984 resultados para Russian Far East
Janamittakaava: Russian wersts.
Merisodassa tapahtunut muutos – erityisesti konevoiman syrjäyttäessä purjeet ja raudan korvatessa puumateriaalin 1800-luvun loppupuolella – johti nykypäivänäkin merkittäviin merisodan teoreettisiin tarkasteluihin. Teorioihin pohjautuneet merisotataidon yleisperiaatteet saivat ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana käytännön testauksensa. Voittajat ja häviäjät analysoivat taistelut sekä maailmalla vallinneen ripeän teknisen kehityksen, minkä seurauksena laivastojen varustelu kiihtyi uudestaan valtapolitiikan tueksi. Maailmansotien välisenä aikana pyrittiin kansainvälisin sopimuksin säätelemään suurten laivastojen, kuten Britannian, Ranskan, Italian, Japanin ja Yhdysvaltojen varustelukilpailua. Versaillesin rauhansopimus rajoitti samanaikaisesti Saksan merivoimien kokoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan Britannian ja Saksan merivoimien varustelua ja merisotataidon kehittymistä maailmansotien välisenä aikana. Merisotataidon kehittymisen tarkastelu tapahtuu postimerkkien avulla. Postimerkki syntyi Englannissa vuonna 1840 ja sen käyttö yleistyi ympäri maailman lähes samanaikaisesti konevoimaa käyttäneiden laivojen kanssa. Postimerkkien kuva-aiheet olivat aluksi valtioiden päämiehiä, heraldiikkaa, maisemia tai abstrakteja aiheita. Vasta 1900-luvun alkupuolella kuva-aiheina saattoi olla lähes mitä vain, myös sotalaivojen kuvia. Postimerkkikokoelmastani erottuu tutkimusaiheeseen 335 merkkiä. Britannian ja Saksan kansallisarkistojen alkuperäislähteiden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden dokumenttianalyysiin perustuvaa merisotataidon moninaista kehitystä verrataan tutkimuksessani postimerkkien kuva-aiheisiin ja niiden yksityiskohtiin 3 300 kertaa. Tällä menettelyllä pyrin selvittämään voiko postimerkkejä käyttää ja pitää merisotaidon kehityksen kattavina dokumentteina. Postimerkeissä satunnaisiksi jääneet virheet tai propaganda eivät vähennä merisotataidon kehityksen kuvaamisen dokumenttiarvoa. Postimerkkien sotalaivoihin liittyvät kuvat kattavat muutamaa laivaluokkaa lukuunottamatta molempien maiden kaikki taistelualuslajit- ja luokat. Postimerkeistä voidaan nähdä vanhat sotalaivat, niiden peruskorjaukset ja uudet luokat lentotukialuksista sukellusveneisiin. Alusten kuvat voidaan liittää Britannian kansainyhteisön muuttuneisiin strategisiin ja taktisiin tavoitteisiin niin Atlantilla kuin Kaukoidässä. Saksan merivoimien nousu Versaillesin rauhanehtojen rajoituksista ja lopulta pyrkimys Britannian kauppamerenkulun tuhoajaksi välittyy myös postimerkeistä. Yleinen sotatekninen kehitys, lentoneiden tulo merisotanäyttämölle ja aikanaan kansainvälisten tonnistorajoitusten poistuminen näkyvät postimerkeissä. Kokopostimerkin historian aikana vuoteen 2012 mennessä purjeettomien, nykyaikaisten sotalaivojen kuvia on julkaistu noin 3 350 postimerkillä, jotka on koottu Maailman suurin laivasto-osasto -postimerkkikokoelmaani noin 35 vuoden aikana
Rice is the most extensively cultivated crop in the world, particularly concentrated in Asia and the Far East. Asian countries together make up for as much as 91.80 per cent of the world production of rice in 1986. The main objective of the present study is to analyse the rice economy of Kerala over time and space at the State, district and taluk level. The thesis analyses the trends in area, yield and total production of rice during the three seasons in the state, districts and taluks and studies the trends in input and output prices of rice and coconut in the state, districts and taluks. The researcher estimates the impact of input and output prices on area, yield and total output of rice in the state, districts and selected taluks and examines the conversion of paddy field into coconut garden and rubber plantation.
