879 resultados para Response time (computer systems)
Pac-Man is a well-known, real-time computer game that provides an interesting platform for research. We describe an initial approach to developing an artificial agent that replaces the human to play a simplified version of Pac-Man. The agent is specified as a simple finite state machine and ruleset. with parameters that control the probability of movement by the agent given the constraints of the maze at some instant of time. In contrast to previous approaches, the agent represents a dynamic strategy for playing Pac-Man, rather than a pre-programmed maze-solving method. The agent adaptively "learns" through the application of population-based incremental learning (PBIL) to adjust the agents' parameters. Experimental results are presented that give insight into some of the complexities of the game, as well as highlighting the limitations and difficulties of the representation of the agent.
Cascaded multilevel inverters-based Static Var Generators (SVGs) are FACTS equipment introduced for active and reactive power flow control. They eliminate the need for zigzag transformers and give a fast response. However, with regard to their application for flicker reduction in using Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), the existing multilevel inverter-based SVGs suffer from the following disadvantages. (1) To control the reactive power, an off-line calculation of Modulation Index (MI) is required to adjust the SVG output voltage. This slows down the transient response to the changes of reactive power; and (2) Random active power exchange may cause unbalance to the voltage of the d.c. link (HBI) capacitor when the reactive power control is done by adjusting the power angle d alone. To resolve these problems, a mathematical model of 11-level cascaded SVG, was developed. A new control strategy involving both MI (modulation index) and power angle (d) is proposed. A selected harmonics elimination method (SHEM) is taken for switching pattern calculations. To shorten the response time and simplify the controls system, feed forward neural networks are used for on-line computation of the switching patterns instead of using look-up tables. The proposed controller updates the MI and switching patterns once each line-cycle according to the sampled reactive power Qs. Meanwhile, the remainder reactive power (compensated by the MI) and the reactive power variations during the line-cycle will be continuously compensated by adjusting the power angles, d. The scheme senses both variables MI and d, and takes action through the inverter switching angle, qi. As a result, the proposed SVG is expected to give a faster and more accurate response than present designs allow. In support of the proposal there is a mathematical model for reactive powered distribution and a sensitivity matrix for voltage regulation assessment, MATLAB simulation results are provided to validate the proposed schemes. The performance with non-linear time varying loads is analysed and refers to a general review of flicker, of methods for measuring flickers due to arc furnace and means for mitigation.
The kinematic mapping of a rigid open-link manipulator is a homomorphism between Lie groups. The homomorphisrn has solution groups that act on an inverse kinematic solution element. A canonical representation of solution group operators that act on a solution element of three and seven degree-of-freedom (do!) dextrous manipulators is determined by geometric analysis. Seven canonical solution groups are determined for the seven do! Robotics Research K-1207 and Hollerbach arms. The solution element of a dextrous manipulator is a collection of trivial fibre bundles with solution fibres homotopic to the Torus. If fibre solutions are parameterised by a scalar, a direct inverse funct.ion that maps the scalar and Cartesian base space coordinates to solution element fibre coordinates may be defined. A direct inverse pararneterisation of a solution element may be approximated by a local linear map generated by an inverse augmented Jacobian correction of a linear interpolation. The action of canonical solution group operators on a local linear approximation of the solution element of inverse kinematics of dextrous manipulators generates cyclical solutions. The solution representation is proposed as a model of inverse kinematic transformations in primate nervous systems. Simultaneous calibration of a composition of stereo-camera and manipulator kinematic models is under-determined by equi-output parameter groups in the composition of stereo-camera and Denavit Hartenberg (DH) rnodels. An error measure for simultaneous calibration of a composition of models is derived and parameter subsets with no equi-output groups are determined by numerical experiments to simultaneously calibrate the composition of homogeneous or pan-tilt stereo-camera with DH models. For acceleration of exact Newton second-order re-calibration of DH parameters after a sequential calibration of stereo-camera and DH parameters, an optimal numerical evaluation of DH matrix first order and second order error derivatives with respect to a re-calibration error function is derived, implemented and tested. A distributed object environment for point and click image-based tele-command of manipulators and stereo-cameras is specified and implemented that supports rapid prototyping of numerical experiments in distributed system control. The environment is validated by a hierarchical k-fold cross validated calibration to Cartesian space of a radial basis function regression correction of an affine stereo model. Basic design and performance requirements are defined for scalable virtual micro-kernels that broker inter-Java-virtual-machine remote method invocations between components of secure manageable fault-tolerant open distributed agile Total Quality Managed ISO 9000+ conformant Just in Time manufacturing systems.
