1000 resultados para Rio das Pedras (SP)
Laboratory of Chemical Waste Management programs are being implemented in various universities of the country and the world, in recognition of the urgent need to change the reality of disregard for the environment, together with objective responsibility of the generator, and especially the awareness of sustainability. Analysis and research laboratories involve a range of waste in developing their studies with intrinsic characteristics related to their form of generation. The amount of waste generated in this segment is negligible compared to industrial activities, but the environmental issue is that these residues do not have a standard technique for treatment due to the potential variation of its composition. This research project, aiming their suitability and continuous improvement, aims to diagnose and analyze the current situation of the management and disposal of chemical waste generated by the laboratories IGCE UNESP, Campus Rio Claro / SP. Universities, through their research, teaching and extension, end up generating potentially hazardous chemicals that may contaminate the environment when they are disposed of improperly, with no concern for the environment and / or public health. Aiming to assist in improvements with respect to this issue, the purpose of this study is to understand the management and disposal of chemical waste from the IGCE, laboratories UNESP - Rio Claro / SP, in order to discuss the situation of such waste, and present proposals to reduce generation of the same and minimizing the environmental impact, thereby increasing the local hygiene through proper disposal. The research instrument used interviews, questionnaires, review of recent literature and observations were made in order to develop proposals for the management and disposal of waste. These proposals based on prevention and corrective control, where the preventive approach aims at lifting techniques and actions to reduce the generating sources and...
The Urbanization is a notable process in our society, being part of it since around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq area. Since the Industrial Revolution, cities had a significant increase in their growth and began to concentrate increasingly labor and capital. Brazil, despite having had a late industrialization, also had a high population growth in cities, especially in the XVIII century, which were not provided with any kind of planning that targets the ordering and implementation of the urban essential apparatus. Therefore, Brazilian cities started to exhibit countless structural and environmental problems. Associated with inadequate infrastructure, the modifications in the urban atmosphere, like increased heat, air pollution and increased rainfall and storm frequency, cause different types of impacts in cities. Among the most worrisome are those from the intense rain, which cause human and material damage. The city of Rio Claro (SP) can be considered an example of this reality. Thereby, the objective of this study was to analyze the impacts on the population originated from rainfall in the urban area during the period 2005-2010, by the mapping of events and analysis of the active atmospheric systems. The information of the events were collected in the Fire Department and the Press and the synoptic maps were obtained in the library of INPE, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP) and in the site of the Navy of Brazil. The data showed that among 247 occurrences, during the six years, 233 occurred in the spring-summer period. Moreover, after finalizing the maps, it was found the locations considered critical regarding the frequency of occurrences, as: Visconde do Rio Claro Avenue and central area of the city, both with a total of 23 occurrences; Jardim Inocoop, with 20; Tancredo Neves Avenue, with 12 and Vila Paulista, with 10 occurrences. Through the graphs, it was found that the most recurrent atmospheric system, during the studied period, is...
Diante do desenfreado uso da terra, gerando impactos muitas vezes irreversíveis, o planejamento ambiental insere-se como uma ferramenta atualmente necessária. Visto que é sob o relevo que se consolidam as atividades antrópicas, a cartografia do relevo surge como um importante instrumento, indicando setores cujas características naturais impõem limites ao uso da terra. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as características geomorfológicas da alta bacia do Rio Itanhaém, com ênfase à questão morfográfica e morfométrica do relevo, avaliando também as modificações impostas a este em decorrência do uso da terra, contribuindo, portanto, com a gestão ambiental desta área. Para tanto, foram elaborados documentos cartográficos capazes de evidenciar as características do relevo que impõem limites ao uso antrópico, a saber: as cartas morfométricas (carta de declividade, carta de dissecação vertical, carta de dissecação horizontal e carta de energia do relevo), que são documentos que evidenciam a suscetibilidade potencial do relevo sob a influência da ação das águas e gravitacional; a carta geomorfológica (cenário de 1962), que possibilita a espacialização das formas do relevo, contribuindo para a análise da morfodinâmica; e as cartas de uso da terra (cenário de 1962 e 2000), que, em conjunto com os documentos já especificados, possibilitam a análise da influência da atuação antrópica sob o sistema relevo. De maneira geral, pôde-se detectar problemas na morfodinâmica da área de estudo, evidenciados pela presença de feições denudacionais localizadas, tais como sulcos erosivos, voçorocas, ravina e cicatrizes de escorregamentos, os quais vinculam-se ao potencial natural que o relevo da área de estudo possui ao desencadeamento de processos morfogenéticos; à dinamização de processos naturais pela atuação antrópica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
