777 resultados para SIZE HOMOPLASY
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of the tiller size/density compensation mechanism in Tifton 85 bermudagrass swards grazed by sheep under continuous stocking. Treatments corresponded to four sward steady state conditions (5, 10, 15, and 20 cm of sward surface height), maintained by sheep grazing. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replicates. Pasture responses evaluated include: tiller population density, tiller mass, leaf mass and leaf area per tiller, and herbage mass. Tiller volume, leaf area index, tiller leaf/stem ratio, and tiller leaf area/volume ratio were calculated and simple regression analyses between tiller population density and tiller mass were performed. Measurements were made in December, 1998, and January, April, and July, 1999. The swards showed a tiller size/density compensation mechanism in which high tiller population densities were associated with small tillers and vice-versa, except in July, 1999. Regression analyses revealed that linear coefficients were steeper than the theoretical expectation of -3/2. Increments in herbage mass were attributable to increases in tiller mass in December and January. Leaf area/volume ratio values of Tifton 85 tillers were much lower than those commonly found for temperate grass species.
Evaluation of root traits may be facilitated if they are assessed on samples of the root system. The objective of this work was to determine the sample size of the root system in order to estimate root traits of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars by digital image analysis. One plant was grown per pot and harvested at pod setting, with 64 and 16 pots corresponding to two and four cultivars in the first and second experiments, respectively. Root samples were scanned up to the completeness of the root system and the root area and length were estimated. Scanning a root sample demanded 21 minutes, and scanning the entire root system demanded 4 hours and 53 minutes. In the first experiment, root area and length estimated with two samples showed, respectively, a correlation of 0.977 and 0.860, with these traits measured in the entire root. In the second experiment, the correlation was 0.889 and 0.915. The increase in the correlation with more than two samples was negligible. The two samples corresponded to 13.4% and 16.9% of total root mass (excluding taproot and nodules) in the first and second experiments. Taproot stands for a high proportion of root mass and must be deducted on root trait estimations. Samples with nearly 15% of total root mass produce reliable root trait estimates.
The main environmental variables determining the community structure and the functioning of Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems are described. These ecosystems are characterized by the unpredictability of their water inputs and the high variability in their water level and physical and chemical composition. Variations in flooding, salinity, and water turnover are determinant in species composition and nutrient dynamics. Taxon-based and size-based approaches to the study of the community structure of aquatic organisms that colonise these ecosystems are also compared. The conventional taxonomic approach, based on the determination of species composition, has been used for the identification of patterns in species richness, distribution and temporal dynamics, and for ecological requirements of species and their potential use as ecological indicators. This taxonbased approach has been compared with a size-based approach, where individuals are classified by their size. Size-based approach gives complementary information about community structure and dynamics, especially when communities are dominated by a single species. The use of size diversity combined with species diversity is suggested for a more complete understanding of community structuring in this type of ecosystem. Detailed examples of two Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems, the salt marshes of the Empordà wetlands and the Espolla temporary karstic pond, which differ in hydrology and water origin, are used to discuss the suitability of these different approaches
In Illinois and Iowa, the author finds that plants with approximately 750 employees have suffered the highest strike-frequency rate. Why at this size? Among other explanations, it is posited that in significantly smaller plants labor-management relations can be personalized-and tensions reduced-while in appreciably larger plants sophistication in dealing with disputes may, of necessity, have been developed. C. Fred Eisele is a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Iowa's College of Business Administration.
Two common lung-related complications in the neonate are respiratory distress syndrome, which is associated with a failure to generate low surface tension at the air-liquid interface because of pulmonary surfactant insufficiency, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a chronic lung injury with reduced alveolarization. Surfactant phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecular species composition during alveolarization has not been examined. Mass spectrometry analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of rodents and humans revealed significant changes in surfactant PC during alveolar development and BPD. In rats, total PC content rose during alveolarization, which was caused by an increase in palmitoylmyristoyl-PC (16:0/14:0PC) concentration. Furthermore, two animal models of BPD exhibited a specific reduction in 16:0/14:0PC content. In humans, 16:0/14:0PC content was specifically decreased in patients with BPD and emphysema compared with patients without alveolar pathology. Palmitoylmyristoyl-PC content increased with increasing intrinsic surfactant curvature, suggesting that it affects surfactant function in the septating lung. The changes in acyl composition of PC were attributed to type II cells producing an altered surfactant during alveolar development. These data are compatible with extracellular surfactant 16:0/14:0PC content being an indicator of alveolar architecture of the lung.
BACKGROUND: As the long-term survival of pancreatic head malignancies remains dismal, efforts have been made for a better patient selection and a tailored treatment. Tumour size could also be used for patient stratification. METHODS: One hundred and fourteen patients underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, peri-ampullary and biliary cancer stratified according to: ≤20 mm, 21-34 mm, 35-45 mm and >45 mm tumour size. RESULTS: Patients with tumour sizes of ≤20 mm had a N1 rate of 41% and a R1/2 rate of 7%. The median survival was 3.4 years. N1 and R1/2 rates increased to 84% and 31% for tumour sizes of 21-34 mm (P = 0.0002 for N, P = 0.02 for R). The median survival decreased to 1.6 years (P = 0.0003). A further increase in tumour size of 35-45 mm revealed a further increase of N1 and R1/2 rates of 93% (P < 0.0001) and 33%, respectively. The median survival was 1.2 years (P = 0.004). Tumour sizes >45 mm were related to a further decreased median survival of 1.1 years (P = 0.2), whereas N1 and R1/2 rates were 87% and 20%, respectively. DISCUSSION: Tumour size is an important feature of pancreatic head malignancies. A tumour diameter of 20 mm seems to be the cut-off above which an increased rate of incomplete resections and metastatic lymph nodes must be encountered and the median survival is reduced.
