605 resultados para STANCE
In the aftermath of the devastating civil war, the Sierra Leonean government created favourable conditions for foreign investors willing to lease large areas of land to bring development to the country. A team of anthropologists and geographers did extensive fieldwork on the Addax Bioenergy Project in order to a) document the project affected people’s (PAP) perceptions and interests on a horizontal level and b) identify the different actors that are necessary for the implementation of such a project on the vertical level. Findings indicate that the project triggers a number of processes: Cultural and linguistic differences between PAP and company, their diverse understanding of development and the stance of local elites led to misunderstandings concerning each other’s responsibilities and created a lot of frustration on both sides. Further, the loss of natural resources that comes along with the land lease affects mostly women and other vulnerable groups.
Denosumab reduced the incidence of new fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis by 68% at the spine and 40% at the hip over 36 months compared with placebo in the FREEDOM study. This efficacy was supported by improvements from baseline in vertebral (18.2%) strength in axial compression and femoral (8.6%) strength in sideways fall configuration at 36 months, estimated in Newtons by an established voxel-based finite element (FE) methodology. Since FE analyses rely on the choice of meshes, material properties, and boundary conditions, the aim of this study was to independently confirm and compare the effects of denosumab on vertebral and femoral strength during the FREEDOM trial using an alternative smooth FE methodology. Unlike the previous FE study, effects on femoral strength in physiological stance configuration were also examined. QCT data for the proximal femur and two lumbar vertebrae were analyzed by smooth FE methodology at baseline, 12, 24, and 36 months for 51 treated (denosumab) and 47 control (placebo) subjects. QCT images were segmented and converted into smooth FE models to compute bone strength. L1 and L2 vertebral bodies were virtually loaded in axial compression and the proximal femora in both fall and stance configurations. Denosumab increased vertebral body strength by 10.8%, 14.0%, and 17.4% from baseline at 12, 24, and 36 months, respectively (p < 0.0001). Denosumab also increased femoral strength in the fall configuration by 4.3%, 5.1%, and 7.2% from baseline at 12, 24, and 36 months, respectively (p < 0.0001). Similar improvements were observed in the stance configuration with increases of 4.2%, 5.2%, and 5.2% from baseline (p ≤ 0.0007). Differences between the increasing strengths with denosumab and the decreasing strengths with placebo were significant starting at 12 months (vertebral and femoral fall) or 24 months (femoral stance). Using an alternative smooth FE methodology, we confirmed the significant improvements in vertebral body and proximal femur strength previously observed with denosumab. Estimated increases in strength with denosumab and decreases with placebo were highly consistent between both FE techniques.
Many things have been said about literature after postmodernism, but one point there seems to be some agreement on is that it does not turn its back radically on its postmodernist forerunner, but rather generally continues to heed and value their insights. There seems to be something strikingly non-oedipal about the recent aesthetic shift. It is a project of reconstruction that remains deeply rooted in postmodernist tenets. Such an essentially non-oedipal attitude, I would argue, is central to the nature of the reconstructive shift. This, however, also raises questions about the wider cultural context from which such an aesthetic stance arises. If postmodernism was nurtured by the revolutionary spirits of the late 1960s, reconstruction faces a different world with different strategies. Instead of the postmodernist urge to subvert, expose and undermine, reconstruction yearns towards tentative and fragile intersubjective understanding, towards responsibility and community. Instead of revolt and rebellion it explores reconciliation and compromise. One instance in which this becomes visible in reconstructive narratives is the recurring figure of the lost father. Missing father figures abound in recent novels by authors like Mark Z. Danielewski, Dave Eggers, Yann Mantel, David Mitchell etc. It almost seems like a younger generation is yearning for the fathers which postmodernism has struggled hard to do away with. My paper will focus on one particularly striking example to explore the implications of this development: Daniel Wallace’s novel Big Fish and Tim Burton’s well-known film adaptation of the same. In their negotiation of fact and fiction, of doubt and belief, of freedom and responsibility, all of which converge in a father-son relationship, they serve well to illustrate central characteristics and concerns of recent attempts to leave postmodernism behind.
