1000 resultados para Renal tuberculosis
Envolvimento da função renal em pacientes com leishmaniose visceral (calazar). Apresenta-se estudo prospectivo de 11 pacientes com LV, com o intuito de verificar as repercussões clínico-laboratoriais da função renal na doença. Realizou-se análises laboratoriais das amostras de sangue e urina, colhidas logo após confirmação diagnóstica, através do encontro de leishmanias no aspirado de médula óssea. Dois (18%) pacientes apresentaram complicações associadas a LV. Cinco (45,4%) apresentaram hematúria macroscópica e em um caso (No.9) manifestações clínicas compatíveis com síndrome nefrítica aguda. Os resultados dos exames de urina mostraram: proteinúria em 10 (90,9%) pacientes, hematúria 7 (63,6%) e leucocitúria em 6 (54,5%) casos. Nove (81,8%) pacientes apresentaram níveis elevados de microalbuminúria caracterizando lesão glomerular. A presença de tubulopatia proximal medida através da proteína ligadora de retinol, foi observada em 5 (45,4%) casos. Concluiu-se que o envolvimento renal se fez presente na maioria dos pacientes, contribuindo para a gravidade da doença.
Pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em hemodiálise apresentam níveis séricos mais baixos de alanina aminotransferase. Para estabelecer melhor ponto de corte nos níveis de ALT, no diagnóstico da hepatite C, avaliaram-se mensalmente, durante 6 meses os níveis desta enzima em 235 pacientes em hemodiálise, sendo excluídos aqueles que apresentassem média acima do limite superior da normalidade. O ponto de corte foi identificado através da construção de curva ROC. Entre 202 pacientes, 15 (7,4%) apresentavam anti-VHC positivo e 187 (92,6%) negativo, com média de ALT de 0,7 e de 0,5 do limite superior (p < 0,0001), respectivamente. O ponto de corte para ALT situou-se em 0,6 do limite superior, com sensibilidade de 67% e especificidade de 75% na identificação do anti-VHC. Sugere-se que os limites superiores de normalidade da ALT sejam reduzidos para 60% dos limites convencionais, quando se avaliam pacientes com IRC em hemodiálise.
The aim of this study was to analyse the clinical, epidemiological and bacteriological features present in 60 pulmonary tuberculosis patients who were also infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and to compare these with 120 TB patients who were not infected with HIV. The patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV coinfection were mostly male (p = 0.001), showed a higher frequency of weight loss >10 kilos (p <0.001), had a higher rate of non-reaction result to the tuberculin skin test (p <0.001), a higher frequency of negative sputum smear examination for acid-fast bacilli (p = 0.001) and negative sputum culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (p = 0.001). Treatment failure was more common in those who were HIV positive (p <0.000). No higher frequency of resistance to antituberculosis drugs was found to be associated with TB/HIV coinfection (p = 0.407). Association between extrapulmonary and pulmonary tuberculosis was more frequent in those seropositive to HIV than those without HIV virus, 30% and 1.6% respectively. These findings showed a predominance of atypical clinical laboratory features in co-infected patients, and suggest that health care personnel should consider the possibility this diagnosis.
A ligase chain reaction DNA amplification method for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Abbott LCx MTB) in respiratory specimens was evaluated. Results from LCx MTB Assay were compared with those from acid fast bacilli smear, culture, and final clinical diagnosis for each patient. A total of 297 respiratory specimens (sputum and bronchial lavage) from 193 patients were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of LCx vs culture were 92.7%, 93%, 67.8% and 98.7%, respectively. When compared to the clinical final diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for LCx were 88.9%, 96.8%, 86.5% and 97.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of LCx MTB assay was 75% for smear-negative, culture positive samples. The results indicate that LCx MTB assay is a rapid, simple and valuable technique as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
This prospective study evaluated the incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among nursing students at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, using the purified protein derivative test. In parallel, we evaluated whether knowledge on tuberculosis transmission mechanisms had any impact on nursing students' attitudes in relation to the risk of tuberculosis infection. The incidence of tuberculin conversion was 10.5% per year (p=0.035, 95% CI = 3.63-17.43), whereas the expected conversion rate in the overall population in Brazil is 0.5% per year. These results indicate nursing students as a group at risk for TB infection. Among the risk factors studied only the use of NIOSH95 masks was associated with protection against infection (RR=0.2). Furthermore there was no statistical difference among students that PPD converted and those who remained negative regarding disease knowledge and the existence of adequate facilities for patient hospitalization. Our data reinforces the need for implementing special biosafety programs targeting this professional group.
We report on the measurement of saliva anti-Purified Protein Derivative sIgA and 38kDa antibodies from 127 children, of whom 31 were strong tuberculosis suspects and 96 were healthy contact children. The results concerning the percentage of children with antibody reactivity to PPD and 38kDa antigens showed that, of these 2 antigens, 38kDa induced higher reactivity in patients positive and negative for the Tuberculin Skin Test (28% and 16.6%, respectively) in comparison to controls positive and negative for the TST (11.7% and 7.1%, respectively). There was a statistically significant difference between patients positive and controls negative for the TST. In relation to the Purified Protein Derivative antigen, while 14.2% of patients positive for the TST showed antibody reactivity to the PPD antigen, no patients negative for the TST had reactivity to this antigen. The findings suggest that these two antigens seem be associated with a different development of the mucosal defence mechanisms mediated by sIgA against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering
Tuberculosis is an important cause of mortality due to its high prevalence, considering that one third of the worlds population is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus. We report the first case of carcinomatous lymphangitis associated with active pulmonary tuberculosis. Carcinomatous lymphangitis is a rare event that may be confounded with tuberculosis because of its radiographic and clinical characteristics.
This open comparative study for evaluating hypersensitivity to tuberculin among medical students (n=441), nursing students (n=178) and economics students (n=230) in Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, had the aim of assessing whether the prevalence of positive tuberculin tests among healthcare students could be used as a sentinel event for nosocomial transmission in localities with high endemicity. There was a significant change in the frequency of purified protein derivative reactivity in the nursing students (20. 3%) and medical students (18. 4%), in comparison with the economics students (6%) (p <0. 001). As expected, the medical and nursing students had more knowledge about tuberculosis than did the economics students (p <0. 001). Our data suggest that the incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among nursing and medical students in our region, which has high endemicity of tuberculosis, does not differ from what is found in low-incidence countries. These data reinforce the need for implementing biosafety programs for this target population.
Medical charts and radiographs from 38 HIV-infected patients with positive cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage were reviewed in order to compare the clinical, radiographic, and sputum bacilloscopy characteristics of HIV-infected patients with pulmonary tuberculosis according to CD4+ lymphocyte count (CD4). The mean age of the patients was 32 years and 76% were male. The median CD4 was 106 cells/mm³ and 71% had CD4 < 200 cells/mm³. Sputum bacilloscopy was positive in 45% of the patients. Patients with CD4 < 200 cells/mm³ showed significantly less post-primary pattern (7% vs. 63%; p = 0.02) and more frequently reported weight loss (p = 0.04). Although not statistically significant, patients with lower CD4 showed lower positivity of sputum bacilloscopy (37% vs. 64%; p = 0.18). HIV-infected patients with culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis had a high proportion of non-post-primary pattern in thoracic radiographs. Patients with CD4 lower than 200 cells/mm³ showed post-primary patterns less frequently and reported weight loss more frequently.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a presença da Leptospira interrogans sorovar pomona em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para a alta e baixa resposta a anticorpos. Todos os animais foram submetidos ao isolamento bacteriano, imunohistoquímica (imunoperoxidase) em cortes de tecido renal e coloração através da hematoxilina-eosina. A técnica de imunoperoxidase apresentou-se pouco mais sensível em relação ao cultivo, entretanto, ambas foram bons parâmetros de identificação do agente. Presença de lesões renais mais intensas ocorreram em períodos em que houve maior número de bactérias isoladas em meio de cultivo. Camundongos da linhagem HIV-A conseguiram eliminar as leptospiras com maior eficiência e rapidez em relação as linhagem LIV-A, entretanto o estudo demonstrou que ambas linhagens da seleção IV-A foram eficientes em controlar o processo infeccioso.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the frequency and risk factors for developing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Cabo de Santo Agostinho, PE. This was a prospective study conducted from 2000 to 2003, in which suspected cases were investigated using bacilloscopy and culturing. Out of 232 confirmed cases of tuberculosis, culturing and antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed on 174. Thirty-five of the 174 cultures showed resistance to all drugs. The frequencies of primary and acquired resistance to any drug were 14% and 50% respectively, while the frequencies of primary and acquired multidrug resistance were 8.3% and 40%. Previous tuberculosis treatment and abandonment of treatment were risk factors for drug resistance. The high levels of primary and acquired resistance to the combination of isoniazid and rifampicin contributed towards the difficulties in controlling tuberculosis transmission in the city.
Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do projecto Lab on Paper, desenvolvido no Centro de Investigação de Materiais (CENIMAT) da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT - UNL)
In order to estimate the incidence of and risk factors for developing tuberculosis, the clinical charts of a retrospective cohort of 281 HIV-positive adults, who were notified to the AIDS Program of the Health Department of Brasilia in 1998, were reviewed in 2003. All the patients were treatment-naive regarding antiretroviral therapy at the time of inclusion in the cohort. Twenty-nine patients were identified as having tuberculosis at the start of the study. Thirteen incident tuberculosis cases were identified during the 60 months of follow-up, with an incidence density rate of 1.24/100 person-years. Tuberculosis incidence was highest among patients with baseline CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts < 200 cells/µl who were not using antiretroviral therapy (incidence = 5.47; 95% CI = 2.73 to 10.94). Multivariate analysis showed that baseline CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts < 200 cells/µl (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR] = 5.09; 95% CI = 1.27 to 20.37; p = 0.02) and non-use of antiretroviral therapy (AHR = 12.17; 95% CI = 2.6 to 56.90; p = 0.001) were independently associated with increased risk of tuberculosis.
Rabdomiólise é uma síndrome caracterizada por injúria muscular, mais freqüentemente decorrente de esmagamento e traumas musculares. No entanto, a rabdomiólise pode ter também causas não traumáticas, como por exemplo, picadas de abelhas africanizadas. Descrevemos dois casos de rabdomiólise que apresentaram insuficiência renal aguda dialítica após várias picadas de abelhas.