493 resultados para Semidry stigma
Purpose: The primary goal of this exploratory study is to demonstrate that distress screening across the course of cancer treatment is possible and provides valuable information about patient needs over time. Distress screening is aligned with guidelines from national accrediting organizations and may lead to improved health-related quality of life, satisfaction with medical care, and possibly survival.Methods: Medical, surgical, and radiation oncology patients completed a screening instrument before their appointments during a six-month period. Patients indicated their level of distress on four domains (practical, emotional, health and social concerns). De-identified data was collected, aggregated and descriptive statistics were analyzed.Results: Approximately 3000 screens were collected and 1500 cancer patients were screened. Of patients who indicated distress, 54% demonstrated a distress level of five or greater. Distress level eight was the most frequent level of distress indicated. The Cancer Dietitian was the most commonly requested healthcare team provider. The Health Concern domain was most frequently endorsed.Conclusion: NCCN, IOM and COC guidelines recommend distress screening in all cancer treatment centers, however implementation has proven difficult. This study adds to the literature about distress in cancer patients, demonstrates the feasibility of repeated distress screening and provides a model program demonstrating the implementation of repeated distress screening at a community cancer center. Findings highlight the importance of supportive oncology services due to the prevalence of high levels of distress. Findings demonstrate the importance of the Cancer Dietitian in supportive cancer care. Additionally, the research reveals a potential perceived stigma in seeking psychosocial oncology services.
The adoption of genetically modified crops is becoming evermore common in United States agriculture. However, this relatively new technology carries a negative stigma and perceived risks that have resulted commonly in public disapproval. In the United States, bioengineered crops are highly regulated. The significance of environmental benefits such as decreased chemical impact, increased soil conservation, heightened carbon sequestration, decreased energy demands, and reduced air emissions, are important enough to warrant a revision to U.S. policy. The U.S. policy structure needs to be simplified and made more efficient to better facilitate the speed with which new GE products can, and should, be developed while still providing adequate mitigation of potential environmental risks such as species invasiveness and impacts on non-target species.
This project examines rural Indian women and discusses the strong correlation between gender inequity and the setbacks that have crippled development. The embedded caste system has created a distinct social hierarchy, which has incidentally deprived women of their freedom and voice. Gender inequity and social stratification are direct causes of the AIDS epidemic, research revealing a contingency between lack of empowerment and exposure to the disease. Additionally, the HIV/AIDS virus carries a strong cultural stigma, which influences whether or not women will seek treatment if infected, since AIDS victims face extreme social isolation and discrimination, in India. This project discusses several cause-and-effect frameworks related to gender inequity, which have stunted the growth and success of India.
La epilepsia es una enfermedad desconocida por el público en general, una enfermedad "invisible" para la sociedad, con implicaciones psicosociales, sociales, educativas, laborales y económicas que reducen la calidad de vida de los niñ@s y jóvenes con epilepsia, y la de sus familias. En su página web, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y sus asociados reconocen que la epilepsia es un importante problema de salud pública. La OMS, la Liga Internacional contra la Epilepsia y la Oficina Internacional para la Epilepsia están llevando a cabo una campaña mundial para mejorar la información y la sensibilización acerca de la epilepsia y fortalecer las medidas públicas y privadas para mejorar la atención y reducir el impacto de la enfermedad. Estudiar la comunicación de la epilepsia en niños y adolescentes y sus consecuencias entre los agentes que interactúan en su convivencia, es una cuestión necesaria para conocer y entender la dimensión que alcanza esta enfermedad. El trabajo que presentamos persigue introducirnos en las carencias y las limitaciones con las que las familias con hij@s epilépticos se encuentran para informar a la sociedad sobre la patología y adaptar los mensajes que satisfagan las necesidades de cada uno de los públicos afectados. El desarrollo de un grupo de discusión y la aplicación de la encuesta nos permite poner de manifiesto que, la información que se difunde sobre la epilepsia arrastra el todavía irremediable estigma social que atolla actitudes afirmativas en el entorno de la enfermedad infanto-juvenil”. La corroboración de la hipótesis nos lleva a proponer un programa de relaciones públicas cuya estrategia sea la visibilidad y la sensibilización de la enfermedad, como aportación principal del estudio.
En España, el fenómeno de las adopciones internacionales irrumpe en la década de 1990. En 2004, se convirtió en el segundo país del mundo que las llevaba a cabo. Con el objetivo de incrementar el conocimiento sociológico sobre la familia adoptiva internacional española, se realizó la encuesta a través de web titulada Las familias adoptivas y sus estilos de vida. A partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por 230 madres y padres adoptivos, se dibuja el perfil sociodemográfico de sus hogares. Estos se caracterizarían por contar con progenitores con elevado nivel formativo, no adscritos a ninguna religión, que defienden políticas de izquierdas y que comparten un sistema de valores posmodernos respecto a la institución familiar. La identificación de la estructura doméstica según su tipo de alianza (biparental o monoparental) y su tipo de filiación (adoptiva o mixta) nos permite situar a la adopción contemporánea como una opción de filiación elegida y no, exclusivamente, como alternativa ante la imposibilidad de tener hijos biológicos. Adicionalmente, los resultados arrojados por la encuesta nos permiten adentrarnos en uno de los aspectos menos abordados en el estudio sociológico de la familia adoptiva: el papel de las actitudes sociales hacia la adopción y su impacto en aquella. La mayoría de los encuestados perciben el estigma social del que es objeto su familia adoptiva, pues, desde su punto de vista, la sociedad las considera como una forma de hogar menos satisfactoria que la basada en lazos biológicos.
