836 resultados para Snyder, Timothy
Cette étude investigue la validité et la fidélité de la version française de l'Inventaire de Satisfaction Conjugale (MSI-R). Cet instrument multidimensionnel a montré ses apports dans les recherches internationales mais également dans la pratique clinique pour mesurer la nature et l'ampleur des conflits au sein d'un mariage ou d'une relation de couple. Les indices de consistance interne et de stabilité temporelle, calculés sur un échantillon constitué de 160 couples francophones, sont satisfaisants et similaires à ceux obtenus sur de précédentes traductions. Nous avons aussi répliqué la structure factorielle proposée récemment par Herrington et al. (2008), permettant de confirmer les deux facteurs, dysharmonie et désaffection, qui pourraient être utilisés dans de futures recherches à partir d'une version brève du MSI-R. Globalement, les résultats soutiennent la validité de construit de cette mesure pour des couples francophones. Nous avons mis en évidence des liens entre les échelles du questionnaire et d'autres mesures du fonctionnement du couple (DCI, CPQ, PFB), ainsi que des liens avec des variables socio-démographiques et des traits de personnalité mesurés à l'aide du NEO-FFI. Les résultats sont discutés à la lumière de leurs implications théoriques et pratiques.
While it is widely acknowledged that the ubiquitin-proteasome system plays an important role in transcription, little is known concerning the mechanistic basis, in particular the spatial organization of proteasome-dependent proteolysis at the transcription site. Here, we show that proteasomal activity and tetraubiquitinated proteins concentrate to nucleoplasmic microenvironments in the euchromatin. Such proteolytic domains are immobile and distinctly positioned in relation to transcriptional processes. Analysis of gene arrays and early genes in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos reveals that proteasomes and proteasomal activity are distantly located relative to transcriptionally active genes. In contrast, transcriptional inhibition generally induces local overlap of proteolytic microdomains with components of the transcription machinery and degradation of RNA polymerase II. The results establish that spatial organization of proteasomal activity differs with respect to distinct phases of the transcription cycle in at least some genes, and thus might contribute to the plasticity of gene expression in response to environmental stimuli.
An international symposium for nanosafety was held recently at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Topics relating to understanding nanomaterial properties, tools, and infrastructure required for predicting hazardous outcomes, measuring nanomaterial exposure levels, systems approach for risk assessment and public's perception of nanotechnology were covered. The need for a multidisciplinary approach, across both natural and social sciences, for developing sustainable nanotechnology solutions was heavily emphasized. This commentary highlights the major issues discussed and the commitment of the nanosafety research community in Singapore to contribute collectively to realise the vision of sustainable nanotechnology.
Diplomityössä tehdään perusselvitys olemassaolevista tiedonsiirtotekniikoista, joita voidaan käyttää teollisuusympäristössä. Tiedonsiirtojärjestelmiä tarvitaan teollisuuden prosessien ja laitteiden ohjauksessa monessa eri tasossa. Ylemmän tason tiedonsiirtoväyliin kuuluu esimerkiksi taloushallinnan talousväylä, jota pitkin tapahtuu operatiivista tiedonsiirtoa. Operatiivinen tiedonsiirto koostuu tuotantotiedonsiirrosta ja koneiden toimintaan liittyvien tietojen siirrosta. Tavoitteena on tuotannon tehostaminen sekä logistiikan ja koneiden käytettävyyden parantaminen. Alemman tason väyliin kuuluu käyttöväylä, joka voi koostua useammasta osaväylästä: tehdasväylästä, prosessiväylästä ja kenttäväylästä. Ohjaustiedonsiirto ja laitteiden välinen tiedonsiirto tapahtuu käyttöväylää pitkin. Tiedonsiirtoa tapahtuu myös laitteiden sisäisesti. Työn alkuosassa esitellään laitteita, joiden välillä voidaan tarvita tiedonsiirtoyhteyttä ja vaatimuksia, joita teollisuusympäristö asettaa tiedonsiirtoyhteyksille. Työssä esitellään teollisuusympäristöön soveltuvien tiedonsiirtotekniikoiden ominaisuuksia ja sovelluksia. Eri tiedonsiirtoyhteyksien toteuttamiseen sopivien tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien valintaa käsitellään esimerkkien valossa. Työssä esitellään myös esimerkkilaitteisto, jonka avulla tutkitaan pienjännitteisen sähköverkon soveltuvuutta tiedonsiirtoon. Työssä esitetään yhteenveto siitä, millä tiedonsiirtotekniikoilla eri laitteiden välinen tiedonsiirto on toteutettavissa ja pohditaan uusien tiedonsiirtotekniikoiden tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia ja niiden käyttöön liittyviä vaatimuksia.
