855 resultados para Specialty drinks


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli saada perustietoa tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen erilaisilla paperipinnoilla inkjet tulostuksessa. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa erilaisista musteista, joita käytetään yleisimmissä inkjet tulostustekniikoissa, miten paperit vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen ja minkälaisia menetelmiä on olemassa musteen kuivumistekijöiden määrittämiseen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli varmistaa, voidaanko inkjetmusteiden absorptioajan määrittämiseen käytettävää DIGAT-laitetta käyttää määrittämään ja ennustamaan erilaisten musteiden kuivumista erilaisilla paperipinnoilla sekä etsiä korrelaatioita musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien sekä inkjet tulostuksen laadun välillä. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin erilaisia inkjet tulostusmenetelmiä, niissä käytettäviä musteita ja musteiden koostumuksia. Tutkittiin myös paperin ja musteen välisiä vuorovaikutuksia sekä inkjet tulostuksen laatua. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin musteenabsorboitumista paperiin DIGAT-laitteen avulla. kuudella eri musteella. Paperinäytteistä määritettiin teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia sekä ominaisuuksia, jotka liittyvät inkjet tulostuksen laatuun. Inkjet tulostuksen laatua tarkasteltiin tulostamalla testikuva kolmella eri tulostimella, jotka olivat Canon Bubble Jet i950, HP DeskJet Cxi970 ja Epson Stylus C46. Havaittiin, että DIGAT-laite ei sovellu määrittämään musteen absorptioaikoja kiiltäville näytteille.Tässä tutkimuksessa näyte, jonka kiilto oli 65 %, oli liian kiiltävä mitattavaksi DIGAT-laitteella. Lisäksi absorptiomäärityksissä havaittiin, että erilaiset musteet asettuvat erilailla paperin pintaan ja että pigmenttipohjaisella musteella asettumisaika oli kaikista pisin. Musteiden absorptioajat olivat nopeimpia erikoisinkjetpaperilla ja hitaimpia päällystetyillä, tiiviillä papereilla. Musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien ja inkjet tulostuksen laadun välisiä korrelaatioita oli vaikea havaita. Voidaan sanoa, että tulokset olivat muste- ja printterikohtaisia. Havaittiin vain muutamia teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia, jotka korreloivat hyvin musteen absorboitumisen kanssa. Nämäolivat Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka- sekä kalsiumkarbonaattipitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio. Myöskään inkjet tulostuksen laadun ja musteen absorption välisiä korrelaatioita ei löytynyt kuin muutama; densiteetti, mottling sekä bleeding. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta DIGAT-laitteen soveltuvan hyvin kuvaamaan inkjet tulostuksen laatuominaisuuksista densiteettia, mottlingia sekä bleedingiä. DIGAT-laitetta voidaan siis käyttää avuksi ennustettaessa kuivumisaikaa ja sen vaikutusta edellä mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin. Läpipainatusominaisuuksia DIGAT-laitteen avulla ei voida tutkia, sillä ne ovat enemmän riippuvaisia paperin neliömassasta, paksuudesta ja huokoisuudesta kuinmusteen absorptioajasta. Teknisistä paperiominaisuuksista Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka-sekä CaCO3-pitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio kuvaavat hyvin musteen imeytymisaikaa paperiin, kun taas ominaisuudet Cobb, HST ja polaari- sekädispersiokomponentit eivät kuvaa. Näyttää siltä, että testikuva, joka on tällä hetkellä käytössä UPM Tutkimus-keskuksessa, ei sovellu suurtehotulostuksen laadun tarkkailuun. Testikuva toimii hyvin pöytätulostimilla ja perinteisillä kopiopapereilla ja inkjetpapereilla, jotka on tarkoitettu tulostettaviksi hitaasti. Tulostusnopeuden ja musteen kuivumisnopeuden välisiä ilmiöitä seei tuo esille, joten se ei sovellu kuvaamaan suurtehotulostusta.


