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Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (CNDI) is a rare disease characterized by the inability of the kidney to respond to arginine vasopressin (AVP). The absence of the neurohypophyseal 'bright signal' on T1 sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as an argument in favour of the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus (CDI). This observation is challenged as we hereby present a case of a child diagnosed with CNDI and who did not present MRI pituitary bright signal. A 6-month-old male presented with failure to thrive, polyuria and polydypsia. Family history revealed that the mother, 35 years of age, had been presenting polydypsia and polyuria, and she was investigated at the age of 6 years with no concluding diagnosis. The patient's physical exam showed a weight of 5215 g (−3 DS) and clinical signs of dehydration. The patient's plasma sodium level was 155 mmol/L, osmolality 305 mOsm/kg and urine osmolality 150 mOsm/kg. Brain MRI showed in T1 sequences the absence of the posterior pituitary bright signal suggesting the diagnosis of CDI (Figure 1). The child was treated with synthetic AVP analogue 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) without improvement, which led to the consideration of CNDI. The diagnosis was confirmed by an elevated serum level of AVP of 214 pmol/L (reference value ≤4.34 pmol/L) and by genetic analysis demonstrating and T106C mutation in the V2R (X-linked CNDI). The child was treated with thiazide diuretic and increased fluids with restricted sodium intake. This resulted in catch-up growth and improved neurological development. A follow-up MRI was performed 6 months after the start of therapy with the same technique. At that time, the child's weight had improved to 9310 g (−1.5 DS) corresponding to a gain of 22 g per day, and he did not present any clinical signs of dehydration and had a normal plasma level of sodium (140 mmol/L). MRI showed that the bright signal was still absent.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the circumstances of first anal intercourse (FAI) among men who have sex with men (MSM) and to identify factors associated with condom use at this event. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among a convenience sample of MSM living in Switzerland (N = 2,200). Anonymous questionnaires were distributed using Swiss gay communication channels (newspapers, associations, websites) and gay bathhouses. We gathered data on age at FAI, age of the partner, degree of familiarity with him, place of first meeting, and sociodemographic indicators. We did not ask whether FAI was insertive, receptive, or both. Data were stratified by birth year classes (birth cohorts). The median age at FAI fell from 24.5 years among men born before 1965 to 20.0 years among those born between 1975 and 1984 (p < .001). In each birth cohort, between 20 and 30% reported a partner 10 years older or more. Of eight variables examined in multivariate analysis, two were positively associated with condom use: age of participants at FAI and low degree of familiarity between partners. Conversely, large age discrepancy between partners was negatively associated with condom use. In conclusion, our data showed that early initiation of anal intercourse and large age discrepancy were associated with risk taking: a pattern of initiation that may facilitate HIV transmission from older to younger cohorts of MSM. Since age at FAI is on the decrease, there is an urgent need to heighten awareness of prevention actions regarding sexual debut of MSM.


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Anna Senyé Ramisa (Manlleu, 1881-Barcelona, 1956) fou una dona de caràcter aventurer que va tenir una vida poc convencional. Va escriure en diferents revistes i diaris catalans des de 1914 i durant la primera meitat del segle xx, com a poeta, periodista i activista social, amb la publicació d’articles i manifestos en defensa dels drets dels animals. Senyé també participà en els Jocs Florals i va guanyar-hi premis en els celebrats a l’Escala i a Molins de Rei. L’any 1922 va publicar el seu treball poètic en un volum, Remolinada.


