970 resultados para Spin Resonance Experiments


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The spin dependent cross sections, σT1/2 and σT3/2 , and asymmetries, A and A for 3He have been measured at the Jefferson Lab's Hall A facility. The inclusive scattering process 3He(e,e)X was performed for initial beam energies ranging from 0.86 to 5.1 GeV, at a scattering angle of 15.5°. Data includes measurements from the quasielastic peak, resonance region, and the deep inelastic regime. An approximation for the extended Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral is presented at a 4-momentum transfer Q2 of 0.2-1.0 GeV2.

Also presented are results on the performance of the polarized 3He target. Polarization of 3He was achieved by the process of spin-exchange collisions with optically pumped rubidium vapor. The 3He polarization was monitored using the NMR technique of adiabatic fast passage (AFP). The average target polarization was approximately 35% and was determined to have a systematic uncertainty of roughly ±4% relative.


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Experimental studies were conducted with the goals of 1) determining the origin of Pt- group element (PGE) alloys and associated mineral assemblages in refractory inclusions from meteorites and 2) developing a new ultrasensitive method for the in situ chemical and isotopic analysis of PGE. A general review of the geochemistry and cosmochemistry of the PGE is given, and specific research contributions are presented within the context of this broad framework.

An important step toward understanding the cosmochemistry of the PGE is the determination of the origin of POE-rich metallic phases (most commonly εRu-Fe) that are found in Ca, AJ-rich refractory inclusions (CAI) in C3V meteorites. These metals occur along with γNi-Fe metals, Ni-Fe sulfides and Fe oxides in multiphase opaque assemblages. Laboratory experiments were used to show that the mineral assemblages and textures observed in opaque assemblages could be produced by sulfidation and oxidation of once homogeneous Ni-Fe-PGE metals. Phase equilibria, partitioning and diffusion kinetics were studied in the Ni-Fe-Ru system in order to quantify the conditions of opaque assemblage formation. Phase boundaries and tie lines in the Ni-Fe-Ru system were determined at 1273, 1073 and 873K using an experimental technique that allowed the investigation of a large portion of the Ni-Fe-Ru system with a single experiment at each temperature by establishing a concentration gradient within which local equilibrium between coexisting phases was maintained. A wide miscibility gap was found to be present at each temperature, separating a hexagonal close-packed εRu-Fe phase from a face-centered cubic γNi-Fe phase. Phase equilibria determined here for the Ni-Fe-Ru system, and phase equilibria from the literature for the Ni-Fe-S and Ni-Fe-O systems, were compared with analyses of minerals from opaque assemblages to estimate the temperature and chemical conditions of opaque assemblage formation. It was determined that opaque assemblages equilibrated at a temperature of ~770K, a sulfur fugacity 10 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas, and an oxygen fugacity 106 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas.

Diffusion rates between -γNi-Fe and εRu-Fe metal play a critical role in determining the time (with respect to CAI petrogenesis) and duration of the opaque assemblage equilibration process. The diffusion coefficient for Ru in Ni (DRuNi) was determined as an analog for the Ni-Fe-Ru system by the thin-film diffusion method in the temperature range of 1073 to 1673K and is given by the expression:

DRuNi (cm2 sec-1) = 5.0(±0.7) x 10-3 exp(-2.3(±0.1) x 1012 erg mole-1/RT) where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in K. Based on the rates of dissolution and exsolution of metallic phases in the Ni-Fe-Ru system it is suggested that opaque assemblages equilibrated after the melting and crystallization of host CAI during a metamorphic event of ≥ 103 years duration. It is inferred that opaque assemblages originated as immiscible metallic liquid droplets in the CAI silicate liquid. The bulk compositions of PGE in these precursor alloys reflects an early stage of condensation from the solar nebula and the partitioning of V between the precursor alloys and CAI silicate liquid reflects the reducing nebular conditions under which CAI were melted. The individual mineral phases now observed in opaque assemblages do not preserve an independent history prior to CAI melting and crystallization, but instead provide important information on the post-accretionary history of C3V meteorites and allow the quantification of the temperature, sulfur fugacity and oxygen fugacity of cooling planetary environments. This contrasts with previous models that called upon the formation of opaque assemblages by aggregation of phases that formed independently under highly variable conditions in the solar nebula prior to the crystallization of CAI.

