990 resultados para Scandium fluoride


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This study evaluated the capacity of fluoride acidic dentifrices (pH 4.5) to promote enamel remineralization using a pH cycling model, comparing them with a standard dentifrice (1,100 µgF/g). Enamel blocks had their surface polished and surface hardness determined (SH). Next, they were submitted to subsurface enamel demineralization and to post-demineralization surface hardness analysis. The blocks were divided into 6 experimental groups (n=10): placebo (without F, pH 4.5, negative control), 275, 412, 550, 1,100 µgF/g and a standard dentifrice (positive control). The blocks were submitted to pH cycling for 6 days and treatment with dentifrice slurries twice a day. After pH cycling, surface and cross-sectional hardness were assessed to obtain the percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SHR) and the integrated loss of subsurface hardness (ΔKHN). The results showed that %SHR was similar among acidic dentifrices with 412, 550, 1,100 µgF/g and to the positive control (Tukey's test; p>0.05). For ΔKHN, the acidic dentifrice with 550 µg F/g showed a better performance when compared with the positive control. It can be concluded that acidic dentifrice 550 µgF/g had similar remineralization capacity to that of positive control.


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Fluoridation of the public water supplies is recognized as among the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century. However, the positive aspects of this measure depend on the maintenance of fluoride concentrations within adequate levels. To report the results of seven years of external control of the fluoride (F) concentrations in the public water supply in Bauru, SP, Brazil in an attempt to verify, on the basis of risk/benefit balance, whether the levels are appropriate. From March 2004 to February 2011, 60 samples were collected every month from the 19 supply sectors of the city, totaling 4,641 samples. F concentrations in water samples were determined in duplicate, using an ion-specific electrode (Orion 9609) coupled to a potentiometer after buffering with TISAB II. After the analysis, the samples were classified according to the best risk-benefit adjustment. Means (±standard deviation) of F concentrations ranged between 0.73±0.06 and 0.81±0.10 mg/L for the different sectors during the seven years. The individual values ranged between 0.03 and 2.63 mg/L. The percentages of the samples considered “low risk” for dental fluorosis development and of “maximum benefit” for dental caries prevention (0.55-0.84 mg F/L) in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the study were 82.0, 58.5, 37.4, 61.0, 89.9, 77.3, and 72.4%, respectively, and 69.0% for the entire period. Fluctuations of F levels were found in the public water supply in Bauru during the seven years of evaluation. These results suggest that external monitoring of water fluoridation by an independent assessor should be implemented in cities where there is adjusted fluoridation. This measure should be continued in order to verify that fluoride levels are suitable and, if not, to provide support for the appropriate adjustments


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Background & aims: To identify manufactured soy-based products more recommended by pediatricians and nutritionists; to determine fluoride concentrations in these products; to evaluate children concerning fluorosis in primary teeth and its association with the consumption of soy-based products. Methods: Pediatricians and Nutritionists answered a questionnaire about soy-based products they most recommended to children. Fluoride concentrations of the 10 products more cited were analyzed with the ion-specific electrode. Dental fluorosis exams were performed in 315 4e6-year-old children. Dean’s Index was used to assess fluorosis. Among the children examined, 26 had lactose intolerance. Their parents answered a questionnaire about children’s and family’s profile, besides permitting the identification of soy-based products use. Chi-squared and Multivariable Logistic Regression tests were used (p < 0.05). Results: Fluoride content in the analyzed products ranged from 0.03 to 0.50 mg F /mL. Dental fluorosis was detected in 11% of the children, with very mild and mild degrees. Dental fluorosis in primary teeth was associated with lactose intolerance (p < 0.05), but there was no significant association with the use of manufactured soy-based products. Conclusions: Isolated consumption of soy-based products recommended by health professionals to children do not offer risk of dental fluorosis in primary teeth, which had a low prevalence and severity.


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Background: This in vitro study analysed the effect of different fluoride concentrations in acidic or neutral liquid dentifrices in protecting enamel and dentine from erosive and abrasive wear. Methods: Bovine enamel and dentine specimens (n = 132) were randomly allocated to 11 groups (each n = 12): experimental liquid dentifrices with 550 ppm F, 1100 ppm F, 5000 ppm F or 0 ppm F/placebo (each at pH 4.5 and pH 7.0); and commercial dentifrices with 550 ppm F (Colgate Baby, pH 7.0), 1100 ppm F (Crest, pH 7.0) and 5000 ppm F (Duraphat, pH 7.0). The specimens were subjected to erosion for 90 seconds, 4 times/day, over 7 days. Immediately after the first and last erosion, the specimens were brushed for 15 seconds using one of the dentifrices. Tooth wear was measured profilometrically (lm) and analysed by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Results: All fluoridated liquid dentifrices significantly reduced enamel wear compared to the placebo and commercial dentifrices. Only liquid dentifrices with 1100 and 5000 ppm F significantly reduced dentine wear compared to placebo dentifrice. The pH had no effect, but the consistency had a significant impact on the effect of dentifrices. Conclusions: Liquid dentifrices with high F concentration appear to be a good option to prevent tooth wear


