961 resultados para Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)


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西南地区在我国的经济发展和生态环境建设中占重要地位,但也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一,生态系统退化,生态功能减弱,严重制约着西南林业的可持续经营与发展。本项目采用DNA 分子标记SSR 研究不同生境条件下粗枝云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示粗枝云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。粗枝云杉适应性强,生长迅速,在植树造林和工业用材方面占有重要地位,研究成果可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. SSR 位点变异丰富,等位基因频率的分布格局多样。7 个SSR 标记全是多态位点,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为13~24,平均为19.9 个。SSR 位点的等位基因片段长度范围变化较大。73.1%的等位基因变异遵循逐步突变模型(SSM)而发生1 个重复基元的变化,22.3%和4.6%的变异分别按两阶段突变模型(TMP)发生1 个重复基元以上的变化和在SSR 位点侧翼区发生1 个碱基变化的插入-删除事件。 2. 粗枝云杉拥有中等偏高水平的遗传多样性和相对大的群体间遗传分化。通过分析代表10 个群体的250 个个体在7 个SSR位点的变化,调查了源自中国西南山区的粗枝云杉的微卫星变异。相当高的遗传多样性和强烈的群体分化发生在粗枝云杉中, 其群体平均Nei's 期望杂合度为0.707 , 群体间遗传距离为0.121~0.224(FST)和0.100~0.537(RST)。然而,群体间遗传距离与地理距离之间无相关性,从而排除了简单的距离分离模式并暗示迁移不是影响粗枝云杉遗传变异格局的主要因素。事实上,使用私有等位基因估算的基因流数量非常低,仅等于0.753。等位基因置换检验(Allele permutation tests)揭示逐步突变及遗传漂变都对群体间分化有贡献。另外,在多数位点检测到显著的群体间遗传差异,这个结果说明自然选择,假设通过环境压力,是引起粗枝云杉微地理分化的主要因素之一。根据SSR基因型,250 个粗枝云杉个体的70%被正确地归类入其各自的来源群体,结果表明微卫星(SSR)对区分来自中国不同生态地理位点的粗枝云杉基因型是有效的。 3. 在SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 位点,显著的群体间遗传结构被发现的,但三种标记间遗传分化程度和群体遗传关系有差异。利用来自10 个群体的247 个个体,我们报告了关于样本粗枝云杉群体间遗传关系的总体看法。根据各自对评价遗传关系的信息能力和适用性,SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记被选用,三种技术非常有效地区别这些基因型。使用的SSR、RAPD 和AFLP 标记分别估计平均Dice 相似性系数。Mantel 检验产生显著但相对低的共表型适合度(RAPD = 0.63£AFLP = 0.60和SSR = 0.75)。比较三种标记系统,RAPD 和AFLP 共表型指数相对高地相关(r =0.59),而RAPD 和SSR 及SSR 和AFLP 之间的相关系数分别是0.53 和0.35。所有系统树,包括不同标记资料结合获得的系统树,反映了多数群体依据它们的地理条件而成某种特定关系。结果暗示单个或结合标记系统能用来深入洞察粗枝云杉遗传研究,并且不同标记系统合并资料能提供更可靠的信息。 Southwestern region plays an important role in economic developmentand ecological construction in China. Yet, it is also one of the weak regionsof ecological environment in China with degraded ecosystem and imperfectfunction, which restricts the sustaining management and development ofsouthwestern forestry. The genetic variation and spatial distribution patternof P. asperata populations originating from different habitats wereinvestigated using SSR molecular markers in this study. The correlationsbetween genetic variation and ecological and environmental conditionswere detected, and the interaction between P. asperata populations andenvironmental system and the mechanism of ecological adaption -molecular evolution were revealed. Given the significant ecological andeconomic roles of the fast-growing and wide-adaptive species in reforestation and production of pulp wood and timber, the study couldprovide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for thesustaining management of subalpine natural forest, and the afforestationand rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR loci was abundant and the distributionof allelic frequencies was uneven. All seven loci were polymorphic, and thenumber of alleles per locus varied from 13 to 24 with a mean valueequaling 19.9. The allele sizes at SSR loci were found to vary widely.73.1% of allelic variation followed stepwise mutation model (SSM) whichresults increase or decrease by one repeat type, and 22.3% and 4.6% wereresulted from two-phase mutation model (TMP) with allele size varying bymore than one repeat type and from insertion-deletion events in theflanking regions at SSR loci with a single basepair changing, respectively. 