Image-based modeling is a popular approach to perform patient-specific biomechanical simulations. Accurate modeling is critical for orthopedic application to evaluate implant design and surgical planning. It has been shown that bone strength can be estimated from the bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone architecture. However, these findings cannot be directly and fully transferred to patient-specific modeling since only BMD can be derived from clinical CT. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose a method to predict the trabecular bone structure using a µCT atlas and an image registration technique. The approach has been evaluated on femurs and patellae under physiological loading. The displacement and ultimate force for femurs loaded in stance position were predicted with an error of 2.5% and 3.7%, respectively, while predictions obtained with an isotropic material resulted in errors of 7.3% and 6.9%. Similar results were obtained for the patella, where the strain predicted using the registration approach resulted in an improved mean squared error compared to the isotropic model. We conclude that the registration of anisotropic information from of a single template bone enables more accurate patient-specific simulations from clinical image datasets than isotropic model.
N. T. Wright’s research project “Christian Origins and the Question of God” is characterized by its use of the method of critical realism. Now, “critical realism” is a term that has been used in connection with different epistemo-logical positions because the term has been “constantly reinvented.” It is very easy to make up a term when one wants to distinguish oneself from an assumed naïve approach to reality. As has been observed earlier, the use of a distinct term does not necessarily mean the same if used by another author; the context is important. One has to track literal dependencies to evaluate whether continuity with former uses of a term is intended. That is to say, the term “critical realism” has proven to be equivocal, although this has rarely been noticed . This does not mean that taking such a critical realist stance cannot present a decisive advantage over rather unreflective approaches to whatever sort of reality. Nevertheless, philosophically it can probably only be a start. The purpose of this contribution to this compendium will be to analyze the content claims and the status of N. T. Wright’s critical realism in these regards, with a special emphasis on Paul and the Faithfulness of God, of course.
The tension between openness and closedness is one of the most important cleavages in Swiss political debates. In the present article, we study the psychological foundations of attitudes regarding this issue. More precisely, we examine the link between personality and attitudes toward the degree of openness of Switzerland as a general stance toward the cultural, economic and political alignment of the country. Personality is understood as a complex and multifaceted concept that forms the basis for consistent patterns of attitudes and behavior. We build on the Five-Factor Theory to explain the link between personality traits, contextual factors and political attitudes. Analyzing survey data from a random sample of Swiss citizens, we find clear evidence that personality traits affect political attitudes. Furthermore, we are able to demonstrate that the relationship between personality and attitudes toward the degree of openness of Switzerland is moderated by perceived ethnic diversity in the neighborhood.
This paper focuses on the link between economic rights and institutions. Simple analysis of data is used to demonstrate countries' human development effort in advancing economics rights of the citizens. A country's human development effort is evaluated on the basis of the well-being of the poorest members of the society. An analysis of data reveals that there is a wide variation in countries' pro-poor stance. While it is accepted that positive rights are pro-poor, this paper argues that so too are negative economic rights and in fact the two are complements rather than substitutes. Classifying countries into human development income deficit and human development effort deficit, it is demonstrated that a large number of countries could achieve higher welfare levels for the poor if they improved on bother positive and negative economic rights. The paper attempts to explain variations in the observed commitment to economic rights by focusing on pro-poor institutions. The basic thesis advanced in the paper is that pro-poor policies are more likely to be implemented and sustained in those institutions where power is sufficiently diffused such that even the poor have leverage over policy outcomes. The paper focuses on how institutions impact on power diffusion and therefore the adoption of pro-poor growth and policies. The failure of countries to adopt pro-poor growth and policies is attributed to institutional failures manifested in concentration of power. The policy recommendations emanating from the analysis focus on institutional reforms to enhance power diffusion. These policies include enlarging the political space through democratization, strengthening institutions and capacity to fight corruption and improve transparency, and bringing the government closer to the people through appropriate design and implementation of decentralization schemes. Some recent examples of improvements in economic rights following power diffusion are provided.
