450 resultados para Soldagem PAW
Advances in spinal cord injury (SCI) research are dependent on quality animal models, which in turn rely on sensitive outcome measures able to detect functional differences in animals following injury. To date, most measurements of dysfunction following SCI rely either on the subjective rating of observers or the slow throughput of manual gait assessment. The present study compares the gait of normal and contusion-injured mice using the TreadScan system. TreadScan utilizes a transparent treadmill belt and a high-speed camera to capture the footprints of animals and automatically analyze gait characteristics. Adult female C57Bl/6 mice were introduced to the treadmill prior to receiving either a standardized mild, moderate, or sham contusion spinal cord injury. TreadScan gait analyses were performed weekly for 10 weeks and compared with scores on the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS). Results indicate that this software successfully differentiates sham animals from injured animals on a number of gait characteristics, including hindlimb swing time, stride length, toe spread, and track width. Differences were found between mild and moderate contusion injuries, indicating a high degree of sensitivity within the system. Rear track width, a measure of the animal's hindlimb base of support, correlated strongly both with spared white matter percentage and with terminal BMS. TreadScan allows for an objective and rapid behavioral assessment of locomotor function following mild-moderate contusive SCI, where the majority of mice still exhibit hindlimb weight support and plantar paw placement during stepping.
This study evaluated the response to increasing levels of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), a mode converting electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) into pressure, regulated by a proportionality constant called the NAVA level. Fourteen rabbits were studied during baseline, resistive loading and ramp increases of the NAVA level. EAdi, airway (Paw) and esophageal pressure (Pes), Pes pressure time product (PTPes), breathing pattern, and blood gases were measured. Resistive loading increased PTPes and EAdi. P(a)(CO)(2) increased with high load but not during low load. Increasing NAVA levels increased Paw until a breakpoint where the Paw increase was reduced despite increasing NAVA level. At this breakpoint, Pes, PTPes, EAdi, and P(a)(CO)(2) were similar to baseline. Further increase of the NAVA level reduced Pes, PTPes and EAdi without changes in ventilation. In conclusion, observing the trend in Paw during a ramp increase of the NAVA level allows determination of a level where the inspiratory effort matches unloaded conditions.
The effect of cyclosporine A during the development phase of adjuvant arthritis was studied in 40 female rats. Five groups of eight animals each received oral cyclosporine, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, or 30 mg/kg daily for 30 days. Also, eight normal and eight diseased rats served as placebo controls. At the time of inoculation of the adjuvant suspension on day 0, measurement of disease parameters (paw swelling and vertebral density) was started concomitantly with beginning of therapy. On completion of the study, the animals were killed, and after measurement of total skeletal and segmental (hind legs and caudal spine plus two caudal vertebrae) calcium, the two assessed vertebrae and both femoral condyles were removed for histomorphometric evaluation (vertebrae) and for estimation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of cartilage. Blood for osteocalcin determinations also was taken at term from control and untreated arthritic rats and from animals that had received 10 mg/kg cyclosporine. Treatment with 2.5 mg/kg was ineffective, but doses between 5 and 20 mg/kg prevented the development of articular and osseous lesions. The 20 mg/kg dose showed no better effect than 10 mg/kg. This was shown by the absence of inflammation and the presence of normal condylar GAG and total mineral content in the areas screened. Untreated animals showed marked reductions in all of these parameters. The 30 mg/kg dose was effective in blocking the GAG loss, but significant reductions in bone density and trabecular volume were seen. There was a close correlation between GAG and bone density values, suggesting a common causal relationship. Circulating osteocalcin was significantly elevated in the untreated animals with adjuvant arthritis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
OBJECTIVE To validate use of stress MRI for evaluation of stifle joints of dogs with an intact or deficient cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). SAMPLE 10 cadaveric stifle joints from 10 dogs. PROCEDURES A custom-made limb-holding device and a pulley system linked to a paw plate were used to apply axial compression across the stifle joint and induce cranial tibial translation with the joint in various degrees of flexion. By use of sagittal proton density-weighted MRI, CrCL-intact and deficient stifle joints were evaluated under conditions of loading stress simulating the tibial compression test or the cranial drawer test. Medial and lateral femorotibial subluxation following CrCL transection measured under a simulated tibial compression test and a cranial drawer test were compared. RESULTS By use of tibial compression test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 9.6 ± 3.7 mm and 10 ± 4.1 mm, respectively. By use of cranial drawer test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 8.3 ± 3.3 mm and 9.5 ± 3.5 mm, respectively. No significant difference in femorotibial subluxation was found between stress MRI techniques. Femorotibial subluxation elicited by use of the cranial drawer test was greater in the lateral than in the medial compartment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Both stress techniques induced stifle joint subluxation following CrCL transection that was measurable by use of MRI, suggesting that both methods may be further evaluated for clinical use.