2. P. asperata possessed a moderate to high level of genetic diversityand considerable genetic differentiation. Microsatellite variation of P.asperata. originating from the mountains of southwestern China wasinvestigated by analyzing variation at seven SSR loci in 250 individualsrepresenting ten populations. A fair degree of genetic diversity and strongpopulation subdivision occurred with the mean gene diversity (H) of 0.707,and genetic distances among populations varying between 0.121 and 0.224(FST) and between 0.100 and 0.537 (RST). However, inter-populationgenetic distances showed no correlation with geographic distances between the population sites. This ruled out a simple isolation by distance modeland suggested that migration does not have a great impact. In fact, theamount of gene flow, detected using private alleles, was very low, equalingonly 0.753. Allele permutation tests revealed that stepwise-like mutations,coupled with genetic drift, could contribute to population differentiation.Moreover, significant genetic differences between populations weredetected at most loci. The results indicate that natural selection, presumablythrough environmental stress, may be one of the main factors causingmicro-geographical differentiation in the genetic structure of P. asperata.Based on SSR genotypes, 70% of the 250 individuals were correctlyclassified into their sites of origin. This suggests that microsatellites (SSRs) are effective in distinguishing genotypes of P. asperata originating fromdiverse eco-geographical sites in China. 3. Using a set of 247 individuals from ten P. asperata populations wereport an overview on the genetic relationship among the sampled P.asperata populations. RAPD, AFLP and SSR were used in terms of theirinformativeness and applicability for evaluate relationship and all threetechniques discriminated the genotypes very effectively. Mean Dicesimilarities coefficient were estimated using RAPD, AFLP and SSR,respectively. The Mantel test resulted in a significant but relatively low fit(RAPD = 0.63, AFLP = 0.60 and SSR = 0.75) of cophenetic values.Comparing the three marker systems to each other, RAPD and AFLP cophenetic indices were highly correlated (r = 0.59), while correlationcoefficient between RAPD and SSR was r = 0.53 and between SSR andAFLP was r = 0.35. For all markers a relatively high similarity indendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences wereobserved. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combineduse of all the marker data, reflect some relationships for most of thepopulations according to their geographic conditions. The results indicatethat single or combined marker system could be used to insight into geneticstudy in P. asperata and the combined data of different marker systems canprovide more reliable information.


