933 resultados para Psychiatric Intensive Care
La mort d'un enfant est considérée comme l'une des expériences les plus difficiles à laquelle une personne puisse faire face. Les cliniciens, les hôpitaux et plusieurs organismes ont pour objectif d’aider les parents endeuillés, mais leurs efforts sont compliqués par un manque de recherche dans le domaine du deuil parental. Cette thèse est composée de trois articles, soit deux revues de littérature et une étude empirique, qui tentent de combler cette lacune et d’informer les services en soins palliatifs pédiatriques et les services de soutien au deuil en particulier. Le premier article porte sur les besoins des patients recevant des soins palliatifs pédiatriques et de leurs familles. Par le biais d’un méta-résumé de la recherche descriptive et qualitative récente, 10 domaines de besoins ont été identifiés qui correspondent aux lignes directrices actuelles en soins palliatifs pédiatriques et de fin de vie. Ces besoins sont présentés de manière à être facilement applicables à la pratique. Cependant, les résultats mettent aussi en évidence plusieurs aspects des soins identifiés comme déficitaires ou problématiques qui mériteraient une attention particulière dans le cadre de politiques futures. Dans le deuxième article, l'objectif était de résumer une vaste littérature d'une manière utile aux cliniciens. À cette fin, une synthèse narrative a permis d’intégrer la recherche quantitative et qualitative dans le domaine du deuil parental. Les résultats mettent en évidence les éléments susceptibles de favoriser l’adaptation des parents au deuil, éléments qui suggèrent par le fait même des avenues possibles de soutien et d'intervention. Cette synthèse a cependant cerné dans la littérature certaines failles méthodologiques qui rendent l'applicabilité clinique des résultats difficile. L'objectif du troisième article était d'informer les services de suivi et de soutien au deuil auprès des parents en se renseignant directement auprès de parents endeuillés. À cette fin, 21 parents (dont 8 couples) et 7 membres du personnel impliqués dans des activités de suivi de deuil de 2 hôpitaux pédiatriques ont été interrogés dans le cadre d’une description interprétative, et l'application clinique des résultats a été vérifiée par le biais de réunions avec des collaborateurs de recherche et les décideurs des centres hospitaliers. Les résultats décrivent comment les parents ont fait face à leur détresse dans la phase précoce de leur deuil, ainsi que leurs points de vue sur la façon dont les divers services de suivi de deuil ont été aidants. Les résultats suggèrent que les parents gèrent leurs sentiments intenses de douleur par une alternance de stratégies axées soit sur leur deuil ou sur leur quotidien et que dans plusieurs cas leurs relations avec autrui les ont aidé. Cette étude a également permis d'élucider la façon dont divers services de soutien aide les parents à aborder leur deuil. Les implications cliniques de ces résultats sont discutées ainsi que des recommandations à l’intention de ceux qui sont impliqués dans la provision des services en deuil.
Introducción: El delirium es un trastorno de conciencia de inicio agudo asociado a confusión o disfunción cognitiva, se puede presentar hasta en 42% de pacientes, de los cuales hasta el 80% ocurren en UCI. El delirium aumenta la estancia hospitalaria, el tiempo de ventilación mecánica y la morbimortalidad. Se pretendió evaluar la prevalencia de periodo de delirium en adultos que ingresaron a la UCI en un hospital de cuarto nivel durante 2012 y los factores asociados a su desarrollo. Metodología Se realizó un estudio transversal con corte analítico, se incluyeron pacientes hospitalizados en UCI médica y UCI quirúrgica. Se aplicó la escala de CAM-ICU y el Examen Mínimo del Estado Mental para evaluar el estado mental. Las asociaciones significativas se ajustaron con análisis multivariado. Resultados: Se incluyeron 110 pacientes, el promedio de estancia fue 5 días; la prevalencia de periodo de delirium fue de 19.9%, la mediana de edad fue 64.5 años. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el delirium y la alteración cognitiva de base, depresión, administración de anticolinérgicos y sepsis (p< 0,05). Discusión Hasta la fecha este es el primer estudio en la institución. La asociación entre delirium en la UCI y sepsis, uso de anticolinérgicos, y alteración cognitiva de base son consistentes y comparables con factores de riesgo descritos en la literatura mundial.