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Most studies dealing with the caries preventive action of Nd:YAG laser have been done in permanent teeth and studies on primary teeth are still lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of Nd:YAG laser combined or not with fluoride sources on the acid resistance of primary tooth enamel after artificial caries induction by assessing longitudinal microhardness and demineralization depth. Sixty enamel blocks obtained from the buccal/lingual surface of exfoliated human primary molars were coated with nail polish/wax, leaving only a 9 mm² area exposed on the outer enamel surface, and randomly assigned to 6 groups (n=10) according to the type of treatment: C-control (no treatment); APF: 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel; FV: 5% fluoride varnish; L: Nd:YAG laser 0.5 W/10 Hz in contact mode; APFL: fluoride gel + laser; FVL: fluoride varnish + laser. After treatment, the specimens were subjected to a des-remineralization cycle for induction of artificial caries lesions. Longitudinal microhardness data (%LMC) were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test and demineralization depth data were analyzed by oneway ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD test (á=0.05). APFL and APF groups presented the lowest percentage of microhardness change (p<0.05). Demineralization depth was smaller in all treated groups compared with the untreated control. In conclusion, Nd:YAG laser combined or not with fluoride gel/varnish was not more effective than fluoride alone to prevent enamel demineralization within the experimental period.


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The effects of fluoride, which is present in different oral hygiene products, deserve more investigation because little is known about their impact on the surface of titanium, which is largely used in Implantology. This study evaluated the surface of commercially pure titanium (cpTi) after exposure to different concentrations of sodium fluoride (NaF). The hypothesis tested in this study was that different concentrations of NaF applied at different time intervals can affect the titanium surface in different ways. The treatments resulted in the following groups: GA (control): immersion in distilled water; GB: immersion in 0.05% NaF for 3 min daily; GC: immersion in 0.2% NaF for 3 min daily; GD: immersion in 0.05% NaF for 3 min every 2 weeks; and GE: immersion in 0.2% NaF for 3 min every 2 weeks. The experiment lasted 60 days. Roughness was measured initially and every 15 days subsequently up to 60 days. After 60 days, corrosion analysis and anodic polarization were done. The samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The roughness data were analyzed by ANOVA and there was no significant difference among groups and among time intervals. The corrosion data (i corr) were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test, and significant differences were found between GA and GC, GB and GC, GC and GD, GC and GE. SEM micrographs showed that the titanium surface exposed to NaF presented corrosion that varied with the different concentrations. This study suggests that the use of 0.05% NaF solution on cpTi is safe, whereas the 0.2% NaF solution should be carefully evaluated with regard to its daily use.


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This study evaluated the influence of fluoride on cell viability and activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) -2 and -9 secreted by preosteoblasts. Preosteoblasts (MC3T3-E1 murine cell line) were cultured in MEM medium supplement with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and nucleosides/ribonucleosides without ascorbic acid. Adherent cells were treated with different concentrations of F (as sodium fluoride-NaF) in medium (5 x 10-6 M, 10-5 M, 10-4 M and 10-3 M) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h at 37ºC, 5% CO2. Control cells were cultivated in MEM only. After each period, preosteoblast viability was assessed by MTT assay. MMP-2 and -9 activities were performed by gel zymography. Also, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was quantified by colorimetry in all experimental groups. It was shown that cultured cells with the highest dose of F (10-3 M) for 96 h decreased preosteoblast viability while lower doses of F did not alter it, when compared to untreated cells. No differences were observed in ALP activity among groups. Moreover, compared to control, the treatment of cells with F at low dose slightly increased MMP-2 and -9 activities after 24 h. It was concluded that F modulates preosteoblast viability in a dose-dependent manner and also may regulate extracellular matrix remodeling.


