958 resultados para Single overhead rate


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Point mutants of three unrelated antifluorescein antibodies were constructed to obtain nine different single-chain Fv fragments, whose on-rates, off-rates, and equilibrium binding affinities were determined in solution. Additionally, activation energies for unbinding were estimated from the temperature dependence of the off-rate in solution. Loading rate-dependent unbinding forces were determined for single molecules by atomic force microscopy, which extrapolated at zero force to a value close to the off-rate measured in solution, without any indication for multiple transition states. The measured unbinding forces of all nine mutants correlated well with the off-rate in solution, but not with the temperature dependence of the reaction, indicating that the same transition state must be crossed in spontaneous and forced unbinding and that the unbinding path under load cannot be too different from the one at zero force. The distance of the transition state from the ground state along the unbinding pathway is directly proportional to the barrier height, regardless of the details of the binding site, which most likely reflects the elasticity of the protein in the unbinding process. Atomic force microscopy thus can be a valuable tool for the characterization of solution properties of protein-ligand systems at the single molecule level, predicting relative off-rates, potentially of great value for combinatorial chemistry and biology.


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Ribozymes of hepatitis delta virus have been proposed to use an active-site cytosine as an acid-base catalyst in the self-cleavage reaction. In this study, we have examined the role of cytosine in more detail with the antigenomic ribozyme. Evidence that proton transfer in the rate-determining step involved cytosine 76 (C76) was obtained from examining cleavage activity of the wild-type and imidazole buffer-rescued C76-deleted (C76Δ) ribozymes in D2O and H2O. In both reactions, a similar kinetic isotope effect and shift in the apparent pKa indicate that the buffer is functionally substituting for the side chain in proton transfer. Proton inventory of the wild-type reaction supported a mechanism of a single proton transfer at the transition state. This proton transfer step was further characterized by exogenous base rescue of a C76Δ mutant with cytosine and imidazole analogues. For the imidazole analogues that rescued activity, the apparent pKa of the rescue reaction, measured under kcat/KM conditions, correlated with the pKa of the base. From these data a Brønsted coefficient (β) of 0.51 was determined for the base-rescued reaction of C76Δ. This value is consistent with that expected for proton transfer in the transition state. Together, these data provide strong support for a mechanism where an RNA side chain participates directly in general acid or general base catalysis of the wild-type ribozyme to facilitate RNA cleavage.


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Carbohydrate–protein bonds interrupt the rapid flow of leukocytes in the circulation by initiation of rolling and tethering at vessel walls. The cell surface carbohydrate ligands are glycosylated proteins like the mucin P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), which bind ubiquitously to the family of E-, P-, and L-selectin proteins in membranes of leukocytes and endothelium. The current view is that carbohydrate–selectin bonds dissociate a few times per second, and the unbinding rate increases weakly with force. However, such studies have provided little insight into how numerous hydrogen bonds, a Ca2+ metal ion bond, and other interactions contribute to the mechanical strength of these attachments. Decorating a force probe with very dilute ligands and controlling touch to achieve rare single-bond events, we have varied the unbinding rates of carbohydrate–selectin bonds by detachment with ramps of force/time from 10 to 100,000 pN/sec. Testing PSGL-1, its outer 19 aa (19FT), and sialyl LewisX (sLeX) against L-selectin in vitro on glass microspheres and in situ on neutrophils, we found that the unbinding rates followed the same dependence on force and increased by nearly 1,000-fold as rupture forces rose from a few to ≈200 pN. Plotted on a logarithmic scale of loading rate, the rupture forces reveal two prominent energy barriers along the unbinding pathway. Strengths above 75 pN arise from rapid detachment (<0.01 sec) impeded by an inner barrier that requires a Ca2+ bond between a single sLeX and the lectin domain. Strengths below 75 pN occur under slow detachment (>0.01 sec) impeded by the outer barrier, which appears to involve an array of weak (putatively hydrogen) bonds.


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Recent experiments have measured the rate of replication of DNA catalyzed by a single enzyme moving along a stretched template strand. The dependence on tension was interpreted as evidence that T7 and related DNA polymerases convert two (n = 2) or more single-stranded template bases to double helix geometry in the polymerization site during each catalytic cycle. However, we find structural data on the T7 enzyme–template complex indicate n = 1. We also present a model for the “tuning” of replication rate by mechanical tension. This model considers only local interactions in the neighborhood of the enzyme, unlike previous models that use stretching curves for the entire polymer chain. Our results, with n = 1, reconcile force-dependent replication rate studies with structural data on DNA polymerase complexes.


