887 resultados para Robotic Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS)
Efficacia del trattamento con concentrati piastrinici (P.R.P.) nelle lesioni condrali e tendinopatie
Purpose: Recent knowledge regarding tissue biology highlights a complex regulation of growth factors in reaction to tissue damage. Platelet Rich Plasma (P.R.P.), containing a natural pool of growth factors, can be obtained in a simple and minimally invasive way and be applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study is to explore this novel approach to treat cartilage degenerative lesions of the knee and tendon chronic lesions( patellar tendon, and achilles tendon). In this study we evaluated if the treatment with PRP injections can reduce pain and increase function in cases of patellar tendinosis (Jumper’s Knee), in chronic achilles tendinopathy and in patients with cartilage injuries of the knee. Materials and Methods: 40 patients with cartilage lesion of the knee, 28 male and 12 female with mean age 47 y. (min 18- max 52 years), were treated and prospectively evaluated at a minimum 6 months follow-up; in the same way, 12 patients with achilles tendon lesion (8 male and 4 female) with mean age 44,5 y. (min 32-max 58 years) and 10 patients with “Jumper’s Knee” (8 male and 2 female) with mean age 23,2 y. (min 18-max 37 years), were evaluated at 6 months follow up. The procedure involved 3 multiple injections , performed every two weeks. All patients were clinically evaluated at the end of the treatment and at 6 months follow up. IKDC, SF36, EQ-VAS, scores were used for clinical evaluation and patient satisfaction and functional status were also recorded. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the SF36 questionnaire in all parameters evaluated at the end of the therapy and 6 months follow-up in both group(tendinopathies and chondral lesions), and in the EQ VAS and IKDC score (paired T-test, p<0.0005) from basal evaluation to the end of the therapy, and a further improvement was present at 6 months follow-up. Whereas a higher improvement of the sport activity level was achieved in the “Jumper’s Knee” group. No complications related to the injections or severe adverse events were observed during the treatment and follow up period. Conclusion: PRP inhibits excess inflammation, apoptosis, and metalloproteinase activity. These interactive pathways may result in the restoration of tendon or cartilage, which can with stand loading with work or sports activity, thereby diminishing pain. PRP may also modulate the microvascular environment or alter efferent or afferent neural receptors. The clinical results are encouraging, indicating that PRP injections may have the potential to increase the tendon and cartilage healing capacity in cases with chronic tendinosis and chondropathy of the knee.
Nel corso degli anni diverse sono le tecniche proposte per il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali, da quelle mini-invasive con stimolazione midollare fino a quelle più aggressive basate sul trapianto di tessuti autologhi o eterologhi. Tutti questi metodi hanno comunque dei difetti ed è questo il motivo per cui il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali rappresenta tuttora una sfida per il chirurgo ortopedico, in considerazione dell’alta specializzazione e del basso potere di guarigione del tessuto cartilagineo. Buoni risultati sono stati ottenuti con innesti bioingegnerizzati o matrici polimeriche impiantati nei siti danneggiati. La quantità di scaffolds in uso per la riparazione condrale ed osteocondrale è molto ampia; essi differiscono non solo per il tipo di materiali usati per la loro realizzazione, ma anche per la presenza di promotori di una o più linee cellulari , su base condrogenica o osteogenica. Quando ci si approccia ad una lesione condrale di grandi dimensioni, l’osso sub-condrale è anch’esso coinvolto e necessita di trattamento per ottenere il corretto ripristino degli strati articolari più superficiali. La scelta più giusta sembra essere un innesto osteocondrale bioingegnerizzato, pronto per l’uso ed immediatamente disponibile, che consenta di effettuare il trattamento in un unico tempo chirurgico. Sulla base di questo razionale, dopo uno studio preclinico animale e previa autorizzazione del comitato etico locale, abbiamo condotto uno studio clinico clinico pilota utilizzando un nuovo innesto biomimetico nanostrutturato per il trattamento di lesioni condrali ed osteocondrali del ginocchio; la sua sicurezza e maneggevolezza, così come la facile riproducibilità della tecnica chirurgica ed i risultati clinici ottenuti sono stati valutati nel tempo a 6, 12, 24, 36 e 48 mesi dall’impianto in modo da testare il suo potenziale intrinseco senza l’aggiunta di alcuna linea cellulare.