Background: We use an approach based on Factor Analysis to analyze datasets generated for transcriptional profiling. The method groups samples into biologically relevant categories, and enables the identification of genes and pathways most significantly associated to each phenotypic group, while allowing for the participation of a given gene in more than one cluster. Genes assigned to each cluster are used for the detection of pathways predominantly activated in that cluster by finding statistically significant associated GO terms. We tested the approach with a published dataset of microarray experiments in yeast. Upon validation with the yeast dataset, we applied the technique to a prostate cancer dataset. Results: Two major pathways are shown to be activated in organ-confined, non-metastatic prostate cancer: those regulated by the androgen receptor and by receptor tyrosine kinases. A number of gene markers (HER3, IQGAP2 and POR1) highlighted by the software and related to the later pathway have been validated experimentally a posteriori on independent samples. Conclusion: Using a new microarray analysis tool followed by a posteriori experimental validation of the results, we have confirmed several putative markers of malignancy associated with peptide growth factor signalling in prostate cancer and revealed others, most notably ERRB3 (HER3). Our study suggest that, in primary prostate cancer, HER3, together or not with HER4, rather than in receptor complexes involving HER2, could play an important role in the biology of these tumors. These results provide new evidence for the role of receptor tyrosine kinases in the establishment and progression of prostate cancer.
IMPORTANCE: The 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 duplication is the copy number variant most frequently associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and comorbidities such as decreased body mass index (BMI). OBJECTIVES: To characterize the effects of the 16p11.2 duplication on cognitive, behavioral, medical, and anthropometric traits and to understand the specificity of these effects by systematically comparing results in duplication carriers and reciprocal deletion carriers, who are also at risk for ASD. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This international cohort study of 1006 study participants compared 270 duplication carriers with their 102 intrafamilial control individuals, 390 reciprocal deletion carriers, and 244 deletion controls from European and North American cohorts. Data were collected from August 1, 2010, to May 31, 2015 and analyzed from January 1 to August 14, 2015. Linear mixed models were used to estimate the effect of the duplication and deletion on clinical traits by comparison with noncarrier relatives. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Findings on the Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ), Nonverbal IQ, and Verbal IQ; the presence of ASD or other DSM-IV diagnoses; BMI; head circumference; and medical data. RESULTS: Among the 1006 study participants, the duplication was associated with a mean FSIQ score that was lower by 26.3 points between proband carriers and noncarrier relatives and a lower mean FSIQ score (16.2-11.4 points) in nonproband carriers. The mean overall effect of the deletion was similar (-22.1 points; P < .001). However, broad variation in FSIQ was found, with a 19.4- and 2.0-fold increase in the proportion of FSIQ scores that were very low (≤40) and higher than the mean (>100) compared with the deletion group (P < .001). Parental FSIQ predicted part of this variation (approximately 36.0% in hereditary probands). Although the frequency of ASD was similar in deletion and duplication proband carriers (16.0% and 20.0%, respectively), the FSIQ was significantly lower (by 26.3 points) in the duplication probands with ASD. There also were lower head circumference and BMI measurements among duplication carriers, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The mean effect of the duplication on cognition is similar to that of the reciprocal deletion, but the variance in the duplication is significantly higher, with severe and mild subgroups not observed with the deletion. These results suggest that additional genetic and familial factors contribute to this variability. Additional studies will be necessary to characterize the predictors of cognitive deficits.
