834 resultados para Smart City, monitoraggio ambientale, Particolato, Smart sensor, Sistemi embedded


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The key attributes of a smarter power grid include: pervasive interconnection of smart devices; extensive data generation and collection; and rapid reaction to events across a widely dispersed physical infrastructure. Modern telecommunications technologies are being deployed across power systems to support these monitoring and control capabilities. To enable interoperability, several new communications protocols and standards have been developed over the past 10 to 20 years. These continue to be refined, even as new systems are rolled out.

This new hyper-connected communications infrastructure provides an environment rich in sub-systems and physical devices that are attractive to cyber-attackers. Indeed, as smarter grid operations become dependent on interconnectivity, the communications network itself becomes a target. Consequently, we examine cyber-attacks that specifically target communications, particularly state-of-the-art standards and protocols. We further explore approaches and technologies that aim to protect critical communications networks against intrusions, and to monitor for, and detect, intrusions that infiltrate Smart Grid systems.


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Experiences from smart grid cyber-security incidents in the past decade have raised questions on the applicability and effectiveness of security measures and protection mechanisms applied to the grid. In this chapter we focus on the security measures applied under real circumstances in today’s smart grid systems. Beginning from real world example implementations, we first review cyber-security facts that affected the electrical grid, from US blackout incidents, to the Dragonfly cyber-espionage campaign currently focusing on US and European energy firms. Provided a real world setting, we give information related to energy management of a smart grid looking also in the optimization techniques that power control engineers perform into the grid components. We examine the application of various security tools in smart grid systems, such as intrusion detection systems, smart meter authentication and key management using Physical Unclonable Functions, security analytics and resilient control algorithms. Furthermore we present evaluation use cases of security tools applied on smart grid infrastructure test-beds that could be proved important prior to their application in the real grid, describing a smart grid intrusion detection system application and security analytics results. Anticipated experimental results from the use-cases and conclusions about the successful transitions of security measures to real world smart grid operations will be presented at the end of this chapter.


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Under the European Union Renewable Energy Directive each Member State is mandated to ensure that 10% of transport energy (excluding aviation and marine transport) comes from renewable sources by 2020. The Irish Government intends to achieve this target with a number of policies including ensuring that 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet are powered by electricity by 2020. This paper investigates the impact of the 10% electric vehicle target in Ireland in 2020 using a dynamic programming based long term generation expansion planning model. The model developed optimizes power dispatch using hourly electricity demand curves up to 2020, while incorporating generator characteristics and certain operational requirements such as energy not served and loss of load probability while satisfying constraints on environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance costs. Two distinct scenarios are analysed based on a peak and off-peak charging regimes in order to simulate the effects of the electric vehicles charging in 2020. The importance and influence of the charging regimes on the amount of energy used and tailgate emissions displaced is then determined.


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Semiconductor-sensitised photocatalysis is a well-established and growing area of research, innovation and commercialisation; the latter being mostly limited to the use of TiO2 as the semiconductor. Most of the work on semiconductor photocatalytic systems uses oxygen as the electron acceptor and explores a wide range of electron donors; such systems can be considered to be examples of oxidative photocatalysis, OP. OP underpins most current examples of commercial self-cleaning materials, such as: glass, tiles, concrete, paint and fabrics. OP, and its myriad of applications, have been reviewed extensively over the years both in this journal and elsewhere. However, the ability of TiO2, and other semiconductor sensitisers, to promote reductive photocatalysis, RP, especially of dyes, is significant and, although less well-known, is of growing importance. In such systems, the source of the electrons is some easily oxidised species, such as glycerol. One recent, significant example of a RP process is with respect to photocatalyst activity indicator inks. paiis, which provide a measure of the activity of a photocatalytic film under test via the rate of change of colour of the dye in the ink coating due to irreversible RP. In contrast, by incorporating the semiconductor sensitiser in the ink, rather than outside it, it is possible to create an effective UV dosimeter, based on RP, which can be used as a sun-burn warning indicator. In the above examples the dye is reduced irreversibly, but when the photocatalyst in an ink is used to reversibly photoreduce a dye, a novel, colourimetric oxygen-sensitive indicator ink can be created, which has commercial potential in the food packaging industry. Finally, if no dye is present in the ink, and the semiconductor photocatalyst-loaded ink film coats an easily reduced substrate, such as a metal oxide film, then it can be used to reduce the latter and so, for example, clean up tarnished steel. The above are examples of smart inks, i.e. inks that are active and provide either dynamic information (such as UV dose or O2 level) or a useful function (such as tarnish removal), and all work via a RP process and are reviewed here