Objective:To identify aspects that affect the quality of life of nursing caregivers and their relationship with care in an Intensive Care Unit for Adults (A-ICU). Methods:This was a descriptive study with qualitative approach, taking as subjects 21 professionals who constitute the nursing staff of the A-ICU of a school hospital in Maringá-PR. Unstructured interview was used as a strategy to collect data, conducted between May and June 2009. Data analysis was based on the method of content analysis. The categories identified were: overlooking improvement in quality of life related to the resources in an A-ICU; the quality of life influencing the form of care; interpersonal relationships into the health team reflecting on the quality of life and care. Results:The analysis of caregivers’ speech and the results of the observation showed that there is correlation between the aspects they consider influential in their quality of life and the way of caring for patients in an A-ICU.Conclusion: The findings indicate that, among the influential aspects, the stressful factors overlap the enhancing ones. From this perspective, dealing with caregiver’s suffering might be the starting point for the improvement in quality of care in an A-ICU.
Background: The care of the acutely ill patient in hospital is often sub-optimal. Poor recognition of critical illness combined with a lack of knowledge, failure to appreciate the clinical urgency of a situation, a lack of supervision, failure to seek advice and poor communication have been identified as contributory factors. At present the training of medical students in these important skills is fragmented. The aim of this study was to use consensus techniques to identify the core competencies in the care of acutely ill or arrested adult patients that medical students should possess at the point of graduation. Design: Healthcare professionals were invited to contribute suggestions for competencies to a website as part of a modified Delphi survey. The competency proposals were grouped into themes and rated by a nominal group comprised of physicians, nurses and students from the UK. The nominal group rated the importance of each competency using a 5-point Likert scale. Results: A total of 359 healthcare professionals contributed 2,629 competency suggestions during the Delphi survey. These were reduced to 88 representative themes covering: airway and oxygenation; breathing and ventilation; circulation; confusion and coma; drugs, therapeutics and protocols; clinical examination; monitoring and investigations; team-working, organisation and communication; patient and societal needs; trauma; equipment; pre-hospital care; infection and inflammation. The nominal group identified 71 essential and 16 optional competencies which students should possess at the point of graduation. Conclusions: We propose these competencies form a core set for undergraduate training in resuscitation and acute care.
Interest in the effects of insulin on the heart came with the recognition that hyperglycemia in the context of myocardial infarction is associated with increased risks of mortality, congestive heart failure, or cardiogenic shock. More recently, instigated by research findings on stress hyperglycemia in critical illness, this interest has been extended to the influence of insulin on clinical outcome after cardiac surgery. Even in nondiabetic individuals, stress hyperglycemia commonly occurs as a key metabolic response to critical illness, eg, after surgical trauma. It is recognized as a major pathophysiological feature of organ dysfunction in the critically ill. The condition stems from insulin resistance brought about by dysregulation of key homeostatic processes, which implicates immune/inflammatory, endocrine, and metabolic pathways. It has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes, including increased mortality, increased duration of mechanical ventilation, increased intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay, and increased risk of infection. Hyperglycemia in critical illness is managed with exogenous insulin as standard treatment; however, there is considerable disagreement among experts in the field as to what target blood glucose level is optimal for the critically ill patient. Conventionally, the aim of insulin therapy has been to maintain blood glucose levels below the renal threshold, typically 220 mg/dL (12.2 mmol/L). In recent years, some have advocated tight glycemic control (TGC) with intensive insulin therapy (IIT) to normalize blood glucose levels to within the euglycemic range, typically 80 to 110 mg/dL (4.4–6.1 mmol/L).
Kangaroo mother care (KMC) was first introduced in Mozambique in 1984. The aim of this study was to describe Mozambican mothers’ experiences of going through admission, passing from an intensive care ward to a nursery ward with their premature baby, undergoing KMC training before early discharge. A clinical case study was conducted, involving naturalistic observations and a face-to-face interview with 41 mothers participating to complete a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and manifest content analysis were used in this study. The results show that the mothers were of low socio-economic standing and felt that they did not have enough information on KMC. The hierarchical organization within the hospital setting as well as communalistic behaviours influenced the mothers’ support of KMC, including information, communication, relationships and actions. The conclusion is that there is an important challenge for trained neonatal nurses to improve the guidelines for KMC and to empower mothers and their families to adopt KMC.