Aim: We aimed to explore the meaning of obesity in elderly persons with knee osteoarthritis (KO) and to determine the factors that encourage or discourage weight loss. Background: Various studies have demonstrated that body mass index is related to KO and that weight loss improves symptoms and functional capacity. However, dietary habits are difficult to modify and most education programs are ineffective. Design: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted. Intentional sampling was performed in ten older persons with KO who had lost weight and improved their health-related quality of life after participating in a health education program. A thematic content analysis was conducted following the stages proposed by Miles and Huberman. Findings: Participants understood obesity as a risk factor for health problems and stigma. They believed that the cause of obesity was multifactorial and criticized health professionals for labeling them as “obese” and for assigning a moral value to slimness and diet. The factors identified as contributing to the effectiveness of the program were a tolerant attitude among health professionals, group education that encouraged motivation, quantitative dietary recommendations, and a meaningful learning model based on social learning theories. Conclusion: Dietary self-management without prohibitions helped participants to make changes in the quantity and timing of some food intake and to lose weight without sacrificing some foods that were deeply rooted in their culture and preferences. Dietary education programs should focus on health-related quality of life and include scientific knowledge but should also consider affective factors and the problems perceived as priorities by patients.
Despite the economic crisis with resulting high unemployment, EU economies face vacancies across the skill spectrum. At the low end there is a structural need when it comes to seasonal work. The Seasonal Workers Directive was launched at the same time as the Inter-Corporate Transferees (ICTs) Directive in 2010 – as part of the Commission’s 2005 Policy Plan on Legal Migration – and initially appeared to be more troublesome, with the stigma of ‘migrants stealing local jobs’ haunting it. However, without the provisions for intra-EU mobility that have plagued the ICTs Directive, the Seasonal Workers Directive became less problematic despite the fact that seasonal workers are more numerous than intra-corporate transferees. This Policy Brief looks at how negotiating parties ensured a focus not only on the needs of the European labour market, but also saw an opportunity to bring added value to seasonal workers’ rights, through equal treatment to EU nationals. It assesses the final outcome of three and a half years of intra-EU negotiation, looking at the rights gained for seasonal migrants, the level of harmonization achieved, and the future of migration policy with the strategic guidelines for the area of freedom, security and justice in mind.
Esta pesquisa está inserida em um contexto de crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, especialmente com relação à ascensão da mulher a cargos estratégicos, além de um processo acelerado de envelhecimento populacional, constituindo uma das mais significativas transformações dos últimos anos. A participação feminina em cargos executivos e o processo de envelhecimento são tópicos pouco abordados na literatura acadêmica, tanto isolados quanto inter-relacionados, o que justifica a originalidade deste trabalho. Essas transformações coincidem ainda com o fato de que é a primeira vez que mulheres envelhecem em cargos executivos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo explorar como as mulheres executivas experimentam o processo de envelhecimento. A discussão se mostra relevante na medida em que esta mulher está inserida em um contexto organizacional de dominação masculina, predominantemente jovem, onde se espera que a mulher não ocupe cargos estratégicos. A pesquisa tem como base a perspectiva teórica do construcionismo social de Berger e Luckman (1999) e a abordagem metodológica qualitativa fundamentada nos dados (grounded theory), com base na perspectiva interacionista simbólica de Charmaz (2009). Os dados foram obtidos de 58 entrevistas com mulheres de 40 anos ou mais de idade que ocupam ou ocuparam posição executiva em organizações no Brasil. A pesquisa conclui que, por serem consideradas profissionais mais velhas antes do que os homens e devido aos estigmas associados à idade, as mulheres tendem a omitir o envelhecimento e buscar formas de não o aparentar no ambiente de trabalho. A teoria substantiva apresenta que o envelhecimento é compreendido a partir das noções de morte física, social e executiva e que o renascimento simbólico é uma forma de lidar com as concepções de mortes que persistem no imaginário das mulheres executivas. A teoria é provisória e contingente e reflete a interpretação de uma pesquisadora em particular. Espera-se que ela amplie o campo de estudos da Administração e estimule pesquisadores na continuidade da investigação acerca do envelhecimento de mulheres executivas.