Carbonate Rock Pore Size Distribution Determination through Iowa Pore Index Testing, MLR-15-01, 2015
The Iowa Pore Index (IPI) measures the pore system of carbonate (limestone and dolomite) rocks using pressurized water to infiltrate the pore system. This technique provides quantitative results for the primary and capillary (secondary) pores in carbonate rocks. These results are used in conjunction with chemical and mineralogical test results to calculate a quality number, which is used as a predictor of aggregate performance in Portland cement concrete (PCC) leading to the durability classification of the aggregate. This study had two main objectives: to determine the effect different aggregate size has on IPI test results and to establish the precision of IPI test and test apparatus. It was found that smaller aggregate size fractions could be correlated to the standard 1/2”-3/4” size sample. Generally, a particle size decrease was accompanied by a slight decrease in IPI values. The IPI testing also showed fairly good agreement of the secondary pore index number between the 1/2”-3/4”and the 3/8”-1/2” fraction. The #4-3/8” showed a greater difference of the secondary number from the 1/2”-3/4” fraction. The precision of the IPI test was established as a standard deviation (Sr) of 2.85 (Primary) and 0.87 (Secondary) with a repeatability limit (%r) of 8.5% and 14.9% for the primary and secondary values, respectively.
If a mother's nutritional status predicts the nutritional environment of the offspring, it would be adaptive for mothers experiencing nutritional stress to prime their offspring for a better tolerance to poor nutrition. We report that in Drosophila melanogaster, parents raised on poor larval food laid 3-6% heavier eggs than parents raised on standard food, despite being 30 per cent smaller. Their offspring developed 14 h (4%) faster on the poor food than offspring of well-fed parents. However, they were slightly smaller as adults. Thus, the effects of parental diet on offspring performance under malnutrition apparently involve both adaptive plasticity and maladaptive effects of parental stress.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of cell sizes used for strawberry plug production in trays compared to bare root transplants, regarding initial plant size, harvest timing, and total strawberry fruit yield. Plug transplants were produced from runner tips rooted in trays with cell sizes of 26.5, 50, 100 and 150 cm³ filled with Plantmax HA organic substrate. Bare root transplants (control) were produced in a closed soilless system using sand as substrate. A randomized block design was used, with four replicates with 16 plants per plot. Bare root transplants and plug transplants from 100-cm³ cells had larger crown and higher leaf and root dry mass. Early fruit yield was higher in plants propagated from plugs than in those propagated from bare root transplants. Spring and total fruit yield did not differ among treatments, with an average yield of 435 and 874 g per plant, respectively. Earlier strawberry fruit yield was obtained by using plug transplants, even from trays with small cells of 26.5 or 50 cm³.
The objective of this study was to determine the minimum number of plants per plot that must be sampled in experiments with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) full-sib families in order to provide an effective estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of yield-related traits. The data were collected in a randomized complete block design with 18 sugarcane full-sib families and 6 replicates, with 20 plants per plot. The sample size was determined using resampling techniques with replacement, followed by an estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. Sample-size estimates varied according to the evaluated parameter and trait. The resampling method permits an efficient comparison of the sample-size effects on the estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. A sample of 16 plants per plot, or 96 individuals per family, was sufficient to obtain good estimates for all traits considered of all the characters evaluated. However, for Brix, if sample separation by trait were possible, ten plants per plot would give an efficient estimate for most of the characters evaluated.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and social communication, as well as by the presence of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Brodmann areas 44 and 45 in the inferior frontal cortex, which are involved in language processing, imitation function, and sociality processing networks, have been implicated in this complex disorder. Using a stereologic approach, this study aims to explore the presence of neuropathological differences in areas 44 and 45 in patients with autism compared to age- and hemisphere-matched controls. Based on previous evidence in the fusiform gyrus, we expected to find a decrease in the number and size of pyramidal neurons as well as an increase in volume of layers III, V, and VI in patients with autism. We observed significantly smaller pyramidal neurons in patients with autism compared to controls, although there was no difference in pyramidal neuron numbers or layer volumes. The reduced pyramidal neuron size suggests that a certain degree of dysfunction of areas 44 and 45 plays a role in the pathology of autism. Our results also support previous studies that have shown specific cellular neuropathology in autism with regionally specific reduction in neuron size, and provide further evidence for the possible involvement of the mirror neuron system, as well as impairment of neuronal networks relevant to communication and social behaviors, in this disorder.
[Eng] We study the marginal worth vectors and their convex hull, the socalled Weber set, from the original coalitional game and the transformed one, which is called the Weber set of level k. We prove that the core of the original game is included in each of the Weber set of level k, for any k, and that the Weber sets of consecutive levels form a chain if and only if the original game is 0-monotone. Even if the game is not 0-monotone, the intersection of the Weber sets for consecutive levels is always not empty, what is not the case for non-consecutive ones. Spanish education system.