A asma brônquica é uma doença crônica inflamatória das vias aéreas que vem despertando preocupação crescente, em função do aumento na sua incidência e mortalidade observados nos últimos anos. Com o objetivo principal de avaliar a sua prevalência e seus fatores de risco, conduziu-se um estudo epidemiológico de base populacional, delineamento transversal, em uma amostra representativa de adultos de 20 a 69 anos de idade, residentes na zona urbana de Pelotas, RS. Foram entrevistadas 1.968 pessoas. Desse total, 446 pessoas foram aleatoriamente selecionadas para realizarem espirometria e, quando esta mostrava-se normal, teste de broncoprovocação com metacolina. Ainda foram realizados testes para atopia. Houve 9,6% de recusas para as entrevistas e 20,2% de perdas para os exames complementares. Mais de metade da amostra era constituída por pessoas com idade inferior a 50 anos, sendo 57% do sexo feminino e a maioria da raça branca. A renda familiar, na maioria da amostra, era de até três salários mínimos. A prevalência de “sintomas atuais de asma” foi de 6,0%. Observou-se variação na prevalência de asma com a utilização de diferentes critérios diagnósticos: asma cumulativa: 14,3%; diagnóstico médico de asma: 12,9%; asma atual: 4,7%; e sintomas atuais ou reversibilidade (obstrução com resposta ao broncodilatador ou broncoprovocação positiva): 9,3%. Gravidade da asma foi avaliada conforme história de hospitalização por asma, mais de seis visitas ao pronto-socorro por ano e internação em Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo. Cerca de 30% dos asmáticos preencheram algum critério de gravidade para asma. Apenas 20% dos pacientes com asma haviam consultado no último ano pela doença e somente 30% utilizava alguma medicação antiasmática. Em relação aos fatores de risco, na análise bruta, as variáveis associadas à prevalência de “sintomas atuais de asma” foram: sexo feminino, faixa etária dos 60 aos 69 anos, cor da pele não branca, baixas escolaridade e renda familiar, história familiar de asma e atopia, história pessoal de atopia, tabagismo, índice de massa corporal baixo e a presença de distúrbios psiquiátricos menores. Na análise multivariada, construiu-se um modelo teórico-hierarquizado cujas variáveis de um determinado nível foram controladas pelas variáveis de níveis precedentes e do mesmo nível. Permaneceram relacionados à presença de “sintomas atuais de asma” os seguintes fatores de risco, em ordem decrescente de razão de prevalência: história paterna e materna de asma (RP=5,4), presença de distúrbios psiquiátricos menores (RP=2,8); idade de 60 a 69 anos (RP=2,1); renda familiar inferior a 1,01 SM (RP=2,1); história pessoal de atopia (RP=1,9); e sexo feminino (RP=1,4). Os resultados do presente estudo salientam a variação na prevalência de asma com a utilização de diferentes critérios diagnósticos, e confirmam a importância dos fatores genéticos, sociais e relacionados ao estilo de vida na ocorrência da doença.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Dentre as indicações mais freqüentes de sedação em pacientes internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) estão a instituição e a manutenção de ventilação artificial, a ansiedade e procedimentos desconfortáveis ou dolorosos. O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi verificar as indicações e as técnicas mais comuns de sedação em pacientes graves internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cirúrgica da Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM/UNIFESP) durante um período de 11 meses. MÉTODO: Após terem sido excluídos os pacientes que permaneceram na UTI menos de 24 horas ou estavam sem exames indispensáveis para o cálculo do índice de gravidade (APACHE II), a amostra ficou reduzida a 307 pacientes. Foram analisadas as técnicas mais utilizadas, as indicações de sedação e a associação de bloqueadores neuromusculares. RESULTADOS: A sedação foi administrada em 37,4% dos pacientes. Entre as indicações de sedação estão os distúrbios de natureza psiquiátrica, como delírio, agitação, medo e ansiedade. Estas corresponderam a 25,77% de todas as indicações. A maioria dos pacientes ventilados artificialmente também necessita de sedativos. Instalação e manutenção de ventilação mecânica corresponderam à maioria das indicações, em torno de 57,73% dentre os pacientes sedados. Procedimentos como intubação traqueal e broncoscopia tiveram 11,34% das indicações e controle do metabolismo (coma barbitúrico e tétano), 5,15%. As técnicas mais comumente utilizadas incluíram opióides isolados ou associados a benzodiazepínicos. Neste estudo, o fentanil foi utilizado em 58% das técnicas, isoladamente, e em 21,64% associado ao midazolam. Haloperidol, diazepam, propofol e tiopental somaram 19,5%. Bloqueadores neuromusculares foram utilizados em 22,7% dos casos em pacientes ventilados artificialmente. CONCLUSÕES: A sedação é recurso terapêutico freqüente em Terapia Intensiva, comumente utilizada para facilitar a ventilação artificial e tratar os problemas de natureza psiquiátrica. Fentanil, isoladamente ou em associação com midazolam, foi o agente mais utilizado.
