978 resultados para Rna-binding Rotein
We have studied the requirements for efficient histone-specific RNA 3' processing in nuclear extract from mammalian tissue culture cells. Processing is strongly impaired by mutations in the pre-mRNA spacer element that reduce the base-pairing potential with U7 RNA. Moreover, by exchanging the hairpin and spacer elements of two differently processed H4 genes, we find that this difference is exclusively due to the spacer element. Finally, processing is inhibited by the addition of competitor RNAs, if these contain a wild-type spacer sequence, but not if their spacer element is mutated. Conversely, the importance of the hairpin for histone RNA 3' processing is highly variable: A hairpin mutant of the H4-12 gene is processed with almost wild-type efficiency in extract from K21 mouse mastocytoma cells but is strongly affected in HeLa cell extract, whereas an identical hairpin mutant of the H4-1 gene is affected in both extracts. The hairpin defect of H4-12-specific RNA in HeLa cells can be overcome by a compensatory mutation that increases the base complementarity to U7 snRNA. Very similar results were also obtained in RNA competition experiments: processing of H4-12-specific RNA can be competed by RNA carrying a wild-type hairpin element in extract from HeLa, but not K21 cells, whereas processing of H4-1-specific RNA can be competed in both extracts. With two additional histone genes we obtained results that were in one case intermediate and in the other similar to those obtained with H4-1. These results suggest that hairpin binding factor(s) can cooperatively support the ability of U7 snRNPs to form an active processing complex, but is(are) not directly involved in the processing mechanism.
In transient expression studies after DNA transfection of HeLa cells, the mouse U7 gene produces only approximately 30% of the RNA produced by a mouse U1b gene. This difference persists even when the transfected genes have all their 5' and 3' flanking sequences exchanged suggesting a post-transcriptional effect. When the special U7 Sm binding site is mutated to a consensus derived from the major snRNAs (Sm-opt), the U7 RNA level increases 4- to 5-fold, whereas no RNA is detected from a U7 gene with a non-functional Sm binding site (Sm-mut). Moreover, U1b genes with the U7 Sm binding site yield reduced RNA levels. The Sm-opt site also alters the cellular behaviour of the corresponding U7 snRNA. It accumulates to a higher level in the nucleus than wild type U7 RNA, and is better immunoprecipitable with anti-Sm antibodies. Injection experiments in Xenopus oocytes indicate that the U7 genes with either Sm-opt or Sm-mut sites produce similar amounts of RNA as wild type U7, but that they differ in opposing ways in the processing of precursors to mature size U7 snRNA and in nuclear accumulation. However, in reconstitution experiments using Xenopus oocytes, we show that U7 Sm-opt RNA, despite its efficient nuclear accumulation, is not active in 3' processing of histone pre-mRNA, whereas wild type U7 RNA is assembled into functional snRNPs, which correctly process histone pre-mRNA substrate. This suggests a functional importance of the special U7 Sm sequence.
Histone RNA 3' end formation occurs through a specific cleavage reaction that requires, among other things, base-pairing interactions between a conserved spacer element in the pre-mRNA and the minor U7 snRNA present as U7 snRNP. An oligonucleotide complementary to the first 16 nucleotides of U7 RNA can be used to characterize U7 snRNPs from nuclear extracts by native gel electrophoresis. Using similar native gel techniques, we present direct biochemical evidence for a stable association between histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNPs. Other complexes formed in the nuclear extract are dependent on the 5' cap structure and on the conserved hairpin element of histone pre-mRNA, respectively. However, in contrast to the U7-specific complex, their formation is not required for processing. Comparison of several authentic and mutant histone pre-mRNAs with different spacer sequences demonstrates that the formation and stability of the U7-specific complex closely follows the predicted stability of the potential RNA-RNA hybrid. However, this does not exclude a stabilization of the complex by U7 snRNP structural proteins.