The enzymes cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-1 and COX-2) catalyze the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin (PG) H2, the precursor of PGs and thromboxane. These lipid mediators play important roles in inflammation and pain and in normal physiological functions. While there are abundant data indicating that the inducible isoform, COX-2, is important in inflammation and pain, the constitutively expressed isoform, COX-1, has also been suggested to play a role in inflammatory processes. To address the latter question pharmacologically, we used a highly selective COX-1 inhibitor, SC-560 (COX-1 IC50 = 0.009 μM; COX-2 IC50 = 6.3 μM). SC-560 inhibited COX-1-derived platelet thromboxane B2, gastric PGE2, and dermal PGE2 production, indicating that it was orally active, but did not inhibit COX-2-derived PGs in the lipopolysaccharide-induced rat air pouch. Therapeutic or prophylactic administration of SC-560 in the rat carrageenan footpad model did not affect acute inflammation or hyperalgesia at doses that markedly inhibited in vivo COX-1 activity. By contrast, celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, was anti-inflammatory and analgesic in this model. Paradoxically, both SC-560 and celecoxib reduced paw PGs to equivalent levels. Increased levels of PGs were found in the cerebrospinal fluid after carrageenan injection and were markedly reduced by celecoxib, but were not affected by SC-560. These results suggest that, in addition to the role of peripherally produced PGs, there is a critical, centrally mediated neurological component to inflammatory pain that is mediated at least in part by COX-2.
Painful peripheral neuropathies are precipitated by nerve injury from disease or trauma. All such injuries will be accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, a neuritis, that will mobilize the immune system. The role of the inflammation itself is difficult to determine in the presence of structural damage to the nerve. A method has been devised to produce a focal neuritis in the rat sciatic nerve that involves no more than trivial structural damage to the nerve. This experimental focal neuritis produces neuropathic pain sensations (heat- and mechano-hyperalgesia, and cold- and mechano-allodynia) in the ipsilateral hind paw. The abnormal pain sensations begin in 1–2 days and last for 4–6 days, with a subsequent return to normal. These results suggest that there is a neuroimmune interaction that occurs at the outset of nerve injury (and perhaps episodically over time in slow developing conditions like diabetic neuropathy) that produces neuropathic pain. The short duration of the phenomena suggest that they may prime the system for more slowly developing mechanisms of abnormal pain (e.g., ectopic discharge in axotomized primary afferent neurons) that underlie the chronic phase of painful neuropathy.
Numerous human and animal studies indirectly implicate neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in the encoding of the affective consequences of nociceptor stimulation. No causal evidence, however, has been put forth linking the ACC specifically to this function. Using a rodent pain assay that combines the hind-paw formalin model with the place-conditioning paradigm, we measured a learned behavior that directly reflects the affective component of pain in the rat (formalin-induced conditioned place avoidance) concomitantly with “acute” formalin-induced nociceptive behaviors (paw lifting, licking, and flinching) that reflect the intensity and localization of the nociceptive stimulus. Destruction of neurons originating from the rostral, but not caudal, ACC reduced formalin-induced conditioned place avoidance without reducing acute pain-related behaviors. These results provide evidence indicating that neurons in the ACC are necessary for the “aversiveness” of nociceptor stimulation.