La prévalence du tabagisme a diminué dans les dernières décennies, mais les inégalités sociales reliées au tabagisme s’accentuent. Les stratégies de dénormalisation du tabagisme ont amené la stigmatisation des fumeurs. Le lien entre celle-ci et la défavorisation de quartier est mal compris. Cette étude qualitative a comparé les expériences de stigmatisation de quinze jeunes femmes fumeuses dont la moitié vivait dans des quartiers très défavorisés de Montréal et l’autre moitié résidait dans les quartiers les moins défavorisés. Dans ces derniers, stigmatiser les fumeurs fait partie de la norme. Le tabagisme est vu comme un symbole de pauvreté, entraînant l’utilisation de stratégies pour se distancer du stigma. Dans les quartiers défavorisés, les participantes rapportaient une stigmatisation basée sur le genre et elles tentaient d’y échapper en se cachant pour fumer. Les résultats mettent en lumière les effets non attendus des politiques anti-tabac et pourraient contribuer au développement de politiques plus équitables.
In 2007, an alliance was formed between the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee and the Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition, unifying the strengths of the groups to continue to advance the plan. The joint mission of this alliance is "to reduce suicide and its stigma throughout Illinois by collaboratively working with concerned stakeholders from the public and private sectors to increase awareness and education, provide opportunities to develop individual and organizational capacity in addressing suicide prevention, and advocate for access to treatment."
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
To characterise the physiology of development and senescence for Grevillea 'Sylvia'. oral organs, respiration, ethylene production and ACC concentrations in harvested flowers and flower parts were measured. The respiration rate of harvested inflorescences decreased over time during senescence. In contrast, both ethylene production and ACC concentration increased. Individual flowers, either detached from cut inflorescences held in vases at 20degreesC or detached from in planta inflorescences at various stages of development, had similar patterns of change in ACC concentration and rates of respiration and ethylene production as whole inflorescences. The correlation between ACC concentration and ethylene production by individual flowers detached from cut inflorescences held in vases was poor (r(2)=0.03). The isolated complete gynoecium (inclusive of the pedicel) produced increasing amounts of ethylene during development. Further sub-division of flower parts and measurement of their ethylene production at various stages of development revealed that the distal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the stigma) had the highest rate of ethylene production. In turn, anthers had higher rates of ethylene production and also higher ACC concentrations than the proximal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the ovary). Rates of ethylene production and ACC concentrations for tepal abscission zone tissue and adjacent central tepal zone tissue were similar. ACC concentration in pollen was similar to that in senescing perianth tissue. Overall, respiration, ethylene and ACC content measurements suggest that senescence of G. 'Sylvia' is non-climacteric in character. Nonetheless, the phytohormone ethylene is produced and evidently mediates normal flower development and non-climacteric senescence processes.
This article investigates why many eligible for welfare do not participate. We show that on-the-job wage-rising potential is the key factor motivating nonparticipation. Although individuals with very low earnings and little wage-rising potential are typically welfare recipients, those with good wage-rising potential may choose to work, participate in old age, or never participate. Nonparticipation remains the best choice for eligible individuals with large wage-rising potential even if universal old-age social security is available. We will also apply this model to a comprehensive welfare system in Hong Kong.
To study the media messages portrayed to children, 925 students, from 9 to up to 14 years of age, completed “The Sociocultural Influences Questionnaire.” The media section is the focus of this paper, and the responses from three questions were selected to examine the media's influence to be slimmer, increase weight, or increase muscle size. While the girls and boys exhibited different levels of agreement with each media influence, both genders disagreed that media messages were implying they should gain weight. This is in agreement with the belief that the media perpetuates the ideal of thinness and there is a negative stigma associated with being overweight.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants are susceptible to low temperature during the young microspore stage, which occurs 10-12 days before heading. Low temperature at this time increases spikelet sterility which can cause massive yield loss. Increasing the cold tolerance of cultivars can reduce yield variability in temperate rice-growing environments. Two experiments were conducted in cold air screenings and two were conducted in cold water screenings to examine genotypic variation for cold tolerance, explore flowering traits related to spikelet sterility, and investigate whether the results reflect the level of cold tolerance determined previously in the field. Cold air screenings imposed day/night temperatures of 27 degrees C/13 degrees C, 25 degrees C/15 degrees C and 32 degrees C/25 degrees C following particle initiation until 50% heading, while cold water screenings maintained a relatively constant 19 degrees C. The variation in the commencement of low air temperature treatment did not have an effect on the level of spikelet sterility, indicating that exposure to low temperature during the young microspore stage was more important than the duration of exposure. Spikelet sterility of common cultivars showed a significant correlation between cold air and cold water screenings (r(2) = 0.63, p < 0.01), cold air and field screenings (r(2) = 0.52, p < 0.01) and cold water and field screenings (r(2) = 0.53, p < 0.01), indicating that cold air and cold water can be used for screening genotypes for low temperature tolerance. HSC55, M 103 and Jyoudeki were identified as cold tolerant and Doongara, Sasanishiki and Nipponbare as susceptible cultivars. There was a significant negative relationship between spikelet sterility and both the number of engorged pollen grains per anther and anther area only after imposing cold air and cold water treatment hence, it was concluded that these flowering traits were facultative in nature. In addition, cultivars originating from Australia and California were inefficient at producing filled grain with similar sized anthers containing a similar number of engorged pollen grains as cultivars from other origins. One suggested reason for this poor conversion to filled grain of cultivars from Australia and California may be associated with their small stigma area, particularly when exposed to low temperature conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.