The present research thesis was focused on the development of new biomaterials and devices for application in regenerative medicine, particularly in the repair/regeneration of bone and osteochondral regions affected by degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis or serious traumas. More specifically, the work was focused on the synthesis and physico-chemical-morphological characterization of: i) a new superparamagnetic apatite phase; ii) new biomimetic superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds; iii) new bioactive bone cements for regenerative vertebroplasty. The new bio-devices were designed to exhibit high biomimicry with hard human tissues and with functionality promoting faster tissue repair and improved texturing. In particular, recent trends in tissue regeneration indicate magnetism as a new tool to stimulate cells towards tissue formation and organization; in this perspective a new superparamagnetic apatite was synthesized by doping apatite lattice with di-and trivalent iron ions during synthesis. This finding was the pin to synthesize newly conceived superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds by reproducing in laboratory the biological processes yielding the formation of new bone, i.e. the self-assembly/organization of collagen fibrils and heterogeneous nucleation of nanosized, ionically substituted apatite mimicking the mineral part of bone. The new scaffolds can be magnetically switched on/off and function as workstations guiding fast tissue regeneration by minimally invasive and more efficient approaches. Moreover, in the view of specific treatments for patients affected by osteoporosis or traumas involving vertebrae weakening or fracture, the present work was also dedicated to the development of new self-setting injectable pastes based on strontium-substituted calcium phosphates, able to harden in vivo and transform into strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite. The addition of strontium may provide an anti-osteoporotic effect, aiding to restore the physiologic bone turnover. The ceramic-based paste was also added with bio-polymers, able to be progressively resorbed thus creating additional porosity in the cement body that favour cell colonization and osseointegration.
Articular cartilage lesions, with their inherent limited healing potential, are hard to treat and remain a challenging problem for orthopedic surgeons. Despite the development of several treatment strategies, the real potential of each procedure in terms of clinical benefit and effects on the joint degeneration processes is not clear. Aim of this PhD project was to evaluate the results, both in terms of clinical and imaging improvement, of new promising procedures developed to address the challenging cartilage pathology. Several studies have been followed in parallel and completed over the 3-year PhD, and are reported in detail in the following pages. In particular, the studies have been focused on the evaluation of the treatment indications of a scaffold based autologous chondrocyte implantation procedure, documenting its results for the classic indication of focal traumatic lesions, as well as its use for the treatment of more challenging patients, older, with degenerative lesions, or even as salvage procedure for more advanced stages of articular degeneration. The second field of study involved the analysis of the results obtained treating lesions of the articular surface with a new biomimetic osteochondral scaffold, which showed promise for the treatment of defects where the entire osteochondral unit is involved. Finally, a new minimally invasive procedure based on the use of growth factors derived from autologous platelets has been explored, showing results and underlining indicatios for the treatment of cartilage lesions and different stages of joint degeneration. These studies shed some light on the potential of the evaluated procedures, underlining good results as well as limits, they give some indications on the most appropriate candidates for their application, and document the current knowledge on cartilage treatment procedures suggesting the limitations that need to be addressed by future studies to improve the management of cartilage lesions.
Nel presente progetto di ricerca, da novembre 2011 a novembre 2013 , sono stati trattati chirurgicamente, con l’assistenza del navigatore , pazienti con tumori ossei primitivi degli arti, del bacino e del sacro, analizzando i risultati degli esami istologici dei margini di resezione del tumore e i risultati clinici e radiografici. Materiali e metodi : Abbiamo analizzato 16 pazienti 9 maschi e 7 femmine , con un'età media di 31 anni (range 12-55 ). Di tutti i pazienti valutati 8 avevano una localizzazione agli arti inferiori , 4 al bacino e 4 all'osso sacro . Solo quelli con osteosarcoma parostale , Cordoma e Condrosarcoma non sono stati sottoposti a terapia antiblastica . Solo un paziente è stato sottoposto a radioterapia postoperatoria per una recidiva locale . Tutti gli altri pazienti non sono stati trattati con la radioterapia per l’ adeguatezza dei margini di resezione . Non ci sono state complicanze intraoperatorie . Nel periodo postoperatorio abbiamo osservato una vescica neurologica , una paresi sciatica, due casi di infezione di cui una superficiale e una profonda, tutti e quattro i pazienti con sarcoma sacrale sviluppati hanno avuto ritardato della guarigione della ferita e di questi tre hanno avuto incontinenza sfinterica. In tutti i casi si è ottenuta una eccellente risultato clinico e radiografico , con soddisfazione del paziente , corretto contatto tra l'osteotomia e l'impianto che apparivano stabili ai primi controlli ambulatoriali ( FU 19 mesi). Risultati: La chirurgia assistita da calcolatore ha permesso di migliorare l’esecuzione delle resezioni ossee prevista dal navigatore. Questa tecnologia è valida e utile per la cure dei tumori dell’apparato scheletrico, soprattutto nelle sedi anatomiche più complesse da trattare come la pelvi, il sacro e nelle resezioni intercalari difficoltose nell’ottenere un margine di resezione ampio e quindi di salvare l’articolazione e l’arto stesso.