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Please cite this paper as: Maurer et al. (2012) Who knew? Awareness of being recommended for influenza vaccination among US adults. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 6(4), 284-290. Background  Starting with the 2010-2011 influenza season, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual influenza vaccination to all people aged 6 months and older unless contraindicated. Objectives  To measure perceived influenza vaccination recommendation status among US adults (n = 2122) and its association with socio-demographic characteristics and recommendation status during the 2009-2010 pandemic influenza season. Methods  We analyze nationally representative data from longitudinal Internet surveys of US adults conducted in November-December 2009 and September-October 2010. Results  During the 2010-2011 vaccination season, 46·2 percent (95%-CI: 43·3-49·1%) of US adults correctly reported to be covered by a government recommendation for influenza vaccination. Awareness of being covered by a government influenza vaccination recommendation was statistically significantly higher among non-working adults and adults who had been recommended for seasonal vaccination or both seasonal and H1N1 vaccination during the 2009-2010 pandemic influenza vaccination season. Conclusion  Our results highlight that a majority of US adults do not know that they are recommended for annual influenza vaccination by the government. The fraction of adults who are unaware of their recommendation status is especially large among newly recommended healthy young adults. The universal vaccination recommendations will only be successful if they reach both patients and physicians and lead to changing vaccination practices. The universal nature of the new recommendation simplifies vaccination-related outreach and compliance with government vaccination guidelines considerably, as it does not require any identification of specific recommendation groups based on complex personal or health risk factors.


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Here we report the case of a 70-year-old woman who committed suicide by cyanide poisoning. During resuscitation cares, she underwent an antidote treatment by hydroxocobalamin. Postmortem investigations showed marked bright pink discolouration of organs and fluids, and a lethal cyanide blood concentration of 43 mg/L was detected by toxicological investigation. Discolouration of hypostasis and organs has widely been studied in forensic literature. In our case, we interpreted the unusual pink coloration as the result of the presence of hydroxocobalamin. This substance is a known antidote against cyanide poisoning, indicated because of its efficiency and poor adverse effects. However, its main drawback is to interfere with measurements of many routine biochemical parameters. We have tested the potential influence of this molecule in some routine postmortem investigations. The results are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Intravenously administered antimicrobial agents have been the standard choice for the empirical management of fever in patients with cancer and granulocytopenia. If orally administered empirical therapy is as effective as intravenous therapy, it would offer advantages such as improved quality of life and lower cost. METHODS: In a prospective, open-label, multicenter trial, we randomly assigned febrile patients with cancer who had granulocytopenia that was expected to resolve within 10 days to receive empirical therapy with either oral ciprofloxacin (750 mg twice daily) plus amoxicillin-clavulanate (625 mg three times daily) or standard daily doses of intravenous ceftriaxone plus amikacin. All patients were hospitalized until their fever resolved. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether there was equivalence between the regimens, defined as an absolute difference in the rates of success of 10 percent or less. RESULTS: Equivalence was demonstrated at the second interim analysis, and the trial was terminated after the enrollment of 353 patients. In the analysis of the 312 patients who were treated according to the protocol and who could be evaluated, treatment was successful in 86 percent of the patients in the oral-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 80 to 91 percent) and 84 percent of those in the intravenous-therapy group (95 percent confidence interval, 78 to 90 percent; P=0.02). The results were similar in the intention-to-treat analysis (80 percent and 77 percent, respectively; P=0.03), as were the duration of fever, the time to a change in the regimen, the reasons for such a change, the duration of therapy, and survival. The types of adverse events differed slightly between the groups but were similar in frequency. CONCLUSIONS: In low-risk patients with cancer who have fever and granulocytopenia, oral therapy with ciprofloxacin plus amoxicillin-clavulanate is as effective as intravenous therapy.


