791 resultados para Residence for elderly people


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Sensação de ansiedade é algo comum que faz parte da vivencia do ser humano, é caracterizado por um sentimento difuso, é vago de apreensão e muitas vezes desagradável que podem vir acompanhado por sintomas autonômicos como, por exemplo, palpitações, cefaleia, dor no peito e um leve desconforto abdominal. E nos idosos essa ansiedade pode atrapalhar as funções cognitivas, e com isso agravar doenças físicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de sintomas de ansiedade dos idosos que frequentam centros de convivência e correlacionar estes níveis de ansiedade com a qualidade de vida dos idosos diante das atividades cotidianas que desenvolvem. A metodologia adotada foi pesquisa de campo exploratória quantitativa. Foram avaliados 85 indivíduos, com idade media de 67,91± 7,24 anos, sendo 64 (75,3%) do gênero feminino e 21 (24,7%) do masculino. Os resultados mostraram que a ocorrência de sintomas de ansiedade nos idosos é moderada. Isso não significa dizer que os idosos apresentam algum transtorno de ansiedade, pois este estudo buscou verificar a ansiedade não patológica, ou seja, a que é normal do ser humano. Mas mesmo assim é interessante compreender as causas dessa ansiedade investigando os sintomas mais frequentes com o objetivo de criar projetos mais direcionados a essa situação. Fazendo uma correlação de todas as variáveis pode-se considerar que a amostra apresenta-se em um ótimo estado de saúde.


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Esta pesquisa verifica a opinião da criança por meio do desenho sobre o Lar de Longa Permanência para Idosos, antes e depois de contato lúdico com idosos institucionalizados. Para melhor caracterizar a população idosa, traça seu perfil neuropsicológico. Desenvolve-se junto a 21 idosos institucionalizados e 61 crianças com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, do Ensino Fundamental público. Inicia-se por verificar a opinião destas crianças sobre Asilo, por meio de desenho. Em seguida, realiza intervenção lúdica com crianças e idosos, de 10 encontros com brincadeiras simbólicas e jogos de regras. A seguir, reavalia a opinião das crianças e faz avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, por meio de Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, do Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e do Índice de Katz. Para verificar a opinião das crianças expressa por meio do desenho, utiliza de um título em aberto “Asilo é...”, a ser completado. Eles são analisados com subsídios do teste projetivo House-Tree-Person (HTP). Os resultados demonstram que houve, de uma aplicação para outra, alteração na opinião de 67% das crianças, que manifestaram opinião mais positiva relativa a perceber os idosos mais interativos e o Asilo mais humanizado, por meio de desenhos mais coloridas, de casas com portas e janelas, de pessoas sorrindo e em movimento e de mensagens afetuosas. Como aspectos negativos, encontram-se maior número de grades e de pessoas desenhadas sem face, o que pode representar a percepção da criança da dificuldade de contato do idoso com o mundo externo. Na análise estatística, encontrou-se média geral de 0,34 e desvio padrão de 0,16, no primeiro desenho e, no segundo, média de 0,42 e desvio padrão de 0,19, com médias obtidas numa escala de 0 a 1, em que se considera positivo o valor próximo a 1. Na avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, no MEEM, 50% demonstram preservação cognitiva. Os demais instrumentos indicam que a maior parte deles não apresenta sintomas depressivos, emite opinião positiva com relação à própria saúde, participa das atividades lúdicas e é dependente. Este estudo ressalta contudo que as características da instituição pesquisada, juntamente com a realização de atividades lúdicas, podem ter favorecido a opinião das crianças após seu contato com o Asilo. O estudo indica a necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre interação criança-idoso institucionalizado


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Alzheimer's disease is the commonest degenerative disease of the nervous system to affect elderly people. It is characterised by 'dementia', a global cognitive decline involving loss of short term memory, judgement and emotional control. In addition, patients may suffer a range of visual problems including impairment of visual acuity, colour vision, eye movement problems and complex visual disturbances.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common disorder of middle-aged and elderly people, in which there is degeneration of the extra-pyramidal motor system. In some patients, the disease is associated with a range of visual signs and symptoms, including defects in visual acuity, colour vision, the blink reflex, pupil reactivity, saccadic and smooth pursuit movements and visual evoked potentials. In addition, there may be psychophysical changes, disturbances of complex visual functions such as visuospatial orientation and facial recognition, and chronic visual hallucinations. Some of the treatments associated with PD may have adverse ocular reactions. If visual problems are present, they can have an important effect on overall motor function, and quality of life of patients can be improved by accurate diagnosis and correction of such defects. Moreover, visual testing is useful in separating PD from other movement disorders with visual symptoms, such as dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Although not central to PD, visual signs and symptoms can be an important though obscure aspect of the disease and should not be overlooked.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder affecting middle-aged and elderly people. The disorder is of particular interest to Optometrists because it is associated with a range of visual problems including defects in eye movement and pupillary function. This article reviews the visual complications of PD and the pathological changes in the eye and brain which may explain these symptoms.