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近十年,植物群体遗传学的研究飞速发展,然而与海拔相关的植物群体遗传结构和遗传变异研究却相对较少。到目前为止,还不清楚遗传变异与海拔之间是否有一个通用的格局。在山区,各种生态因子,如温度、降水、降雪、紫外线辐射强度以及土壤成分都随海拔梯度急剧变化,造成了即使在一个小的空间区域,植被类型变化显著,这种高山环境的异质性和复杂性为我们研究植物群体遗传结构和分化提供了方便。沙棘(Hippophea)属于胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)为多年生落叶灌木或乔木,雌雄异株,天然种群分布极为广泛。中国沙棘(H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis)是沙棘属植物中分布较广的一个亚种,种内形态变异非常丰富,加之其具有独特的繁育系统和广泛的生态地理分布,是研究沙棘属植物遗传变异和系统分化的理想材料。本文从1,800 m 到3,400 m 分5 个海拔梯度进行取样,用RAPD 和cpSSR 分子标记研究了卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘天然群体的遗传结构和遗传变异。5 个取样群体依次标记为A、B、C、D 和E,它们分别代表分布在海拔1,800,2,200,2,600,3,000 和3,400 m 的5 个天然群体。RAPD实验用11 条寡核苷酸引物,扩增得到151 个重复性好的位点,其中143 个多态位点,多态率达94.7%。在5 个沙棘群体中,总遗传多样性值(HT)为0.289,B群体内的遗传多样性值为0.315,这完全符合沙棘这种多年生、远交的木本植物具有高遗传变异的特性。5 个群体内遗传多样性随海拔升高呈低-高-低变异趋势,在2,200 m海拔处的B群体遗传多样性达最大值0.315,3,400 m海拔处的E群体则表现最小仅0.098。5 个群体间的遗传分化值GST=0.406,也即是说有40.6%的遗传变异存在于群体间,1,800 m海拔处的A群体与其它群体的明显分离是造成群体间遗传分化大的原因。UPGMA聚类图和PCoA散点图进一步确证了5 个群体间的关系和所有个体间的关系。最后,经过Mantel检测,遗传距离与海拔表现了明显的相关性(r = 0.646, P = 0.011)。cpSSR 实验中,经过对24 对cpSSR 通用引物筛选,11 对引物能扩增出特异性条带,只有2 对引物(ccmp2 和ARCP4)呈现多态性。4 个等位基因共组合出4 种单倍型,单倍型Ⅰ出现在A 群体的所有个体和B 群体的8 个个体中,C、D、E 三个群体均不含有,而单倍型Ⅱ出现在C、D、E 三个群体的所有个体及B 群体的18 个个体中,A 群体不含有。另外两种单倍型Ⅲ和Ⅳ为稀有类型,仅B 群体中的4 个个体拥有。这种单倍型分布模式和TFPGA 群体聚类图揭示了,C、D、E 群体可能来源于同一祖先种,而A 群体却是由另一祖先种发展起来的,B 群体则兼具了这两种起源种的信息,这可能是因为在历史上的某一时期,在中国沙棘群体高山分化的过程中,B 群体处某个或者某些个体发生了基因突变,具备了适应高海拔环境的能力,产生了高海拔沙棘群体的祖先种。 In recent ten years, studies about population genetics of plants developed rapidly,whereas their genetic structure and genetic variation along altitudinal gradients have beenstudied relatively little. So far, it is uncleared whether there is a common pattern betweengenetic variation and altitudinal gradients. In the mountain environments, importantecological factors, e.g., temperature, rainfall, snowfall, ultraviolet radiation and soil substratesetc., change rapidly with altitudes, which cause the vegetation distribution varying typically,even on a small spatial scale. The mountain environments, which are heterogeneous andcomplex, facilitate and offer a good opportunity to characterize population genetic structureand population differentiation.The species of the genus Hippophae L. (Elaeagnaceae) are perennial deciduous shrubs ortrees, which are dioecious, wind-pollinated pioneer plants. The natural genus has a widedistribution extending from Northern Europe through Central Europe and Central Asia toChina. According to the latest taxonomy, the genus Hippophae is divided into six species and12 subspecies. The subspecies H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis shows significant morphologicalvariations, large geographic range and dominantly outcrossing mating system. Thesecharacteristics of the subspecies are favourable to elucidate genetic variation and systemevolution. To estimate genetic variation and genetic structure of H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensisat different altitudes, we surveyed five natural populations in the Wolong Natural Reserve at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 3,400 m above sea level (a.s.l.) using random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and cpSSR molecular methods. The five populations A,B, C, D, and E correspond to the altitudes 1,800, 2,200, 2,600, 3,000 and 3,400 m,respectively.Based on 11 decamer primers, a total of 151 reproducible DNA loci were yielded, ofwhich 143 were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic loci equaled 94.7%. Amongthe five populations investigated, the total gene diversity (HT) and gene diversity within population B equaled 0.289 and 0.315, respectively, which are modest for a subspecies of H.rhamnoides, which is an outcrossing, long-lived, woody plant. The amount of geneticvariation within populations varied from 0.098 within population E (3,400 m a.s.l.) to 0.315within population B (2,200 m a.s.l.). The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) amongpopulations equaled 0.406 and revealed that 40.6% of the genetic variance existed amongpopulations and 59.4% within populations. The population A (1,800 m a.s.l.) differed greatlyfrom the other four populations, which contributes to high genetic differentiation. A UPGMAcluster analysis and principal coordinate analyses based on Nei's genetic distances furthercorroborated the relationships among the five populations and all the sampling individuals,respectively. Mantel tests detected a significant correlation between genetic distances andaltitudinal gradients (r = 0.646, P = 0.011).Eleven of the original 24 cpSSR primer pairs tested produced good PCR products, onlytwo (ccmp2 and ARCP4) of which were polymorphic. Four total length variants (alleles) werecombined resulting in 4 haplotypes. The haplotype was present in all individuals of Ⅰpopulation A and 8 individuals of populations B, the other three populations (C, D and Epopulations) did not share. The haplotype was present in all individuals of populations C, D Ⅱand E and 18 individuals of populations B, population A did not share. The other twohaplotypes and were rare haplotypes, which were only shared in 4 individuals of Ⅲ Ⅳpopulation B. The distribution of haplotypes and TFPGA population clustering map showedthat the populations C, D and E might be origined from one ancestor seed and population Amight be from another, whereas population B owned information of the two ancestor seeds. Itwas because that gene mutation within some individual or seed in the location of population Bwas likely to happen in the history of H. rhamnoides, which was the original ancestor of thehigh-altitude populations.