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Rapport de synthèseCette recherche s'intéresse à investiguer d'une part si les résidents en Suisse entre 15 et 24 ans suivent les recommandations nutritionnelles actuelles et d'autre part, s'il y a des différences entre ceux en surpoids et ceux en poids normal. Les données sont tirées de l'Enquête Suisse sur la Santé ESS 2007. Pour notre étude, seules les 1813 personnes âgées entre 15 et 24 ans ont été sélectionnées.Dans une première analyse bivariée, l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires a été comparée entre hommes et femmes. Les quantités proposées par le questionnaire ESS sont: 1 à 2 portions de fruits, 3 portions de légumes et 3 portions de produits laitiers par jour, ainsi qu'un maximum de 5 portions de viande et au moins une portion de poisson par semaine. Ces quantités sont en accord avec les recommandations de la Société Suisse de Nutrition.L'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires est plutôt basse quelque soit le genre, en particulier pour les légumes et les produits laitiers. Les femmes ont tendance à manger les quantités recommandées de fruits, légumes et viande, tandis que les hommes ont tendance à manger la quantité recommandée de produits laitiers. Pour le poisson aucune différence n'a été observée entre personnes du sexe opposé.Ensuite, les personnes en surpoids ont été comparées dans une analyse bivariée aux personnes en poids normal, en fonction du sexe. Plusieurs facteurs ont été considérés: participation à une activité physique avec essoufflement pendant au mois 20 minutes et au moins 4 jours par semaine, attitude envers leur poids corporel (satisfaction avec le poids, désir de perdre du poids et régime suivi pour perdre du poids), consommation d'alcool, de cigarettes et présence d'un état dépressif majeur. Finalement, des facteurs potentiellement confondants (âge, nationalité et lieu de domicile) ont été inclus dans une analyse multivariée.Concernant l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires, la seule différence significative est une consommation de légumes plus basse chez les femmes en surpoids. Seulement 4.2% des femmes en surpoids mangent 3 portions de légumes ou plus par jour comparé à 18.1% des femmes avec un poids normal. La consommation de produits laitiers est très basse dans tous les groupes, seulement environ 10% des répondants mangent les 3 portions recommandées de produits laitiers.Pour le niveau d'activité physique, aucune différence significative n'a été observée. L'analyse bivariée montre que les femmes en surpoids mangent moins de légumes, sont moins satisfaites de leur corps et ont plus souvent suivi un régime pour perdre du poids. Cependant elles ne souhaitent pas plus souvent perdre du poids en comparaison des femmes en poids normal. Les hommes en surpoids sont moins satisfaits de leur corps, désirent plus souvent perdre du poids, mais n'ont pas plus souvent suivi un régime que les hommes ayant un poids normal.Ces résultats montrent qu'il est difficile de suivre les recommandations alimentaires pour les 15-24 ans. Une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire afin de déterminer comment ces recommandations pourraient être mieux adaptées à la vie quotidienne des jeunes. La faible consommation de produits laitiers est préoccupante, vu que la période entre l'adolescence et l'âge adulte est un moment crucial pour le développement de la densité osseuse. De nouvelles stratégies doivent être trouvées pour améliorer la consommation de produits laitiers chez les jeunes. Comme le comportement alimentaire et l'attitude envers le poids corporel diffèrent beaucoup selon le sexe, les programmes de prévention de surpoids devraient cibler les jeunes spécifiquement par sexe.


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Introduction¦Surgery for chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a controversial topic. One randomized controlled¦trial (RCT) showed superiority of surgery to physiotherapy only, whereas two more RCTs¦failed to show that surgery was better than multidisciplinary rehabilitation including cognitive¦intervention. The latter is therefore regarded as the golden standard of conservative¦treatment and in our unit it is whenever possible offered to patients prior to lumbar surgery¦for CLBP.¦The objective of this study was to compare results of lumbar surgery between one group of¦patients who failed to improve despite such rehabilitation and a second group of patients who¦underwent surgery following usual conservative therapies. Our hypothesis is that patients¦who failed such a comprehensive treatment would respond poorly to surgery.¦Patients and Methods¦43 patients (age 41.2±8.1 years, number of men 20) were operated between 2003 and 2009¦by a single surgeon for CLBP due to degenerative disc disease (36) or isthmic¦spondylolisthesis (7). Patients with sciatica or neurological abnormalities were excluded.¦Seventeen (40%) patients were operated having failed to improve following the¦aforementioned rehabilitation programme (Surgery following rehabilitation group) whereas¦the remaining 26 (60%) were operated having failed to improve with physiotherapy of varying¦intensity (Surgery following physiotherapy group). Oswestry disability index (ODI) pre¦operatively and at 2 years following surgery was prospectively evaluated. Fisher's exact test¦was used to compare groups.¦Results¦At two years following surgery, with an average follow up of 22 month, a 15 points ODI¦improvement was achieved for 9 (53%) patients of the surgery following rehabilitation group¦and in 15 (58%) patients of the surgery following physiotherapy group (p=1.0). A 50% ODI¦improvement was observed for 6 (35%) and 12 (46%) patients respectively (p=0.54).¦Discussion¦The main finding of this study was that surgery following failed multidisciplinary rehabilitation¦yields similar results to those of patients who only received usual physiotherapy treatment for¦CLBP prior to surgery. But surprisingly we found that it is possible with surgery to improve¦the quality of life of those CLBP sufferers who failed to respond to a comprehensive¦rehabilitation program and with a similar success rate to those reported in other series.¦But rehabilitation should still be offered as a treatment option in all CLBP patients prior to¦surgery, given that it is devoid of complications and that it will spare the need of surgery to a¦significant proportion of CLBP patients while not compromising surgical results in the¦remaining subjects who failed to improve.