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OBJECTIVE: To provide information on the effects of alcohol and tobacco on laryngeal cancer and its subsites. METHODS: This was a case-control study conducted between 1992 and 2000 in northern Italy and Switzerland. A total of 527 cases of incident squamous-cell carcinoma of the larynx and 1297 hospital controls frequency-matched with cases on age, sex, and area of residence were included. Odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: In comparison with never smokers, ORs were 19.8 for current smokers and 7.0 for ex-smokers. The risk increased in relation to the number of cigarettes (OR = 42.9 for > or = 25 cigarettes/day) and for duration of smoking (OR = 37.2 for > or = 40 years). For alcohol, the risk increased in relation to number of drinks (OR = 5.9 for > or = 56 drinks per week). Combined alcohol and tobacco consumption showed a multiplicative (OR = 177) rather than an additive risk. For current smokers and current drinkers the risk was higher for supraglottis (ORs 54.9 and 2.6, respectively) than for glottis (ORs 7.4 and 1.8) and others subsites (ORs 10.9 and 1.9). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that both cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking are independent risk factors for laryngeal cancer. Heavy consumption of alcohol and cigarettes determined a multiplicative risk increase, possibly suggesting biological synergy.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ammattipienkoneiden asiakkaiden näkökulmasta taustatekijöitä ammattipienkoneiden jakelumallin perustaksi. Samalla tutkitaan jakelukanavia ja hankintaan liittyviä asiakastyytyväisyystekijöitä sekä jälkimarkkinoinnin merkitystä. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa selvitetään ammattipienkoneiden käyttö, käytetyt merkit ja hankintapaikat. Lisäksi selvitetään hankintaan ja markkinointiin/jälkimarkkinointiin liittyviä asiakastyytyväisyystekijöitä. Lopuksi tutkitaan ammattipienkoneiden käyttäjien tulevaisuuden arvostuksia koskien hankintapaikkaa, markkinointia ja ostokriteerejä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kvantitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimus suoritettiin joulukuussa 2006 postikyselynä. Perusjoukkona olivat Suomen ammattipienkonekäyttäjät, jotka koostuivat kaupunkien ja kuntien palveluksessa olevista, kiinteistönhuoltoyhtiöiden palveluksessa olevista ja alan yksityisyrittäjistä. Otos oli systemaattinen eli tasaväliotanta. Perusjoukko oli 1650 ihmistä ja otos 465 ihmistä. Vastausprosentiksi tuli 27,1 %. Tutkimuksen tulokseksi saatiin, että ammattipienkoneasiakkaat hankkivat jo tänä päivänä ja haluavat hankkia tulevaisuudessakin tuotteet lähinnä erikoispienkoneliikkeistä. Jälleenmyyjän varaosapalvelukyky, ammattitaito ja palveluhalukkuus sekä liikkeen yhteydessä oleva huolto ovat tärkeimpiä asiakastyytyväisyyteen johtavia tekijöitä. Johtopäätöksenä tästä voidaan todeta, että ammattipienkonemaahantuojien kannattaa tulevaisuudessakin panostaa erikoisliikkeisiin tuotteiden jakelussa. Markkinoinnissa kannattaa mainonnan sijasta kouluttaa ja opastaa jälleenmyyjää, koska hän on tärkein tiedon hankinnan lähde tulevaisuudessa ammattipienkoneasiakkaille.  


