967 resultados para Sociological aspects
During the influenza pandemic of 2009, the A(H1N1)pdm09, A/H3N2 seasonal and influenza B viruses were observed to be co-circulating with other respiratory viruses. To observe the epidemiological pattern of the influenza virus between May 2009-August 2011, 467 nasopharyngeal aspirates were collected from children less than five years of age in the city of Salvador. In addition, data on weather conditions were obtained. Indirect immunofluorescence, real-time transcription reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and sequencing assays were performed for influenza virus detection. Of all 467 samples, 34 (7%) specimens were positive for influenza A and of these, viral characterisation identified Flu A/H3N2 in 25/34 (74%) and A(H1N1)pdm09 in 9/34 (26%). Influenza B accounted for a small proportion (0.8%) and the other respiratory viruses for 27.2% (127/467). No deaths were registered and no pattern of seasonality or expected climatic conditions could be established. These observations are important for predicting the evolution of epidemics and in implementing future anti-pandemic measures.
AIM: To review the various pharmacological approaches currently proposed for the treatment of hypertension. RESULTS: With the evolution of pharmacological treatment of hypertension, various classes of agent (diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium antagonists and alpha 1-blockers) have become available for the initiation of antihypertensive therapy. As monotherapy, each type of agent will normalize blood pressure in about half of all hypertensive patients. Replacing one drug with another that acts through a different mechanism improves the probability of controlling blood pressure. Another way to increase the number of responders is to increase the dose; however, this often results in more side effects. A preferable way of improving efficacy is to combine low doses of drugs that have different impacts on the cardiovascular system, thus opposing the compensatory responses that tend to limit the blood pressure drop. CONCLUSION: Low-dose drug combinations are generally well tolerated and the treatment of hypertension can be simplified by using fixed-dose combinations. These combinations have the potential to become a valuable alternative in the initiation of antihypertensive therapy.
Contribution consécutive au séminaire organisé par le CEDIDAC sur le thème Aspects pratiques du droit de l'entreprise, le 3 février 2009
The identification of a distinct syndrome, designated eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), with its own clinical and histopathological characteristics, was first described in the early 1990s. Meanwhile intense research has uncovered many molecular, immunological and clinical aspects of this chronic-inflammatory disorder. This article focuses exclusively on basic and clinical insights of EoE gathered during the last few years. Regarding aetiopathogenesis it has become clear that EoE is a food-triggered disease with milk and wheat as the dominant culprit food categories. However, it is still debated whether a disturbed mucosal integrity allowing allergens to cross the mucosal barrier, or changes in wheat and milk manufacturing might induce these inflammatory responses. Furthermore, basic science and clinical studies have accordingly confirmed that a chronic eosinophilic inflammation leads to a remodelling of the oesophagus with micro- and macro-morphological alterations, ending in a strictured oesophagus with impaired function. Fortunately, long-term therapeutic trials, using either topical corticosteroids or dietary allergen avoidance, have demonstrated that this sequela can be prevented or even reversed. This finding is of clinical relevance as it supports the initiation of a consistent anti-inflammatory therapy. Nevertheless, EoE is still an enigmatic disease and the long list of unanswered questions will certainly stimulate further research.
INTRODUCTION: Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive abnormality of glycosphingolipid metabolism that is due to deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND KEY POINTS: A majority of hemizygous men develop severe multisystemic disease (classic form), dominated by renal failure, progressive neurological and cardiac involvement. Nevertheless, some affected men retain sufficient enzyme activity and long remain asymptomatic (atypical form); their main manifestation is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Female heterozygous carriers are usually asymptomatic; 15% of them, however, have severe involvement of one or several organs. Laboratory, histologic and molecular diagnosis identifies 100% of hemizygous and over 80% of heterozygous subjects. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND PROJECTS: With developments in molecular genetics, it is now possible to produce the human recombinant enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Two recent studies had proven that this therapeutic approach was able to be clinically and histologically effective in men. In addition, the results of a trial of gene therapy in a Fabry gene knocked-out mouse appear promising.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to assess the association between remembered previous work place environment and return to work (RTW) after hospitalisation in a rehabilitation hospital. METHODS: A cohort of 291 orthopedic trauma patients discharged from hospital between 15 December 2004 and 31 December 2005 was included in a study addressing quality of life and work-related questions. Remembered previous work environment was measured by Karasek's 31-item Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), given to the patients during hospitalisation. Post-hospitalisation work status was assessed 3 months, 1, and 2 years after discharge, using a questionnaire sent to the ex-patients. Logistic regression models were used to test the role of four JCQ variables on RTW at each time point while controlling for relevant confounders. RESULTS: Subjects perceiving a higher physical demand were less likely to return to work 1 year after hospital discharge. Social support at work was positively associated with RTW at all time points. A high job strain appeared to be positively associated with RTW 1 year after rehabilitation, with limitations due to large confidence intervals. CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of previous work environment may influence the probability of RTW. In a rehabilitation setting, efforts should be made to assess those perceptions and, if needed, interventions to modify them should be applied.
