790 resultados para ROCHAS MAGMÁTICAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Tempestitos grossos constituem camadas delgadas de conglomerado gradando a arenito, com estratificação cruzada seguida de laminação ondulada truncante a simétrica e de drape/flaser de siltito/folhelho. Cinco exemplos extraídos do Permiano da bacia do Paraná ilustram esse tipo de depósito: três deles são de rochas siliciclásticas, contendo bioclastos de bivalves e vertebrados (Formação Rio Bonito-Membro Triunfo e Formação Palermo), enquanto os outros dois são de rochas carbonática e fosfática (respectivamente, formações Teresina e Corumbataí do Grupo Passa Dois). O componente tracional da base do tempestito grosso apresenta-se como arenite quartzoso/lítico ou grainstone oolítico com cimento calcífero preenchendo poros (casos das formações Palermo e Teresina). em sua maioria, os tempestitos grossos constituem pavimentos transgressivos intercalados em folhelhos ou tempestitos finos (arenitos muito finos a folhelhos com estratificação ondulada truncante-hummocky). em outro caso, extraído de subsuperfície, o pavimento transgressivo ocorre na base de uma sucessão progradante de barra de plataforma. O tempestito grosso da Formação Teresina constitui um evento transgressivo sobreposto a depósitos de barra de plataforma.
This paper presents and discusses Ménard Pressuremeter test results used to predict bearing capacity of pounded piles installed in a tropical sandy soil. Fifteen pre-bored pressuremeter tests were carried out at the Experimental Research Site from Unesp - Bauru up to 15 m depth, one test per meter. Several laboratory and in situ tests were carried out in this research site as well as load tests on plates and on piles. Pressuremeter test results were firstly analyzed to determine geotechnical soil parameters based on empirical methods, emphasizing the estimative of the earth pressure coefficient at rest (K0). After that, bearing capacity prediction of pounded piles with 4 m, 7 m and 10 m were made and compared with test results from instrumented load tests. Pressuremeter test results allowed a very good estimative of bearing capacity for the pile with 4 m length and underestimated in 25,7% and 20,0% the bearing capacity for the pile with 7 and 10 m length, respectively. The back analysis of the test results suggests that the appropriate value for the bearing capacity factor for the tested soil-pile system on this soil is equal to 2.
A site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a shallow sedimentary aquifer based on electrical resistivity measurements. The site is located close to Paranaguá harbor, in the Paraná State, Brasil. At this site, high chloride concentration contaminated shallow water wells used to supply water for local industries. The site investigation program included a fieldwork, dipole-dipole electrical profiling, resistivity piezocone tests, physical-chemical analysis of sampled water and interpretation of borehole logs. The resistivity piezocone tests provided two simultaneous information; the soil stratigraphy at a very detailed level and a quasi-continuous resistivity profile. Both information adequately complemented dipole-dipole electrical profiling test data. The integration of all test data allowed identifying the contaminated areas as well as guided the location of new water wells to be installed in this area.
The designs of filters made by granular material or textile are mainly based on empirical or semi empirical retention criteria according to Terzaghi proposal, which compares particle diameter of the soil base with the filter porous spaces. Silveira in 1965, proposed one rational design retention criteria based on the probability of a particle from the soil base, carried by one dimensional flow, be restrained by the porous of the filter while trying to pass through its thickness. This new innovating theory, besides of being very simple, it is not frequently used for granular filters since the necessary parameters for the design has to be determine for each natural material. However, for textile this problem no longer exists because it has quality control during manufacturing and the necessary characteristics properties of the product are specify in the product catalog. This work presents one adaptation of the Silveira theory for textile filters and the step-by-step procedure for the determination of the characteristics properties of the textile products necessary for the design. This new procedure permits the determination of the confiability level of retention that one specific particle diameter form the soil base has for one specified textile. One complete example is presented to demonstrate the simplicity of the method proposed and how the textile characteristics are obtained.
