917 resultados para Sismicidade induzida por reservatório


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Obesity along with overweight has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to promote health has grown as a mechanism for prevention, control and treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity. Several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plants species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity with a major attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more effective for health than the traditional treatment with appetite suppressants. Whereas both food intake and the oral treatment with different compounds can cause changes in gene expression and that a proper diet has been valuable as a mechanism for maintaining the body's vital functions, the objective of this project was to evaluate the effects of standardized extract of Brassica campestris L. in the decrease in weight and food intake control. In vivo trials of this product were conducted and studies of its effects on energy metabolism in non-obese mice and with obesity induced by hypercaloric diet. After induction of obesity by 8 weeks, animals were treated for 21 days with the extract orally. After 21 days the animals were killed and the effects of this product were evaluated on the daily feed intake and on body weight. According to the results obtained, the extract of Brassica campestris was not effective in reducing body weight of obese animals, and did not reduce food intake


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Medo e ansiedade são emoções que se originam nas reações de defesa de caráter adaptativo que animais exibem perante ameaças que podem comprometer sua integridade física ou sua própria sobrevivência. Tais situações resultam em um repertório de comportamentos defensivos espécie-específicos, alterações autonômicas e inibição da dor. A dor é descrita por uma variedade de sensações e experiências emocionais associadas e constituída de dois principais componentes: o perceptivo-discriminativo, que permite ao indivíduo reconhecer o estímulo como doloroso e localizá-lo numa região do corpo, e o aversivo-cognitivo-motivacional, que compreende uma série de respostas defensivas, objetivando a autopreservação imediata. O modelo de condicionamento por lugar, para medir efeitos não discriminativos da estimulação nociceptiva, vem sendo utilizado em abordagens recentes para o estudo do componente emocional relacionado à dor. Existem paradigmas baseados na aprendizagem associativa entre o estado afetivo e de dicas ambientais que precedem a aplicação de um estímulo, o qual pode ter propriedade aversiva ou prazerosa, dependendo da resposta que se quer estudar. O presente estudo investigou a ação do fármaco triazolobenzodiazepínico, Alprazolam, sobre o fenômeno da ACL em camundongos, que foram separados em grupos experimentais. No primeiro dia, parte dos animais sofreu estimulação nociceptiva, através da injeção de formalina a 2,5% na pata traseira direita, e foi confinado nos ambientes diferenciados de uma Plataforma Elevada fechada (um lado com grade no assoalho e outro sem grade). No segundo dia, parte dos animais 7 (de acordo com o grupo de estudo) recebeu tratamento farmacológico (Alprazolam ou salina) 30 minutos antes de ser reexposto à plataforma, registrando-se o tempo gasto nos dois ambientes da plataforma elevada fechada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O estudo das analises microclimáticas foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Biodiversidade e Restauração de Ecossistemas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná, e foramselecionados cinco talhões de reflorestamento de diferentes idades ao longo do Reservatório de Capivara, Paraná. Em cada talhãoforam registrados dados de temperatura, umidade do ar e cobertura de dossel,nos meses de março e agosto, período de chuva (verão) e de seca (inverno), respectivamente.Os dados foram comparados em busca de uma relação entre cobertura de dossel e microclima nos talhões de diferentes idades e nas diferentes estações. As amostragens demonstram que há uma diferença significativa entre as estações considerando as variáveis estudadas e que as variações estruturais do reflorestamento e a arquitetura das diferentes espécies que a compõem resultam em variações na cobertura do dossel, que por sua vez implicam em variações microclimáticas importantes para o processo de regeneração


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This work analyzed the loss of sensible heat from one fluid to be considered homogeneous heat distribution on a thermal reservoir with cylindrical geometries composite insulating layers. We studied two thermal reservoirs with a volume of 20 liters, and the first has a layer thickness of 75 mm of expanding polyurethane foam wrapped in the polycarbonate container and the second container has only layer thickness of 5 mm of polycarbonate, as insulation of fluid of the external environment. The experimental results are compared with theoretical results obtained through a calculation script, displayed and detailed during the work development, from the theory of energy balance. The maximum error introduced between the theoretical and experimental results were 3.5% and 1.4% respectively for the Boilers with or without a polyurethane coating