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As a result of the increasing proportion of elderly people in the UK population, it is likely that the optometrist will see patients with dementia in the practice. These patients pose particular problems for the optometrist who has to carry out refraction or an eye examination. Since each case of dementia is unique, it is impossible to give guidelines which will ensure the cooperation of all patients. However, a knowledge of the changes in personality shown by patients and the special problems that can arise is helpful in attempting to test the demented patient.


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Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder of middle-aged and elderly people. There are two aspects of the disease of special interest to optometrists. First, visual problems may be present in a proportion of patients with the disease. In addition, the disease is treated by a variety of drugs, some of which may have ocular complications. This article describes the incidence, symptoms, diagnosis, causes and changes in the brain in Parkinson's disease.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common disorder of middle-aged and elderly people in which degeneration of the extrapyramidal motor system causes significant movement problems. In some patients, however, there are additional disturbances in sensory systems including loss of the sense of smell and auditory and/or visual problems. This article is a general overview of the visual problems likely to be encountered in PD. Changes in vision in PD may result from alterations in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, colour discrimination, pupil reactivity, eye movements, motion perception, visual field sensitivity and visual processing speeds. Slower visual processing speeds can also lead to a decline in visual perception especially for rapidly changing visual stimuli. In addition, there may be disturbances of visuo-spatial orientation, facial recognition problems, and chronic visual hallucinations. Some of the treatments used in PD may also have adverse ocular reactions. The pattern electroretinogram (PERG) is useful in evaluating retinal dopamine mechanisms and in monitoring dopamine therapies in PD. If visual problems are present, they can have an important effect on the quality of life of the patient, which can be improved by accurate diagnosis and where possible, correction of such defects.


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Dementia with Lewy bodies ('Lewy body dementia' or 'diffuse Lewy body disease') (DLB) is the second most common form of dementia to affect elderly people, after Alzheimer's disease. A combination of the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease is present in DLB and the disorder is classified as a 'parkinsonian syndrome', a group of diseases which also includes Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration and multiple system atrophy. Characteristics of DLB are fluctuating cognitive ability with pronounced variations in attention and alertness, recurrent visual hallucinations and spontaneous motor features, including akinesia, rigidity and tremor. In addition, DLB patients may exhibit visual signs and symptoms, including defects in eye movement, pupillary function and complex visual functions. Visual symptoms may aid the differential diagnoses of parkinsonian syndromes. Hence, the presence of visual hallucinations supports a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or DLB rather than progressive supranuclear palsy. DLB and Parkinson's disease may exhibit similar impairments on a variety of saccadic and visual perception tasks (visual discrimination, space-motion and object-form recognition). Nevertheless, deficits in orientation, trail-making and reading the names of colours are often significantly greater in DLB than in Parkinson's disease. As primary eye-care practitioners, optometrists should be able to work with patients with DLB and their carers to manage their visual welfare.


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Cerebral vascular dysregulation has been increasingly implicated as a risk factor in the development of Alzheimer disease (AD)1; however, because of the difficulties associated with assessing and visualizing the cerebral vasculature directly, the ability to detect such dysregulation, noninvasively, is currently limited.2 Consequently, one concept that is being increasingly explored is the possibility of using the eye as a "window to the brain"; this approach has reasonable scientific validity as the retinal and brain vessels share a large number of embryological, anatomic, and functional similarities.2 Indeed, previous research has demonstrated a correlation between cognition and the geometry of the retinal vessels in elderly people.3 The aim of this pilot study, therefore, was to explore whether microvascular functional anomalies are evident at the retinal level in mild AD patients and to determine whether these anomalies relate to the degree of concurrent cognitive deficit..


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Introduction: Population aging in Brazil underscores the need to discuss the proper management of the budget allocated in health field, especially in the sectors of high complexity, where coexist costly procedures, limited resources and the need for cost containment. In the other hand, demand is growing in a way directly proportional to the increase in the number of elderly in country. Objective: In this way, this research had as main objective to analyze the costs resulting from the admission of elderly in intensive care units (ICU) and its associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach and featured as a descriptive and exploratory research. Data were collected from medical records of elderly hospitalized in ICU from a brazilian city called Natal-RN, between november first, 2013 and january, 31 of 2014. The variables collected relate to the socio demographic profile, morbidity framework and characterization of hospitalization. The dependent variable was categorized by quartile 75 in high and low expense of hospitalization and submitted to chi-square test with the independent variables of the survey. Associations with p value <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to the technique of multiple logistic regression. We opted for the construction of three regression models from the above algorithm: general regression model, composed by all 493 hospitalizations in the study, other made with 181 individuals admitted in health public system (SUS) and a third one related to 312 cases from private service in health area. Results: In the general regression model, the variables respiratory diseases, hospitalizations in the private system, disoriented patient and previous stroke were associated with greater probability of high spending in the ICU. In the other hand, in SUS kind of hospitalizations, this probability was associated with disoriented patient, 80 years old or more, sepsis and admission for clinical reason. In the cases from the private network health, the high expenditure was associated with respiratory disease, mechanical ventilation, hospitalization for clinical reason and disoriented patients. Conclusion: The increased expenditure on hospitalization of elderly in intensive care depends on the clinical conditions of individuals. This highlights the importance of avoiding hospitalizations due to diseases sensitive to primary care by health preventive actions and providing comprehensive care to the elderly. In addition, obtaining different explanatory models, according to kind hospital funding, demonstrates the importance of the organization in health services related to composition of costs of hospitalization among the elderly. Another question founded was the need that to improve the funding, we must use rationally the available resources by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations of elderly people in the extremes of severity. On this kind of precarious funding, ICU hospitalization of elderly non-critical or in a terminal state can compromise the quality of services provided to those who really need intensive care.