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应用花粉管通道技术将新疆大赖草总DNA导入小麦,用高重序列分析方法,已为大赖草总DNA转入小麦提供了初步的分子证据。在转 化后代中选育出稳定遗传的大穗变异株系,分析表明,这些转化株中蛋白质含量明显增高(13%-17%)。对基因供体新疆大赖草、受 体春麦761、转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)进行了SDS-PAGE分析,发现这些转化株中HMW-GS发生了很大变化,并在此基础 上,用来自小麦基因组的四对特异引物,以PCR方法扩增供体、受体以及转化株的1Ax、1Bx、1Dx及1Ay、1By、1Dy型HMW-GS全基因 ,比较他们扩增产物的差异,结果表明,受体与转化株在HMW-GS基因1Ax、1Bx位点上的扩增产物差异不大,在HMW-GS基因位点1Dx 和y型基因上的扩增产物有较大差异,说明了受体在基因位点1Dx、1Ay、1By和1Dy上可能发生了多位点插入,可能由于这些基因位 点上的插入引起了转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)的变化,这就再一次为大赖草总DNA导入提供了直接的分子证据。虽然大 赖草总DNA导入提高了小麦蛋白质的含量,改变了HMW-GS的组成,部分改变了品质评分,但我们感到这些转化株在品质改良方面仍 有很大余地,如何更好地利用新疆大赖草蛋白质的优良特性及避免总DNA导入给转化株带来的不良性状,一个大赖草HMW-GS基因正 被分离及克隆,并准备将其利用于未来的品质育种当中。Total DNA of Leymus racemosus had been transformed into wheat through pollen tube pathway. Analysis of the repeated gene sequence had provided an elementary proof. Some variant cultivars with big ear were screened from their offsprings, and their protein content increased greatly from 13% (receptor)to 17%(transformed). The result from SDS-PAGE analysis of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits(HMW- GS) respectively in donor(Xinjiang Leymus racemosus), receptor(spring wheat cultivar 761)and transformed wheats, showed the HMW-GS composition changed in the transformed plants. On the basis of the research, Four special pairs primers from wheat(T.aestivum L.) genome were used to amplify complete coding regions of HMW-GS genes on 1Ax、1Bx 、1Dx and 1Ay、1By、1Dy loci of donor、receptor and the big ear transformed cultivars. By comparing amplified PCR products. Faint differences were found among receptor and transformed cultivar's 1Ax、1Bx PCR amplifed products and apparent differences on those of 1Dx、y-typePCR product. We gueseed that there may be some DNA inserts in 1Dx 、1By、1Dy loci resulted in the changes of the HMW-GS among transformed cultivars. This provides second direct molecular witness to the exogenous DNA introduction. Even though the transformed plants have higher protein content, changed HMW-GS composition, partially improved process quality, there still leave much work to improve quality. In order to make full use of the excellent property of Leymus racemosus protein and avoid the disadvantages introducced by total DNA transformation, a HMW-GS gene of Leymus racemosus was being isolated and cloned.


