483 resultados para Scintillation counters.
The interactions between calmodulin, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3), and pure cerebellar InsP3 receptors were characterized by using a scintillation proximity assay. In the absence of Ca2+, 125I-labeled calmodulin reversibly bound to multiple sites on InsP3 receptors and Ca2+ increased the binding by 190% ± 10%; the half-maximal effect occurred when the Ca2+ concentration was 184 ± 14 nM. In the absence of Ca2+, calmodulin caused a reversible, concentration-dependent (IC50 = 3.1 ± 0.2 μM) inhibition of [3H]InsP3 binding by decreasing the affinity of the receptor for InsP3. This effect was similar at all Ca2+ concentrations, indicating that the site through which calmodulin inhibits InsP3 binding has similar affinities for calmodulin and Ca2+-calmodulin. Calmodulin (10 μM) inhibited the Ca2+ release from cerebellar microsomes evoked by submaximal, but not by maximal, concentrations of InsP3. Tonic inhibition of InsP3 receptors by the high concentrations of calmodulin within cerebellar Purkinje cells may account for their relative insensitivity to InsP3 and limit spontaneous activation of InsP3 receptors in the dendritic spines. Inhibition of InsP3 receptors by calmodulin at all cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, together with the known redistribution of neuronal calmodulin evoked by protein kinases and Ca2+, suggests that calmodulin may also allow both feedback control of InsP3 receptors and integration of inputs from other signaling pathways.
A number of neuroimaging findings have been interpreted as evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) subserves retrieval of semantic knowledge. We provide a fundamentally different interpretation, that it is not retrieval of semantic knowledge per se that is associated with left IFG activity but rather selection of information among competing alternatives from semantic memory. Selection demands were varied across three semantic tasks in a single group of subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging signal in overlapping regions of left IFG was dependent on selection demands in all three tasks. In addition, the degree of semantic processing was varied independently of selection demands in one of the tasks. The absence of left IFG activity for this comparison counters the argument that the effects of selection can be attributed solely to variations in degree of semantic retrieval. Our findings suggest that it is selection, not retrieval, of semantic knowledge that drives activity in the left IFG.
Com o objetivo de se avaliar a importância do \"clearance\" do dietilenotriamino-pentacetato marcado com Tecnécio 99m (DTPA-Tecnécio-99m) em portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona foram estudados 40 indivíduos, em quatro grupos. Grupo I: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e não fumantes (8 homens e 2 mulheres), com média de idade de 56,80 anos. Grupo II: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e fumantes (6 homens e 4 mulheres ), com média de idade de 27,50 anos. Grupo III: 10 pacientes não fumantes ( 4 homens e 5 mulheres ), com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso crônico de amiodarona por via oral. Grupo IV: 10 pacientes portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona, quatro ex-fumantes, dois fumantes e quatro não fumantes ( 8 homens e 2 mulheres) com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso de amiodarona por via oral e nenhum fumou nas 4 semanas que precederam o estudo. Após espirometria que constou do registro da curva volume-tempo, todos inalaram 4 ml de solução salina contendo 740 MBq de DTPA Tecnécio-99m, durante cinco minutos. Através de uma c~mara de cintilação computadorizada foram obtidas imagens pulmonares, definindo-se 9 áreas de interesse. Para cada região escolhida foi determinada uma curva de \"clearance\" extraindo-se o valor de meia-vida biológica em minu- tos ( T 1/2 ) e a taxa percentual de \" clearance\" alvéolo capilar do radioaerossol por minuto (K%/min). Observamos que, das variáveis espirométricas consideradas, a capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e o volume expiratório forçado no 1 segundo (VEF1) mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos I e IV. A contagem total de radioatividade de ambos os pulmões não mostrou relação com a CVF e o VEF1. O \" clearance \" pulmonar do DTPA Tecnécio-99m foi maior nos grupos 11 e IV, porém não permitindo sua diferenciação. Estes resultados permitem concluir: Os pacientes portadores de pneumonite por amiodaro- na apresentam\" clearance \" alvéolo-capilar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m significativamente maior que os indivíduos do grupo de normais não fumantes. Este fato também se verificou em relação aos pacientes em uso crônico de amiodarona mas sem evidências de pneumopatia. Não é possível diferenciar os fumantes dos portadores de pneumonite por amiodarona através da análise da integridade da barreira alvéolo-epitelial com DTPA Tecnécio-99m. Comparativamente, o estudo da integridade alvéolo-epitelial pelo \"clearance\" pulmonar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m é mais sensível que a espirometria na avaliação da pneumonite por amiodarona, permitindo diferenciar estes pacientes dos que fazem uso crônico da droga
A detector based on doped silica and optical fibers was developed to monitor the profile of particle accelerator beams of intensity ranging from 1 pA to tens of µA. Scintillation light produced in a fiber moving across the beam is measured, giving information on its position, shape and intensity. The detector was tested with a continuous proton beam at the 18 MeV Bern medical cyclotron used for radioisotope production and multi-disciplinary research. For currents from 1 pA to 20 µA, Ce3+ and Sb3+ doped silica fibers were used as sensors. Read out systems based on photodiodes, photomultipliers and solid state photomultipliers were employed. Profiles down to the pA range were measured with this method for the first time. For currents ranging from 1 pA to 3 µA, the integral of the profile was found to be linear with respect to the beam current, which can be measured by this detector with an accuracy of ∼1%. The profile was determined with a spatial resolution of 0.25 mm. For currents ranging from 5 µA to 20 µA, thermal effects affect light yield and transmission, causing distortions of the profile and limitations in monitoring capabilities. For currents higher than ∼1 µA, non doped optical fibers for both producing and transporting scintillation light were also successfully employed.