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Calcium fluoride (CaF2) is one of the key lens materials in deep-ultraviolet microlithography because of its transparency at 193 nm and its nearly perfect optical isotropy. Its physical and chemical properties make it applicable for lens fabrication. The key feature of CaF2 is its extreme laser stability. rnAfter exposing CaF2 to 193 nm laser irradiation at high fluences, a loss in optical performance is observed, which is related to radiation-induced defect structures in the material. The initial rapid damage process is well understood as the formation of radiation-induced point defects, however, after a long irradiation time of up to 2 months, permanent damage of the crystals is observed. Based on experimental results, these permanent radiation-induced defect structures are identified as metallic Ca colloids.rnThe properties of point defects in CaF2 and their stabilization in the crystal bulk are calculated with density functional theory (DFT). Because the stabilization of the point defects and the formation of metallic Ca colloids are diffusion-driven processes, the diffusion coefficients for the vacancy (F center) and the interstitial (H center) in CaF2 are determined with the nudged elastic band method. The optical properties of Ca colloids in CaF2 are obtained from Mie-theory, and their formation energy is determined.rnBased on experimental observations and the theoretical description of radiation-induced point defects and defect structures, a diffusion-based model for laser-induced material damage in CaF2 is proposed, which also includes a mechanism for annealing of laser damage. rn


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the formation and dissolution of calcium fluoride on the enamel surface after application of two fluoride gel-saliva mixtures. METHOD AND MATERIALS: From each of 80 bovine incisors, two enamel specimens were prepared and subjected to two different treatment procedures. In group 1, 80 specimens were treated with a mixture of an amine fluoride gel (1.25% F-; pH 5.2; 5 minutes) and human saliva. In group 2, 80 enamel blocks were subjected to a mixture of sodium fluoride gel (1.25% F; pH 5.5; 5 minutes) and human saliva. Subsequent to fluoride treatment, 40 specimens from each group were stored in human saliva and sterile water, respectively. Ten specimens were removed after each of 1 hour, 24 hours, 2 days, and 5 days and analyzed according to potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride. RESULTS: Application of amine fluoride gel resulted in a higher amount of potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride than did sodium fluoride gel 1 hour after application. Saliva exerted an inhibitory effect according to the dissolution rate of calcium fluoride. However, after 5 days, more than 90% of the precipitated calcium fluoride was dissolved in the amine fluoride group, and almost all potassium hydroxide-soluble fluoride was lost in the sodium fluoride group. Calcium fluoride apparently dissolves rapidly, even at almost neutral pH. CONCLUSION: Considering the limitations of an in vitro study, it is concluded that highly concentrated fluoride gels should be applied at an adequate frequency to reestablish a calcium fluoride-like layer.


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Solutions containing tin and fluoride exhibit remarkable anti-erosive properties with tin ions as a major agent. To elucidate its mechanism of action in dentine, the tin uptake on and in the tissue was investigated and related to histological findings and substance loss. Samples were treated twice daily, each treatment lasting for 2 min, with fluoride solutions [pH 4.5; 1,500 parts per million (p.p.m.) F] containing 2,100, 1,400, or 400 p.p.m. Sn as SnCl(2). In experiments 1 and 2, samples were eroded with citric acid (pH 2.3) six times each day, each treatment lasting for 5 min; in experiment 2, the demineralized organic matrix was continuously digested by collagenase; in experiment 3, no erosive challenges were performed. Sample surfaces and cross-sections were investigated using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and profilometry. Surface retention of tin was found in almost all treatment groups and was highest in experiment 2. On cross-sections, tin was retained within the organic matrix; in mineralized areas, tin was found mainly within a depth of 10 mum. Test solutions inhibited substance loss significantly; in experiment 2, the effect was dose-dependent. Erosion inhibition seemed to depend mainly on the incorporation of tin in the mineralized dentine when the organic portion was preserved, but on surface precipitation when the organic portion was continuously digested.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-erosive effects of different fluoride compounds and one tin compound in the context of the complex pathohistology of dentine erosion, with particular emphasis on the role of the organic portion. Samples were subjected to two experiments including erosive acid attacks (0.05 molar citric acid, pH 2.3; 6 x 2 min/day) and applications (6 x 2 min/day) of the following test solutions: SnCl(2) (815 ppm Sn), NaF (250 ppm F), SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 809 ppm Sn), amine fluoride (AmF, 250 ppm F), AmF/NaF (250 ppm F), and AmF/SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 409 ppm Sn). The demineralised organic fraction was enzymatically removed either at the end of the experiment (experiment 1) or continuously throughout the experiment (experiment 2). Tissue loss was determined profilometrically after 10 experimental days. In experiment 1, the highest erosive tissue loss was found in the control group (erosion only); the AmF- and NaF-containing solutions reduced tissue loss by about 60%, reductions for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2) were 52, 74 and 89%, respectively. In experiment 2, loss values generally were significantly higher, and the differences between the test solutions were much more distinct. Reduction of tissue loss was between 12 and 34% for the AmF- and NaF-containing preparations, and 11, 67 and 78% for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2), respectively. Stannous fluoride-containing solutions revealed promising anti-erosive effects in dentine. The strikingly different outcomes in the two experiments suggest reconsidering current methodologies for investigating anti-erosive strategies in dentine.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the remineralization potential of five dentifrices with different fluoride concentrations. Initial caries lesions were created in 72 cylindrical enamel blocks from deciduous teeth. The specimens were randomly distributed among six experimental groups corresponding to six experimental periods. Each of the six volunteers carried two deciduous enamel specimens fixed in an intraoral appliance for a period of 4 weeks. They brushed their teeth and the enamel blocks at least two times a day with dentifrices containing 0 ppm (period 1), 250 ppm (period 2), and 500 ppm fluoride (period 3), respectively. A second group of volunteers (n = 6) used dentifrices with a fluoride content of 0 ppm (period 4), 1,000 ppm (period 5), or 1,500 ppm (period 6). At the end of the respective period, the mineral content was determined by transversal microradiography (TMR). The use of dentifrices containing 500 ppm fluoride (38% MR), 1,000 ppm fluoride (42% MR), and 1,500 ppm fluoride (42% MR) resulted in a statistically significant higher mineral recovery compared to the control group (0 ppm fluoride). Mineral recovery was similar after use of dentifrices containing 0 and 250 ppm fluoride (24%; 25%). It is concluded that it is possible to remineralize initial carious lesions in deciduous enamel in a similar way as it has been described for enamel of permanent teeth.