The CONNECT European project that started in February 2009 aims at dropping the interoperability barrier faced by today’s distributed systems. It does so by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on the fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate.
Common problems encountered in clinical sensing are those of non-biocompatibility, and slow response time of the device. The latter, also applying to chemical sensors, is possibly due to a lack of understanding of polymer support or membrane properties and hence failure to optimise membranes chosen for specific sensor applications. Hydrogels can be described as polymers which swell in water. In addition to this, the presence of water in the polymer matrix offers some control of biocompatibility. They thus provide a medium through which rapid transport of a sensed species to an incorporated reagent could occur. This work considers the feasibility of such a system, leading to the design and construction of an optical sensor test bed. The development of suitable membrane systems and of suitable coating techniques in order to apply them to the fibre optics is described. Initial results obtained from hydrogel coatings implied that the refractive index change in the polymer matrix, due to a change in water content with pH is the major factor contributing to the sensor response. However the presence of the colourimetric reagent was also altering the output signal obtained. An analysis of factors contributing to the overall response, such as colour change and membrane composition were made on both the test bed, via optical response, and on whole membranes via measurement of water content change. The investigation of coatings with low equilibrium water contents, of less than 10% was carried out and in fact a clearer signal response from the test bed was noted. Again these membranes were suprisingly responding via refractive index change, with the reagent playing a primary role in obtaining a sensible or non-random response, although not in a colourimetric fashion. A photographic study of these coatings revealed some clues as to the physical nature of these coatings and hence partially explained this phenomenon. A study of the transport properties of the most successful membrane, on a coated wire electrode and also on the fibre optic test bed, in a series of test environments, indicated that the reagent was possibly acting as an ion exchanger and hence having a major influence on transport and therefore sensor characteristics.
With the advent of distributed computer systems with a largely transparent user interface, new questions have arisen regarding the management of such an environment by an operating system. One fertile area of research is that of load balancing, which attempts to improve system performance by redistributing the workload submitted to the system by the users. Early work in this field concentrated on static placement of computational objects to improve performance, given prior knowledge of process behaviour. More recently this has evolved into studying dynamic load balancing with process migration, thus allowing the system to adapt to varying loads. In this thesis, we describe a simulated system which facilitates experimentation with various load balancing algorithms. The system runs under UNIX and provides functions for user processes to communicate through software ports; processes reside on simulated homogeneous processors, connected by a user-specified topology, and a mechanism is included to allow migration of a process from one processor to another. We present the results of a study of adaptive load balancing algorithms, conducted using the aforementioned simulated system, under varying conditions; these results show the relative merits of different approaches to the load balancing problem, and we analyse the trade-offs between them. Following from this study, we present further novel modifications to suggested algorithms, and show their effects on system performance.
The computer systems of today are characterised by data and program control that are distributed functionally and geographically across a network. A major issue of concern in this environment is the operating system activity of resource management for different processors in the network. To ensure equity in load distribution and improved system performance, load balancing is often undertaken. The research conducted in this field so far, has been primarily concerned with a small set of algorithms operating on tightly-coupled distributed systems. More recent studies have investigated the performance of such algorithms in loosely-coupled architectures but using a small set of processors. This thesis describes a simulation model developed to study the behaviour and general performance characteristics of a range of dynamic load balancing algorithms. Further, the scalability of these algorithms are discussed and a range of regionalised load balancing algorithms developed. In particular, we examine the impact of network diameter and delay on the performance of such algorithms across a range of system workloads. The results produced seem to suggest that the performance of simple dynamic policies are scalable but lack the load stability of more complex global average algorithms.
