965 resultados para Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Serosorting is practiced by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. This study evaluates the prevalence of serosorting with casual partners, and analyses the characteristics and estimated numbers of serosorters in Switzerland 2007-2009. METHODS: Data were extracted from cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009 among self-selected MSM recruited online, through gay newspapers, and through gay organizations. Nested models were fitted to ascertain the appropriateness of pooling the datasets. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on pooled data to determine the association between serosorting and demographic, lifestyle-related, and health-related factors. Extrapolations were performed by applying proportions of various types of serosorters to Swiss population data collected in 2007. RESULTS: A significant and stable number of MSM (approximately 39% in 2007 and 2009) intentionally engage in serosorting with casual partners in Switzerland. Variables significantly associated with serosorting were: gay organization membership (aOR = 1.67), frequent internet use for sexual encounters (aOR = 1.71), having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) at any time in the past 12 months (aOR = 1.70), HIV-positive status (aOR = 0.52), regularly frequenting sex-on-premises venues (aOR = 0.42), and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with partners of different or unknown HIV status in the past 12 months (aOR = 0.22). Approximately one-fifth of serosorters declared HIV negativity without being tested in the past 12 months; 15.8% reported not knowing their own HIV status. CONCLUSION: The particular risk profile of serosorters having UAI with casual partners (multiple partners, STI history, and inadequate testing frequency) requires specific preventive interventions tailored to HIV status.


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As 'fresher's week' commences, the Public Health Agency is encouraging students across Northern Ireland to avoid binge drinking and to know their limits if they do choose to drink alcohol.Enjoying new freedoms, at college or university, means taking care of yourself and others and, if you choose to drink, staying within safe alcohol limits. Owen O'Neill, PHA Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager for drugs and alcohol, said: "Some young people may drink more when they leave home, or join their friends in college or university for the first time. They might think that, as young people, they don't have to take care with alcohol, but staying within the safe drinking limits is important for everyone who drinks. Excessive and binge drinking can have lasting effects on health, such as damage to the liver, heart, brain and stomach. Drinking too much can also increase the risk of accidents and antisocial behaviour as well as sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy"."We would also strongly advise against drinking games. Although they are regarded as a 'bit of fun', in reality they can be very dangerous. As an extreme form of binge drinking, where large quantities of alcohol are consumed in a very short time, drinking games can result in alcohol poisoning, leading to brain damage, coma or death. The PHA encourages students to enjoy their new student life, but urges them to be aware of their alcohol intake and drink responsibly, especially throughout fresher's week, with the many cheap drink promotions currently available."Daily alcohol limits are recommended by the government in order to avoid the risks of excessive and binge drinking in any one session. These are:Men: No more than 3 to 4 units of alcohol a day and no more than 21 units over the course of the week.Women: No more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day and no more than 14 units over the course of the week.Examples of units:Can of extra strong lager - 4 unitsBottle of lager - 1.5 unitsPint of standard lager - 2.5 unitsPint of premium larger - 3 unitsSmall pub bottle of wine - 2.25 units70cl bottle of wine - 7 to 10 unitsStandard 275ml of alcopops - 1.5 to 1.8 units70cl bottle of alcopops - 3.75 to 4.5 unitsPub measure of spirits - 1.5 unitsPint of cider - 3 unitsPint of stout - 2.5 unitsIf you do choose to drink alcohol:DON'T:Ever drink and driveDrink on an empty stomachMix alcohol with other drugsDrink in rounds as this may speed up your drinkingLeave your drinks unattendedDO:Take sips rather than gulpsAlternate each alcoholic drink with a non alcoholic drink e.g. water or a soft drinkSet yourself a limit and try to stick to it (refer to daily alcohol limits) Take frequent breaks from drinking to give your body time to recoverTell friends and family where you are going and who you will be withRemember, that for each unit you drink over the daily limit, the risk to your health increases. It's important to spread the units throughout the week - you can't 'save up' your units for the weekend or your holiday. It is also important to drink plenty of water, ideally matching the amount of alcohol you have consumed.So students make smart choices this term - drink sensibly and know your limits!For further information on sensible drinking and alcohol units visit the Public Health Agency's website www.knowyourlimits.info


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Now 2012 has arrived, the Public Health Agency is encouraging people to make a New Year's resolution to know their limits when it comes to alcohol, not to drink excessively and to cut back for a while, especially if the festive period led to a little too much consumption.Owen O'Neill, PHA Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager and drugs and alcohol lead, explained: "The New Year is a great opportunity for us to be positive about our health, making resolutions that make us look and feel better. If people choose to drink, staying within the safe drinking limits is important. Excessive and binge drinking can have lasting effects on health, such as damage to the liver, heart, brain and stomach. Drinking too much can also increase the risk of accidents and antisocial behaviour as well as sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy. And it doesn't have to be drinking to extremes - regularly drinking over the recommended limits can have a damaging effect."Remember that for each unit you drink over the daily limit, the risk to your health increases. It's important to spread the units throughout the week and not 'save' them for the weekend and to drink plenty of water, ideally matching the amount of alcohol you have consumed."For those who have consumed a lot of alcohol over the festive season, cutting back in the New Year and being careful can have immediate, positive effects particularly on helping you to look and feel better, being less tired during the day, feeling fitter and perhaps losing weight. Longer term, the benefits include improved mood, sleep, memory and general health, particularly improving liver function, immunity to illness and preventing any damage caused by any excessive drinking getting any worse."Daily alcohol limits are recommended by the government to avoid the dangers of excessive and binge drinking in any one session. These are:MenNo more than 3 to 4 units of alcohol a day and no more than 21 units over the course of the week.WomenNo more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day and no more than 14 units over the course of the week.Examples of units:Can of extra strong lager - 4 unitsBottle of lager - 1.5 unitsSmall pub bottle of wine - 2.25 unitsPub measure of spirits - 1.5 unitsPint of stout - 2.5 unitsPint of cider - 3 unitsFor further information on sensible drinking and alcohol units visit the Public Health Agency's website www.knowyourlimits.info


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This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for women and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for men and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster provides advice on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through intimate contact including kissing or oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster provides information on the possible symptoms of gonorrhoea and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This poster provides advice on the use of condoms as a method of protection from unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This leaflet explains the concept of safer sex and why everyone who is sexually active should protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections or the risk of getting pregnant.It also provides information on contraception, including emergency contraception, and a list of useful contacts including GUM clinics.


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This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides updated attendance and contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.


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This leaflet explains what syphilis is and how it can be contracted through several forms of intimate contact including kissing, unprotected sex or genital contact. It explains what the possible symptoms may be like, as half of the people infected with this infection show no symptoms at all. It explains how syphilis is diagnosed and treated and how to protect yourself against catching it. Details of the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinics in Northern Ireland are included in the leaflet together with an explanation of the services provided by them.


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This is a map of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM)/Sexual Health services across the five health trust areas. It gives contact details for the GUM/sexual health clinics and opening times.


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This report aims to provide an overview of HIV epidemiology in Northern Ireland by collating and analysing information from a number of sources. Although it reflects epidemiological trends over time, its main focus will be on data collected in 2013.