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The growth of the elderly population is a global phenomenon and, in Brazil, this transformation is happening in a very rapid rhythm. With the current population aging, this emerging age group will need more health care and attention. One of the characteristics of the population aging is the progressive accumulation of disabilities, which makes it more vulnerable to falls. This study was developed with the purpose of knowing the episode falls in the scope of an elderly population treated at a Family Health Unit. It is a research with cross-sectional nature, and its sample was composed by 121 elderly. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL, with Opinion nº 816.022. We applied a questionnaire to the participants, and the results were statistically analyzed by using Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test to verify the association between variables. In order to perform a multivariate analysis, we used the method of the Binomial Logistic Regression. For both tests, we accepted significance p<0,05 and CI of 95%. The results prove that the majority belongs to the female gender (76,9%); the age group of elderly reaches 88,4% and 11,6% is over-aged; regarding the marital status, 35,3% are married and 29,4% widowed; 92,1% with family income between one and two minimum wages; and 91,8% live with their partners and/or children. Regarding the frequency of falls, we found that 61,2% of the surveyed elderly suffered one or more falls in 2014. As associated factors, it became clear that 73,8% were due to extrinsic factors, 6,4% to intrinsic factors and 21,4% to both factors. As a consequence of the fall, we found that 89,2% have fear of falling again, 37,3% showed anxiety and 13,3% had their ambulation affected. Concerning the exposure to the risk factors, the most prevalent places were: street/avenue (31,0%), pavement (19,0%), living room (14,3%) and courtyard/backyard (10,7%). The study has proven a statistically significant association among female gender (p=0,001), rubble/objects in the backyard (p=0,015) and furniture that may cause accidents (p=0,005). It was evident among the elderly people surveyed, 72.7% receive little information about falls, being a risk factor for falls. We conclude that there is a high frequency of falls in the surveyed elderly, thereby constituting a worrisome data because this event in the elderly population is a serious matter, which raises the need to ensure them a safe environment in their homes and, above all, outside them. The information provided by the Family Health Strategy team are important to avoid these occurrences, which reinforces the need for developing health education activities together with the population as a way to prevent and reduce the occurrence of falls, thereby improving the quality of life of elderly.


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The frailty syndrome is a geriatric medical condition of vulnerability resulting in the decline of physiological reserves, characterized by high-risk consequences as falls, disability, hospitalization, institutionalization and death. Although the presence of comorbidities is not always accompanied by fragility, this presence could also indicate an increased risk of adverse health events, taking the elderly to a greater likelihood of becoming brittle due to the physical limitations that may occur with emergence of diseases, which are strongly predictive of Fragility Syndrome. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and associated factors. The specific objectives were to identify the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and their associations with demographic, economic, health, functional and psychological; identify the reasons for the prevalence of frailty syndrome with the demographic profile, health problems, use of legal drugs and problems with sleep of older people. The study was cross-sectional and composed of 385 elderly aged 65 or more. Multivariate Poisson regression models were used to check conditions associated with fragility and determine the prevalence ratio (α = 0.05). The prevalence of fragility was 8.7% and pre-fragility of 50.4%. Fragile and pre-frail elderly presented, bigger and increasing prevalence ratio for marital status, difficulty in performing instrumental activities of daily living, old age, involuntary loss of stool, depression and negative affect. Elderly people who do not work have a higher prevalence of fragility, as well as those who reported having had a stroke / stroke / ischemia, those who suffered falls in the last 12 months and those with sleep problems. It is considered that the results, together with other available in the literature, can contribute to the understanding of the fragility epidemiology and also in the implementation of specific programs aimed at reducing the prevalence of frailty, optimizing the quality of life. It is suggested that future programs have special attention to the profiles of elderly people who have not yet developed fragility, i.e., pre-fragile. This could prevent the elderly from becoming frail.


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The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.


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The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.