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AIMS: Managing patients with alcohol dependence includes assessment for heavy drinking, typically by asking patients. Some recommend biomarkers to detect heavy drinking but evidence of accuracy is limited. METHODS: Among people with dependence, we assessed the performance of disialo-carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (%dCDT, ≥1.7%), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT, ≥66 U/l), either %dCDT or GGT positive, and breath alcohol (> 0) for identifying 3 self-reported heavy drinking levels: any heavy drinking (≥4 drinks/day or >7 drinks/week for women, ≥5 drinks/day or >14 drinks/week for men), recurrent (≥5 drinks/day on ≥5 days) and persistent heavy drinking (≥5 drinks/day on ≥7 consecutive days). Subjects (n = 402) with dependence and current heavy drinking were referred to primary care and assessed 6 months later with biomarkers and validated self-reported calendar method assessment of past 30-day alcohol use. RESULTS: The self-reported prevalence of any, recurrent and persistent heavy drinking was 54, 34 and 17%. Sensitivity of %dCDT for detecting any, recurrent and persistent self-reported heavy drinking was 41, 53 and 66%. Specificity was 96, 90 and 84%, respectively. %dCDT had higher sensitivity than GGT and breath test for each alcohol use level but was not adequately sensitive to detect heavy drinking (missing 34-59% of the cases). Either %dCDT or GGT positive improved sensitivity but not to satisfactory levels, and specificity decreased. Neither a breath test nor GGT was sufficiently sensitive (both tests missed 70-80% of cases). CONCLUSIONS: Although biomarkers may provide some useful information, their sensitivity is low the incremental value over self-report in clinical settings is questionable.


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El treball que teniu a les mans és una recerca sociolingüística que té com a objectiu l’anàlisi dels coneixements i els usos lingüístics de la Universitat de Lleida, a partir de la comparació dels resultats obtinguts a “Coneixements i usos lingüístics de l’estudiantat de la Universitat de Lleida” (Curs 1993/1994), un estudi impulsat des dels Servei de Llengua i Terminologia l’any 1993. L’elaboració del treball es divideix en tres etapes: l’etapa d’investigació, l’etapa d’organització i l’etapa d’interpretació. La primera etapa ha estat destinada a la recollida de dades. He demanat a un total de 1046 alumnes provinents de vint-i-un graus o especialitat diferents que contestessin un qüestionari. La segona etapa consisteix en l’organització de les dades. El primer que he fet ha estat entrar els resultats de cadascuna de les enquestes al programa ACCES, el qual m’ha permès fer les posteriors agrupacions partint sempre del model de 1993. Una vegada he tingut totes les agrupacions fetes, he fet tots els percentatges, gràfiques i taules al programa Excel. Finalment, quan ja he tingut tots els gràfics i taules confeccionats he passat ja a l’última etapa del treball: la interpretació de les dades. Primer he fet una lectura de cadascun dels gràfics i taules, comparant-los posteriorment amb els resultats obtinguts el 1993. Una vegada he tingut tots els comentaris fets he passat ja al més important: la redacció de les conclusions, on intento explicar els canvis més importants que he copsat.


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Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal concept combining pre, intra and postoperative evidence-based care elements to reduce surgical stress. ERAS pathways have been shown to significantly reduce morbidity, length of hospital stay and total costs when applied to colorectal surgery. It is therefore considered standard of care in this specialty. There can be no doubt that ERAS principles can be applied also in other major surgeries. However, uncritical application of the guidelines issued from colonic procedures seems inappropriate as the surgical procedures in pelvic cancer surgery differ considerably. This article reports on the first steps of an ERAS project and his introduction in urology.


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The caja (Spondias mombin L.) is used in the manufacture of ice-cream, jams, pulps, beverages being also consumed in natura. One of the most important procedures in food conservation is drying, considering that most fresh fruits contain approximately 80% of water. Food drying is used to obtain two basic aspects: (1) the economic factor; in the shipping and handling of the product; (2) at the manipulation; once dried and grinded, the material is rehydrated, at desirable levels, to formulate a new product as in ice cream, jams, yoghurts and drinks and may also be added to pasta, biscuits and other industrialized products. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of caja bagasse drying in a fixed-bed tray dryer, using central composite factorial planning. The following factors were evaluated: temperature (55, 65 and 75 ºC), dryer inlet air velocity (3.2, 4.6 and 6.0 m.s-1) and cake thickness (0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 cm) where the response of the considered variable was caja bagasse moisture content (b.s.) and the results showed that the main effects and their interactions were significant at a 95% confidence level being the best condition obtained at temperature of 75 ºC, velocity of 6.0 m.s-1 and cake thickness of 0.8 cm.