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We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations. This technique is based on the separation of polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genes coding for 16S rRNA, all the same length, by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis of different microbial communities demonstrated the presence of up to 10 distinguishable bands in the separation pattern, which were most likely derived from as many different species constituting these populations, and thereby generated a DGGE profile of the populations. We showed that it is possible to identify constituents which represent only 1% of the total population. With an oligonucleotide probe specific for the V3 region of 16S rRNA of sulfate-reducing bacteria, particular DNA fragments from some of the microbial populations could be identified by hybridization analysis. Analysis of the genomic DNA from a bacterial biofilm grown under aerobic conditions suggests that sulfate-reducing bacteria, despite their anaerobicity, were present in this environment. The results we obtained demonstrate that this technique will contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity of uncharacterized microbial populations.


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Here, we report a sensitive amplified electrochemical impedimetric aptasensor for thrombin, a kind of serine protease that plays important role in thrombosis and haemostasis. For improving detection sensitivity, a sandwich sensing platform is fabricated, in which the thiolated aptamers are firstly immobilized on a gold substrate to capture the thrombin molecules, and then the aptamer functionalized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) are used to amplify the impedimetric signals.


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This paper reports the study of protein conformational change by Au nanoparticles (AUNPs)-amplified surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. Taking cytochrome c (Cyt c) as an example, this paper gives a detailed description of the construction of metal-protein-metal sandwich nanostructure consisting of an Au film underlayer, a cytochrome c intermediate layer and an AuNPs upper layer. The incorporation of AuNPs into SPR biosensing results in increased SPR sensitivity to protein conformational change as demonstrated by acid denaturation of Cyt c. It suggests the conformational change of surface-confined Cyt c leads to the distance and electromagnetic coupling variations of Au film-AuNPs.


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We report a sensitively amplified electrochemical aptasensor using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a model. ATP is a multifunctional nucleotide thatis most important as a "molecular currency" of intracellular energy transfer. In the sensing process, duplexes consisting of partly complementary strand (PCS1), ATP aptamer (ABA) and another partly complementary strand (PCS2) were immobilized onto Au electrode through the 5'-HS on the PCS1. Meanwhile, PCS2 was grafted with the Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) to amplify the detection signals. In the absence of ATP, probe methylene blue (MB) bound to the DNA duplexes and also bound to guanine bases specifically to produce a strong differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) signal. But when ATP exists, the ABA-PCS2 or ABA-PCS1 part duplexes might be destroyed, which decreased the amount of MB on the electrode and led to obviously decreased DPV signal.


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A novel third-generation hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) biosensor was developed by immobilizing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on a biocompatible gold electrode modified with a well-ordered, self-assembled DNA film. Cysteamine was first self-assembled on a gold electrode to provide an interface for the assembly of DNA molecules. Then DNA was chemisorbed onto the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of cysteamine to form a network by controlling DNA concentration. The DNA-network film obtained provided a biocompatible microenvironment for enzyme molecules, greatly amplified the coverage of HRP molecules on the electrode surface, and most importantly could act as a charge carrier which facilitated the electron transfer between HRP and the electrode. Finally, HRP was adsorbed on the DNA-network film. The process of the biosensor construction was followed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Voltammetric and time-based amperometric techniques were employed to characterize the properties of the biosensor derived. The enzyme electrode achieved 95% of the steady-state current within 2 s and had a 0.5 mu mol l(-1) detection limit of H2O2. Furthermore, the biosensor showed high sensitivity, good reproducibility, and excellent long-term stability.


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To establish a molecular-marker-assisted system of breeding and genetic study for Laminaria japonica Aresch., amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to construct a genetic linkage map of L. japonica featuring 230 progeny of F-2 cross population. Eighteen primer combinations produced 370 polymorphic loci and 215 polymorphic loci segregated in a 3:1 Mendelian segregation ratio (P <= 0.05). Of the 215 segregated loci, 142 were ordered into 27 linkage groups. The length of the linkage groups ranged from 6.7 to 90.3 centimorgans (cM) with an average length of 49.6 cM, and the total length was 1,085.8 cM, which covered 68.4% of the estimated 1,586.9 cM genome. The number of mapped markers on each linkage group ranged from 2 to 12, averaging 5.3 markers per group. The average density of the markers was 1 per 9.4 cM. Based on the marker density and the resolution of the map, the constructed linkage map can satisfy the need for quantitative trait locus (QTL) location and molecular-marker-assisted breeding for Laminaria.