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The synthesis, radiolabeling, and initial evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized octreotate derivatives is reported. So far, the main drawback of the SiFA technology for the synthesis of PET-radiotracers is the high lipophilicity of the resulting radiopharmaceutical. Consequently, we synthesized new SiFA-octreotate analogues derivatized with Fmoc-NH-PEG-COOH, Fmoc-Asn(Ac?AcNH-?-Glc)-OH, and SiFA-aldehyde (SIFA-A). The substances could be labeled in high yields (38 ± 4%) and specific activities between 29 and 56 GBq/?mol in short synthesis times of less than 30 min (e.o.b.). The in vitro evaluation of the synthesized conjugates displayed a sst2 receptor affinity (IC?? = 3.3 ± 0.3 nM) comparable to that of somatostatin-28. As a measure of lipophilicity of the conjugates, the log P(ow) was determined and found to be 0.96 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate and 1.23 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-Tyr³-octreotate, which is considerably lower than for SiFA-Tyr³-octreotate (log P(ow) = 1.59). The initial in vivo evaluation of [¹?F]SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate revealed a significant uptake of radiotracer in the tumor tissue of AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice of 7.7% ID/g tissue weight. These results show that the high lipophilicity of the SiFA moiety can be compensated by applying hydrophilic moieties. Using this approach, a tumor-affine SiFA-containing peptide could successfully be used for receptor imaging for the first time in this proof of concept study.


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Dental erosion develops through chronic exposure to extrinsic/intrinsic acids with a low pH. Enamel erosion is characterized by a centripetal dissolution leaving a small demineralized zone behind. In contrast, erosive demineralization in dentin is more complex as the acid-induced mineral dissolution leads to the exposure of collagenous organic matrix, which hampers ion diffusion and, thus, reduces further progression of the lesion. Topical fluoridation inducing the formation of a protective layer on dental hard tissue, which is composed of CaF(2) (in case of conventional fluorides like amine fluoride or sodium fluoride) or of metal-rich surface precipitates (in case of titanium tetrafluoride or tin-containing fluoride products), appears to be most effective on enamel. In dentin, the preventive effect of fluorides is highly dependent on the presence of the organic matrix. In situ studies have shown a higher protective potential of fluoride in enamel compared to dentin, probably as the organic matrix is affected by enzymatical and chemical degradation as well as by abrasive influences in the clinical situation. There is convincing evidence that fluoride, in general, can strengthen teeth against erosive acid damage, and high-concentration fluoride agents and/or frequent applications are considered potentially effective approaches in preventing dental erosion. The use of tin-containing fluoride products might provide the best approach for effective prevention of dental erosion. Further properly designed in situ or clinical studies are recommended in order to better understand the relative differences in performance of the various fluoride agents and formulations.