Radiation metabolomics can be defined as the global profiling of biological fluids to uncover latent, endogenous small molecules whose concentrations change in a dose-response manner following exposure to ionizing radiation. In response to the potential threat of nuclear or radiological terrorism, the Center for High-Throughput Minimally Invasive Radiation Biodosimetry was established to develop field-deployable biodosimeters based, in part, on rapid analysis by mass spectrometry of readily and easily obtainable biofluids. In this review, we briefly summarize radiation biology and key events related to actual and potential nuclear disasters, discuss the important contributions the field of mass spectrometry has made to the field of radiation metabolomics, and summarize current discovery efforts to use mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to identify dose-responsive urinary constituents, and ultimately to build and deploy a noninvasive high-throughput biodosimeter.
Ever since the first percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) was carried out in Switzerland in 1977, restenosis remains a major drawback of this minimally invasive treatment intervention. Numerous attempts to increase vessel patency after PTA have included systemic medications and endovascular brachytherapy, but these techniques have not met our expectations in preventing restenosis. Nitinol stents have been shown to reduce rates of restenosis and target lesion revascularization in patients undergoing endovascular treatment of long femoropopliteal obstructions. Despite further technical refinements in nitinol stent technology, restenosis occurs in approximately every third patient undergoing femoropopliteal stenting. Similarly, initial clinical trials with drug-eluting stents have failed to indicate restenosis inhibition in femoropopliteal segment. Unfortunately, restenosis rates after below-the-knee PTA and stenting have been reported to be even higher than those following femoropopliteal revascularization. Current concepts for the prevention and treatment of restenosis after PTA or stenting include the sustained release of antiproliferative paclitaxel into the vessel wall. Drug eluting balloons are a promising, novel technology aimed at inhibiting restenosis after PTA. Its clinical efficacy in reducing restenosis has already been proven for coronary arteries as well as for the femoropopliteal segment. The purpose of this article is to review the clinical utility of drug-eluting balloons for lower limb endovascular interventions.
In addition to the increasingly significant role of multislice computed tomography in forensic pathology, the performance of whole-body computed tomography angiography provides outstanding results. In this case, we were able to detect multiple injuries of the parenchymal organs in the upper abdomen as well as lesions of the brain parenchyma and vasculature of the neck. The radiologic findings showed complete concordance with the autopsy and even supplemented the autopsy findings in areas that are difficult to access via a manual dissection (such as the vasculature of the neck). This case shows how minimally invasive computed tomography angiography can serve as an invaluable adjunct to the classic autopsy procedure.
Purpose Accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of lumbar vertebrae can enable image-based 3D kinematic analysis. The common approach to derive 3D models is by direct segmentation of CT or MRI datasets. However, these have the disadvantages that they are expensive, timeconsuming and/or induce high-radiation doses to the patient. In this study, we present a technique to automatically reconstruct a scaled 3D lumbar vertebral model from a single two-dimensional (2D) lateral fluoroscopic image. Methods Our technique is based on a hybrid 2D/3D deformable registration strategy combining a landmark-to-ray registration with a statistical shape model-based 2D/3D reconstruction scheme. Fig. 1 shows different stages of the reconstruction process. Four cadaveric lumbar spine segments (total twelve lumbar vertebrae) were used to validate the technique. To evaluate the reconstruction accuracy, the surface models reconstructed from the lateral fluoroscopic images were compared to the associated ground truth data derived from a 3D CT-scan reconstruction technique. For each case, a surface-based matching was first used to recover the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface model Results Our technique could successfully reconstruct 3D surface models of all twelve vertebrae. After recovering the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface models and the ground truth models, the average error of the 2D/3D surface model reconstruction over the twelve lumbar vertebrae was found to be 1.0 mm. The errors of reconstructing surface models of all twelve vertebrae are shown in Fig. 2. It was found that the mean errors of the reconstructed surface models in comparison to their associated ground truths after iterative scaled rigid registrations ranged from 0.7 mm to 1.3 mm and the rootmean squared (RMS) errors ranged from 1.0 mm to 1.7 mm. The average mean reconstruction error was found to be 1.0 mm. Conclusion An accurate, scaled 3D reconstruction of the lumbar vertebra can be obtained from a single lateral fluoroscopic image using a statistical shape model based 2D/3D reconstruction technique. Future work will focus on applying the reconstructed model for 3D kinematic analysis of lumbar vertebrae, an extension of our previously-reported imagebased kinematic analysis. The developed method also has potential applications in surgical planning and navigation.