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To study the cleavage mechanism of bacterial Nase P RNA, we have synthesized precursor tRNA substrates carrying a single Rp- or Sp-phosphorothioate modification at the RNase P cleavage site. Both the Sp- and the Rp-diastereomer reduced the rate of processing by Escherichia coli RNase P RNA at least 1000-fold under conditions where the chemical step is rate-limiting. The Rp-modification had no effect and the Sp-modification had a moderate effect on precursor tRNA ground state binding to RNase P RNA. Processing of the Rp-diastereomeric substrate was largely restored in the presence of the "thiophilic" Cd2+ as the only divalent metal ion, demonstrating direct metal ion coordination to the (pro)-Rp substituent at the cleavage site and arguing against a specific role for Mg(2+)-ions at the pro-Sp oxygen. For the Rp-diastereomeric substrate, Hill plot analysis revealed a cooperative dependence upon [Cd2+] of nH = 1.8, consistent with a two-metal ion mechanism. In the presence of the Sp-modification, neither Mn2+ nor Cd2+ was able to restore detectable cleavage at the canonical site. Instead, the ribozyme promotes cleavage at the neighboring unmodified phosphodiester with low efficiency. Dramatic inhibition of the chemical step by both the Rp- and Sp-phosphorothioate modification is unprecedented among known ribozymes and points to unique features of transition state geometry in the RNase P RNA-catalyzed reaction.


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Retroviruses undergo a high frequency of genetic alterations during the process of copying their RNA genomes. However, little is known about the replication fidelity of other elements that transpose via reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. The complete sequence of 29 independently integrated copies of the yeast retrotransposon Ty1 (173,043 nt) was determined, and the mutation rate during a single cycle of replication was calculated. The observed base substitution rate of 2.5 x 10(-5) bp per replication cycle suggests that this intracellular element can mutate as rapidly as retroviruses. The pattern and distribution of errors in the Ty1 genome is nonrandom and provides clues to potential in vivo molecular mechanisms of reverse transcriptase-mediated error generation, including heterogeneous RNase H cleavage of Ty1 RNA, addition of terminal nontemplated bases, and transient dislocation and realignment of primer-templates. Overall, analysis of errors generated during Ty1 replication underscores the utility of a genetically tractable model system for the study of reverse transcriptase fidelity.


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In the present paper, the endogenous theory of time preference is extended to analyze those processes of capital accumulation and changes in environmental quality that are dynamically optimum with respect to the intertemporal preference ordering of the representative individual of the society in question. The analysis is carried out within the conceptual framework of the dynamic analysis of environmental quality, as has been developed by a number of economists for specific cases of the fisheries and forestry commons. The duality principles on intertemporal preference ordering and capital accumulation are extended to the situation where processes of capital accumulation are subject to the Penrose effect, which exhibit the marginal decrease in the effect of investment in private and social overhead capital upon the rate at which capital is accumulated. The dynamically optimum time-path of economic activities is characterized by the proportionality of two systems of imputed, or efficient, prices, one associated with the given intertemporal ordering and another associated with processes of accumulation of private and social overhead capital. It is particularly shown that the dynamically optimality of the processes of capital accumulation involving both private and social overhead capital is characterized by the conditions that are identical with those involving private capital, with the role of social overhead capital only indirectly exhibited.


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A scanning tunneling microscope can probe the inelastic spin excitations of a single magnetic atom in a surface via spin-flip assisted tunneling in which transport electrons exchange spin and energy with the atomic spin. If the inelastic transport time, defined as the average time elapsed between two inelastic spin flip events, is shorter than the atom spin-relaxation time, the scanning tunnel microscope (STM) current can drive the spin out of equilibrium. Here we model this process using rate equations and a model Hamiltonian that describes successfully spin-flip-assisted tunneling experiments, including a single Mn atom, a Mn dimer, and Fe Phthalocyanine molecules. When the STM current is not spin polarized, the nonequilibrium spin dynamics of the magnetic atom results in nonmonotonic dI/dV curves. In the case of spin-polarized STM current, the spin orientation of the magnetic atom can be controlled parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic moment of the tip. Thus, spin-polarized STM tips can be used both to probe and to control the magnetic moment of a single atom.


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We study single-electron transport through a graphene quantum dot with magnetic adsorbates. We focus on the relation between the spin order of the adsorbates and the linear conductance of the device. The electronic structure of the graphene dot with magnetic adsorbates is modeled through numerical diagonalization of a tight-binding model with an exchange potential. We consider several mechanisms by which the adsorbate magnetic state can influence transport in a single-electron transistor: tuning the addition energy, changing the tunneling rate, and in the case of spin-polarized electrodes, through magnetoresistive effects. Whereas the first mechanism is always present, the others require that the electrode has to have either an energy- or spin-dependent density of states. We find that graphene dots are optimal systems to detect the spin state of a few magnetic centers.


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The present communication studies the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal electrodes and the electrochemical properties of the first layers of polyaniline(PANI) grown on those platinum surfaces. The adsorption process was studied in aqueous acidic solution (0.1 M HClO4) and the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in both aqueous (1 M HClO4) and non-aqueous media (tetrabutyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) with additions of methanesulphonic acid in acetonitrile). First of all, it was found that the adsorption of aniline on platinum single crystal surfaces is a surface sensitive process, and even more important that the adsorption features found at low concentrations (5 × 10−5 M) can be directly correlated to the electrochemical properties of thin films of PANI in the very early stages of polymerization. The Pt(1 1 0) surface was found to be more suitable to obtain polymers with more reversible redox transitions when studied in aqueous media (1 M HClO4). This is in good agreement with the higher polymerization rates found on this surface compared to Pt(1 0 0) and Pt(1 1 1). Finally the differences in ionic exchange rate were greatly enhanced when they were studied in organic media. The AC 250 Hz response in the case of the thin films synthesized on Pt(1 1 0) is about twice greater than that obtained in the other basal planes using polymer layers with the same thickness.