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Chronically homeless individuals with alcohol dependence experience severe alcohol-related consequences. It is therefore important to identify factors that might be associated with reduced alcohol-related harm, such as the use of safer-drinking strategies. Whereas effectiveness of safer-drinking strategies has been well-documented among young adults, no studies have explored this topic among more severely affected populations, such as chronically homeless individuals with alcohol dependence. The aims of this study were thus to qualitatively and quantitatively document safer-drinking strategies used in this population. Participants (N=31) were currently or formerly chronically homeless individuals with alcohol dependence participating in a pilot study of extended-release naltrexone and harm-reduction counseling. At weeks 0 and 8, research staff provided a list of safer-drinking strategies for participants to endorse. Implementation of endorsed safer-drinking strategies was recorded at the next appointment. At both time points, strategies to buffer the effects of alcohol on the body (e.g., eating prior to and during drinking) were most highly endorsed, followed by changing the manner in which one drinks (e.g., spacing drinks), and reducing alcohol consumption. Quantitative analyses indicated that all participants endorsed safer-drinking strategies, and nearly all strategies were implemented (80-90% at weeks 0 and 8, respectively). These preliminary findings indicate that chronically homeless people with alcohol dependence use strategies to reduce harm associated with their drinking. Larger randomized controlled trials are needed to test whether interventions that teach safer-drinking strategies may reduce overall alcohol-related harm in this population.