In view of the limited number of drill holes, interpolation of the data becomes a relatively complex task. In this study, we sought to make estimates associated with lithological types, since a quantification based on lithology can be extracted from the empty spaces in the sampling. For example, QBarton is always below the median of the biotitic litotype, information which can be used in the elaboration of geostatistical models in situations where samples are lacking. To overcome bias in the data, required by geostatistical conceptualization, we worked with the residuals obtained from the adjustment of a surface and the observed values, for the variographic analysis. The final results made possible a more optimized evaluation of the final costs required for the construction project.
This study discuss the use of the geotechnologies to aid the planners on the terrain aptness definition for highways implantation and on the different trace evaluation to the extention of the Governador Carvalho Pinto highway, between Taubaté-SP and Aparecida do Norte-SP. Fratures on the area were mapping using Landsat ETM+, band Pan. In order to elaborate the phisical aptness chart for highway implantation was used the Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP) operation, in on geographical information system (GIS). Using GIS were realized a ponderate middle with the soils, rocks, relief, slope, fractures and land use/cover maps. Using this physical aptness chart and joinning it with urban and restrict areas (that was inserted by the Boolean operation), were obtained a viability chart for highway implantation. Based on it were proposed three aleatory traces for the Carvalho Pinto highway. This traces were evaluated with the cross tabulation operation. The integration of the restrict areas, land use and phisical aptness in digital media can offer for the planners the cartography of the viability for the highway implantation. The evaliation of these three traces, based on the viability chart, can subsidyse the decision by the planners.
The Rio Claro Formation mainly occurs in the county of Rio Claro (SP) lying unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Its thickness is 30-40 m. It shows fine to coarse, regular to poor sorted, Triable sandstones and conglomerates with quartzite and quartz clasts in the base. Thin layers of mudstone occur interbeded. Stratigraphic maps had been elaborated in recent analyses allowing to improve the knowledge about the formation. The biggest thicknesses occur on the east part of the studied area. The coarse/fine clastic ratio map demonstrates that fine sediments are concentrated in the east side, and suggests the existence of barriers which conditioned perennial water body (or bodies) where decantation took place (east, south and southeast sides). The structural contour map of the Rio Claro Formation base indicates a NW/SE trough which was the main depositional axis. The integrated analysis demonstrates that the formation is formed by lacustrine, fluvial and debris flows deposits whose source area was located on NW side, with coalescent alluvial fans from where braided to psamitic meandering fluvial channels came. The location of the source area suggests no link with the Corumbataf River paleo-terraces.
Rhythmite samples from Varvite Quarry and Park of Itu (SP), and well cores from Rafard (SP), were analyzed by optical microscopy to describe the petrographic characteristics of their light-colored (siltstone) and dark-colored (shale) laminae. The light-colored ones are essentially siltstones, commonly with traces of sands; the mineralogical composition is mainly quartz, with traces of feldspar and scarce mica; quartz or calcite cementation occurs in variable intensity, the first one being more intense in the Itu rhythmites; parallel laminations, internally normal graded or massive are the most common sedimentary structures in these rocks; bioturbations and dropstones are commonly observed in Itu rhythmites; contacts between siltstone laminae, and siltstone beds and shale laminae are commonly non-erosive and sharp. Considering this study and the macroscopic description of these rhythmites it was possible to clarify many questions about their composition, as the grain-size of the light-colored beds composed by silt with subordinate dropped sand, and the inappropriate use of the term varvite to the most of the Itu rhythmites. It was also important to reinforce their proglacial lacustrine origin, with random freezing of lacustrine surface water, and only sporadic ice-contact.
The present study aimed to show the spatial distribution of the Rochas watershed (Avaré-SP, Brazil) soil use capacity using the Idrisi geographical information system in order to contribute to a better territorial organization and the planning of the appropriate soil occupation. The obtained results using this methodology showed that most of the Rocha watershed areas are from the following groups: dystrophic yellow-red latosol (36.64%), eutroferric and distroferric red latosol (30.30%) with sandy texture. There was a predominance of areas with slope classes of 0-12%, plain to wavy relief (61.37% of the watershed area) showing that these areas are appropriate for annual culture plantations with wide use of machinery. Most of these areas were classified as class IV (73.79%) as to use capacity. In the studied area the following subclasses of land use capacity were found: IIe, s; IIIe; IVe; IVs; IVe,s; VIe and VIIe. Capacity subclasses IVe; IVe,s; IVs and Vie were the most significant because they are areas that can be used for agriculture but subject to severe soil impoverishment if there are no special care mainly for annual cultures. The Idrisi geographical information system was efficient to determine soil use capacity of the Rocha's watershed showing that the use of geoprocessing tools makes data analysis easier and faster, allowing digital data storage for future analysis uses mainly for territorial planning and environmental studies.