Imatinib mesylate, a selective inhibitor of KIT, PDGFR, and Abl kinases, has shown significant success as a therapy for patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). However, the underlying mechanisms of imatinib-induced cytotoxicity are not well understood. Using gene expression profiling and real-time PCR for target validation, we identified insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) to be to be up-regulated after imatinib treatment in imatinib-sensitive GISTs. IGFBP3 is a multifunctional protein that regulates cell proliferation and survival and mediates the effects of a variety of anti-cancer agents through IGF-dependent and IGF-independent mechanisms. Therefore, we hypothesized that IGFBP3 mediates GIST cell response to imatinib. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated IGFBP3 protein levels in two KIT mutant, imatinib-sensitive GIST cell lines and assessed the resultant changes in cell viability, survival, and imatinib sensitivity. In GIST882 cells, endogenous IGFBP3 was required for cell viability. However, inhibiting imatinib-induced IGFBP3 up-regulation by RNA interference or neutralization resulted in reduced drug sensitivity, suggesting that IGFBP3 sensitizes GIST882 cells to imatinib. GIST-T1 cells, on the other hand, had no detectable levels of endogenous IGFBP3, nor did imatinib induce IGFBP3 up-regulation, in contrast to our previous findings. IGFBP3 overexpression in GIST-T1 cells reduced viability but did not induce cell death; rather, the cells became polyploid through a mechanism that may involve attenuated Cdc20 expression and securin degradation. Moreover, IGFBP3 overexpression resulted in a loss of KIT activation and decreased levels of mature KIT. Consistent with this, GIST-T1 cells overexpressing IGFBP3 were less sensitive to imatinib. Furthermore, as neither GIST882 cells nor GIST-T1 cells expressed detectable levels of IGF-1R, IGFBP3 is likely not exerting its effects by modulating IGF signaling through IGF-1R or IR/IGF-1R hybrid receptors in these cell lines. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that IGFBP3 has cell-dependent effects and would, therefore, not be an ideal marker for identifying imatinib response in GISTs. Nevertheless, our results provide preliminary evidence that IGFBP3 may have some therapeutic benefits in GISTs. ^
Ligand-specific molecular switches composed of RNA were created by coupling preexisting catalytic and receptor domains via structural bridges. Binding of ligand to the receptor triggers a conformational change within the bridge, and this structural reorganization dictates the activity of the adjoining ribozyme. The modular nature of these tripartite constructs makes possible the rapid construction of precision RNA molecular switches that trigger only in the presence of their corresponding ligand. By using similar enzyme engineering strategies, new RNA switches can be made to operate as designer molecular sensors or as a new class of genetic control elements.
A vaccinia virus-based RNA expression system enabled high-level cytoplasmic expression of RNA aptamers directed against the intracellular domain of the β2 integrin LFA-1, a transmembrane protein that mediates cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). In two different cell types, cytoplasmic expression of integrin-binding aptamers reduced inducible cell adhesion to ICAM-1. The aptamers specifically target, and thereby define, a functional cytoplasmic subdomain important for the regulation of cell adhesion in leukocytes. Our approach of aptamer-controlled blocking of signaling pathways in vivo could potentially be applied wherever targeted modulation of a signal-transduction cascade is desired.
We present evidence that Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β subunit may be a transcriptional activator contact site. Stimulation of the activity of the pR promoter by DnaA protein is necessary for replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage λ. We found that DnaA activates the pR promoter in vitro. Particular mutations in the rpoB gene were able to suppress negative effects that certain dnaA mutations had on the replication of λ plasmids; this suppression was allele-specific. When a potential DnaA-binding sequence located several base pairs downstream of the pR promoter was scrambled by in vitro mutagenesis, the pR promoter was no longer activated by DnaA both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that DnaA may contact the β subunit of RNA polymerase during activation of the pR promoter. A new classification of prokaryotic transcriptional activators is proposed.
The basal transcription factor IIE (TFIIE) is thought to be one of the last factors to be assembled into a preinitiation complex (PIC) at eukaryotic promoters after RNA polymerase II and TFIIF have been incorporated. It was shown that a primary function of TFIIE is to recruit and cooperate with TFIIH in promoter melting. Here, we show that the large subunit of TFIIE (E56) can directly stimulate TBP binding to the promoter in the absence of other basal factors. The zinc-finger domain of E56, required for transcriptional activity, is critical for this function. In addition, the small subunit of TFIIE (E34) directly contacts DNA and TFIIA and thus providing a second mechanism for TFIIE to help binding of a TBP/IIA complex to the promoter, the first critical step in the PIC assembly. These studies suggest an alternative PIC assembly pathway in which TFIIE affects both TBP and TFIIH functions during initiation of RNA synthesis.
The transcriptional activity of an in vitro assembled human interferon-β gene enhanceosome is highly synergistic. This synergy requires five distinct transcriptional activator proteins (ATF2/c-JUN, interferon regulatory factor 1, and p50/p65 of NF-κB), the high mobility group protein HMG I(Y), and the correct alignment of protein-binding sites on the face of the DNA double helix. Here, we investigate the mechanisms of enhanceosome-dependent transcriptional synergy during preinitiation complex assembly in vitro. We show that the stereospecific assembly of the enhanceosome is critical for the efficient recruitment of TFIIB into a template-committed TFIID-TFIIA-USA (upstream stimulatory activity complex) and for the subsequent recruitment of the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme complex. In addition, we provide evidence that recruitment of the holoenzyme by the enhanceosome is due, at least in part, to interactions between the enhanceosome and the transcriptional coactivator CREB, cAMP responsive element binding protein (CBP). These studies reveal a unique role of enhanceosomes in the cooperative assembly of the transcription machinery on the human interferon-β promoter.