The consensus view is that central banks under currency boards do not have tools for active monetary policy. In this paper, we analyze the foreign exchange fee as a monetary policy instrument that can be used by a central bank under a currency board. We develop a general equilibrium model showing that changes in this fee may have the same effects as a change in the monetary policy stance. Thus central banks under the currency board are shown to have an avenue to implement active monetary policy.
The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of Mexican American women living with intimate partner abuse relevant to the process of disclosure of abuse. Limited research exists on the experiences of women who are of Mexican descent living with intimate partner abuse and their disclosure of abuse. Factors that influence disclosure for other populations are well articulated in the literature however, these factors have not been adequately verified in persons of Mexican descent. Data are reported from in-depth interviews with 26 clients at a shelter and an outreach agency in a south Texas-Mexico border community. Semi-structured interview guide was used to elicit information over an 11 month period. A grounded theory ethnography approach was used to analyze data. Verification strategies and constant comparison techniques (e.g. investigator responsiveness, methodological coherence, sampling adequacy, an active analytic stance, and saturation) enhanced rigor of analysis. Nineteen Mexican immigrant women and seven Mexican American women participated in the study. Several themes were discerned related to women's experiences in abuse: painful living, questioning endurance, and confronting reality. In almost every participant's account there was a description of repeated victimization by her intimate partner or partners, and again, by others within and outside her network. The participants discussed several cultural factors (e.g. embarrassment, concerns for family, avoidance of causing pain to family, protection of partner, avoidance of being judged) that hindered their decisions whether or not to disclose. Participants noted that healthcare workers rarely asked probing questions regarding abuse. The timing and process of disclosure took many turns for women in this study. Some of the factors hindering women from disclosing were found to be influenced by cultural practices. The consequences of disclosure for many of the women led them to re-victimization. Implications for practice to avoid missed opportunities with women living in abuse are to: ask questions routinely to encourage disclosure of abuse and offer community resource information for women living in abuse or both.^
El propósito de esta investigación es mostrar las razones que tiene Tomás de Aquino para privilegiar una moral de la templanza por sobre una de mera continencia. Pero más allá de detenerse en los pocos artículos que Santo Tomás dedica a comparar ambas disposiciones, el fin de nuestro trabajo es, a partir de los textos referidos a la naturaleza de la virtud moral, mostrar por qué sólo la templanza puede ser considerada una virtud, mientras la continencia es una “mezcla" de virtud y desorden. En segundo lugar, esta investigación pretende justificar la validez de los argumentos tomasianos, demostrando que si se prescinde de esta distinción entre virtud perfecta y continencia, necesariamente se introduce un dualismo antropológico en el plano de la acción. En esta misma línea, se buscará, a su vez, comparar la postura de Santo Tomás con la postura de Escoto, para quien los afectos y las pasiones son meros “facilitadores" de la elección, pero no elementos constitutivas de ésta.
En la segunda mitad de este trabajo presentamos un "Breve discurso acerca del Pluralismo." Su propósito consiste en resaltar las categorías de relación y multiplicidad frente a los conceptos opuestos de término y unidad. Dicho énfasis sencillamente reconoce algo que ha venido sucediendo en diversas disciplinas durante algún tiempo, un intento que hoy es especialmente urgente, dado que hay muchos desarrollos notables en las ciencias que no podemos comprender adecuadamente -o incluso aceptar- sin efectuar cambios en nuestras categorías básicas. La primera mitad proporciona un marco apropiado. Se examina la intersubjetividad, mostrando de qué forma Edmund Husserl lucha entre dos enfoques en conflicto: la realidad de las relaciones humanas y la posición estrictamente subjetiva. Citamos unos pocos fragmentos de sus borradores póstumos para dejar que el ilustre autor hable por sí mismo y para mostrar lo inciertas que eran sus ideas sobre el tema. Husserl emplea en repetidas ocasiones el término "mónada". Unas pocas citas de la Monadología de Leibniz explicarán la razón de ello.