Pollen records from perennially frozen sequences provide vegetation and climate reconstruction for the last 48,000 14C years in the central part of Taymyr Peninsula. Open larch forest with Alnus fruticosa and Betula nana grew during the Kargin (Middle Weichselian) Interstade, ca. 48,000-25,000 14C yr B.P. The climate was generally warmer and wetter than today. Open steppe-like communities with Artemisia, Poaceae, Asteraceae, and herb tundralike communities with dwarf Betula and Salix dominated during the Sartan (Late Weichselian) Stade, ca. 24,000-10,300 14C yr B.P. The statistical information method used for climate reconstruction shows that the coldest climate was ca. 20,000-17,000 14C yr B.P. A warming (Allerød Interstade?) with mean July temperature ca. 1.5°C warmer than today occurred ca. 12,000 14C yr B.P. The following cooling with temperatures about 3°-4°C cooler than present and precipitation about 100 mm lower corresponds well with the Younger Dryas Stade. Tundra-steppe vegetation changed to Betula nana-Alnus fruticosa shrub tundra ca. 10,000 14C yr B.P. Larch appeared in the area ca. 9400 14C yr B.P. and disappeared after 2900 14C yr B.P. Cooling events ca. 10,500, 9600, and 8200 14C yr B.P. characterized the first half of the Holocene. A significant warming occurred ca. 8500 14C yr B.P., but the Holocene temperature maximum was at about 6000-4500 14C yr B.P. The vegetation cover approximated modern conditions ca. 2800 14C yr B.P. Late Holocene warming events occurred at ca. 3500, 2000, and 1000 14C yr B.P. A cooling (Little Ice Age?) took place between 500 and 200 14C yr ago.
In the years 2000 and 2001 we measured methane concentrations exceeding up to two orders of magnitude the equilibrium with the atmosphere in the water column on the SW-Spitsbergen continental shelf. This methane anomaly extended from its centre on the shelf westwards over the upper slope and eastwards well into the inner basins of the two southernmost Spitsbergen fjords, the Hornsundfjord and the van Mijenfjord. Methane concentrations and stable carbon isotopic ratios varied between 2 and 240 nM, and between -53 per mill and -20 per mill VPDB, respectively. Methane in high concentrations was depleted in 13C whereas in low concentrations d13CCH4 values were highly variable. On the continental shelf we found that methane discharged from seeps on top of sandy and gravelly banks is isotopically heavier than methane escaping from troughs filled with silty and clayey sediments. These distinct isotopic signatures suggest that methane is gently released from several inter-granular seepages or micro-seepages widely spread over the shelf. A potential migration path for thermogenic or hydrate methane may be the Hornsund Fracture Zone, a south-north running reactivated fault system created by stretching of the continental crust. After discharge into the water column, local water currents fed by Atlantic water, coastal water, and freshwater outflows from the fjords further determine pathways and fate of the methane. We used d18Owater and 222Rn data to trace origin and advection of the local water masses and water mixing processes. Methane spreads predominantly along pycnoclines and by vertical mixing. During transport methane is influenced simultaneously by oxidation and dilution, as well as loss into the atmosphere. Together these processes cause the spatial variability of the anomaly and heterogeneity in d13CCH4 in this polar shelf environment.
"December 6, 1960."
Included are 464 selected references on the theory, manufacture, properties, performance, and utliization of semiconductor materials for the detection of nuclear radiation. Reports and open literature references are covered through January 1962.
This bibliography contains 335 selected references on detection and measurement of radiation from isotopes when used in physical and biological research. These references were selected from scientific journals published during 1948-1957. A list of journals from which the references were selected and an author index are included.
Includes bibliographical references.