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are well-established minimally invasive treatment options for compression fractures of osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Possible procedural disadvantages, however, include incomplete fracture reduction or a significant loss of reduction after balloon tamp deflation, prior to cement injection. A new procedure called "vertebral body stenting" (VBS) was tested in vitro and compared to kyphoplasty. VBS uses a specially designed catheter-mounted stent which can be implanted and expanded inside the vertebral body. As much as 24 fresh frozen human cadaveric vertebral bodies (T11-L5) were utilized. After creating typical compression fractures, the vertebral bodies were reduced by kyphoplasty (n = 12) or by VBS (n = 12) and then stabilized with PMMA bone cement. Each step of the procedure was performed under fluoroscopic control and analysed quantitatively. Finally, static and dynamic biomechanical tests were performed. A complete initial reduction of the fractured vertebral body height was achieved by both systems. There was a significant loss of reduction after balloon deflation in kyphoplasty compared to VBS, and a significant total height gain by VBS (mean +/- SD in %, p < 0.05, demonstrated by: anterior height loss after deflation in relation to preoperative height [kyphoplasty: 11.7 +/- 6.2; VBS: 3.7 +/- 3.8], and total anterior height gain [kyphoplasty: 8.0 +/- 9.4; VBS: 13.3 +/- 7.6]). Biomechanical tests showed no significant stiffness and failure load differences between systems. VBS is an innovative technique which allows for the possibly complete reduction of vertebral compression fractures and helps maintain the restored height by means of a stent. The height loss after balloon deflation is significantly decreased by using VBS compared to kyphoplasty, thus offering a new promising option for vertebral augmentation.
The questions of cause and manner of death are the most pressing ones in any forensic investigation. Traditionally, autopsy is the means to provide answers to these questions and despite the increasing use of CT and MR in the post-mortem setting, imaging has usually been an adjunct to forensic autopsy. Here we describe a case where post-mortem CT and MR were performed instead of autopsy, at the request of the responsible public prosecutor. The forensic conclusions derived from imaging, including cause and manner of death were accepted by the legal authorities, thereby setting precedence for future cases. This case represents a landmark in forensic medicine and is another step toward the full realization of minimally invasive forensic autopsy.
Intra-arterial (IA) injection represents an experimental avenue for minimally invasive delivery of stem cells to the injured brain. It has however been reported that IA injection of stem cells carries the risk of reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and microstrokes. Here we evaluate the safety of IA neural progenitor cell (NPC) delivery to the brain. Cerebral blood flow of rats was monitored during IA injection of single cell suspensions of NPCs after stroke. Animals received 1 × 10(6) NPCs either injected via a microneedle (microneedle group) into the patent common carotid artery (CCA) or via a catheter into the proximally ligated CCA (catheter group). Controls included saline-only injections and cell injections into non-stroked sham animals. Cerebral blood flow in the microneedle group remained at baseline, whereas in the catheter group a persistent (15 minutes) decrease to 78% of baseline occurred (P<0.001). In non-stroked controls, NPCs injected via the catheter method resulted in higher levels of Iba-1-positive inflammatory cells (P=0.003), higher numbers of degenerating neurons as seen in Fluoro-Jade C staining (P<0.0001) and ischemic changes on diffusion weighted imaging. With an appropriate technique, reduction in CBF and microstrokes do not occur with IA transplantation of NPCs.
The authors describe a modification of the medial branch kryorhizotomy technique for the treatment of lumbar facet joint syndrome using a fluoroscopy-based laser-guided method. A total of 32 patients suffering from lumbar facet joint syndrome confirmed by positive medial nerve block underwent conventional or laser-guided kryorhizotomy. The procedural time (20.6 +/- 1.0 vs 16.3 +/- 0.9 minutes, p < 0.01), fluoroscopy time (54.1 +/- 3.5 vs 28.2 +/- 2.4 seconds, p < 0.01), radiation dose (407.5 +/- 32.0 vs 224.1 +/- 20.3 cGy/cm(2), p < 0.01), and patient discomfort during the procedure (7.1 +/- 0.4 vs 5.2 +/- 0.4 on the visual analog scale, p < 0.01) were significantly reduced in the laser-guided group. There was a tendency for a better positioning accuracy when the laser guidance method was used (3.0 +/- 0.3 vs 2.2 +/- 0.3 mm of deviation from the target points, p > 0.05). No difference in the outcome was observed between the 2 groups of patients (visual analog scale score 3.5 +/- 0.2 vs 3.3 +/- 0.3, p > 0.05). This improved minimally invasive surgical technique offers advantages to conventional fluoroscopy-based kryorhizotomy.