This paper aims to present the results of systematic survey on clastic dykes in the Corumbataí Formation (Permian), in the northeast region of the State of São Paulo. Besides this, the paper analyses genetic aspects of those features as well as their stratigraphic and sedimentologic implications in terms of geologic evolution of the northeastern Paraná Sedimentary Basin during Permian times. The field works had been developed in 3 main Corumbataí Formation outcrops (2 road cuts and a quarry) supposed to show the most important clastic dikes occurrences in the studied area. Basically, the sedimentary intrusions are formed by fine sand or silt size particles and had penetrated host rocks as near-vertical, centimeter thick, dykes (most common form) or as horizontal sheets, forming clastic sills (subsidiary form), both with variable geometric forms and dimensions. A lot of dyke walls show undulations suggesting pre-diagenetic clastic intrusions, probably near the ancient depositional surface. Almost all intrusions occur in the superior third portion of the Corumbataí Formation and some similar features seem to appear in the adjoining superposed Pirambóia Formation base. In this article the authors defend a seismic origin hypothesis for the clastic intrusions. It is important to mention that clastic intrusions tend to occur linked to expressive seismic events, with magnitude upper to 5. The analysis of isopach maps of the Permian and Mesozoic units of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin in the study area suggests a depositional system changing, from epicontinental sea conditions to shallow platform and, finally, to coastal deserts. Probably, this environmental change was driven by regional uplift accompanied by seismic events. It is possible that ancient seismicity triggered liquefaction processes and the resulting clastic intrusions. In this sense, those clastic features might be properly namedseismites.
The petrographic and geochemical characterization of flood basalts of Serra Geral Formation are here presented. The investigated areas are situated in four different regions of São Paulo state: Jaú, Ribeirão Preto, Franca and Fernandópolis. They represent almost the total area of outcrops of basalts in the São Paulo State. The petrographical data reveals that these rocks are constituted mainly by plagioclase (30-40%), pyroxenes, augite and pigeonita (20-30%) and magnetite (5-15%), and show a intergranular texture and its varieties intersertal, hialophitic and pilotaxitic. The geochemical data show a basic and tholeiitic affinity of the studied basalts, with high-Ti content (TiO2 > 1.8%), typical of the northern region of Paraná Basin. Three different magma-types were recognized: Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga. The first magma-type is concentrated in the Fernandópolis region, the second in the Franca region, and the Pitanga occurs in the Ribeirão Preto and Jaú regions. The distribution patterns of these magma-types and the detailed study of geochemical data showed that they are, probably, generated by a melting of a continental lithospheric mantle.
Sararé Massif occurs in the southwest Mato Grosso state intruded into Mesoproterozoic units of the Jauru Block inside the Amazonian Craton. It presents an extension of approximately 80 km2 and NW-SE tectonic structures control the elongated shape. It is constituted by three major monzogranitic petrographic facies, represented by leucocratic, reddish, isotropic, equi-inequigranular to locally porphyritic rocks. The composition indicates S-type, peraluminous, with indicatives of late- to post-kinematic magmatism. Geochronological studies with 40Ar/39Ar in biotites and muscovites resulted in ages of 903 to 906 Ma was interpreted as massif rocks cooling period and U-PB 917 ± 18 Ma. ages points to the crystallization of the intrusive body. The massif is formed by melting of material of the upper crust, in an environment of continental collision and/or of post-collisional decompression at the ending of the Aguapeí-Sunsás event, in more stable environments of consolidation and tectonic stabilization of the Amazonian Craton.
Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.