In this work, we collect data from surveys of bloodstream Candida isolates performed in Brazil from 1996 to 2004. Besides, we analyzed the species distribution of bloodstream Candida isolates together with potential risk factors for candidemia and the susceptibility profile of these isolates in patients from Hospital das Clinicas in Goiaonia city, Brazil. Blood samples were collected in the admission day and on every 7 days, in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital. Candida isolates were identified by standard protocols that included germ tube formation, chlamydoconidia production on cornmeal agar and sugar fermentation and assimilation tests. Data of patients were recorded and analyzed according to age at the time of diagnosis, gender and presence of potential risk factors. Statistical analysis was used to determine if the time of hospital permanence increased Candida colonization in ICU patients' blood. The antifungal susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution method according to document NCCLS/CLSI M27-A2. Among the 345 blood samples cultured, candidemia was recovered in 33 patients, which were isolated 51.5% of Candida non-albicans. Fungemia was associated with long-term hospitalization. Fluconazole, itraconzole, voriconazole and amphotericin B exhibited a potent activity against all isolates of Candida. Voriconazole MICs were much low for all isolates tested. This work confirms data of increase of Candida non-albicans species in bloodstream in ICU and shows that voriconazole in vitro activity was higher than those of itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Background: This pilot study aimed to verify if glycemic control can be achieved in type 2 diabetes patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), using insulin glargine (iGlar) associated with regular insulin (iReg), compared with the standard intensive care unit protocol, which uses continuous insulin intravenous delivery followed by NPH insulin and iReg (St. Care). Patients and Methods: Patients (n = 20) within 24 h of AMI were randomized to iGlar or St. Care. Therapy was guided exclusively by capillary blood glucose (CBG), but glucometric parameters were also analyzed by blinded continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Results: Mean glycemia was 141 +/- 39 mg/dL for St. Care and 132 +/- 42 mg/dL for iGlar by CBG or 138 +/- 35 mg/dL for St. Care and 129 +/- 34 mg/dL for iGlar by CGMS. Percentage of time in range (80-180 mg/dL) by CGMS was 73 +/- 18% for iGlar and 77 +/- 11% for St. Care. No severe hypoglycemia (<= 40 mg/dL) was detected by CBG, but CGMS indicated 11 (St. Care) and seven (iGlar) excursions in four subjects from each group, mostly in sulfonylurea users (six of eight patients). Conclusions: This pilot study suggests that equivalent glycemic control without increase in severe hyperglycemia may be achieved using iGlar with background iReg. Data outputs were controlled by both CBG and CGMS measurements in a real-life setting to ensure reliability. Based on CGMS measurements, there were significant numbers of glycemic excursions outside of the target range. However, this was not detected by CBG. In addition, the data indicate that previous use of sulfonylurea may be a potential major risk factor for severe hypoglycemia irrespective of the type of insulin treatment.
Metabolic disturbances are quite common in critically ill patients. Glycemic control appears to be an important adjuvant therapy in such patients. In addition, disorders of lipid metabolism are associated with worse prognoses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects that two different glycemic control protocols have on lipid profile and metabolism. We evaluated 63 patients hospitalized for severe sepsis or septic shock, over the first 72 h of intensive care. Patients were randomly allocated to receive conservative glycemic control (target range 140-180 mg/dl) or intensive glycemic control (target range 80-110 mg/dl). Serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were determined. In both groups, serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol were below normal, whereas those of free fatty acids, triglycerides, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were above normal. At 4 h after admission, free fatty acid levels were higher in the conservative group than in the intensive group, progressively decreasing in both groups until hour 48 and continuing to decrease until hour 72 only in the intensive group. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels were elevated in both groups throughout the study period. Free fatty acids respond to intensive glycemic control and, because of their high toxicity, can be a therapeutic target in patients with sepsis.