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The use of an acid violet 7 (AV7) smart ink to assess the activity of photocatalytic paint is demonstrated. A linear correlation is established between the change in oxidized dye concentration, as measured by diffuse reflectance, and the change in the green component of the RGB color values, obtained using a portable hand-held scanner, suggesting that such tests can be monitored easily using an inexpensive piece of hand-held office equipment, as opposed to an expensive lab-based instrument, such as a diffuse reflectance UV/vis spectrophotometer. The bleaching of the AV7 follows first order kinetics, at a rate that is linearly dependent upon the UVA irradiance (0.30–3.26 mW cm–2). A comparison of relative rate of bleaching of the AV7 ink with the relative rate of removal of NOx, as determined using the ISO test (ISO 22197-1:2007), established a linear relationship between the two sets of results and the relevance of this correlation is discussed briefly.


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The azo dye, basic blue 66 (BB66) is used in a photocatalyst activity indicator ink (paii) to assess the activity of low activity photocatalytic surfaces, such as commercial photocatalytic tiles and silicone contaminated self-cleaning glass. The BB66 paii is shown to respond much faster than a previously reported, resazurin (Rz) based paii, i.e. the use of a BB66 paii on low activity self-cleaning tiles was found to be >6 times faster than the Rz paii. The BB66 paii is also shown to be effective at assessing the activity of piece of commercial self-cleaning glass contaminated with a coating of silicone, on which the Rz ink, in contrast, failed to show any significant change in colour over the same time period.


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Novel, reversible (reusable) photocatalyst activity indicator labels, which undergo a rapid colour change when in contact with a photocatalytic film via the photoreduction of methylene blue contained within the label’s adhesive, are explored as a method for assessing the activity of self-cleaning glass in situ and the laboratory, using digital photography.


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As modern power grids move towards becoming a smart grid, there is an increasing reliance on the data that is transmitted and processed by ICT systems. This reliance introduces new digital attack vectors. Many of the proposed approaches that aim to address this problem largely focus on applying well-known ICT security solutions. However, what is needed are approaches that meet the complex concerns of the smart grid as a cyber-physical system. Furthermore, to support the automatic control loops that exist in a power grid, similarly automatic security and resilience mechanisms are needed that rely on minimal operator intervention. The research proposed in this paper aims to develop a framework that ensures resilient smart grid operation in light of successful cyber-attacks.


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With the development and deployment of IEC 61850 based smart substations, cybersecurity vulnerabilities of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are increasingly emerging. In response to the emergence of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in smart substations, a test-bed is indispensable to enable cybersecurity experimentation. In this paper, a comprehensive and realistic cyber-physical test-bed has been built to investigate potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the impact of cyber-attacks on IEC 61850 based smart substations. This test-bed is close to a real production type environment, and has the ability to carry out end-to-end testing of cyber-attacks and physical consequences. A fuzz testing approach is proposed for detecting IEC 61850 based intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) and validated in the proposed test-bed.


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A engenharia de tecidos é um domínio tecnológico emergente em rápido desenvolvimento que se destina a produzir substitutos viáveis para a restauração, manutenção ou melhoria da função dos tecidos ou órgãos humanos. Uma das estratégias mais predominantes em engenharia de tecidos envolve crescimento celular sobre matrizes de suporte (scaffolds), biocompatíveis e biodegradáveis. Estas matrizes devem possuir não só elevadas propriedades mecânicas e vasculares, mas também uma elevada porosidade. Devido à incompatibilidade destes dois parâmetros, é necessário desenvolver estratégias de simulação de forma a obter estruturas optimizadas. A previsão real das propriedades mecânicas, vasculares e topológicas das matrizes de suporte, produzidas por técnicas de biofabricação, é muito importante para as diversas aplicações em engenharia de tecidos. A presente dissertação apresenta o estado da arte da engenharia de tecidos, bem como as técnicas de biofabricação envolvidas na produção de matrizes de suporte. Para o design optimizado de matrizes de suporte foi adoptada uma metodologia de design baseada tanto em métodos de elementos finitos para o cálculo do comportamento mecânico, vascular e as optimizações topológicas, como em métodos analíticos para a validação das simulações estruturais utilizando dados experimentais. Considerando que as matrizes de suporte são estruturas elementares do tipo LEGO, dois tipos de famílias foram consideradas, superfícies não periódicas e as superfícies triplas periódicas que descrevem superfícies naturais. Os objectivos principais desta dissertação são: i) avaliar as técnicas existentes de engenharia de tecidos; ii) avaliar as técnicas existentes de biofabricação para a produção de matrizes de suporte; iii) avaliar o desempenho e comportamento das matrizes de suporte; iv) implementar uma metodologia de design de matrizes de suporte em variáveis tais como a porosidade, geometria e comportamento mecânico e vascular por forma a auxiliar o processo de design; e por fim, v) validar experimentalmente a metodologia adoptada.


