of total settlements as well as components of settlement in landfill.


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We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e + p(up arrow) -> J/psi + X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q(2) - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.


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This paper describes the evolution of crystallographic texture in three of the most important high strength aluminium alloys, viz., AA2219, AA7075 and AFNOR7020 in the cold rolled and artificially aged condition. Bulk texture results were obtained by plotting pole figures from X-ray diffraction results followed by Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) analysis and micro-textures were measured using EBSD. The results indicate that the deformation texture components Cu, Bs and S, which were also present in the starting materials, strengthen with increase in amount of deformation. On the other hand, recrystallization texture components Goss and Cube weaken. The Bs component is stronger in the deformation texture. This is attributed to the shear banding. In-service applications indicate that the as-processed AFNOR7020 alloy fails more frequently compared to the other high strength Al alloys used in the aerospace industry. Detailed study of deformation texture revealed that strong Brass (Bs) component could be associated to shear banding, which in turn could explain the frequent failures in AFNOR7020 alloy. The alloying elements in this alloy that could possibly influence the stacking fault energy of the material could be accounted for the strong Bs component in the texture.