Analytical studies were carried out on PGE-rich phases from meteorites and the products of synthetic experiments using traditional electron microprobe x-ray analytical techniques. The concentrations of PGE in common minerals from meteorites and terrestrial rocks are far below the ~100 ppm detection limit of the electron microprobe. This has limited the scope of analytical studies to the very few cases where PGE are unusually enriched. To study the distribution of PGE in common minerals will require an in situ analytical technique with much lower detection limits than any methods currently in use. To overcome this limitation, resonance ionization of sputtered atoms was investigated for use as an ultrasensitive in situ analytical technique for the analysis of PGE. The mass spectrometric analysis of Os and Re was investigated using a pulsed primary Ar+ ion beam to provide sputtered atoms for resonance ionization mass spectrometry. An ionization scheme for Os that utilizes three resonant energy levels (including an autoionizing energy level) was investigated and found to have superior sensitivity and selectivity compared to nonresonant and one and two energy level resonant ionization schemes. An elemental selectivity for Os over Re of ≥ 103 was demonstrated. It was found that detuning the ionizing laser from the autoionizing energy level to an arbitrary region in the ionization continuum resulted in a five-fold decrease in signal intensity and a ten-fold decrease in elemental selectivity. Osmium concentrations in synthetic metals and iron meteorites were measured to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of the technique. A linear correlation between Os+ signal intensity and the known Os concentration was observed over a range of nearly 104 in Os concentration with an accuracy of ~ ±10%, a millimum detection limit of 7 parts per billion atomic, and a useful yield of 1%. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms samples the dominant neutral-fraction of sputtered atoms and utilizes multiphoton resonance ionization to achieve high sensitivity and to eliminate atomic and molecular interferences. Matrix effects should be small compared to secondary ion mass spectrometry because ionization occurs in the gas phase and is largely independent of the physical properties of the matrix material. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms can be applied to in situ chemical analysis of most high ionization potential elements (including all of the PGE) in a wide range of natural and synthetic materials. The high useful yield and elemental selectivity of this method should eventually allow the in situ measurement of Os isotope ratios in some natural samples and in sample extracts enriched in PGE by fire assay fusion.

Phase equilibria and diffusion experiments have provided the basis for a reinterpretation of the origin of opaque assemblages in CAI and have yielded quantitative information on conditions in the primitive solar nebula and cooling planetary environments. Development of the method of resonance ionization of sputtered atoms for the analysis of Os has shown that this technique has wide applications in geochemistry and will for the first time allow in situ studies of the distribution of PGE at the low concentration levels at which they occur in common minerals.


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The disolvated proton, H(OH2)2+ is employed as a chemical reagent in low pressure (˂ 10-5 torr) investigations by ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy. Since termolecular reactions are absent at low pressure, disolvated protons are not generally observed. However H(OH2)2+ is produced in a sequence of bimolecular reactions in mixtures containing H2O and one of a small number of organohalide precursors. Then a series of hydrated Lewis bases is produced by H3O+ transfer from H(OH2)2+. In Chapter II, the relative stability of hydrated bases containing heteroatoms of both first and second row elements is determined from the preferred direction of H3O+ transfer between BH(OH2)+ complexes. S and P containing bases are shown to bind H3O+ more weakly than O and N bases with comparable proton affinities. A simple model of hydrogen bonding is proposed to account for these observations.

H+ transfer from H(OH2)2+ to several Lewis bases also occurs at low pressure. In Chapter III the relative importance of H3O+ transfer and H+ transfer from H(OH2)2+ to a series of bases is observed to be a function of base strength. Beginning with CH3COOH, the weakest base for which H+ transfer is observed, the importance of H+ transfer increases with increasing proton affinity of the acceptor base. The nature of neutral products formed from H(OH2)2+ by loss of H+ is also considered.

Chapters IV and V deal with thermochemistry of small fluorocarbons determined by photoionization mass spectrometry. The enthalpy of formation of CF2 is considered in Chapter IV. Photoionization of perfluoropropylene, perfluorocyclopropane, and trifluoromethyl benzene yield onsets for ions formed by loss of a CF2 neutral fragment. Earlier determinations of ΔH°f298 (CF2) are reinterpreted using updated thermochemical values and compared with results of this study. The heat of formation of neutral perfluorocyclopropane is also derived. Finally, the energetics of interconversion of perfluoropropylene and perfluorocyclopropane are considered for both the neutrals and their molecular ions.