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The haploid stage of gametophytes of the subtidal brown alga Undaria pinnatifida can be vegetatively propagated under favorable conditions. This unique characteristic makes it possible to establish independent gametophyte cell lines that are zoospore-derived. Sporophytic offspring can be generated through hybridizing the male and female gametophytes, which are derived from different cell lines. Accumulated experiences in this and other species in Laminariales demonstrated the applicability of this novel way to breed desired strains for open-sea cultivation. Sporophytic offspring originated from mono-crossing of male and female gametophyte clones were shown to have similar morphological characteristics under identical ambient conditions. However, there has been no report to relate this similarity on molecular levels. In this report, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic identity of sporophytic offspring of U. pinnatifida originated from two mono-crossing lines (M1 and M2), two self-breeding lines (S1 and S2) and one wild population (W). Totally 318 AFLP loci were revealed by use of 11 primer sets, of which 4.7%, 0.3%, 17.9%, 16.4% and 36.5% were polymorphic in M1, M2, S1, S2 and W, respectively. The pairwise genetic identity among the individuals of the same line was assessed. It was shown that offspring from mono-crossing lines had a higher degree of identity (95.6-100%) than self-breeding lines (87.7-98.4%) and the wild population (81.5-92.1%). Analysis by use of six microsatellite loci also revealed a higher genetic identity among individuals of the mono-crossing line, further confirming the results of AFLP analysis. Results from this investigation support, on molecular levels, the novel way to produce and maintain strains in U. pinnatifida by use of different gametophyte cell lines.


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MEP is a member of thioester-containing protein (TEP) family found in Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri and is involved in innate immunity against invading microbes. In the present study, the genomic DNA of CfTEP was cloned and characterized. The genomic DNA sequence of CfTEP consisted of 40 exons and 39 introns spanning 35 kb with all exon-intron junction sequences agreeing with the GT/AG consensus. The genomic organization of CfTEP was similar to human and mouse 0 rather than ciona C3-1 and Drosophila dTEP2. By RT-PCR technique, seven different cDNA variants of CfTEP (designated as CfTEP-A-CfTEP-G) were cloned from scallop gonad. CfTEP-A-CfTEP-F were produced by alternative splicing of six mutually exclusive exons (exons 19-24), respectively, which encoded the highly variable central region. While in CfTEP-G, the deletion of all the six exons introduced a new translation stop site and might trigger nonsense mediated decay (NMD). The mRNA expression and the proportion of the seven CfTEP variant transcripts were examined in the gonad of scallops after bacterial challenge. The fragments containing the highly variable central region of UTEP were amplified by RT-PCR and a 100 positive clones were sequenced randomly. The expression profiles of the seven MEP variants were different and displayed the sex and bacteria dependent manner. In the blank, sea water and Listonella anguillarum challenged subgroups of male scallops, all the transcripts detected were CfTEP-G isoform. In the Micrococcus luteus challenged subgroup, the isoforms expressed and their proportions were CfTEP-F (54%), CfTEP-B (23%), CfTEP-A (10%), CfTEP-C (7%) and CfTEP-E (6%). However, in the gonad of female scallops, only CfTEP-A were found in blank and sea water challenged subgroups. After L anguillarum or M. luteus challenge, four and five isoforms were detected, respectively, with CfTEP-F isoform being the most one in the both subgroups. These results suggested that the evolution of TEP genes was very complex, and that the diverse CfTEP transcripts generated by alternative splicing played an important role as pattern recognition receptors in the innate immune defense of scallops. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Twenty-seven Porphyra lines from 5 classes, including lines widely used in China, wild lines, and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with 24 primer pairs. From the generated AFLP products, 13 bands that showed stable and repeatable AFLP patterns amplified by primer pairs M-CGA/E-AA and M-CGA/E-TA were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27 Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with digitals 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band. On the basis of these results, computerized AFLP DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27 Porphyra lines has its unique AFLP,fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software called PGI-AFLP (Porphyra germplasm identification-AFLP) was designed for identification of the 27 Porphyra lines. In addition, 21 specific AFLP markers from 15 Porphyra lines were identified; 6 AFLP markers from 4 Porphyra lines were sequenced, and 2 of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed AFLP DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification, and resource protection of the Porphyra lines.