It is generally accepted that financial markets are efficient in the long run a lthough there may be some deviations in the short run. It is also accepted that a good portfolio manager is the one who beats the market persistently along time, this type of manager could not exist if markets were perfectly efficient According to this in a pure efficient market we should find that managers know that they can not beat the market so they would undertake only pure passive management strategies. Assuming a certain degree of inefficiency in the short run, a market may show some managers who tr y to beat the market by undertaking active strategies. From Fama’s efficient markets theory we can state that these active managers may beat the market occasionally although they will not be able to enhance significantly their performance in the long run. On the other hand, in an inefficient market it would be expected to find a higher level of activity related with the higher probability of beating the market. In this paper we follow two objectives: first, we set a basis to analyse the level of efficiency in an asset invest- ment funds market by measuring performance, strategies activity and it’s persistence for a certain group of funds during the period of study. Second, we analyse individual performance persistence in order to determine the existence of skilled managers. The CAPM model is taken as theoretical background and the use of the Sharpe’s ratio as a suitable performance measure in a limited information environment leads to a group performance measurement proposal. The empiri- cal study takes quarterly data from 1999-2007 period, for the whole population of the Spanish asset investment funds market, provided by the CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). This period of study has been chosen to ensure a wide enough range of efficient market observation so it would allow us to set a proper basis to compare with the following period. As a result we develop a model that allows us to measure efficiency in a given asset mutual funds market, based on the level of strategy’s activity undertaken by managers. We also observe persistence in individual performance for a certain group of funds
The quasi-ubiquitous distribution of vitamin D receptors in the human tissues and the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide have generated much enthusiasm about the opportunity of cardiovascular disease prevention through vitamin D supplementation. However, reported associations between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease present important limitations and are prone to confounding and reverse causation. Results from ongoing randomized clinical trials testing the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation to reduce cardiovascular events will not be available before year 2015. This article reviews the epidemiology of vitamin D and provides a brief overview on the relationship between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease.
Cette thèse se présente en deux parties de nature et de propos différents. La première consiste en une présentation synthétique de l'ensemble des travaux archéologiques et études qui ont été menés par l'auteur entre 2002 et 2009 sur la Palmyrène à l'époque omeyyade (41-60 H/661-750 AD): à Palmyre même, à al-Bakhrā' (un établissement de transition entre Antiquité tardive et Islam), à Qaṣr al-Ḥayr al-Sharqī (une ville neuve) et sur plusieurs autres établissements aristocratiques ruraux. La seconde partie regroupe trois essais traitant des aspects formels et fonctionnels des établissements aristocratiques omeyyades du Bilād al-Shām, les fameux «châteaux du désert». Le premier s'attache à définir les différentes composantes des établissements et à proposer une forme de typologie. Leur rôle économique est analysé dans le second. Après une exploitation la plus exhaustive possible des données archéologiques, il est démontré que plus de la moitié d'entre eux avaient une composante dévolue à l'agriculture et que cette dernière était souvent importante. Une majorité des établissements aristocratiques omeyyades a donc eu un rôle économique et, en tant que propriétés foncières, ceux-ci ont été un moyen d'investissement et une source de revenu alternative pour les nouvelles élites islamiques. Ce rôle économique n'était toutefois pas toujours présent et ne permet pas d'expliquer l'émergence d'établissements aristocratiques un peu partout dans les zones steppiques du Bilād al-Shām. Le troisième essai fait donc le point de manière plus générale sur leurs fonctions multiples et montre que ce furent d'abord les lieux de résidence et de vie des nouvelles élites islamiques. Il met enfin l'accent sur leur fonction la plus importante, qui était politique et diplomatique et relevait d'une conception du pouvoir reposant sur la régionalisation et une forme de mobilité, ainsi que sur le poids pris par les grands groupes tribaux arabes.
The review is focused on developmental aspects of the neuronal cytoskeleton, its molecular composition and the intracellular distribution of its elements. It includes a survey of the molecular properties of several cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulins, microtubule-associated proteins, neurofilament subunits, actins and brain spectrins. Furthermore it is addressed how microtubules, neurofilaments, microfilaments and the spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton are involved in the generation of the neuronal cytoarchitecture, and how changes in the molecular composition of the cytoskeleton during the differentiation process of a neuron may correlate with cell function.
Objectifs: Déterminer les caractéristiques en IRM 3T et discuter l'étiologie des fractures dorsales du triquetrum. Evaluer les lésions associées, notamment des ligamentsextrinsèques dorsaux.Matériels et méthodes: Etude rétrospective (septembre 2007 - décembre 2010) incluant 18 patients avec radiographies conventionnelles et IRM du poignet à 3T présentant une fracturedorsale du triquetrum. Protocole IRM comprenant une séquence T1-VIBE coronale haute résolution (0,3mm) isotropique avec suppression de graisse et aprèsinjection intraveineuse de Gadolinium. Lecture consensuelle par 2 radiologues évaluant les caractéristiques suivantes : taille et déplacement du fragment osseux,localisation de l'oedème médullaire, lésion des ligaments extrinsèques dorsaux (radio-triquetral, scapho-triquetral et ulno-triquetral), autres lésions associées.Inclusion d'un groupe contrôle de 20 patients, afin d'évaluer localisation et visibilité des enthèses ligamentaires extrinsèques dorsales .Résultats: Identification de 14 lésions ligamentaires scapho-triquetrales, 12 ulno-triquetrales et 8 radio-triquetrales, corrélées à la localisation de l'oedème osseux. Absenced'oedème de la styloïde ulnaire évocatrice de conflit. Volume moyen des fragments de 210 mm3, avec déplacement le plus fréquemment distal. Dans le groupecontrôle, visibilité des ligaments scapho-triquetral, radio-triquetral et ulno-triquetral dans respectivement 100% (20/20), 90% (18/20) et 70% (14/20) des cas.Conclusion: L'IRM 3T permet d'évaluer précisément les fractures dorsales du triquetrum et leurs lésions associées , y compris la distribution des oedèmes osseux. Cesfractures auraient donc une étiologie mixte.