In Chapter V the heats of formation of CF3+ and CF3I+are derived from photoionization of CF3I. These are considered with respect to ion-molecule reactions observed in CF3I monitored by the techniques of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy. Results obtained in previous experiments are also compared.


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Magnetic resonance techniques have given us a powerful means for investigating dynamical processes in gases, liquids and solids. Dynamical effects manifest themselves in both resonance line shifts and linewidths, and, accordingly, require detailed analyses to extract desired information. The success of a magnetic resonance experiment depends critically on relaxation mechanisms to maintain thermal equilibrium between spin states. Consequently, there must be an interaction between the excited spin states and their immediate molecular environment which promote changes in spin orientation while excess magnetic energy is coupled into other degrees of freedom by non-radiative processes. This is well known as spin-lattice relaxation. Certain dynamical processes cause fluctuations in the spin state energy levels leading to spin-spin relaxation and, here again, the environment at the molecular level plays a significant role in the magnitude of interaction. Relatively few electron spin relaxation studies of solutions have been conducted and the present work is addressed toward the extension of our knowledge in this area and the retrieval of dynamical information from line shape analyses on a time scale comparable to diffusion controlled phenomena.

Specifically, the electron spin relaxation of three Mn+23d5 complexes, Mn(CH3CN)6+2, MnCl4-2 in acetonitrile has been studied in considerable detail. The effective spin Hamiltonian constants were carefully evaluated under a wide range of experimental conditions. Resonance widths of these Mn+2 complexes were studied in the presence of various excess ligand ions and as a function of concentration, viscosity, temperature and frequency (X-band, ~9.5 Ԍ Hz and K-band, ~35 Ԍ Hz).

A number of interesting conclusions were drawn from these studies. For the Et4NCl-4-2 system several relaxation mechanisms leading to resonance broadening were observed. One source appears to arise through spin-orbit interactions caused by modulation of the ligand field resulting from transient distortions of the complex imparted by solvent fluctuations in the immediate surroundings of the paramagnetic ion. An additional spin relaxation was assigned to the formation of ion pairs [Et4N+…MnCl4-2] and it was possible to estimate the dissociation constant for this specie in acetonitrile.

The Bu4NBr-MnBr4-2 study was considerably more interesting. As in the former case, solvent fluctuations and ion-pairing of the paramagnetic complex [Bu4N+…MnBr4-2] provide significant relaxation for the electronic spin system. Most interesting, without doubt, is the onset of a new relaxation mechanism leading to resonance broadening which is best interpreted as chemical exchange. Thus, assuming that resonance widths were simply governed by electron spin state lifetimes, we were able to extract dynamical information from an interaction in which the initial and final states are the same

MnBr4-2 + Br- = MnBr4-2 + Br-.

The bimolecular rate constants were obtained at six different temperatures and their magnitudes suggested that the exchange is probably diffusion controlled with essentially a zero energy of activation. The most important source of spin relaxation in this system stems directly from dipolar interactions between the manganese 3d5 electrons. Moreover, the dipolar broadening is strongly frequency dependent indicating a deviation between the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times. We are led to the conclusion that the 3d5 spin states of ion-paired MnBr4-2 are significantly correlated so that dynamical processes are also entering the picture. It was possible to estimate the correlation time, Td, characterizing this dynamical process.

In Part II we study nuclear magnetic relaxation of bromine ions in the MnBr4-2-Bu4NBr-acetonitrile system. Essentially we monitor the 79Br and 81Br linewidths in response to the [MnBr4-2]/[Br-] ratio with the express purpose of supporting our contention that exchange is occurring between "free" bromine ions in the solvent and bromine in the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic anion. The complexity of the system elicited a two-part study: (1) the linewidth behavior of Bu4NBr in anhydrous CH3CN in the absence of MnBr4-2 and (2) in the presence of MnBr4-2. It was concluded in study (1) that dynamical association, Bu4NBr k1= Bu4N+ + Br-, was modulating field-gradient interactions at frequencies high enough to provide an estimation of the unimolecular rate constant, k1. A comparison of the two isotopic bromine linewidth-mole fraction results led to the conclusion that quadrupole interactions provided the dominant relaxation mechanism. In study (2) the "residual" bromine linewidths for both 79Br and 81Br are clearly controlled by quadrupole interactions which appear to be modulated by very rapid dynamical processes other than molecular reorientation. We conclude that the "residual" linewidth has its origin in chemical exchange and that bromine nuclei exchange rapidly between a "free" solvated ion and the paramagnetic complex, MnBr4-2.