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Hydrocarbon accumulations occur in marine carbonate reservoirs of Quissamã Formation (early to midlle Albian), southwest Campos Basin. We investigated Pampo, Bicudo and Bonito fields, in order to understand the tectono-structural framework of oncolite/bioclast coarse-grained calcarenite reservoir and the calcilutite-marl-shale sealing interval (Late Albian to Turonian). The database of eleven wells from those fields allowed to elaborate structural sections correlating the Macaé Group – both Quissamã reservoir and Outeiro seal, the latter corresponding to the tectonic deepening phase of basin evolution. Based on density and electric logs, it was prepared structural sections of the carbonate reservoirs with consequent identification of porous zones and oil-water contacts. An extensive 3-D seismic database (~300 Km2) allowed to map three reflectors which represent the limiting units of Macaé Group


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As an effect of the imbalance caused by the damming of rivers and pollution, it has been observed a growing aquatic plants infestation in reservoirs for the generation of electricity. In addition to power generation, these sites have also been used for various other purposes, including recreation, attracting water and navigation. Thus it is important to evaluate these water bodies periodically, in order to verify the leading conditions to the growth of algae, plants and other organisms. In this sense, Remote sensing technology can be a valuable tool for mapping and monitoring the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body and the optical properties of water, to provide subsidies for the effective management of these aquatic environments. This paper aims to perform the monitoring of the occurrence of aquatic plants in Salto Grande Hydropower Reservoir, located in Americana (SP) and, periodically, map the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body, through multispectral images taken by sensors on the satellites Landsat series in seven consecutive years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The adopted methodological procedure included the images data and the classification of multispectral images to map, every year, the location and extension of the area infested by aquatic plants and the occupation of land


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Obesity along with overweight, has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to call health promotion has grown as a mechanism for prevention, control and treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity. Several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity with a major attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more effective health than the traditional treatment with appetite suppressants. This work aims to develop and standardize models of biological assays in stress and obesity, also aims to evaluate the effect of oil green beans of Coffea arabica in the regulation of body weight and energy balance in mice. To this end, trials were made in vivo studies of this product and their effects on energy metabolism in non-obese mice with obesity induced by hypercaloric diet. After induction of obesity by 8 weeks, animals were treated for 21 days with the extracts orally. After 21 days the animals were killed to evaluate the effects of these products on daily feed intake and on body weight. The group treated with the oil of Coffea arabica L. showed significant weight loss and feed intake high. According to the results, we conclude that the standardized extract of Coffea arabica L. decreased body weight without restriction or decrease the amount of food ingested


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The obesity has been considered one of the most serious public health problem in the worldwide scale, especially for being one of the main risk factors for many chronic diseases that characterize the metabolic syndrome. In addition to these diseases, obesity also causes dermatoses that affect not only the individual emotions but also cause various cutaneous infections. Thus, overweighting can be an agent that causes many types of stress: psychological, physical and social. In order to improve people’s life quality, several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity due to the attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more health effective when compared to the treatment performed by traditional anorectic substances. If considered both food intake and also oral treatment with different compounds can promote change in the gene expression, besides an appropriate diet has been maintenance mechanism of body's vital functions. The aim of this work was to develop new standard methods for induced obesity and stress, which stress is induced through physical and psychogenic stressors in Swiss male mice. Also to evaluate the effect of supercritical extract of Physalis angulata L. on the food intake and corporeal weight loss