A cellular protein, previously described as p35/38, binds to the complementary (−)-strand of the leader RNA and intergenic (IG) sequence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA. The extent of the binding of this protein to IG sites correlates with the efficiency of the subgenomic mRNA transcription from that IG site, suggesting that it is a requisite transcription factor. We have purified this protein and determined by partial peptide sequencing that it is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, an abundant, primarily nuclear protein. hnRNP A1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing. The MHV(−)-strand leader and IG sequences conform to the consensus binding motifs of hnRNP A1. Recombinant hnRNP A1 bound to these two RNA regions in vitro in a sequence-specific manner. During MHV infection, hnRNP A1 relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where viral replication occurs. These data suggest that hnRNP A1 is a cellular factor that regulates the RNA-dependent RNA transcription of the virus.
The gene for the maturation protein of the single-stranded RNA coliphage MS2 is preceded by an untranslated leader of 130 nt, which folds into a cloverleaf, i.e., three stem–loop structures enclosed by a long distance interaction (LDI). This LDI prevents translation because its 3′ moiety contains the Shine–Dalgarno sequence of the maturation gene. Previously, several observations suggested that folding of the cloverleaf is kinetically delayed, providing a time window for ribosomes to access the RNA. Here we present direct evidence for this model. In vitro experiments show that ribosome binding to the maturation gene is faster than refolding of the denatured cloverleaf. This folding delay appears related to special properties of the leader sequence. We have replaced the three stem–loop structures by a single five nt loop. This change does not affect the equilibrium structure of the LDI. Nevertheless, in this construct, the folding delay has virtually disappeared, suggesting that now the RNA folds faster than ribosomes can bind. Perturbation of the cloverleaf by an insertion makes the maturation start permanently accessible. A pseudorevertant that evolved from an infectious clone carrying the insertion had overcome this defect. It showed a wild-type folding delay before closing down the maturation gene. This experiment reveals the biological significance of retarded cloverleaf formation.
The partially overlapping ORF P and ORF O are located within the domains of the herpes simplex virus 1 genome transcribed during latency. Earlier studies have shown that ORF P is repressed by infected cell protein 4 (ICP4), the major viral regulatory protein, binding to its cognate site at the transcription initiation site of ORF P. The ORF P protein binds to p32, a component of the ASF/SF2 alternate splicing factors; in cells infected with a recombinant virus in which ORF P was derepressed there was a significant decrease in the expression of products of key regulatory genes containing introns. We report that (i) the expression of ORF O is repressed during productive infection by the same mechanism as that determining the expression of ORF P; (ii) in cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature for ICP4, ORF O protein is made in significantly lower amounts than the ORF P protein; (iii) the results of insertion of a sequence encoding 20 amino acids between the putative initiator methionine codons of ORF O and ORF P suggest that ORF O initiates at the methionine codon of ORF P and that the synthesis of ORF O results from frameshift or editing of its RNA; and (iv) glutathione S-transferase–ORF O fusion protein bound specifically ICP4 and precluded its binding to its cognate site on DNA in vitro. These and earlier results indicate that ORF P and ORF O together have the capacity to reduce the synthesis or block the expression of regulatory proteins essential for viral replication in productive infection.
Interactions between the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain (CTD) of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase α subunit were analyzed at promoters carrying tandem DNA sites for CRP binding using a chemical nuclease covalently attached to α. Each CRP dimer was found to direct the positioning of one of the two α subunit CTDs. Thus, the function of RNA polymerase may be subject to regulation through protein–protein interactions between the two α subunits and two different species of transcription factors.
Communication between the 5′ and 3′ ends is a common feature of several aspects of eukaryotic mRNA metabolism. In the nucleus, the pre-mRNA 5′ end is bound by the nuclear cap binding complex (CBC). This RNA–protein complex plays an active role in both splicing and RNA export. We provide evidence for participation of CBC in the processing of the 3′ end of the message. Depletion of CBC from HeLa cell nuclear extract strongly reduced the endonucleolytic cleavage step of the cleavage and polyadenylation process. Cleavage was restored by addition of recombinant CBC. CBC depletion was found to reduce the stability of poly(A) site cleavage complexes formed in nuclear extract. We also provide evidence that the communication between the 5′ and 3′ ends of the pre-mRNA during processing is mediated by the physical association of the CBC/cap complex with 3′ processing factors bound at the poly(A) site. These observations, along with previous data on the function of CBC in splicing, illustrate the key role played by CBC in pre-mRNA recognition and processing. The data provides further support for the hypothesis that pre-mRNAs and mRNAs may exist and be functional in the form of “closed-loops,” due to interactions between factors bound at their 5′ and 3′ ends.
RAP74, the large subunit of transcription factor IIF, associates with a preinitiation complex containing RNA polymerase II (pol II) and other general initiation factors. We have mapped the location of RAP74 in close proximity to promoter DNA at similar distances both upstream and downstream of a DNA bend centered on the TATA box. Binding of RAP74 induces a conformational change that affects the position of pol II relative to that of the DNA. This reorganization of the preinitiation complex minimally requires the N-terminal region of RAP74 containing both its RAP30-binding domain and another region necessary for accurate transcription in vitro. We propose a role for RAP74 in controlling the topological organization of the pol II preinitiation complex.