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Part I. Complexes of Biological Bases and Oligonucleotides with RNA

The physical nature of complexes of several biological bases and oligonucleotides with single-stranded ribonucleic acids have been studied by high resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The importance of various forces in the stabilization of these complexes is also discussed.

Previous work has shown that purine forms an intercalated complex with single-stranded nucleic acids. This complex formation led to severe and stereospecific broadening of the purine resonances. From the field dependence of the linewidths, T1 measurements of the purine protons and nuclear Overhauser enhancement experiments, the mechanism for the line broadening was ascertained to be dipole-dipole interactions between the purine protons and the ribose protons of the nucleic acid.

The interactions of ethidium bromide (EB) with several RNA residues have been studied. EB forms vertically stacked aggregates with itself as well as with uridine, 3'-uridine monophosphate and 5'-uridine monophosphate and forms an intercalated complex with uridylyl (3' → 5') uridine and polyuridylic acid (poly U). The geometry of EB in the intercalated complex has also been determined.

The effect of chain length of oligo-A-nucleotides on their mode of interaction with poly U in D20 at neutral pD have also been studied. Below room temperatures, ApA and ApApA form a rigid triple-stranded complex involving a stoichiometry of one adenine to two uracil bases, presumably via specific adenine-uracil base pairing and cooperative base stacking of the adenine bases. While no evidence was obtained for the interaction of ApA with poly U above room temperature, ApApA exhibited complex formation of a 1:1 nature with poly U by forming Watson-Crick base pairs. The thermodynamics of these systems are discussed.

Part II. Template Recognition and the Degeneracy of the Genetic Code

The interaction of ApApG and poly U was studied as a model system for the codon-anticodon interaction of tRNA and mRNA in vivo. ApApG was shown to interact with poly U below ~20°C. The interaction was of a 1:1 nature which exhibited the Hoogsteen bonding scheme. The three bases of ApApG are in an anti conformation and the guanosine base appears to be in the lactim tautomeric form in the complex.

Due to the inadequacies of previous models for the degeneracy of the genetic code in explaining the observed interactions of ApApG with poly U, the "tautomeric doublet" model is proposed as a possible explanation of the degenerate interactions of tRNA with mRNA during protein synthesis in vivo.


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In this paper, GdFeCo/DyFeCo exchange-coupled double-layer films used for center aperture type magnetically induced super resolution were investigated through experiments and theoretical calculation. The samples were prepared by magnetron sputtering method. The polar Kerr effect was measured to prove the spin reorientation of the readout layer. Theoretical study of magnetization profiles was performed on the basis of the mean-field theory and the continuum model. The theoretical results showed that the magnetization orientation of the readout layer changed gradually from in-plane to out-of-plane with the rise of the temperature. Theoretical analysis explained the experimental results successfully. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A kind of 1,6,10,15,19,24,28,33-octa-iso-pentyloxy-2,3-metallonaphthalocyanines complexes MNc(iso-PeO)(8) (M = Co, Cu, Pd) are used as spincoating film-forming materials. The surface morphologies of the films prepared were studied first. These films were then used for the experiments of NO2 sensing. The effects of sensing temperature as well as the NO concentration on the sensing properties were studied. The experimental results showed that the three MNc(iso-PeO)(8) films were uniform, smooth and dense. Due to the different metal ions (M) on the center of naphthalocyanine, the CoNc(iso-PeO)(8) film had a higher film resistance and response-recovery rate in the NO2 sensing experiments. On the contrary, the response to NO2 of the PdNc(iso-PeO)(8) and CuNc(iso-PeO)(8) films were superior to that of CoNc(iso-PeO)(8). By varying the sensing temperature, it was found that the elevation of sensing temperature could improve the sensing response, recovery ratio, and sensitivity of the sensing films. At high concentrations of NO2, the response time became shorter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spin-coated films of nickel 1,6,10,15,19,24,28,33-octa-iso-pentyloxy-2,3-naphthalocyanine complex were obtained and characterized by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. A linear relationship between the absorbance and solution concentration was observed. Low concentration solutions could afford smooth and homogeneous film surfaces as indicated by atomic force microscopy. The film structure was studied by small angle X-ray diffraction. The films were used for NO2 sensing experiments. The results indicate that the elevation of sensing temperature can shorten the response time and increase recovery ratio and response magnitude of the sensing films. High NO2 concentration can also shorten response time. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cell, optical transmission oscillations have been revealed accompanying mechanical vibrations caused by fast field reversal. Special bookshelf textures, so-called "rainbow", were used in the experiments. Temperature dependences of the oscillation parameters have been studied. The temperature dependence of the oscillation frequency suggests that the some oscillation resonances correspond to modes of the liquid crystals.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have good mechanical properties and unique structural, electronic, thermal, and optical characteristics. In this work, we present the results of our investigations of a resonator device based on embedded vertical CNT arrays. The device's design is based on the mechanical resonance of the tubes. CoventorWare FEA tools have been used to simulate the mechanical resonance frequencies of the vertical nanotubes arrays integrated on a silicon substrate. ©2008 IEEE.