El Grupo Visegrád es un escenario de cooperación multilateral, conformado por Polonia, República Checa, Eslovaquia y Hungría, el cual tiene como objetivo principal contribuir al cumplimiento de los intereses de dichos países, por medio de la financiación de proyectos culturales. El interés de esta monografía consiste en determinar la incidencia de la cooperación cultural en la reafirmación identitaria de cada uno de los miembros del Grupo y, por ende, en la manera como éstos se proyectan dentro de la Unión Europea. Así pues, se identifican los principales hechos históricos que han moldeado los intereses de los países del V4 y que condujeron a la creación de una estructura institucional sólida, que ha servido como plataforma para el accionar de dichos países dentro del bloque europeo. Se utiliza la perspectiva constructivista de Alexander Wendt, la cual permite entender la naturaleza de la cooperación y, su relación con las identidades y los intereses de los Estados.
La década de 1950 fue determinante en el establecimiento y póstumo desarrollo del sistema de política exterior de la República Popular China. Al respecto, es de vital importancia realizar un análisis exhaustivo sobre esta primera etapa en donde actores externos a la nación tuvieron un papel determinante. Se busca, entonces, analizar la incidencia que tuvo el discurso de Estados Unidos en la política exterior China a través de un profundo análisis cualitativo que tendrá como base elementos propios de la historiografía. Mediante aproximaciones constructivistas, se pretende demostrar que las creencias pre-existentes de ambos actores (así como la intersubjetividad entre los mismos), determinó la identidad construida a través de la percepción mutua. Lo anterior, impulsó las relaciones predominantemente agresivas entre Estados Unidos y la China Maoísta de principios de la Guerra Fría.
This paper seeks to chronicle the roots of corporate governance form its narrow shareholder perspective to the current bourgeoning stakeholder approach while giving cognizance to institutional investors and their effective role in ESG in light of the King Report III of South Africa. It is aimed at a critical review of the extant literature from the shareholder Cadbury epoch to the present day King Report novelty. We aim to: (i) offer an analytical state of corporate governance in the Anglo-Saxon world, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Far East Asia and Africa; and (ii) illuminate the lead role the king Report of South Africa is playing as the bellwether of the stakeholder approach to corporate governance as well as guiding the role of institutional investors in ESG.
In this article, we present quasiconformal mappings related to octonionic algebra. Based on the metric definition of quasiconformal mappings and using transformations of the type f(z)=zn, we compare the graphical and analytic results. © 2009 Pushpa Publishing House.
Assume that X is an oriented smooth (n+k)-manifold. Then the kernel of the forgetful map F considered in this work consists of immersions f: Mn → X nullbordant as a continuous map. Using an exact sequence of normal bordism groups previously given, we present a homological characterization of the kernel of the forgetful map F. Also, we prove that Ωi(X, εs - ηs and Hi(X,Z) are -isomorphic for i≤3 and C2-isomorphic for i≤2, where C2,3 (resp. C2 is the class of abelian groups whose elements have order 2p. 3q (resp. 2p), and ηs is an orientable stable vector bundle over X. © 2009 Pushpa Publishing House.
Quaternionic theory has greatly been developed in recent years [1-12]. Thus, in our view, the study of trigonometric and logarithmic type quaternionic functions is important for the determination and realization of a hyper complex theory. In this paper, we intend to give a geometrical foundation for both logarithmic and trigonometric hyper complex functions based on the exponential function of quaternionic type recently introduced by Borges, Marão and Machado in their paper entitled Geometrical octonions II: Hyper regularity and hyper periodicity of the exponential function appearing. © 2011 Pushpa Publishing House.