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Brief alcohol interventions (BAI) have shown the potential to decrease problematic alcohol use among adolescents and young adults. Most of the BAI studies have been efficacy trials designed to achieve high internal validity but have raised questions regarding the feasibility of large-scale implementation. Providing interventions for those voluntarily wanting them might offer an alternative, and studies using this design would be more similar to effectiveness studies. The present research compares randomly selected 20-year-old men who took part in a scientific trial (efficacy) with those who voluntarily sought an intervention (effectiveness). Sampling took place during army recruitment procedures that are mandatory for all males in Switzerland. At-risk drinking (20+ drinks per week, or more than one risky drinking occasion of 6+ drinks per month) was determined a posteriori; there was no screening. There were a higher percentage of at-risk drinkers in the volunteer arm at baseline, but at-risk drinkers did not differ from those in the trial arm on any of the assessed alcohol measures. This suggests that offering BAI on a large-scale, voluntary basis may reach at-risk drinkers as effectively as do more scientifically oriented trials, without needing to adhere to screening and stringent research procedures. Nevertheless, BAI was more effective for at-risk drinkers who were invited for trial participation versus those who volunteered. This could be due to behavior that is already consolidated and is difficult to change. Lacking further modifications, real-world implementations of BAI for young men may be less effective than randomized controlled trials designed to test the efficacy of BAI.


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Background:In January 2011 Spain modified clean air legislation in force since 2006, removing all existing exceptions applicable to hospitality venues. Although this legal reform was backed by all political parties with parliamentary representation, the government's initiative was contested by the tobacco industry and its allies in the hospitality industry. One of the most voiced arguments against the reform was its potentially disruptive effect on the revenue of hospitality venues. This paper evaluates the impact of this reform on household expenditure at restaurants and bars and cafeterias. Methods and empirical strategy:We use micro-data from the Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares (EPF) for years 2006 to 2012 to estimate "two part" models where the probability of observing a positive expenditure and, for those who spend, the expected level of expenditure are functions of an array of explanatory variables. We apply a before-after analysis with a wide range of controls for confounding factors and a flexible modeling of time effects.Results:In line with the majority of studies that analyze the effects of smoking bans using objective data, our results suggest that the reform did not cause reductions in households' expenditures on restaurant services or on bars and cafeteria services.


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OBJECTIVES: Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad TromboEmbólica (RIETE) database was used to investigate whether neurosurgical patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) were more likely to die of bleeding or VTE and the influence of anticoagulation on these outcomes. METHODS: Clinical characteristics, treatment details, and 3-month outcomes were assessed in those who developed VTE after neurosurgery. RESULTS: Of 40 663 patients enrolled, 392 (0.96%) had VTE in less than 60 days after neurosurgery. Most patients in the cohort (89%) received initial therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin, (33% received subtherapeutic doses). In the first week, 10 (2.6%) patients died (8 with pulmonary embolism [PE], no bleeding deaths; P = .005). After the first week, 20 (5.1%) patients died (2 with fatal bleeding, none from PE). Overall, this cohort was more likely to develop a fatal PE than a fatal bleed (8 vs 2 deaths, P = .058). CONCLUSIONS: Neurosurgical patients developing VTE were more likely to die from PE than from bleeding in the first week, despite anticoagulation.