This study investigated the association between physician education in EOL and variability in EOL practice, as well as the differences between beliefs and practices regarding EOL in the ICU. Physicians from 11 ICUs at a university hospital completed a survey presenting a patient in a vegetative state with no family or advance directives. Questions addressed approaches to EOL care, as well physicians' personal, professional and EOL educational characteristics. The response rate was 89%, with 105 questionnaires analyzed. Mean age was 38 +/- A 8 years, with a mean of 14 +/- A 7 years since graduation. Physicians who did not apply do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders were less likely to have attended EOL classes than those who applied written DNR orders [0/7 vs. 31/47, OR = 0.549 (0.356-0.848), P = 0.001]. Physicians who involved nurses in the decision-making process were more likely to be ICU specialists [17/22 vs. 46/83, OR = 4.1959 (1.271-13.845), P = 0.013] than physicians who made such decisions among themselves or referred to ethical or judicial committees. Physicians who would apply "full code" had less often read about EOL [3/22 vs. 11/20, OR = 0.0939 (0.012-0.710), P = 0.012] and had less interest in discussing EOL [17/22 vs. 20/20, OR = 0.210 (0.122-0.361), P < 0.001], than physicians who would withdraw life-sustaining therapies. Forty-four percent of respondents would not do what they believed was best for their patient, with 98% of them believing a less aggressive attitude preferable. Legal concerns were the leading cause for this dichotomy. Physician education about EOL is associated with variability in EOL decisions in the ICU. Moreover, actual practice may differ from what physicians believe is best for the patient.
In den letzten Jahren stieg in Deutschland der Gebrauch bzw. Missbrauch von Opioid-Analgetika zunehmend an. Das entwickelte Verfahren sollte unter Einbeziehung neuer Substanzen möglichst viele verschiedene Opioide und auch ihre pharmakologisch aktiven Stoffwechselprodukte berücksichtigen.rnVor Analyse wurden Blut-, Serum- oder Urinproben mit Phosphatpuffer versetzt und mittels Festphasenextraktion an C18-Säulenmaterial aufgearbeitet. Post-Mortem-Gewebematerial wurde mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung versetzt, homogenisiert und anschließend durch eine Festphasenextraktion aufgereinigt. Haarproben wurden nach Zerkleinerung mit Methanol unter Ultrabeschallung extrahiert. Die Flüssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (Elektrosprayionisation im positiven Modus) erwies sich als geeignetes Verfahren für die simultane Bestimmung der Opioide in biologischem Probenmaterial (Körperflüssigkeiten, Gewebe und Haaren). Der Multi-Analyt Assay erlaubt die quantitative Analyse von 35 verschiedenen Opioiden. Die Analyten wurden durch eine Phenyl-Hexyl Säule und einen Wasser/Acetonitril Gradienten durch eine UPLC 1290 Infinity gekoppelt mit einem 6490 Triple Quadrupol von Agilent Technologies separiert.rnDie LC/MS Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von 35 Opioiden in Serum und Haaren wurde nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft für Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh) validiert. Im Fall der Serumvalidierung lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.02 und 0.6 ng/ml und die Bestimmungsgrenzen im Bereich von 0.1 bis 2.0 ng/ml. Die Kalibrationskurven waren für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 linear. Wiederfindungsraten lagen für alle Verbindungen zwischen 51 und 88 %, außer für Alfentanil, Bisnortiliidn, Pethidin und Morphin-3-Glucuronid. Der Matrixeffekt lag zwischen 86 % (Ethylmorphin) und 105 % (Desomorphin). Für fast alle Analyten konnten akzeptable Werte bei der Bestimmung der Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit nach den Richtlinien der GTFCh erhalten werden. Im Fall der Validierung der Haarproben lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.004 und 0.6 ng/Probe und die Bestimmungsgrenzen zwischen 0.1 ng/Probe und 2.0 ng/Probe. Für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 waren alle Kalibrationsgeraden linear. Die Wiederfindungsraten lagen für die Opioide im Bereich von 73.5 % (Morphin-6-Glucuronid) und 114.1 % (Hydrocodon). Die Werte für die