Bemisia tabaci is one of the most important global agricultural insect pests, being a vector of emerging plant viruses such as begomoviruses and criniviruses that cause serious problems in many countries. Although knowledge of the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations is important for controlling this pest and understanding viral epidemics, limited information is available on this pest in Brazil. A survey was conducted in different locations of São Paulo and Mato Grosso states, and the phylogenetic relationships of B. tabaci individuals from 43 populations sampled from different hosts were analysed based on partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (mtCOI) sequences. According to the recently proposed classification of the B. tabaci complex, which employs the 3.5% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold for species demarcation, most of the specimens collected were found to belong to the Middle East-Asia Minor 1 species, which includes the invasive populations of the commonly known B biotype, within the Africa/Middle East/Asia Minor high-level group. Three specimens collected from Solanun gilo and Ipomoea sp. were grouped together and could be classified in the New World species that includes the commonly known A biotype. However, six specimens collected from Euphorbia heterophylla, Xanthium cavanillesii and Glycine maxima could not be classified into any of the 28 previously proposed species, although according to the 11% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold, they belong to the New World high-level group. These specimens were classified into a new recently proposed species named New World 2 that includes populations from Argentina. Middle East-Asia Minor 1, New World and New World 2 were differentiated by RFLP analysis of the mtCOI gene using TaqI enzyme. Taq I analysis in silico also differentiates these from Mediterranean species, thus making this method a convenient tool to determine population dynamics, especially critical for monitoring the presence of this exotic pest in Brazil. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH.
Este artigo discute as relações entre idéias de progresso da capital federal brasileira no começo do século XX e a imagem bizarra do Japão e dos japoneses veiculadas dentro de um dos periódicos brasileiros mais requintados da época: a revista Kosmos. Em contraposição aos artigos de louvor às melhorias urbanas promovidas pelo governo carioca; as crônicas de viagem de países “exóticos” como o Extremo Oriente tiveram um papel fundamental na promoção da auto-estima da elite brasileira que se pretendia civilizada, moderna e branca.
The Urucuia Aquifer System represents a strategic water source in western Bahia. Its baseflow is responsible for the flow rate of the main tributaries of São Francisco river left bank in the dry season, including the Rio Grande, its main tributary in Bahia state. This river has a hydrological regime heavily affected by groundwater and is located in a region with conflicts about water resources. The aquifers geology is constituted by neocretacious sandstones of Urucuia Group subdivided in Posse Formation and Serra das Araras Formation. The embasement is formed by neoproterozoic rocks of Bambuí Group. This work focuses on an important tool application, the mathematical model, whose function is represent approximately and suitably the reality so that can assist in different scenarios simulations and make predictions. Many studies developed in this basin provided the conceptual model basis including a full free aquifer, lithological and hydraulical homogeneity in entire basin, null flux at plateau borders and aquifer base. The finite element method is the numerical method used and FEFLOW the computational algorithm. The simulated area was discretized in a single layer with 27.357,6 km² (314.432 elements and 320.452 nodes) totaling a 4.249,89 km³ volume. Were utilized 21 observation wells from CERB to calibrate the model. The terrain topography was obtained by SRTM data and the impermeable base was generated by interpolation of descriptive profiles from wells and electric vertical drilling from previous studies. Works in this area obtained mean recharge rates varying approximately from 20% to 25% of average precipitation, thus the values of model recharge zones varying in this range. Were distributed 4 hydraulic conductivity zones: (K1) west zone with K=6x10-5 m/s; (K2) center-east zone with K=3x10-4 m/s; (K3) far east zone with K=5x10-4 m/s; e (K4) east-north zone with K=1x10-5 m/s. Thereby was incorporated to the final conceptual model...
This course conclusion project is linked to the work of the research group at the Chronology and Chronometry Center of UNESP-Rio Claro and also proposes the application of morphometric analysis techniques of the drainage network, by applying Slope Index Value and Extension methods and also the application of longitudinal profile in the far east of the southeast region, more precisely on the border between the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in the geomorphological sub-zone of Serra da Bocaina. The research was conducted in the watershed of Jacuí river, in order to outline neotectonical influences and structural controls on the landscape configuration, and also sort the drainage network in relation to the proposed standards in the literature so far today
The Nolan Pliny Jacobson Papers consist of manuscripts, articles, book reviews, photographs, and correspondence largely related to his philosophical writings, projects, and travels. The correspondence comprises the largest part of the collection and his correspondents are mostly with philosophy and religion professors from all around the world (mostly the Far East) which offers a valuable source on academic life and professional relationships.