The immune system has the potential to protect from malignant diseases for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, spontaneous immune responses are often inefficient. Significant effort is required to develop reliable, broadly applicable immunotherapies for cancer patients. A major innovation was transplantation with hematopoietic stem cells from genetically distinct donors for patients with hematologic malignancies. In this setting, donor T cells induce long-term remission by keeping cancer cells in check through powerful allogeneic graft-versus-leukemia effects. More recently, a long awaited breakthrough for patients with solid tissue cancers was achieved, by means of therapeutic blockade of T cell inhibitory receptors. In untreated cancer patients, T cells are dysfunctional and remain in a state of T cell "exhaustion". Nonetheless, they often retain a high potential for successful defense against cancer, indicating that many T cells are not entirely and irreversibly exhausted but can be mobilized to become highly functional. Novel antibody therapies that block inhibitory receptors can lead to strong activation of anti-tumor T cells, mediating clinically significant anti-cancer immunity for many years. Here we review these new treatments and the current knowledge on tumor antigen-specific T cells.
The post-graduate teaching of chemistry in Brazil over the last years is discussed, including comparisons with some other sciences and also experiences in the United States and the United Kingdom. We have also compared the more recent situation with the previous decade, which leads us to a favourable conclusion as to the results obtained in the teaching of post-graduate students in chemistry. Some conclusions and recommendations are made with respect to the near future.
A critical evaluation is presented on the use of faecal sterols for the identification of sewage contamination in Guanabara Bay. Sediments were collected from 8 stations in the bay selected as representative of different contamination levels. GC/MS determination of faecal sterols gave: coprostanol, 335 - 40000 ng g-1; coprostanone, 112-4136 ng g-1; cholesterol, 1407-7800 ng g-1; cholestanol, 2011 - 10900 ng g-1 and cholestanone, 655-7954 ng g-1. The observed concentration is in accordance with the presence of known pollution sources, however, concentration ratios of different sterols species produced unclear results evidently influenced by primary production and microbial processes.
The olefin metathesis reaction allows the exchange of complex alkyl units between two olefins, with the formation of a new olefinic link and a sub-product olefin usually ethylene. This reaction has found extensive application in the last ten years with the development of the Grubbs and Schrock catalysts, in total synthesis of complex organic molecules, as opposed to the very important use in the petrochemical industry with relatively simple molecules. This review intends to trace a historical and mechanistic pathway from industry to academy, before illustrating the more recent advances.
Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are useful and relatively accessible sources of molecular data to explore and understand the evolutionary history and relationships of eukaryotic organisms across diverse taxonomic levels. The availability of complete mitogenomes from Platyhelminthes is limited; of the 40 or so published most are from parasitic flatworms (Neodermata). Here, we present the mitogenomes of two free-living flatworms (Tricladida): the complete genome of the freshwater species Crenobia alpina (Planariidae) and a nearly complete genome of the land planarian Obama sp. (Geoplanidae). Moreover, we have reanotated the published mitogenome of the species Dugesia japonica (Dugesiidae). This contribution almost doubles the total number of mtDNAs published for Tricladida, a species-rich group including model organisms and economically important invasive species. We took the opportunity to conduct comparative mitogenomic analyses between available free-living and selected parasitic flatworms in order to gain insights into the putative effect of life cycle on nucleotide composition through mutation and natural selection. Unexpectedly, we did not find any molecular hallmark of a selective relaxation in mitogenomes of parasitic flatworms; on the contrary, three out of the four studied free-living triclad mitogenomes exhibit higher A+T content and selective relaxation levels. Additionally, we provide new and valuable molecular data to develop markers for future phylogenetic studies on planariids and geoplanids.
The NAS/CNPq programme in Chemistry ran from 1969 to 1974, and brought recent PhD and post-doctoral chemists to the Chemistry Institutes at the University of São Paulo and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The purpose was to create and direct new research topics in selected areas of chemistry, and participate in the post-graduate programmes. As a participant in this programme, I present my personal views, some background information, and an evaluation of this programme for the advance of synthetic organic chemistry in Brazil.
The bakkenolide group of sesquiterpenes has been a focal point of synthetic efforts amongst several research laboratories all linked to our common origins at the Chemistry Institute at the State University in São Paulo. In this review we would like to present a historical perspective of this research, with unpublished background information, and a definitive retrosynthetic analysis of these molecules. This chemistry spans the time period from 1972 to 2006, and traces the initial steps with Prof. Dr. Helena Ferraz to the present day.
The Diels-Alder reaction continues to be the premier method for the construction of complex organic molecules. In the last 10 years many developments have been introduced, and have led to increased utility of this reaction. In this review we present some of these novelties, which are of fundamental importance in organic synthesis.