Bestimmung der Richtigkeit lagen zwischen - 6.6 % (Methadon) und + 11.7 % (Pholcodin). Präzisionsdaten wurden zwischen 1.0 % für Dextromethorphan und 11.5 % für Methadon ermittelt. Die Kriterien der GTFCh konnten bei Ermittlung des Matrixeffekts für alle Substanzen erfüllt werden, außer für 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Bisnortilidin, Meperidin, Methadon, Morphin-3-glucuronid, Morphin-6-glucuronid, Normeperidin, Nortilidin und Tramadol.rnZum Test des Verfahrens an authentischem Probenmaterial wurden 206 Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten mit Hilfe der simultanen LC/MS Screening Methode untersucht. Über 150 Proben wurden im Rahmen von forensisch-toxikologischen Untersuchungen am Instituts für Rechtsmedizin Mainz analysiert. Dabei konnten 23 der 35 Opioide in den realen Proben nachgewiesen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Opioiden bei Patienten der anästhesiologischen Intensivstation mit Sepsis wurden über 50 Blutproben untersucht. Den Patienten wurde im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie einmal täglich vier Tage lang Blut abgenommen. In den Serumproben wurde hauptsächlich Sufentanil (0.2 – 0.8 ng/ml in 58 Fällen) und Piritramid (0.4 – 11 ng/ml in 56 Fällen) gefunden. Außerdem wurden die Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten und Gewebe von 13 verschiedenen Autopsiefällen mit Hilfe des Multi-Analyt Assays auf Opioide untersucht.rnIn einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Extraktions- und Messmethode zur Quantifizierung der 35 Opioide am Forensic Medicine Center in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) etabliert. Insgesamt wurden 85 Herzblutproben von Obduktionsfällen mit Verdacht auf Opiatintoxikation näher untersucht. Der überwiegende Teil der untersuchten Fälle konnte auf eine Heroin- bzw. Morphin-Vergiftung zurückgeführt werden. Morphin wurde in 68 Fällen im Konzentrationsbereich 1.7 – 1400 ng/ml und der Heroinmetabolit 6-Monoactetylmorphin in 34 Fällen (0.3 – 160 ng/ml) nachgewiesen werden.rnSchließlich wurden noch 15 Haarproben von Patienten einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die illegale Rauschmittel konsumiert hatten, mit Hilfe der simultanen Opioid-LC/MS Screeningmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden mit früheren Auswertungen von gaschromatographischen Analysen verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung der Untersuchungsergebnisse für die Opioide 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Morphin, Codein, Dihydrocodein und Methadon. Mit der LC/MS Methode konnten weitere Substanzen, wie zum Beispiel Bisnortilidin, Dextromethorphan und Tramadol in den Haarproben gefunden werden, die bislang nicht entdeckt worden waren.rn
BACKGROUND: Physiologic data display is essential to decision making in critical care. Current displays echo first-generation hemodynamic monitors dating to the 1970s and have not kept pace with new insights into physiology or the needs of clinicians who must make progressively more complex decisions about their patients. The effectiveness of any redesign must be tested before deployment. Tools that compare current displays with novel presentations of processed physiologic data are required. Regenerating conventional physiologic displays from archived physiologic data is an essential first step. OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the study were to (1) describe the SSSI (single sensor single indicator) paradigm that is currently used for physiologic signal displays, (2) identify and discuss possible extensions and enhancements of the SSSI paradigm, and (3) develop a general approach and a software prototype to construct such "extended SSSI displays" from raw data. RESULTS: We present Multi Wave Animator (MWA) framework-a set of open source MATLAB (MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) scripts aimed to create dynamic visualizations (eg, video files in AVI format) of patient vital signs recorded from bedside (intensive care unit or operating room) monitors. Multi Wave Animator creates animations in which vital signs are displayed to mimic their appearance on current bedside monitors. The source code of MWA is freely available online together with a detailed tutorial and sample data sets.