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Les traités scientifiques ne font que depuis peu d'années l'objet d'études en histoire des sciences. Pourtant, ces traités ont énormément à apporter car ils renseignent sur la manière de raisonner des auteurs, ainsi que sur le développement d'une discipline. Dans ce travail de doctorat, différents traités des maladies du système nerveux ont été dépouillés, notamment le traité de Sémiologie des affections du système nerveux (1914) de Jules Dejerine (1849-1917). Ce traité a été analysé de trois manières différentes. Il a tout d'abord été comparé à une édition précédente publiée sous forme de chapitre (1901), révélant un large remodelage du contenu du traité, suggérant une évolution rapide de la discipline neurologique en l'espace de quelques années. Deuxièmement, l'analyse de la Sémiologie a permis de recréer un réseau de professionnels avec qui Jules Dejerine était en contact et, en parcourant les livres publiés par ces auteurs, il a été possible de décrire de quelle manière ces auteurs se citent mutuellement. Finalement, ces livres contiennent de nombreuses illustrations, qui sont associées à la notion de « preuve » : les auteurs utilisent des images sous forme de dessins, de photographies ou de schémas qui illustrent des patients ou des pièces anatomiques pour « montrer » la maladie ou la lésion. Chaque illustration a un rôle à jouer pour décrire la lésion, montrer la progression de la maladie et elle aide le médecin à poser le diagnostic. Grâce à ces trois axes de recherche, un traité devient un outil de travail dynamique, qui évolue au fil des rééditions, influencé par les critiques et commentaires retrouvés dans d'autres traités et articles, et par les progrès accomplis dans la discipline traitée. Des, passages et certaines images de l'ouvrage circulent également de traité en traité et véhiculent l'autorité de l'auteur de ces passages et images qui en viennent à représenter la maladie. Ce transfert d'images joue également un rôle dans la standardisation du diagnostic et dans l'unification de la neurologie à travers le monde occidental au début du XXe siècle, une période charnière pour l'histoire de la médecine. -- Au début du XXe siècle, la neurologie est une jeune spécialité médicale qui se développe rapidement. Les différents médecins publient des traités, communiquent entre eux et échangent leurs données. Un traité scientifique est un outil de travail dynamique qui évolue avec les rééditions et le développement d'une discipline. Ces ouvrages recèlent toutes sortes d'informations et leur analyse ne fait que depuis peu de temps l'objet d'études en histoire des sciences. Ces traités regorgent notamment d'illustrations qui sont associées à la notion de « preuve » : les auteurs utilisent des images sous forme de dessins, de photographies ou de schémas qui représentent des patients ou des pièces anatomiques afin de « montrer » la maladie ou la lésion. Chaque illustration a un rôle à jouer pour décrire la pathologie, montrer la progression de la maladie et elle aide le médecin à poser le diagnostic. Les auteurs des traités, qui viennent d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord, se citent mutuellement, permettant au lecteur de recréer leur réseau de professionnels au niveau international. De plus, comme ces auteurs réutilisent les observations et les illustrations des autres, celles-ci circulent de traité en traité et en viennent à représenter la maladie. Ce transfert d'images joue également un rôle dans la standardisation du diagnostic et dans l'unification de la neurologie à travers le monde occidental au début du XXe siècle, une période charnière pour l'histoire de la médecine. -- Until recently, the study of textbooks has been neglected in the history of the sciences. However, textbooks can provide fruitful sources of information regarding the way authors work and the development of a particular discipline. This dissertation reviews editions of a single textbook, the Sémiologie des affections du système nerveux (1914) by Jules Dejerine (1849-1917). This textbook enabled the description of three axes of research. Firstly, by comparing the book to a first edition published as a chapter, one can acknowledge an extensive remodeling of the content of the book, suggesting a vast increase in knowledge over time. Secondly, by looking at the authors that Dejerine quotes repeatedly, it becomes possible to recreate his professional network, to review the works of these authors and to determine how they cross-reference each other. Thirdly, these textbooks contain numerous medical illustrations, which are linked with the concept of "proof;" the authors demonstrate a willingness to "show" the lesion or the pathology by publishing an image. Drawings, schematic representations, radiographies, or photographs of patients or of anatomical preparations all have their own purpose in describing the lesion and the progression of the disease. They assist in the diagnosis of the pathology. By looking at all of these aspects, it is therefore possible to conclude that a neurological textbook is a dynamic object that evolves through re-editions, comments and references found in other textbooks and by the circulations of parts of these books, such as the images. The illustrations also carry the author's authority, since their ongoing use claims that the work by the owner of the image has been endorsed by others. At the same time, it validates the borrowers' arguments. By using medical illustrations from different authors worldwide, the authors are also making a claim to a common language, to a similar way of examining patients, and about how much they depend on medical imagery to prove their points. In that sense, by focusing upon these textbooks, one can affirm that neurology already existed as a worldwide specialty at the turn of the twentieth century. Much more than mere accompaniments to the text, images were of paramount importance to the unification of neurology.


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Epäasianmukaisella verontorjunnalla kannustintyyppisten ympäristöverojen yhteydessä tarkoitetaan sitä, että veron määrä vähenee ilman ympäristön tilan paranemista. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia epäasianmukaisia verontorjuntakeinoja ympäristöveroihin liittyy, kuinka paljon niissä on kyse lainsäädäntöteknisistä valinnoista sekä lainsäädännön puutteellisuudesta ja kuinka ympäristöverotusta voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa. Esitys painottuu normatiiviseen sääntelyteoriaan eli siihen, minkälainen ohjauskeino tai sääntely palvelee parhaiten tietyn yhteiskuntapoliittisen päämäärän saavuttamista. Päästöt ovat usein suorassa suhteessa tuotteen ominaisuuksiin, mutta ympäristöverot eivät. Ongelmalliseksi muodostuvat lisäksi veronalennukset, kuten veroporrastukset ja veron palautukset. Nämä kannustavat epäasianmukaiseen verontorjuntaan, kuten yritysjärjestelyihin, hamstraukseen ja esimerkiksi jätteiden sijoittamiseen kaatopaikkojen ulkopuolelle. Epäasianmukaista verontorjuntaa voidaan ehkäistä muun muassa kiristämällä rangaistuksia, tiedottamalla, kaventamalla normaaliverokohtelun ja lievennetyn verokohtelun eroa sekä verotuksen kohdetta muuttamalla. Tärkeintä tulevaisuudessa olisi kuitenkin keskittyä kansainväliseen yhteistyöhön ja ympäristöverotuksen yhdenmukaistamiseen.