O transporte de gás e derivados de petróleo é realizado pelo uso de tubulações, denominadas de oleodutos ou gasodutos, que necessitam de elevados níveis de resistência mecânica e corrosão, aliadas a uma boa tenacidade à fratura e resistência à fadiga. A adição de elementos de liga nesses aços, Ti, V e Nb entre outros, é realizada para o atendimento destes níveis de resistência após o processamento termomecânico das chapas para fabricação destes dutos, utilizando-se a norma API 5L do American Petroleum Institute, API, para a classificação destes aços. A adição de elementos de liga em associação com o processamento termomecânico visa o refino de grão da microestrutura austenítica, o qual é transferido para a estrutura ferrítica resultante. O Brasil é o detentor das maiores reservas mundiais de nióbio, que tem sido apresentado como refinador da microestrutura mais eficiente que outros elementos, como o V e Ti. Neste trabalho dois aços, denominados Normal e Alto Nb foram estudados. A norma API propõe que a soma das concentrações de Nióbio, Vanádio e Titânio devem ser menores que 0,15% no aço. As concentrações no aço contendo mais alto Nb é de 0,107%, contra 0,082% do aço de composição normal, ou seja, ambos atendem o valor especificado pela norma API. Entretanto, os aços são destinados ao uso em dutovias pela PETROBRÁS que impõe limites nos elementos microligantes para os aços aplicados em dutovias. Deste modo estudos foram desenvolvidos para verificar se os parâmetros de resistência à tração, ductilidade, tenacidade ao impacto e resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga, estariam em acordo com a norma API 5L grau X70 e com os resultados que outros pesquisadores têm encontrado para aços dessa classe. Ainda, como para a formação de uma dutovia os tubos são unidos uns aos outros por processo de soldagem (circunferencial), o estudo de fadiga foi estendido para as regiões da solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA). Como conclusão final observa-se que o aço API 5L X70 com Nb modificado, produzido conforme processo desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal - Tubarão, apresenta os parâmetros de resistência e ductilidade em tração, resistência ao impacto e resistência a propagação de trinca em fadiga (PTF) similar aos aços API 5L X70 com teores de Nb = 0,06 % peso e aqueles da literatura com teores de Nb+Ti+V < 0,15% peso. O metal base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada apresentaram curvas da/dN x ΔK similares, com os parâmetros do material C e m, da equação de Paris, respectivamente na faixa de 3,3 - 4,2 e 1.3x10-10 - 5.0x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m].
O aço inoxidável martensítico ASTM A743 CA6NM é utilizado para produzir componentes especiais para turbinas hidráulicas, devido às suas boas propriedades mecânicas combinadas com alta resistência à corrosão e cavitação e uma boa soldabilidade. As turbinas hidráulicas são produzidas por meio de múltiplos passes de solda em peças espessas obtidas por fundição. Durante a operação, estes componentes estão sujeitos à erosão por cavitação e trincas em regiões tensionadas, que são reparados também por meio de soldagem. Após o processo de soldagem, um tratamento térmico pós-soldagem é comumente utilizado para aliviar as tensões residuais. Porém, existem dificuldades significativas para a realização de tratamento térmico nas turbinas hidráulicas, tais como a complexidade da geometria de solda, a possibilidade de distorção no caso de quaisquer cargas mecânicas, dificuldade em aquecer simetricamente, e também o tratamento térmico pode causar degradação das propriedades do material. Assim, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de procedimentos de soldagem que elevem a tenacidade ao impacto e evitem o tratamento térmico pós-soldagem. Neste trabalho, a aplicação de vibrações mecânicas durante e após a soldagem para aliviar tensões residuais foram avaliadas em juntas de aço inoxidável martensítico CA6NM soldadas pelo processo Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW). A utilização de vibrações mecânicas para reduzir e redistribuir as tensões residuais das estruturas soldadas através da aplicação de carga vibratória pode gerar muitos benefícios. Testes de impacto Charpy (-20 °C), ensaios de tração e dobramento foram realizados conforme ASME IX, e perfis de microdureza nas diferentes regiões da solda foram conduzidos para a caracterização mecânica das juntas soldadas. A caracterização microestrutural foi realizada utilizando difração de raios X, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os resultados de propriedades mecânicas das amostras vibradas atenderam as exigências especificadas por norma, na qual o processo com tratamento térmico é recomendado para a soldagem deste tipo de aço, visando atingir os níveis de tenacidade do material original. Com relação à microestrutura não foram observados alterações significativas para as amostras vibradas em comparação com a condição \"como soldado\", porém para a condição com tratamento térmico pós-soldagem foi observado uma pequena quantidade de austenita retida, que são precipitadas após o tratamento térmico e permanecem finamente distribuídas após o resfriamento e auxiliam no ganho de tenacidade das juntas soldadas.
Errata, p. [946].
Some recipes for home remedies on p. 37-39.
Short stories.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Hay numerosas referencias a la obra de Cornelius de Paw, "Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains"