871 resultados para Regulation of media
Background: The activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) plays a pivotal role during liver injury because the resulting myofibroblasts (MFBs) are mainly responsible for connective tissue re-assembly. MFBs represent therefore cellular targets for anti-fibrotic therapy. In this study, we employed activated HSCs, termed M1-4HSCs, whose transdifferentiation to myofibroblastoid cells (named M-HTs) depends on transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. We analyzed the oxidative stress induced by TGF-β and examined cellular defense mechanisms upon transdifferentiation of HSCs to M-HTs. Results: We found reactive oxygen species (ROS) significantly upregulated in M1-4HSCs within 72 hours of TGF-β administration. In contrast, M-HTs harbored lower intracellular ROS content than M1-4HSCs, despite of elevated NADPH oxidase activity. These observations indicated an upregulation of cellular defense mechanisms in order to protect cells from harmful consequences caused by oxidative stress. In line with this hypothesis, superoxide dismutase activation provided the resistance to augmented radical production in M-HTs, and glutathione rather than catalase was responsible for intracellular hydrogen peroxide removal. Finally, the TGF-β/NADPH oxidase mediated ROS production correlated with the upregulation of AP-1 as well as platelet-derived growth factor receptor subunits, which points to important contributions in establishing antioxidant defense. Conclusion: The data provide evidence that TGF-β induces NADPH oxidase activity which causes radical production upon the transdifferentiation of activated HSCs to M-HTs. Myofibroblastoid cells are equipped with high levels of superoxide dismutase activity as well as glutathione to counterbalance NADPH oxidase dependent oxidative stress and to avoid cellular damage.
Secondary structure-forming DNA sequences such as CAG repeats interfere with replication and repair, provoking fork stalling, chromosome fragility, and recombination. In budding yeast, we found that expanded CAG repeats are more likely than unexpanded repeats to localize to the nuclear periphery. This positioning is transient, occurs in late S phase, requires replication, and is associated with decreased subnuclear mobility of the locus. In contrast to persistent double-stranded breaks, expanded CAG repeats at the nuclear envelope associate with pores but not with the inner nuclear membrane protein Mps3. Relocation requires Nup84 and the Slx5/8 SUMO-dependent ubiquitin ligase but not Rad51, Mec1, or Tel1. Importantly, the presence of the Nup84 pore subcomplex and Slx5/8 suppresses CAG repeat fragility and instability. Repeat instability in nup84, slx5, or slx8 mutant cells arises through aberrant homologous recombination and is distinct from instability arising from the loss of ligase 4-dependent end-joining. Genetic and physical analysis of Rad52 sumoylation and binding at the CAG tract suggests that Slx5/8 targets sumoylated Rad52 for degradation at the pore to facilitate recovery from acute replication stress by promoting replication fork restart. We thereby confirmed that the relocation of damage to nuclear pores plays an important role in a naturally occurring repair process.
Background: Nolz1 is a zinc finger transcription factor whose expression is enriched in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), although its function is still unknown. Results: Here we analyze the role of Nolz1 during LGE development. We show that Nolz1 expression is high in proliferating neural progenitor cells (NPCs) of the LGE subventricular zone. In addition, low levels of Nolz1 are detected in the mantle zone, as well as in the adult striatum. Similarly, Nolz1 is highly expressed in proliferating LGE-derived NPC cultures, but its levels rapidly decrease upon cell differentiation, pointing to a role of Nolz1 in the control of NPC proliferation and/or differentiation. In agreement with this hypothesis, we find that Nolz1 over-expression promotes cell cycle exit of NPCs in neurosphere cultures and negatively regulates proliferation in telencephalic organotypic cultures. Within LGE primary cultures, Nolz1 over-expression promotes the acquisition of a neuronal phenotype, since it increases the number of β-III tubulin (Tuj1)- and microtubule-associated protein (MAP)2-positive neurons, and inhibits astrocyte generation and/or differentiation. Retinoic acid (RA) is one of the most important morphogens involved in striatal neurogenesis, and regulates Nolz1 expression in different systems. Here we show that Nolz1 also responds to this morphogen in E12.5 LGE-derived cell cultures. However, Nolz1 expression is not regulated by RA in E14.5 LGE-derived cell cultures, nor is it affected during LGE development in mouse models that present decreased RA levels. Interestingly, we find that Gsx2, which is necessary for normal RA signaling during LGE development, is also required for Nolz1 expression, which is lost in Gsx2 knockout mice. These findings suggest that Nolz1 might act downstream of Gsx2 to regulate RA-induced neurogenesis. Keeping with this hypothesis, we show that Nolz1 induces the selective expression of the RA receptor (RAR)β without altering RARα or RARγ. In addition, Nozl1 over-expression increases RA signaling since it stimulates the RA response element. This RA signaling is essential for Nolz1-induced neurogenesis, which is impaired in a RA-free environment or in the presence of a RAR inverse agonist. It has been proposed that Drosophila Gsx2 and Nolz1 homologues could cooperate with the transcriptional co-repressors Groucho-TLE to regulate cell proliferation. In agreement with this view, we show that Nolz1 could act in collaboration with TLE-4, as they are expressed at the same time in NPC cultures and during mouse development. Conclusions: Nolz1 promotes RA signaling in the LGE, contributing to the striatal neurogenesis during development.
Background: Nolz1 is a zinc finger transcription factor whose expression is enriched in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), although its function is still unknown. Results: Here we analyze the role of Nolz1 during LGE development. We show that Nolz1 expression is high in proliferating neural progenitor cells (NPCs) of the LGE subventricular zone. In addition, low levels of Nolz1 are detected in the mantle zone, as well as in the adult striatum. Similarly, Nolz1 is highly expressed in proliferating LGE-derived NPC cultures, but its levels rapidly decrease upon cell differentiation, pointing to a role of Nolz1 in the control of NPC proliferation and/or differentiation. In agreement with this hypothesis, we find that Nolz1 over-expression promotes cell cycle exit of NPCs in neurosphere cultures and negatively regulates proliferation in telencephalic organotypic cultures. Within LGE primary cultures, Nolz1 over-expression promotes the acquisition of a neuronal phenotype, since it increases the number of β-III tubulin (Tuj1)- and microtubule-associated protein (MAP)2-positive neurons, and inhibits astrocyte generation and/or differentiation. Retinoic acid (RA) is one of the most important morphogens involved in striatal neurogenesis, and regulates Nolz1 expression in different systems. Here we show that Nolz1 also responds to this morphogen in E12.5 LGE-derived cell cultures. However, Nolz1 expression is not regulated by RA in E14.5 LGE-derived cell cultures, nor is it affected during LGE development in mouse models that present decreased RA levels. Interestingly, we find that Gsx2, which is necessary for normal RA signaling during LGE development, is also required for Nolz1 expression, which is lost in Gsx2 knockout mice. These findings suggest that Nolz1 might act downstream of Gsx2 to regulate RA-induced neurogenesis. Keeping with this hypothesis, we show that Nolz1 induces the selective expression of the RA receptor (RAR)β without altering RARα or RARγ. In addition, Nozl1 over-expression increases RA signaling since it stimulates the RA response element. This RA signaling is essential for Nolz1-induced neurogenesis, which is impaired in a RA-free environment or in the presence of a RAR inverse agonist. It has been proposed that Drosophila Gsx2 and Nolz1 homologues could cooperate with the transcriptional co-repressors Groucho-TLE to regulate cell proliferation. In agreement with this view, we show that Nolz1 could act in collaboration with TLE-4, as they are expressed at the same time in NPC cultures and during mouse development. Conclusions: Nolz1 promotes RA signaling in the LGE, contributing to the striatal neurogenesis during development.
Physical damage can strongly affect plant growth, reducing the biomass of developing organs situated at a distance from wounds. These effects, previously studied in leaves, require the activation of jasmonate (JA) signalling. Using a novel assay involving repetitive cotyledon wounding in Arabidopsis seedlings, we uncovered a function of JA in suppressing cell division and elongation in roots. Regulatory JA signalling components were then manipulated to delineate their relative impacts on root growth. The new transcription factor mutant myc2-322B was isolated. In vitro transcription assays and whole-plant approaches revealed that myc2-322B is a dosage-dependent gain-of-function mutant that can amplify JA growth responses. Moreover, myc2-322B displayed extreme hypersensitivity to JA that totally suppressed root elongation. The mutation weakly reduced root growth in undamaged plants but, when the upstream negative regulator NINJA was genetically removed, myc2-322B powerfully repressed root growth through its effects on cell division and cell elongation. Furthermore, in a JA-deficient mutant background, ninja1 myc2-322B still repressed root elongation, indicating that it is possible to generate JA-responses in the absence of JA. We show that NINJA forms a broadly expressed regulatory layer that is required to inhibit JA signalling in the apex of roots grown under basal conditions. By contrast, MYC2, MYC3 and MYC4 displayed cell layer-specific localisations and MYC3 and MYC4 were expressed in mutually exclusive regions. In nature, growing roots are likely subjected to constant mechanical stress during soil penetration that could lead to JA production and subsequent detrimental effects on growth. Our data reveal how distinct negative regulatory layers, including both NINJA-dependent and -independent mechanisms, restrain JA responses to allow normal root growth. Mechanistic insights from this work underline the importance of mapping JA signalling components to specific cell types in order to understand and potentially engineer the growth reduction that follows physical damage.
CREB-binding protein (CBP) and p300 are transcriptional coactivators involved in numerous biological processes that affect cell growth, transformation, differentiation, and development. In this study, we provide evidence of the involvement of homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) in the regulation of CBP activity. We show that HIPK2 interacts with and phosphorylates several regions of CBP. We demonstrate that serines 2361, 2363, 2371, 2376, and 2381 are responsible for the HIPK2-induced mobility shift of CBP C-terminal activation domain. Moreover, we show that HIPK2 strongly potentiates the transcriptional activity of CBP. However, our data suggest that HIPK2 activates CBP mainly by counteracting the repressive action of cell cycle regulatory domain 1 (CRD1), located between amino acids 977 and 1076, independently of CBP phosphorylation. Our findings thus highlight a complex regulation of CBP activity by HIPK2, which might be relevant for the control of specific sets of target genes involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.
Emotion regulation plays a key role in mental health and psychopathology. Therefore, it seems important to develop effective forms of emotion regulation. Implementation intentions are if-then plans that help people attain their self-regulatory goals. Perspective-taking and response-focused implementation intentions have been shown to reduce feelings of unpleasantness and arousal, respectively, in response to briefly presented disgusting pictures. The present study addressed the open research questions whether forming these types of implementation intentions is effective in regulating affect during prolonged presentation of disgusting pictures, and whether it is associated with changes in physiological arousal. Eighty-one participants viewed disgusting, neutral, and pleasant pictures of 6 s duration under four instructions: the goal intention to not get disgusted, this goal intention furnished with a perspective-taking or a response-focused implementation intention, and no emotion regulation instructions. The dependent variables were ratings of disgust, valence, arousal, and electrodermal activity. Only perspective-taking implementation intention participants significantly reduced their disgust and unpleasantness as compared to goal-intention and control participants. Arousal and skin conductance did not significantly differ between conditions. The effectiveness of response-focused but not perspective-taking implementation intentions seems to be substantially reduced during sustained exposure duration.
We present a sample of three large near-relativistic (>50 keV) electron events observed in 2001 by both the ACE and the Ulysses spacecraft, when Ulysses was at high-northern latitudes (>60◦) and close to 2 AU. Despite the large latitudinal distance between the two spacecraft, electrons injected near the Sun reached both heliospheric locations. All three events were associated with large solar flares, strong decametric type II radio bursts and accompanied by wide (>212◦) and fast (>1400 km s−1) coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We use advanced interplanetary transport simulations and make use of the directional intensities observed in situ by the spacecraft to infer the electron injection profile close to the Sun and the interplanetary transport conditions at both low and high latitudes. For the three selected events, we find similar interplanetary transport conditions at different heliolatitudes for a given event, with values of the mean free path ranging from 0.04 AU to 0.27 AU. We find differences in the injection profiles inferred for each spacecraft. We investigate the role that sector boundaries of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) have on determining the characteristics of the electron injection profiles. Extended injection profiles, associated with coronal shocks, are found if the magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft lay in the same magnetic sector as the associated flare, while intermittent sparse injection episodes appear when the spacecraft footpoints are in the opposite sector or a wrap in the HCS bounded the CME structure.
The lldPRD operon of Escherichia coli, involved in L-lactate metabolism, is induced by growth in this compound. We experimentally identified that this system is transcribed from a single promoter with an initiation site located 110 nucleotides upstream of the ATG start codon. On the basis of computational data, it had been proposed that LldR and its homologue PdhR act as regulators of the lldPRD operon. Nevertheless, no experimental data on the function of these regulators have been reported so far. Here we show that induction of an lldP-lacZ fusion by L-lactate is lost in an lldR mutant, indicating the role of LldR in this induction. Expression analysis of this construct in a pdhR mutant ruled out the participation of PdhR in the control of lldPRD. Gel shift experiments showed that LldR binds to two operator sites, O1 (positions 105 to 89) and O2 (positions 22 to 38), with O1 being filled at a lower concentration of LldR. L-Lactate induced a conformational change in LldR that did not modify its DNA binding activity. Mutations in O1 and O2 enhanced the basal transcriptional level. However, only mutations in O1 abolished induction by L-lactate. Mutants with a change in helical phasing between O1 and O2 behaved like O2 mutants. These results were consistent with the hypothesis that LldR has a dual role, acting as a repressor or an activator of lldPRD. We propose that in the absence of L-lactate, LldR binds to both O1 and O2, probably leading to DNA looping and the repression of transcription. Binding of L-lactate to LldR promotes a conformational change that may disrupt the DNA loop, allowing the formation of the transcription open complex.
In many plant and animal bacterial pathogens, the Type III secretion system (TTSS) that directly translocates effector proteins into the eukaryotic host cells is essential for the development of disease. In all species studied, the transcription of the TTSS and most of its effector substrates is tightly regulated by a succession of consecutively activated regulators. However, the whole genetic programme driven by these regulatory cascades is still unknown, especially in bacterial plant pathogens. Here, we have characterised the programme triggered by HrpG, a host-responsive regulator of the TTSS activation cascade in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. We show through genome-wide expression analysis that, in addition to the TTSS, HrpG controls the expression of a previously undescribed TTSS-independent pathway that includes a number of other virulence determinants and genes likely involved in adaptation to life in the host. Functional studies revealed that this second pathway co-ordinates the bacterial production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, exopolysaccharide, and the phytohormones ethylene and auxin. We provide experimental evidence that these activities contribute to pathogenicity. We also show that the ethylene produced by R. solanacearum is able to modulate the expression of host genes and can therefore interfere with the signalling of plant defence responses. These results provide a new, integrated view of plant bacterial pathogenicity, where a common regulator activates synchronously upon infection the TTSS, other virulence determinants and a number of adaptive functions, which act co-operatively to cause disease.
L'élément génétique intégratif et conjugatif auto-transférable de 103 kb qui se trouve dans le génome de Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confère la capacité de dégrader le 3-chlorobenzoate et le 2-aminophénol. L'élément ICE c/c peut être transféré par conjugaison de la souche B13 à diverses bêta- et gamma- protéobactéries. Seule une sous-population de 3 à 5% des cellules transfère l'élément, les cellules dites "compétentes pour le transfert". L'acquisition de la compétence pour le transfert est vraisemblablement la conséquence d'une régulation bistable, conduisant une partie des cellules au transfert de l'élément ICE c/c tandis que, dans les autres, l'élément reste quiescent et ne se transfère pas. À ce jour, les mécanismes et les acteurs moléculaires qui régulent l'activation bistable de l'élément sont restés inconnus. Mon travail de doctorat visait à identifier les éléments bistables du régulon de la compétence pour le transfert et d'analyser les fondements moléculaires de la bistabilité de l'élément ICE c/c chez P. knackmussii. Le premier chapitre introduit le thème du transfert génétique horizontal avec un accent particulier sur les éléments intégratifs et conjugatifs (ICE) et ICEcIc. L'état actuel des connaissances sur l'organisation génétique, la régulation, l'intégration et le transfert de différents modèles de ICEs est exposé en détail. En outre, je m'étends sur les phénomènes d'hétérogénéité et de bistabilité phénotyplques, qu'on peut distinguer dans une population isogénique dans des conditions de culture homogènes, et qui sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c, dans la mesure où il ne s'active et n'est transférable que dans une très petite sous-population de cellules. Dans le chapitre 2, je présente une analyse globale des régions promotrices minimales des gènes appartenant au régulon de la compétence pour le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques d'expression des promoteurs et, s'ils s'avéraient bistables, leur activation dans le temps par comparaison avec le mutant lntB13. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des fusions de promoteurs avec des gènes rapporteurs et testé l'expression bistable chez P. knackmussii par microscopie à épifluorescence. Pour six promoteurs présentant une expression bistable, nous avons employé de la microscopie temporelle pour déterminer la chronologie de leur expression par rapport à Pint et PinR. Parmi eux, nous avons identifié deux gènes exprimés précocement et trois gènes exprimés tardivement dans le processus d'acquisition de la compétence de transfert. Dans le chapitre 3, j'expose une analyse d'expression génétique pour l'un des groupes de gènes dont la transcription est la plus élevée dans la région conservée de ICE c/c, les gènes orf81655-orf68241 contenus dans une région de 14 kb. Nous montrons d'abord que cet opéron fait partie du même régulon bistable que intB13 et inrR et analysons les caractéristiques génétiques qui conduisent à une transcription élevée. Nous étudions les fonctions biologiques de ce groupe de gènes par des délétlons ciblées et montrons que certaines d'entre elles empêchent le transfert de l'élément. Nous approfondissons la caractérlsatlon de I'orf8l655 en construisant une fusion transcrlptionnelle avec le gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (egfp) (en utilisant le système minl-Tn5). L'expression de Vorf81655 dans des cellules individuelles est comparée au signal mesuré par hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) sur le ARN messager du gène. En utilisant FISH, des délétlons du promoteur et de l'analyse directe de transcription, nous avons localisé la région promotrice du groupe de gènes. En outre, nous avons utilisé des mutations dirigées pour comprendre la bistabilité de cette région promotrice, caractérisée par une transcription très élevée et une traduction lente de l'ARN messager. Dans le chapitre 4, nous nous efforçons de comprendre comment la bistabilité est générée au sein du régulon te de l'élément ICE c/c. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté de reconstituer une expression bistable, dans un hôte qui ne présente pas de bistabilité naturellement, à partir d'éléments génétiques individuels. L'hôte choisi est Pseudomonas putida dans lequel nous avons introduit une copie unique de Pint, PinR ou PaipA fusionnés à la egfp, construits qui permettent d'observer l'apparition de bistabilité. Nous avons ensuite construit différents assemblages de composants génétiques de l'élément ICE c/c, en nous concentrant sur la région parA-inrR. En effet, nous avons pu démontrer qu'une expression bistable apparaît dans P. putida grâce à ces éléments en l'absence de l'élément ICE c/c complet. À noter que la plupart des construits génétiques activent PaipA ou P|,,R, mais qu'un seul recrée la bistabilité de Pint, ce qui suggère que la région parA-inrR permet à la fois d'engendrer la bistabilité et d'opérer la transition entre les promoteurs précoces et les promoteurs tardifs du régulon de la bistabilité. Dans le chapitre 5, nous concluons sur une discussion de la pertinence de nos résultats et sur de futures perspectives de recherche. -- The 103-kb self-transmissible integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confers the capacity to degrade 3- chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol. ICEc/c can be conjugated from strain B13 to a variety of Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Interestingly, ICE c/c transfer is observed in a subpopulatlon of cells (3-5%) only, the so-called 'transfer competent' cells. The formation of transfer competence (tc) is thought to be the consequence of a 'bistable' decision, which forces those cells to follow the developmental path which leads to ICEc/c transfer, whereas in others ICE c/c remains silent and does not transfer. So far, the mechanisms and molecular partners generating this bistable transfer activation in cells of P. knackmussii B13 remain mostly unidentified. This thesis aimed at understanding the extent of the tc bistability regulon and to dissect the molecular basis of bistabillty formation of ICEc/c in P. knackmussii. The first chapter is a general Introduction on horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with particular emphasis on ICEs and ICE c/c. The emphasis is made on the current knowledge about the HGT gene organization, regulation and specific integration and transfer aspects of the different ICEs models. Furthermore, I focus on the phenomena of phenotypic heterogeneity and bistability (the property of two distinguishable phenotypes existing within an isogenic population under homogeneous conditions), which may play a particular role in ICEc/c behaviour, since ICE activation and transfer only occurs in a very small subpopulation of cells. In Chapter Two, I focus on a global analysis of the different core promoters that might belong to the ICEc/c tc pathway regulon. We studied both expression patterns of ICEc/c promoters and, once being identified as "bistable", their temporal activation compared to that of intB13. In order to do this, we used promoter reporter fusions and tested blstability expression in P. knackmussii using epifluorescence microscopy. For the 6 promoters that showed bistable expression, we used time-lapse microscopy to study the timing of promoter expression in comparison to that of P,,,t or PlnR. We could establish two "early" and 3 "late" phase promoters in the process of transfer competence. In Chapter Three, I focused my attention on analysis of gene expression of one of the most highly transcribed gene clusters in the conserved core region of ICEc/c, a 14-kb gene cluster formed by the genes orf81655-orf68241. First we showed that this operon is part of the same bistability 'regulon' as intB13 and inrR, and analysed the genetic features that lead to high transcription. We studied the potential biological function of this cluster for ICE c/c by making specific gene deletions, showing that some interrupt ICEc/c transfer. We further analysed the orfdl655 promoter by constructing transcriptional egfp fusion reporter strains using the miniTn5 delivery system. Expression of the orf81655 promoter in single cells was compared to signals measured by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on orfSl655 mRNA. We localized the promoter region of the gene cluster using FISH, promoter deletions, and by direct transcript analysis. We further used site-directed mutagenesis to understand the bistability character of the promoter region and the extremely high transcription but low translation from this mRNA. In Chapter Four, we set out to understand how bistability is generated in the tc pathway of ICEc/c. For this we tried rebuilding bistable expression from ICEc/c individual gene components in a host, which normally does not display bistability. As host we used P. putida without ICEc/c but with a single copy Pint-, PlnR- or PalpA- egfp fusion that enabled us to verify bistability formation. Subsequently, we built different assemblages of ICEc/c gene components, focusing on the parA-inrR region. Indeed, we found that bistable expression can be build from those components in P. putida without ICEc/c. Interestingly, most genetic constructs activated PaipA or PlnR, but only one resulted in bistable activation of PinT. This suggests that the parA-inrR region acts as a bistability "generator", but also as a bistability "relay" from early to late promoters in the tc pathway hierarchy. In the final fifth chapter, we conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.
La grande majorité des organismes vivants ont développé un système d'horloges biologiques internes, appelées aussi horloges circadiennes, contrôlant l'expression de gênes impliqués dans de nombreux processus moléculaires et comportementaux. Au cours de la dernière décennie, des analyses « microarray » et séquençages à haut débit sur divers tissus de mammifères, indiquent que jusqu'à 20% du transcriptome serait sous contrôle circadien. Il était jusqu'à présent admis que la majorité des ARNm ayant une accumulation rythmique était générée par une transcription qui était elle-même rythmique. Toutefois, de récentes études ont suggéré qu'une proportion considérable des ARNm cycliques serait en fait générée par des mécanismes post-transcriptionnelles, incluant une régulation par micro-ARN (miARN). Lorsque j'ai débuté mon travail de thèse, l'influence des miARN sur l'expression des gènes circadiens, au niveau pangénomique, était encore méconnue. Par l'utilisation d'un modèle murin, dont la biogenèse des miARN a été spécifiquement désactivée au niveau des cellules hépatiques (knockout conditionnel pour Dicer), je me suis donc intéressée au rôle que jouaient ces molécules régulatrices sur la rythmicité de l'expression génique dans le foie. Des séquençages sur l'ensemble du transcriptome révèlent que l'horloge interne du foie est étonnement résistante à la perte totale des miARN. Nous avons cependant trouvé que les miARN agissent de façon importante sur la régulation de l'expression des gènes contrôlés par l'horloge moléculaire. La corégulation par les miARN, affectant jusqu'à 30% des gènes transcrits de façon rythmiques, conduit ainsi à une modulation de phase et d'amplitude du rythme de l'abondance des ARNm. En revanche, seuls peu de transcrits dépendent uniquement des miARN pour la rythmicité de leur accumulation. Enfin, mon travail met en évidence plusieurs miARN spécifiques, qui semblent préférentiellement moduler l'expression des gènes cycliques et permet l'identification de voies hépatiques particulièrement sujettes à une double régulation par les miARN et l'horloge biologique interne. La première masse d'analyses a essentiellement porté sur le rôle que jouent les miARN au niveau de l'expression des gènes contrôlés par l'horloge interne. Dans deux études de suivi, je me suis penchée sur deux aspects supplémentaires et complémentaires de la manière dont les miARN et l'oscillation de l'expression des gènes interagissent. Dans les hépatocytes murins, spécifiquement privés de Dicer, je me suis demandée si un phénotype horloge avait pu être masqué, dû à un entraînement stable de l'horloge du foie par l'horloge maîtresse du cerveau. J'ai donc commencé une série d'expériences ambitieuses (impliquant la mesure de la rythmicité du foie in vivo, chez l'animal vivant) afin de déséquilibrer l'entrainement de l'horloge hépatique via l'utilisation d'un protocole nutritionnel spécifique. Les premiers résultats suggèrent que dans des conditions où l'animal subit une restriction alimentaire pendant la journée, les miARN sont importants dans la cinétique d'adaptation des organes périphériques à un nouvel horaire de sustentation. Dans une deuxième ligne de recherche, j'ai plus profondément étudié quels seraient les miARN responsables des rythmes post-transcriptionnels des ARNm, en utilisant le séquençage de « small » ARN sur 24h. L'analyse est en cours et se poursuivra après l'obtention de mon diplôme. De façon générale, mon travail révèle d'importants et nouveaux rôles des miARN dans la modulation de l'expression circadienne des gènes hépatiques. De plus, le set de données générées dans l'étude déjà publiée, peut dorénavant servir de ressource valable pour de prochaines investigations sur le rôle physiologique que les miARN jouent au niveau du foie. -- Most living organisms have developed internal timing systems, called circadian clocks, to drive the rhythmic expression of genes involved in many molecular and behavioral processes. Over the last decade, microarray analyses and high- throughput sequencing from various mammalian tissues have indicated that up to 20% of the transcriptome are under circadian control. It was generally assumed that the majority of rhythmic mRNA accumulation is generated by rhythmic transcription. However, recent studies have suggested that a considerable proportion of mRNA cycling may actually be generated by post-transcriptional mechanisms, including by microRNAs. When I started my thesis work, it was still unknown how miRNAs influence circadian gene expression in a genome-wide fashion. Using a mouse model in which miRNA biogenesis can be inactivated in hepatocytes (conditional Dicer knockout mouse), I have thus addressed the role that these regulatory molecules play in rhythmic gene expression in the liver. Whole transcriptome sequencing revealed that the hepatic core clock was surprisingly resilient to total miRNA loss. However, we found that miRNAs acted as important regulators of clock-controlled gene expression. Co- regulation by miRNAs, which affected up to 30% of rhythmically transcribed genes, thus led to the modulation of phases and amplitudes of mRNA abundance rhythms. By contrast, only very few transcripts were strictly dependent on miRNAs for their rhythmic accumulation. Finally, my work highlights several specific miRNAs that appear to preferentially modulate cyclic gene expression, and identifies pathways in the liver that are particularly prone to dual regulation through miRNAs and the clock. The first bulk of analyses mainly dealt with the role that miRNAs play at the level of rhythmic clock output gene expression. In two follow-up studies I further delved into two additional, complementary aspects of how miRNAs and gene expression oscillations interact. First, I addressed whether a core clock phenotype in the hepatocyte-specific Dicer knockout could have been masked due to the stable entrainment of the liver clock by the animals' master clock in the brain. I thus started a series of ambitious experiments (involving the in vivo recording of liver rhythms in live animals) to bring the stable entrainment of the liver clock out of equilibrium using specific feeding protocols. My first results suggest that under conditions when animals are challenged by food restriction to daytime, miRNAs are important for the kinetics of adapting to unusual mealtime in peripheral tissue. In a second line of research, I have more carefully investigated which miRNAs are responsible for post- transcriptional mRNA rhythms using small RNA sequencing around-the-clock. The analyses are ongoing and will be continued after my graduation. Overall, my work uncovered important and novel roles of miRNA activity in shaping hepatic circadian gene expression; moreover, the datasets collect in the published studies can serve as a valuable resource for further investigations into the physiological roles that miRNAs play in liver. -- L'alternance du jour et de la nuit dirige depuis longtemps la vie quotidienne des êtres humains et de la plupart des organismes sur terre. Ce cycle de 24 heures façonne beaucoup de changements comportementaux et physiologiques tels que la vigilance, la température corporelle et le sommeil. Les rythmes journaliers, appelés rythmes circadiens, sont dirigés par des horloges biologiques tournant dans presque chaque cellule du corps. Une structure dans le cerveau agit en tant qu'horloge maitresse pour synchroniser les horloges internes entre elles et en fonction des signaux de jour/nuit extérieurs. Dans les cellules "les gènes de l'horloge" sont activés et désactivés une fois par jour ce qui déclenche des cycles dans lesquels des protéines sont produites de manière circadienne. Ces rythmes protéiques sont spécialisés pour chaque tissu ou organe et peuvent les aider à réaliser leurs tâches quotidiennes. Les rythmes circadiens peuvent être générés d'autres manières n'impliquant pas directement les composants des gènes de l'horloge. Les ARN messagers (ARNm) sont des molécules intermédiaires dans la production de protéines à partir d'ADN. Dans le foie des souris jusqu'à 20% des molécules d'ARNm sont produites suivant des rythmes circadiens. Le foie réalise des tâches essentielles dans le contrôle du métabolisme incluant celui des hydrates de carbone, des graisses et du cholestérol. Un timing précis est important afin de traiter les substances nutritives correctement lors des repas il en résulte une variation des quantités de certains ARNm et protéines coïncidant avec les repas. Les microARNs constituent une autre classe de molécules ARN de très petite taille qui régulent l'efficacité de traduction des ARNm en protéines et la stabilité des ARNm. Lors de mon travail de thèse, j'ai exploré de manière approfondie l'influence de ces petits régulateurs sur les rythmes circadiens du foie de souris. Ces expériences qui impliquaient le "Knock-out" d'un gène essentiel à la production de microARNs montrent qu'au lieu de générer les rythmes des ARNm, les microARNs les ajustent pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques du foie comme assurer leur pic au bon moment de la journée. Le ciblage de microARNs spécifiques peut révéler de nouvelles stratégies pour rectifier ces rythmes lorsque par exemple les fonctions métaboliques ne fonctionnent plus normalement. -- The rising and setting of the sun have long driven the daily schedules of humans and most organisms on the earth. This 24-hr cycle shapes many behavioural and physiological changes, such as alertness, body temperature, and sleep. These daily rhythms, which are called circadian rhythms, are dictated by biological clocks that are ticking in almost every single cell of the body. A region in the brain acts as a master clock to synchronize the internal clocks with each other and with the outside light/dark cycles. In cells, "core clock genes" are turned on and off once per day, which triggers cycles that cause some proteins to be produced in a circadian manner. The protein rhythms are specialized to a particular tissue or organ, and may help them to carry out their designated daily tasks. However, circadian rhythms might also be produced by other ways that do not involve these core clock components. Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are intermediate molecules in the production of proteins from DNA. In the mouse liver, up to 20% of mRNA molecules are produced in circadian cycles. The liver performs essential tasks that control metabolism-including that of carbohydrates, fats, and cholesterol. Precisely timing when certain mRNAs and proteins reach peaks and troughs in their activities to coincide with mealtimes is important for nutrients to be properly processed. Other RNA molecules called microRNAs, i.e. RNAs of very small size, regulate at which rate mRNA molecules are translated into proteins. In my thesis work, I have explored at the influence of these small regulators on circadian rhythms in the mouse liver in greater detail. These experiments, which involved "knocking out" a gene that is essential for the production of microRNAs, show that rather than generating the mRNA rhythms, the microRNAs appear to adjust them to meet the specific needs of the liver, such as ensuring that they peak at the right time-of-day. Targeting specific microRNA molecules may reveal new strategies to tweak these rhythms, which could help to improve conditions when metabolic functions go wrong.