River basin surveillance using remotely sensed data: a water resources information management system
This thesis describes the development of an operational river basin water resources information management system. The river or drainage basin is the fundamental unit of the system; in both the modelling and prediction of hydrological processes, and in the monitoring of the effect of catchment management policies. A primary concern of the study is the collection of sufficient and sufficiently accurate information to model hydrological processes. Remote sensing, in combination with conventional point source measurement, can be a valuable source of information, but is often overlooked by hydrologists, due to the cost of acquisition and processing. This thesis describes a number of cost effective methods of acquiring remotely sensed imagery, from airborne video survey to real time ingestion of meteorological satellite data. Inexpensive micro-computer systems and peripherals are used throughout to process and manipulate the data. Spatial information systems provide a means of integrating these data with topographic and thematic cartographic data, and historical records. For the system to have any real potential the data must be stored in a readily accessible format and be easily manipulated within the database. The design of efficient man-machine interfaces and the use of software enginering methodologies are therefore included in this thesis as a major part of the design of the system. The use of low cost technologies, from micro-computers to video cameras, enables the introduction of water resources information management systems into developing countries where the potential benefits are greatest.
The behaviour of self adaptive systems can be emergent. The difficulty in predicting the system's behaviour means that there is scope for the system to surprise its customers and its developers. Because its behaviour is emergent, a self-adaptive system needs to garner confidence in its customers and it needs to resolve any surprise on the part of the developer during testing and mainteinance. We believe that these two functions can only be achieved if a self-adaptive system is also capable of self-explanation. We argue a self-adaptive system's behaviour needs to be explained in terms of satisfaction of its requirements. Since self-adaptive system requirements may themselves be emergent, a means needs to be found to explain the current behaviour of the system and the reasons that brought that behaviour about. We propose the use of goal-based models during runtime to offer self-explanation of how a system is meeting its requirements, and why the means of meeting these were chosen. We discuss the results of early experiments in self-explanation, and set out future work. © 2012 C.E.S.A.M.E.S.
A simple, low cost and fast response time intrinsic relative humidity sensor system based on an etched singlemode polymer fiber Bragg (POFBG) is presented in this paper. A macro-bend linear edge filter which converts the humidity induced wavelength shift into an intensity change is used as the interrogation technique. The singlemode POFBG is etched to micro-meters in diameter to improve the response time of the humidity sensor. A response time of 4.5 s is observed for a polymer FBG with a cladding diameter of 25 μm. The overall sensor system sensitivity was 0.23 mV/%RH. The etched POFBG humidity sensor shows anexponential decrease in response time with a decrease in fiber diameter. The developed sensor might have potential applications in a wide range of applications where fast and accurate real time humidity control is required. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we consider two computer systems and the dynamic Web technologies they are using. Different contemporary dynamic web technologies are described in details and their advantages and disadvantages have been shown. Specific applications are developed, clinic and studying systems, and their programming models are described. Finally we implement these two applications in the students education process: Online studying has been tested in the Technical University – Varna, Web based clinic system has been used for practical education of the students in the Medical College - Sofia, branch V. Tarnovo
Reading scientific articles is more time-consuming than reading news because readers need to search and read many citations. This paper proposes a citation guided method for summarizing multiple scientific papers. A phenomenon we can observe is that citation sentences in one paragraph or section usually talk about a common fact, which is usually represented as a set of noun phrases co-occurring in citation texts and it is usually discussed from different aspects. We design a multi-document summarization system based on common fact detection. One challenge is that citations may not use the same terms to refer to a common fact. We thus use term association discovering algorithm to expand terms based on a large set of scientific article abstracts. Then, citations can be clustered based on common facts. The common fact is used as a salient term set to get relevant sentences from the corresponding cited articles to form a summary. Experiments show that our method outperforms three baseline methods by ROUGE metric.©2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The paper discusses facilities of computer systems for editing scientific and technical texts, which partially automate functions of human editor and thus help the writer to improve text quality. Two experimental systems LINAR and CONUT developed in 90s to control the quality of Russian scientific and technical texts are briefly described; and general principles for designing more powerful editing systems are pointed out. Features of an editing system being now under development are outlined, primarily the underlying linguistic knowledge base and procedures controlling the text.