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Alcohol use is one of the leading modifiable morbidity and mortality risk factors among young adults. 2 parallel-group randomized controlled trial with follow-up at 1 and 6 months. Internet based study in a general population sample of young men with low-risk drinking, recruited between June 2012 and February 2013. Intervention: Internet-based brief alcohol primary prevention intervention (IBI). The IBI aims at preventing an increase in alcohol use: it consists of normative feedback, feedback on consequences, calorific value alcohol, computed blood alcohol concentration, indication that the reported alcohol use is associated with no or limited risks for health. Intervention group participants received the IBI. Control group (CG) participants completed only an assessment. Alcohol use (number of drinks per week), binge drinking prevalence. Analyses were conducted in 2014-2015. Of 4365 men invited to participate, 1633 did so; 896 reported low-risk drinking and were randomized (IBI: n = 451; CG: n = 445). At baseline, 1 and 6 months, the mean (SD) number of drinks/week was 2.4(2.2), 2.3(2.6), 2.5(3.0) for IBI, and 2.4(2.3), 2.8(3.7), 2.7(3.9) for CG. Binge drinking, absent at baseline, was reported by 14.4% (IBI) and 19.0% (CG) at 1 month and by 13.3% (IBI) and 13.0% (CG) at 6 months. At 1 month, beneficial intervention effects were observed on the number of drinks/week (p = 0.05). No significant differences were observed at 6 months. We found protective short term effects of a primary prevention IBI. Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN55991918.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess prescribing of anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation (AF) in the elderly, both a quantitative point of view (rate of anticoagulation) and qualitative (type of anticoagulation). Determinants of prescribing and non-prescribing were also analysed. METHODS: Prospective survey of practice, based on one clinical case and questionnaire conducted in 60 practitioners (20 cardiologists [C], 20 geriatricians [G] and 20 general practitioners [GP]). RESULTS: In reading the clinical case, 88.3% of physicians would have initiated a treatment; three types of treatments would have been chosen: AVK (68.3%), ODA (20.0%) and platelet antiaggregant (11.7%). Criteria taken into account to initiate anticoagulation varied according to the specialty. Cardiologists considered more the age criteria (C: 95.0%, G: 75.0%, MG: 60.0%; P<0.05), diabetes (C: 90.0%, G: 60.0%, MG: 55.0%; P<0.05), hypertension (C: 85.0%, G: 55.0%, MG: 60.0%; P<0.05) and female gender (C: 80.0%, G: 35.0%, MG: 25.0%; P<0.05). The quality of renal function was however a more secondary criteria (C: 15.0%, G: 5.0%, MG: 0.0%; P<0.05). General practitioners considered most frequently the presence of underlying heart disease (C: 35.0%, G: 5.0%, MG: 45.0%; P<0.05) as well as usual cardiovascular risk factors (overweight, dyslipidaemia; P<0.05). Risk of bleeding, however, was observed by 76.7% of physicians in the clinical situation presented (C: 70.0%, G: 75.0%, MG: 85.0%; P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This survey confirms that the FA remains under anticoagulated in the elderly and the barriers to the prescription of oral anticoagulation are often without rational basis.