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In the present work, the electrochemical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers (BPs) were examined in terms of carbon nanotubes nature and preparation conditions. The performance of the different free-standing single wall carbon nanotube sheets was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry of several redox probes in aqueous electrolyte. Significant differences are observed in the electron transfer kinetics of the buckypaper-modified electrodes for both the outer- and inner-sphere redox systems. These differences can be ascribed to the nature of the carbon nanotubes (nanotube diameter, chirality and aspect ratio), surface oxidation degree and type of functionalities. In the case of dopamine, ferrocene/ferrocenium, and quinone/hydroquinone redox systems the voltammetric response should be thought as a complex contribution of different tips and sidewall domains which act as mediators for the electron transfer between the adsorbate species and the molecules in solution. In the other redox systems only nanotube ends are active sites for the electron transfer. It is also interesting to point out that a higher electroactive surface area not always lead to an improvement in the electron transfer rate of various redox systems. In addition, the current densities produced by the redox reactions studied here are high enough to ensure a proper electrochemical signal, which enables the use of BPs in sensing devices.


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The planktonic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Southern Ocean, where remains of its frustules form the largest deposit of biogenic silica anywhere in the world. We assessed the genetic identity of 26 strains, from cells collected at various sites in the Southern Ocean, using three molecular markers, LSU and ITS rDNA and rbcL. The LSU sequences were identical among the tested strains, ITS sequences were highly similar, and only one base pair difference was detected among the rbcL sequences. These results, together with a large number of successful mating experiments demonstrated that the strains belong to a single biological species. We investigated the mating system and life cycle traits of F. kerguelensis. Cell size diminished gradually in clonal strains. Gamete formation only occurred when strains of opposite mating type - within a cell size range of 7-36 µm - were mixed together. Two binucleate gametes were formed in each gametangium and gamete conjugation produced a zygote that had four nuclei and was surrounded by thin siliceous scales. Two out of the four nuclei subsequently degenerated and the zygote expanded to form an auxospore surrounded by a transverse and a longitudinal perizonium. Staining with the fluorochrome PDMPO provided for the first time a clear demonstration that the longitudinal perizonium is formed after auxospore expansion is complete. Initial cells produced within the mature auxospores were 78-101 µm in length. Various authors have shown that the average valve size of F. kerguelensis varies in sediment samples collected in regions and seasons with different primary production regimes and this parameter has thus been proposed as a biological proxy for palaeo-productivity. A better understanding of the life cycle of F. kerguelensis should help the design of future investigations aimed at testing the link between cell size distribution in the natural environment and the role that environmental factors might have in the regulation of population cell size.


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Preliminary considerations.--Single, web, box and beam girders.--Braced girders.--End carriages, wheels, axles and bearings.--Appendix: Approximate formulas for beams and crane girders, by C. R. Whittier.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Objective To determine the pharmacokinetics of doxorubicin in sulphur-crested cockatoos, so that its use in clinical studies in birds can be considered. Design A pharmacokinetic study of doxorubicin, following a single intravenous (IV) infusion over 20 min, was performed in four healthy sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita). Procedure Birds were anaesthetised and both jugular veins were cannulated, one for doxorubicin infusion and the other for blood collection. Doxorubicin hydrochloride (2 mg/kg) in normal saline was infused IV over 20 min at a constant rate. Serial blood samples were collected for 96 h after initiation of the infusion. Plasma doxorubicin concentrations were assayed using an HPLC method involving ethyl acetate extraction, reverse-phase chromatography and fluorescence detection. The limit of quantification was 20 ng/mL. Established non-parametric methods were used for the analysis of plasma doxorubicin data. Results During the infusion the mean +/- SD for the C-max of doxorubicin was 4037 +/- 2577 ng/mL. Plasma concentrations declined biexponentially immediately after the infusion was ceased. There was considerable intersubject variability in all pharmacokinetic variables. The terminal (beta-phase) half-life was 41.4 +/- 18.5 min, the systemic clearance (Cl) was 45.7 +/- 18.0 mL/min/kg, the mean residence time (MRT) was 4.8 +/- 1.4 min, and the volume of distribution at steady state (V-SS) was 238 131 mL/kg. The extrapolated area under the curve (AUC(0-infinity)) was 950 +/- 677 ng/mL.h. The reduced metabolite, doxorubicinol, was detected in the plasma of all four parrots but could be quantified in only one bird with the profile suggesting formation rate-limited pharmacokinetics of doxorubicinol. Conclusions and clinical relevance Doxorubicin infusion in sulphur-crested cockatoos produced mild, transient inappetence. The volume of distribution per kilogram and terminal half-life were considerably smaller, but the clearance per kilogram was similar to or larger than reported in the dog, rat and humans. Traces of doxorubicinol, a metabolite of doxorubicin, were detected in the plasma.