As unidades de paisagens naturais se diferenciam pelo relevo, clima, cobertura vegetal, solos ou até mesmo pelo arranjo estrutural e do tipo de litologia. A caracterização pedológica e o entendimento das relações entre pedologia, geologia e geomorfologia são importantes para a compreensão da distribuição dos solos numa paisagem. Considerando esta como sendo uma combinação dinâmica e instável de elementos físicos, biológicos e antrópicos, e estando em constante evolução, realizou-se o estudo das características químicas, físicas, mineralógicas e morfológicas das coberturas superficiais de uma mesma Unidade Fisiográfica na região do Planalto Ocidental e da Depressão Periférica Paulista nas proximidades de Rio Claro – SP, para a compreensão de suas relações genéticas e cronológicas na evolução das paisagens da área. Para isso foram comparados os solos de dois transectos dentro dos compartimentos, levantando e analisando as características citadas para que se possa obter informações que permitiram o diagnóstico da evolução da área, visando contribuir para o avanço das coberturas superficiais e sua relação com a evolução da paisagem. Foi possível compreender determinados processos e produtos que deram origem às coberturas superficiais e consequentemente a algumas paisagens representativas da Quadrícula de São Carlos a partir dos métodos empregados. O estudo das coberturas de alteração intempérica da região centro-oeste paulista, e seu reconhecimento, são fundamentais para o ordenamento territorial e seu planejamento regional
The expansion of urban in medium-sized citie, increase the importance of action planning and management of natural resources, among which water is the most important. Such action should include the integration of physical and man-made elements involved. In this context, it becomesimportant for watershed analysis and the use of geotecnologies. Thus, the objective was to demonstrate the contribution of the geo, as a tool for managing a river basin, allowing the integration of physical data and the analysis of anthropogenic environmental scenarios in urban areas. The area chosen, the basin of the Wenzel, is located in Rio Claro / SP, a city whose urbanization process has been intense and continuous. Thematic maps were generated from the physical environment: soil, slope and geological, as well as maps of land use. With regard to land use maps, these were drawn from the visual interpretation of material aerophotogrammetric, considering the years 1995 and 2010, performing an evolutionary analysis. It was observed that the area presents small variation in the physical and structural aspects, with lithological and geomorphological formation favoring the occurrence of floods, erosion and siltation. These processes are accelerated by the forms of land use, with intense urbanization during the period between 1995 and 2010, and poor preservation of permanent preservation areasand. In the floodplain areas there is a high waste disposal is the most notable environmental problem
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um levantamento bibliográfico da situação em que a cidade de Rio Claro, interior de São Paulo, se encontra em relação à Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana, uma vez que, o município foi apontado como foco da doença no ano de 2000 por mídias regionais. O trabalho visa identificar o período de maior número de casos bem como a situação atual da doença na cidade. Este levantamento bibliográfico, contou com auxilio de agentes de saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Instituto Adolfo Lutz presente na cidade, além de departamentos da prefeitura municipal envolvidos com tema. Ficou evidente que o município enfrentou períodos de surtos da doença, porém, atualmente a LTA está controlada, apresentando poucos casos em relação há anos anteriores. O atendimento aos doentes é oferecido gratuitamente na rede municipal de saúde. A cidade procura através dos órgãos envolvidos com o tema, conscientizar a população quanto ao risco e método de prevenção
Groundwater in the Rio Claro district is predominantly extracted from low productivity wells on the Itararé Aquifer, from depths greater than 150 m. These factors in conjunction with increasing demand for water supply have stimulated many industries to exploit the Rio Claro Aquifer, constituted by Cenozoic sediments of the Rio Claro Formation, where hydraulic properties are poorly known. For this reason, it is necessary to study the possible vulnerable to contamination punctual locations of the aquifer, in order to enable proper management of these groundwater reserves and to allow continuity of supply. Thus, this study aims to assess the vulnerability to groundwater on contamination Rio Claro Aquifer, punctually in Mandu mining site area, located in the District of Ajapi, Rio Claro - SP, the company which operates and sells industrial sand. The risk of groundwater contamination depends on the relationship between the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer layer (vulnerability to contamination) and the pollutant load. To evaluate the susceptibility to contamination it was applied the method GOD (FOSTER and HIRATA, 1987; FOSTER et. al., 2002) and, in addition, field and laboratory tests were performed to chacacterize the granulometry of the strata, hydraulic conductivity and some physical indices to make the evaluation more assertive and detailed. Punctual contamination vulnerability found in the aquifer Rio Claro, was moderate, which means that the aquifer is vulnerable to some contaminants, but when continuously discharged or leached. Thus, Mandu mining has a great role on preventing the emission of contaminants in the process of extraction and processing of sand... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