Durante el Reino Nuevo se produjo una ampliación de las fronteras y una fuerte centralización y estabilidad interna; es insoslayable resaltar al respecto el control por parte de la monarquía de los territorios conquistados y el mantenimiento de su posición en el Levante mediterráneo frente a la presión de mitanios e hititas. Particularmente, nos centraremos en el período amarniano, que tradicionalmente ha tenido una visión peyorativa basada en el supuesto de la 'incapacidad' real de intervención en asuntos políticos, como así también las grandes 'dificultades' en mantener el efectivo dominio del territorio.Sin embargo, diversos fueron los mecanismos de legitimación desarrollados por el poder regio en este contexto. Centrándonos en la postura fenomenológico-hermenéutica del historiador de las religiones rumano Mircea Eliade (1957) y basándonos también en los aportes de Fredrik Barth (1976), Jan Assmann (2005) y Pascal Vernus (2011), será nuestro objetivo analizar las implicaciones simbólico-religiosas de la concepción egipcia de los pueblos extranjeros y de las interacciones políticas con ellos bajo el período de gobierno de Akhenatón.
El trabajo intenta acercar la mirada de la literatura hacia la ciudad. Se procura tomar esta mirada como un enfoque para poder "leer" la ciudad desde su "textualidad"; es decir, desde su recorrido para poder posicionarnos en lo que la sociedad va "escribiendo" en cada recorte espacial. Para ello, se indagó sobre la relación de la literatura con la geografía y se tomaron determinadas obras y autores, que desde la literatura han aportado miradas sobre la ciudad, la naturaleza y el paisaje. Encontramos que la literatura y los autores pueden alejarse de la mirada cotidiana y plasmar en papel la otra ciudad, la que la cotidianeidad, la vorágine y la superposición del espacio y el tiempo, nos terminan diluyendo
Este trabajo trata sobre la famosa digresión de Tucídides en el libro sexto de su historia acerca de la caída de la tiranía en Atenas (Tuc. 6.54-59) y su relación con el relato de Heródoto. La digresión de Tucídides (y más específicamente su tono polémico) ha provocado controversia entre los comentadores, que han analizado a fondo las narrativas de los dos historiadores tanto desde una perspectiva histórica como historiográfica. Este estudio tiende a contribuir a esta discusión a través de tres sugerencias: la primera, Tucídides se mete no solo con la pequeña sección sobre los tiranicidas de la Historia de Heródoto (esto es Hdt. 5.55-65), sino, más bien, con toda la narrativa de la Historia de Heródoto sobre la liberación de Atenas de la tiranía que se extiende hasta el discurso de Socles (esto es Hdt. 5.55-5.96.2); segunda, las correcciones de Tucídides al relato de Heródoto son menores, tercera, dado que las divergencias de Tucídides con respecto a Heródoto no son decisivas para la versión correcta de los hechos, el tono polémico de Tucídides en su digresión resulta todavía más difícil de explicar. En este trabajo se sugiere tentativamente que la actitud polémica de Tucídides tiene más sentido si es interpretada en el contexto de la rivalidad del historiador con Heródoto
Las siguientes páginas intentarán echar luz sobre la teología desarrollada por Reginald Scot a partir de una de las temáticas más propias del siglo XVI: la cuestión eucarística. Uno de los objetivos es demostrar que la idea que el inglés tiene de la divinidad no sólo es la causa de su desmantelamiento de la demonología positiva, sino también de la aproximación en igual sentido al dogma católico de la transubstanciación. Lo que se plantea aquí es que Scot rechazaba las bases intelectuales de la persecución de brujas por el mismo motivo por el que negaba la transformación del pan y el vino en el cuerpo y sangre de Cristo. Producto del contexto histórico de su elaboración intelectual, el autor utiliza su teología como una herramienta de proselitismo anticatólico, relacionando al papismo con todas las creencias equivocadas en materia religiosa. A su vez, se abre la posibilidad de rastrear si el inglés propone una postura eucarística positiva, y -en caso de hacerlo- cómo se vincula con la posición oficial de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y la de las corrientes predominantes de la Reforma continental