The aims of this thesis were to investigate the neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and cognitive contributors to mobility changes with increasing age. In a series of studies with adults aged 45-88 years, unsafe pedestrian behaviour and falls were investigated in relation to i) cognitive functions (including response time variability, executive function, and visual attention tests), ii) mobility assessments (including gait and balance and using motion capture cameras), iii) motor initiation and pedestrian road crossing behavior (using a simulated pedestrian road scene), iv) neuronal and functional brain changes (using a computer based crossing task with magnetoencephalography), and v) quality of life questionnaires (including fear of falling and restricted range of travel). Older adults are more likely to be fatally injured at the far-side of the road compared to the near-side of the road, however, the underlying mobility and cognitive processes related to lane-specific (i.e. near-side or far-side) pedestrian crossing errors in older adults is currently unknown. The first study explored cognitive, motor initiation, and mobility predictors of unsafe pedestrian crossing behaviours. The purpose of the first study (Chapter 2) was to determine whether collisions at the near-side and far-side would be differentially predicted by mobility indices (such as walking speed and postural sway), motor initiation, and cognitive function (including spatial planning, visual attention, and within participant variability) with increasing age. The results suggest that near-side unsafe pedestrian crossing errors are related to processing speed, whereas far-side errors are related to spatial planning difficulties. Both near-side and far-side crossing errors were related to walking speed and motor initiation measures (specifically motor initiation variability). The salient mobility predictors of unsafe pedestrian crossings determined in the above study were examined in Chapter 3 in conjunction with the presence of a history of falls. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which walking speed (indicated as a salient predictor of unsafe crossings and start-up delay in Chapter 2), and previous falls can be predicted and explained by age-related changes in mobility and cognitive function changes (specifically within participant variability and spatial ability). 53.2% of walking speed variance was found to be predicted by self-rated mobility score, sit-to-stand time, motor initiation, and within participant variability. Although a significant model was not found to predict fall history variance, postural sway and attentional set shifting ability was found to be strongly related to the occurrence of falls within the last year. Next in Chapter 4, unsafe pedestrian crossing behaviour and pedestrian predictors (both mobility and cognitive measures) from Chapter 2 were explored in terms of increasing hemispheric laterality of attentional functions and inter-hemispheric oscillatory beta power changes associated with increasing age. Elevated beta (15-35 Hz) power in the motor cortex prior to movement, and reduced beta power post-movement has been linked to age-related changes in mobility. In addition, increasing recruitment of both hemispheres has been shown to occur and be beneficial to perform similarly to younger adults in cognitive tasks (Cabeza, Anderson, Locantore, & McIntosh, 2002). It has been hypothesised that changes in hemispheric neural beta power may explain the presence of more pedestrian errors at the farside of the road in older adults. The purpose of the study was to determine whether changes in age-related cortical oscillatory beta power and hemispheric laterality are linked to unsafe pedestrian behaviour in older adults. Results indicated that pedestrian errors at the near-side are linked to hemispheric bilateralisation, and neural overcompensation post-movement, 4 whereas far-side unsafe errors are linked to not employing neural compensation methods (hemispheric bilateralisation). Finally, in Chapter 5, fear of falling, life space mobility, and quality of life in old age were examined to determine their relationships with cognition, mobility (including fall history and pedestrian behaviour), and motor initiation. In addition to death and injury, mobility decline (such as pedestrian errors in Chapter 2, and falls in Chapter 3) and cognition can negatively affect quality of life and result in activity avoidance. Further, number of falls in Chapter 3 was not significantly linked to mobility and cognition alone, and may be further explained by a fear of falling. The objective of the above study (Study 2, Chapter 3) was to determine the role of mobility and cognition on fear of falling and life space mobility, and the impact on quality of life measures. Results indicated that missing safe pedestrian crossing gaps (potentially indicating crossing anxiety) and mobility decline were consistent predictors of fear of falling, reduced life space mobility, and quality of life variance. Social community (total number of close family and friends) was also linked to life space mobility and quality of life. Lower cognitive functions (particularly processing speed and reaction time) were found to predict variance in fear of falling and quality of life in old age. Overall, the findings indicated that mobility decline (particularly walking speed or walking difficulty), processing speed, and intra-individual variability in attention (including motor initiation variability) are salient predictors of participant safety (mainly pedestrian crossing errors) and wellbeing with increasing age. More research is required to produce a significant model to explain the number of falls.