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OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. We evaluated the adequacy of prescribing (miss and under used) with respect to STOPP-START criteria. METHODS: A sample of 100 patients hospitalized in cardiovascular specialty divisions (medicine or surgery) or in the different sectors making up the geriatric network (day-care hospital, short or rehabilitation ward, nursing home) has been considered. Drug prescriptions at the admission time were analysed. RESULTS: Eight hundred and seventy-four prescriptions were analysed. In 65% of patients, from 5 to 10 medications were prescribed and in 28% over 10. Fifty-four percent of patients had, at least, one potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP) by STOPP. Among them, 48% of PIP prescriptions contained 1, 41% 2 and 11% 3 or more. The omission of one medication according to START criteria concerned 57% of the sample. Among them, 46% had one omission, 44% 2 to 3 and 10% 4 omissions or over. The cardiovascular system is the one most concerned by the PIP. Whether 28.1% of the PIP by STOPP criteria concerned cardiovascular drugs, the omission of prescription, according to START criteria, was 41.8%. There was no significant difference between the different settings studied. There was no effect of age or sex on the impact of PIP (P>0.20) or being polymédiqué (P=0.44). According to the criteria STOPP-A, the prescription of antiplatelet (indication and dose) was highlighted. Prescribing omission also concerned antiplatelet agents but also statins in patients with atherosclerosis as well as antiplatelet and anticoagulant in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) after myocardial infarction or with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: Potentially inappropriate prescribing medications were very common in elderly patients with cardiovascular conditions. They concerned as much as underusing of important drugs with potential benefits and prescribing commission of treatment that did not fit with patients' comorbidities and/or characteristics.


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AIMS: To assess seasonal, weekday, and public holiday effects on alcohol-related road accidents and drinking diaries among young Swiss men. METHODS: Federal road accident data (35,485 accidents) from Switzerland and drinking diary data from a large cohort of young Swiss men (11,930 subjects) were analysed for temporal effects by calendar week, weekday and public holiday (Christmas, New Years, National Day). Alcohol-related accidents were analysed using rate ratios for observed versus expected numbers of accidents and proportions of alcohol-related accidents relative to the total number. Drinking diaries were analysed for the proportion of drinkers, median number of drinks consumed, and the 90th percentile's number of drinks consumed. RESULTS: Several parallel peaks were identified in alcohol-related accidents and drinking diaries. These included increases on Fridays and Saturdays, with Saturday drinking extending until early Sunday morning, an increase during the summer on workdays but not weekends, an increase at the end of the year, and increases on public holidays and the evening before. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest specific time-windows that are associated with increases in drinking and alcohol-related harm. Established prevention measures should be enforced during these time-windows to reduce associated peaks.


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INTRODUCTION: Alcohol use is one of the leading modifiable morbidity and mortality risk factors among young adults. STUDY DESIGN: 2 parallel-group randomized controlled trial with follow-up at 1 and 6 months. SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: Internet based study in a general population sample of young men with low-risk drinking, recruited between June 2012 and February 2013. INTERVENTION: Internet-based brief alcohol primary prevention intervention (IBI). The IBI aims at preventing an increase in alcohol use: it consists of normative feedback, feedback on consequences, calorific value alcohol, computed blood alcohol concentration, indication that the reported alcohol use is associated with no or limited risks for health. INTERVENTION group participants received the IBI. Control group (CG) participants completed only an assessment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Alcohol use (number of drinks per week), binge drinking prevalence. Analyses were conducted in 2014-2015. RESULTS: Of 4365 men invited to participate, 1633 did so; 896 reported low-risk drinking and were randomized (IBI: n = 451; CG: n = 445). At baseline, 1 and 6 months, the mean (SD) number of drinks/week was 2.4(2.2), 2.3(2.6), 2.5(3.0) for IBI, and 2.4(2.3), 2.8(3.7), 2.7(3.9) for CG. Binge drinking, absent at baseline, was reported by 14.4% (IBI) and 19.0% (CG) at 1 month and by 13.3% (IBI) and 13.0% (CG) at 6 months. At 1 month, beneficial intervention effects were observed on the number of drinks/week (p = 0.05). No significant differences were observed at 6 months. CONCLUSION: We found protective short term effects of a primary prevention IBI. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN55991918.