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The freshwater phytoplankton, responsible for a significant part of primary production in rivers and lakes, is of great importance for matter and energy available to other trophic levels of structuring aquatic food chains. In recent decades, the construction of dams, especially for the generation of electricity, produced changes not only in physical and chemical characteristics of rivers, but also in biocoenosis of these ecosystems. Thus, research is needed to expand the basic knowledge about these environments and subsidize actions appropriate conservation and management. Considering that lotic environments are relatively little studied, and the river-reservoir interaction, the work aims to analyze the limnological conditions and assemblies phytoplankton along the gradient established by the Itaipu reservoir and downstream stretch of the Paraná River. During two periods of the year, winter and summer, we analyzed nine sampling stations: one in lentic environment (the dam), six on the Parana River (each 5 km), at the mouth of a river Monday and another at the mouth of the Iguazu river. The phytoplankton community was composed of 315 taxa, with the class Bacillariophyceae most specious. At every point the richness was higher in summer and with a longitudinal trend in the increasing points after falling after the dam and the contribution of the tributaries. The number of taxa common to the three rivers was low in both study periods. The higher taxa can be explained by the variety of environments sampled, different residence times of water and nutrient concentrations, whereas the rivers Iguazu and Monday suffer high human influence. The greater abundance of organisms in the dam, in both periods, it should be the class Cryptophyceae contributing over 75% of total phytoplankton in point. In cluster analysis (composition and abundance)...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Pampo oil field is located in the southwest of the trend Badejo-Linguado-Pampo in an accumulation of single - mixed trap: structural-stratigraphic-diagenetic. Its main reservoir is a coquina shell of bivalves (the lowest) in the Lagoa Feia Group. During the rift phase, the Badejo-Linguado-Pampo trend´s accumulations evolve according to three tectono-stratigraphic cycles. The first two cycles are formed by siliciclastic rocks with fining up sequences and carbonates coquinas bivalves. The youngest cycle related to Alagoas age is a transgressive event represented by the presence of an evaporitic layer in the top (anhydrite). This study aims to characterize the reservoir Coqueiros Formation based on the analysis of 2D and 3D seismic data and well data-correlation profiles. The structural map of the top of coquinas reservoir indicates a curvilinear contour of Pampo Fault as described on the literature. This fault was interpreted on seismic data as a basement´s high, and it doesn´t show influence on the horizons above the top of Lagoa Feia Group. The Pampo fault is responsible for the division of the field into two blocks: the hanginwall in the West and the footwall to the East. This division is well marked on the reservoir´s isopach map where a greater thickness of reservoir is observed on the lower block. In the Southeast extreme of Badejo-Linguado-Pampo trend, on Pampo Field, the thick siliciclastic´s interval ends laterally to the basement, and its lower´s cycle forms a wedge, as consequence the carbonate-coquina overlaps directly the basement. Another implication of the higher and distal position of Pampo field is that the third cycle is absent, truncated by the unconformity pre-Macaé Group (Albian)


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The Exercise Induced Pulmonar Haemorrhage (EIPH) affect a large amount of atlethe horses. It affects the horse's performance in any kind of competition and it can represent incresead spending of money or even an economic loss. Thoroughbred horses are the most affectef breed by EIPH because of intensive activity. Meanwhile any other kind of horse breed that is involved in athletic competition can also be affected by EIPH as well. In this brief work we are presenting the most common causes and factors from the EIPH as well the prevention and some types of treatment available nowadays


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Os curimatídeos são espécies comuns em ambientes lênticos represados, artificialmente construídos. Estudar o ciclo reprodutivo de uma espécie é fundamental para a compreensão da biologia reprodutiva da população em seu ambiente. Por isso, o presente estudo analisou os aspectos da biologia reprodutiva dos sagüirus Cyphocharax modestus, C. cf. nagelii e Steindachnerina insculpta (Curimatidae), no reservatório da pequena central hidrelétrica Mogi Guaçu, município de Mogi Guaçu, estado de São Paulo. Os exemplares foram coletados bimensalmente entre agosto de 2005 e julho de 2006 com o auxílio de redes de emalhar (malhas 1,0 a 5,0 cm entre nós adjacentes), totalizando seis amostras. No total, foram analisados 777 exemplares, sendo 525 de C. modestus, 82 de C.cf. nagelii e 170 de S. insculpta. A dinâmica reprodutiva foi analisada considerando-se os períodos seco e chuvoso. A fecundidade foi estimada de acordo com o método volumétrico a partir da análise de 168 pares de ovários maduros, sendo 121 de C. modestus, 18 de C. cf nagelii e 29 de S. insculpta. Também foram estimadas as relações gonadossomáticas médias e as correlações do número total de ovócitos em relação ao peso e ao comprimento para cada uma das três espécies. Os resultados encontrados apontaram para desova total (sincrônica em dois grupos) para as três espécies. O número médio de ovócitos foi de 15.309 a 28.825 para C. modestus, 29.031 para C. cf. nagelii e 27.206 para S. insculpta.