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We perform Raman scattering experiments on natural graphite in magnetic fields up to 45 T, observing a series of peaks due to interband electronic excitations over a much broader magnetic field range than previously reported. We also explore electron-phonon coupling in graphite via magnetophonon resonances. The Raman G peak shifts and splits as a function of magnetic field, due to the magnetically tuned coupling of the E 2g optical phonons with the K- and H-point inter-Landau-level excitations. The analysis of the observed anticrossing behavior allows us to determine the electron-phonon coupling for both K- and H-point carriers. In the highest field range (>35 T) the G peak narrows due to suppression of electron-phonon interaction. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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Discrete element modeling is being used increasingly to simulate flow in fluidized beds. These models require complex measurement techniques to provide validation for the approximations inherent in the model. This paper introduces the idea of modeling the experiment to ensure that the validation is accurate. Specifically, a 3D, cylindrical gas-fluidized bed was simulated using a discrete element model (DEM) for particle motion coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to describe the flow of gas. The results for time-averaged, axial velocity during bubbling fluidization were compared with those from magnetic resonance (MR) experiments made on the bed. The DEM-CFD data were postprocessed with various methods to produce time-averaged velocity maps for comparison with the MR results, including a method which closely matched the pulse sequence and data processing procedure used in the MR experiments. The DEM-CFD results processed with the MR-type time-averaging closely matched experimental MR results, validating the DEM-CFD model. Analysis of different averaging procedures confirmed that MR time-averages of dynamic systems correspond to particle-weighted averaging, rather than frame-weighted averaging, and also demonstrated that the use of Gaussian slices in MR imaging of dynamic systems is valid. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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In order to understand the underlying mechanisms of animals' agility, dexterity and efficiency in motor control, there has been an increasing interest in the study of gait patterns in biological and artificial legged systems. This paper presents a novel approach to the study of gait patterns which makes use of intrinsic mechanical dynamics of robotic systems. Each of these robots consists of a U-shape elastic beam and exploits free vibration to generate different gait patterns. We developed a conceptual model for these robots, and through simulation and real-world experiments, we show three distinct mechanisms for generating four different gait patterns in these robots. © 2012 IEEE.


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The effect of the Coulomb interaction on the energy spectrum and anisotropic distribution of two electron states in a quantum ring in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and Dresselhaus SOI (DSOI) is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We find that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI makes the single quantum ring behaves like a laterally coupled quantum dot and the interdot coupling can be tuned by changing the strengths of the SOIs. The interplay can lead to singlet-triplet state mixing and anticrossing behavior when the singlet and triplet states meet with increasing magnetic field. The two electron ground state displays a bar-bell-like spatial anisotropic distribution in a quantum ring at a specific crystallographic direction, i.e., [110] or [1 (1) over bar0], which can be switched by reversing the direction of the perpendicular electric field. The ground state exhibits a singlet-triplet state transition with increasing magnetic field and strengths of RSOI and DSOI. An anisotropic electron distribution is predicted which can be detected through the measurement of its optical properties.


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The spin Hall effect can be induced by both extrinsic impurity scattering and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in the electronic structure. The HgTe/CdTe quantum well has a quantum phase transition where the electronic structure changes from normal to inverted. We show that the intrinsic spin Hall effect of the conduction band vanishes on the normal side, while it is finite on the inverted side. By tuning the Cd content, the well width, or the bias electric field across the quantum well, the intrinsic spin Hall effect can be switched on or off and tuned into resonance under experimentally accessible conditions.