As abelhas solitárias são caracterizadas pela independência da fêmea em construir e aprovisionar sozinha seus ninhos, sem auxílio, cooperação ou divisão de trabalho entre as fêmeas de uma mesma geração, ou entre mãe e filhas. Dentro deste grupo, se enquadram aquelas que nidificam em cavidades pré-existentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é inventariar as espécies de abelhas solitárias no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro - SP com o auxílio de ninhos-armadilha. Para este estudo foram escolhidos quatro locais, e em cada um foram expostos 212 ninhos-armadilha, confeccionados com cartolina preta, fechados numa das extremidades, todos com o mesmo comprimento, porém diferentes quanto ao diâmetro: 12,0 x 0,6 cm (ninho pequeno, NP) e 12,0 x 0,8 cm (ninho grande, NG). Esses ninhos foram arranjados dentro de tubos de PVC e apoiados em prateleiras ou em troncos, sempre a 1,40 metros de altura e protegidos contra o sol e chuva. A amostragem dos ninhos foi realizada no período entre maio de 2009 e abril de 2010, com coletas a cada dez dias. Cada ninho retirado foi reposto para manter o número de ninhos disponíveis. O período de emergência foi acompanhado de maio de 2009 a agosto de 2010. Apenas um ponto de amostragem houve coletas de ninhos de abelhas, o “Sítio de Nidificação”, com nidificação de sete espécies de abelhas pertencentes às famílias Apidae, Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata, Centris (Heterocentris) analis, Tetrapedia curvitarsis e Tetrapedia diversipes, e Megachilidae, Carloticola sp., Epanthidium tigrinum e Megachile sp. A espécie mais abundante foi Tetrapedia curvitarsis, seguida por Centris (Heterocentris) analis e Tetrapedia diversipes. A construção de ninhos foi maior durante o período chuvoso, havendo no mês de fevereiro de 2010 maior abundância de nidificações (23%) assim como maior riqueza de espécies nidificando (n = 6). Neste mesmo mês também... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Considering the growing degradation of the urban environmental quality resulting from the progressive sound pollution increase, as well as the consequent harmful effects about the human health, the present study had its central objective the argument and management tools implementation of the urban noise that can be integrated to the environmental planning in the city of Rio Claro (SP). Therefore, normative and bibliographical revisions were developed, that made feasible the directives of control argument and prevention of the urban noise, as well as the technical procedures of sound levels and evaluation’s definition and especially about the criteria applicable for the elaboration of an urban acoustic zoning methodology. Among the main results obtained detach: (1) the applicable legislation to the management of urban noise’s synthesis and argument; (2) the methodology of urban acoustic zoning development and (3) its implementation to determined areas of Rio Claro (SP) with the (4) respective cartography representation; (5) the mapping of sound levels in the central zone of Rio Claro (SP), (6) the obtaining and analysis of noise describers (LAeq, Lmáx, L10, L50, L90, Lmin and TNI) and the subsequent (7) acoustic maps elaboration for the main describers.
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The proposed work aims to analyze the due process of demographic transition and pronounced population aging present in the city of Rio Claro-SP and the implications that such situation entails the locality. Given that the city is at an advanced point of this phenomenon is noticed a large contingent of people aged over 65 years living on site, so they depend on actions in order to live with dignity. Therefore, the project has the aim of investigating the evolution of population, mainly focusing on the plot elderly, verifying the importance of state enterprises that were present in the town in the lives of citizens, for example, FEPASA and Cesp
The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies
Sociedades sustentáveis pressupõem o uso de recursos naturais na medida em que o limite de capacidade de suporte dos sistemas naturais não seja ultrapassado. Neste contexto, o uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade se coloca no importante papel de operacionalização do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. O método da Pegada Ecológica utiliza a conversão dos fluxos de matéria e energia utilizadas por uma população em áreas biologicamente produtivas para a provisão dos mesmos. No presente estudo, será feita uma aplicação deste método para a cidade de Rio Claro, contabilizando-se os principais itens e serviços consumidos pela população. Pretende-se inferir sobre a sustentabilidade na cidade, através da comparação entre a área apropriada para obtenção dos recursos consumidos e o próprio limite da área do município
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The inadequate disposal of municipal waste is one of the biggest environmental problems. The lack of long public politics makes this problem a challenge to their administrators. Finding a place for the disposal of waste is an easy task and the present work looks forward to a better understanding about the concepts involved in order to choose favorable areas for the development of sanitary landfills, minimizing environmental impacts. In this line of thought several areas in Rio Claro`s region were evaluated according to the environmental terms. The areas which were classified as good or almost good will have a more elaborated study such as field works, evaluation and understanding of the concepts analyzed so that there aren’t any waste of money, work, social and environmental waste in the area. These areas were analyzed according to secondary data such as geological and pedological formation and primary studies such as the assumption of the reality as showed in the map will be made in order to acquire better results.