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The Linguado Field is located in the extreme southwest portion of Campos Basin. It’s associated with Structural Badejo High and can be divided in two groups of faults: one manly formed by antithetic faults, with NW-SE direction, continuous to Badejo Fault, and another identified by N-S faults. Besides these faults had affected the basement and the stratification of basin, these systems also had contributed to coquina permoporosity development, that show 80% of recoverable oil volume of the field. The carbonate marine sequence, Albian age, it was deposited under the salt. This forms structures as like as pillows and raft as a result of the halocinese. Structurally the Linguado Field coquina has monoclinal direction with east dip, it’s cut by faults with slip up to 50 meters. In addition to structural control, stratigraphy and diagenesis also were important to carbonate trap oil. The identification of recoverable oil levels in the low phase of the coquina from Lagoa Feia Group was done by well data. The seismic 2D and 3D, with the well data, was used to structural interpretation to regional scale either to reservoir scale.


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The obesity along with overweight has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to promote health has grown as a prevention mechanism. Previous studies suggested Bidens pilosa L. for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity, with one important attraction of this regiment is perceived as safer and more effective health than the traditional anorexigen .The aim of this project is to standardize a new model of obesity induced by hipercaloric diet in Swiss mice, and also to evaluate the effect of Bidens pilosa L. extract in the reduction of food intake, weight and toxicity. After induction of obesity, the animals were treated for 21 days with the extract. Then the animals were killed and samples were collected for further analysis. Preliminary, the effect of this product has being evaluated on the daily food intake and body weight. In dose of 100mg/Kg, there were no significant changes in food intake and body weight. Thus, this concentration of Bidens pilosa was not effective in reducing body weight of obese animals, and did not reduce food intake


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A tectono-stratigraphic study of bivalve coquina-reservoir of Linguado Field allowed to identify two trends of permoporosity development. The delineation of these depositional-diagenetic traps were made through structural and stratigrafic cross-sections and maps. It resulted in the identification of shelf-ramp systems (tilted to SSE), it tickens from 60 to 70 meters and ends against an antithetic fault. The main coquina is bounded by fine siliciclastic units, white clay (low Gamma Ray values) or shale (high Gamma Ray values) lithologies, influencing diagenesis of basal or top coquina limestones (cimented, non-porous). Also in the middle of coquina-reservoir the “clayer” material is also associated with cemented carbonates, with also compartimentalize the reservoir into two subzones. The coquina porosity of the subzones is taken from density-neutron logs, while induction log estimates permeabilities and fluid saturations. It’s noticed the porosity development into pairs, good one followed by a regular/poor one and vice versa. These pairs form verticals succession, pair cycles where porosity improves or decreases upwards. These two scales of pore heterogeneity impose strong layering to the reservoir, and influences fluid saturations, oil-water contacts and porosity cut-offs. In a cross-section with density and induction logs, it can be observed the porosity variation along the shelf-ramp coquina (between 3LI_0004_RJS e 3RJS_0157C_RJ), the porosity is better developed in a downdip direction in the case of the two shelf wells, and also be the three ramp wells. The southern west downdip, 3RJS_0157C_RJ well, has best porosity pairs-cycles; however, its lowest structural conditions favour water saturation. Therefore it is fundamental for reservoir fluid evaluation a cross-plot analysis of RHOB-NPHI and Induction logs