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O cancro é uma das mais conhecidas e temidas doenças existentes e, como tal, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de métodos de tratamento das afeções tumorais. Os grandes avanços da quimioterapia têm dado ótimos resultados no tratamento do cancro. Contudo, a administração de fármacos antineoplásicos não garante uma elevada eficácia pois os tecidos tumorais apresentam propriedades estruturais que dificultam o transporte de agentes terapêuticos, como a disposição heterogénea dos vasos sanguíneos, a ausência de sistema linfático funcional, as inúmeras barreiras de transporte que o fármaco enfrenta até chegar às células alvo ou a disparidade da expressão de antigénios e recetores nas próprias células. Para além disso, os agentes quimioterapêuticos exibem elevada toxicidade não específica, afetando tanto as células tumorais como as células saudáveis, o que resulta frequentemente em severos efeitos secundários. Se a dose for reduzida para diminuir estes efeitos, a eficácia do tratamento diminuirá também; por outro lado, o aumento da dose, apesar de permitir um melhor controlo do crescimento do tumor, leva também a uma maior toxicidade nos tecidos saudáveis. Para contornar este efeito têm-se desenvolvido diferentes tipos de sistemas de libertação de fármacos com o objetivo de maximizar o direcionamento para os tumores e minimizar a toxicidade sistémica. Entre estas alternativas figuram os chamados smart polymers, que são macromoléculas que sofrem rápidas e reversíveis mudanças na sua estrutura em resposta a estímulos, os quais correspondem geralmente a pequenas alterações no meio, como pH, temperatura, incidência de radiação ou presença de determinadas substâncias químicas. Assim, associando um fármaco a um destes polímeros, em geral recorrendo a técnicas de encapsulação, é possível fazer com que a libertação do fármaco ocorra apenas nas células tumorais, seja por estas apresentarem as características necessárias para alterar a estrutura dos polímeros (acidez ou temperatura diferente das células saudáveis, por exemplo) ou por se conferir externamente à zona do tumor essas mesmas características (por exemplo, incidindo radiação na zona afetada). Os smart polymers têm outras vantagens. Os fármacos conjugados com estes polímeros têm tendência para se acumularem nos tecidos tumorais devido aos altos efeitos de permeabilidade e retenção nestas células e também demonstram menor toxicidade sistémica comparativamente com o fármaco livre. Além disso, os sistemas de libertação poliméricos podem permitir o aumento do tempo de semivida plasmático e da solubilidade dos fármacos de baixo peso molecular, assim como a sua libertação controlada. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar mais profundamente de que forma é que a utilização dos smart polymers pode aumentar a eficácia e diminuir a toxicidade sistémica das terapias anticancerígenas no tratamento de afeções tumorais.


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Revenue Management’s most cited definitions is probably “to sell the right accommodation to the right customer, at the right time and the right price, with optimal satisfaction for customers and hoteliers”. Smart Revenue Management (SRM) is a project, which aims the development of smart automatic techniques for an efficient optimization of occupancy and rates of hotel accommodations, commonly referred to, as revenue management. One of the objectives of this project is to demonstrate that the collection of Big Data, followed by an appropriate assembly of functionalities, will make possible to generate a Data Warehouse necessary to produce high quality business intelligence and analytics. This will be achieved through the collection of data extracted from a variety of sources, including from the web. This paper proposes a three stage framework to develop the Big Data Warehouse for the SRM. Namely, the compilation of all available information, in the present case, it was focus only the extraction of information from the web by a web crawler – raw data. The storing of that raw data in a primary NoSQL database, and from that data the conception of a set of functionalities, rules, principles and semantics to select, combine and store in a secondary relational database the meaningful information for the Revenue Management (Big Data Warehouse). The last stage will be the principal focus of the paper. In this context, clues will also be giving how to compile information for Business Intelligence. All these functionalities contribute to a holistic framework that, in the future, will make it possible to anticipate customers and competitor’s behavior, fundamental elements to fulfill the Revenue Management