965 resultados para Pseudocreadium Maturini Sp Nov.


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A new species of Protoptila Banks (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) - P. longispinata sp. nov. - is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazon region, Amazonas and Pará states, Brazil.


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Cephalosphaera aurata sp. nov. é descrita, um "checklist" e uma chave de identificação para as espécies neotropicais são apresentados e novos dados de distribuição geográfica para C. miriamae Rafael, 1992 são fornecidos.


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All species of Macrostomus Wiedemann allied with Macrostomus pictipennis (Bezzi), are treated in the pictipennis species-group. Three currently recognized species and four new species are included, namely M. cervicicauda Smith, M. cysticercus Smith, M. manauara, sp. nov. from Brazil (Amazonas and Pará states), M. pacaraima, sp. nov. from Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas and Pará states), M. pictipennis (Bezzi), M. smithi, sp. nov. from Guyana and Brazil (Roraima State) and M. utinga, sp. nov. from Brazil (Pará State). All primary types were examined and a key to species is presented.


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Novas espécies são descritas: em Acanthoderini - Psapharochrus inaequalis sp. nov. e Psapharochrus irumus sp. nov. de Santa Cruz, Bolívia; Psapharochrus rondonensis sp. nov e Punctozotroctes tuberculatus sp. nov. de Rondônia, Brasil; Meridiotroctes truncata sp. nov. da Bahia, Brasil; em Pteropliini - Rhaphiptera apeara sp. nov. da Bahia (Brasil) and Ataxia parva sp. nov. da Paraíba (Brasil); em Onciderini - Oncideres disiunctus sp. nov. do Amazonas (Brasil).


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Passiflora fissurosa M.A.D.Souza sp. nov., até o momento conhecida apenas da Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, no Amazonas, Brasil, é descrita e ilustrada. Foi inserida no Subgênero Passiflora, Superseção Passiflora, Seção Laurifoliae e Série Laurifoliae, por apresentar folhas simples e inteiras, pecíolo biglandular, brácteas foliáceas, livres, maiores que 1 cm, pertencendo ao grupo de espécies com as duas séries externas da corona subiguais. Morfologicamente é semelhante a P. nitida, que difere pelo opérculo horizontal-encurvado com margem ereto-divergente, anel nectarífero presente, límen vertical e ovário glabro. A designação do epíteto deve-se à característica do ritidoma, suberoso e profundamente fissurado, característica somente encontrada em P. phellos, também pertencente à Série Laurifoliae, mas do grupo de espécies com a primeira série da corona menor que a segunda.


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Two new species of Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827 are described and illustrated: Elaphropeza atrata sp. nov. (Brazil and Peru) and Elaphropeza longiseta sp. nov. (Bolivia and Brazil). An updated key to Elaphropeza species from Amazon Basin is provided. The number of species of Elaphropeza in the Amazon Basin region is increased to seven with an increase to 36 for the Neotropical Region.


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Novas espécies são descritas em três tribos de Cerambycinae: em Oemini, Kalore minima sp. nov., do Brasil (Amazonas); em Dodecosini, Olexandrella rafaeli sp. nov., do Brasil (Rondônia); em Elaphidionini, Curtomerus lingafelteri sp. nov. da Bolívia, Mephritus apicepullus sp. nov., M. vescus sp. nov. e M. estoni sp. nov. as três do Brasil (Amazonas). Notas e novos registros são fornecidos para Macroeme vittipennis (Melzer, 1934), Dodecosis nigricornis Martins & Galileo, 1991 e Adiposphaerion rubrum Martins & Napp, 1992.


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The subfamily Corinninae is characterized and diagnosed. Two synapomorphies are hypothesized for the subfamily, both regarding the male palpal reservoir, which is primarily coiled and presents a sclerotized distal sector. Seventeen genera are recognized, six of which are new: Abapeba (type species Corinna lacertosa Simon), Erendira (type species Corinna pallidoguttata Simon), Septentrinna (type species Corinna bicalcarata Simon), Simonestus (type species Diestus validus Simon), Tapixaua (type species T. callida sp. nov.) and Tupirinna (type species T. rosae sp. nov.). The genera Creugas Thorell, Falconina Brignoli and Paradiestus Mello-Leitão are revalidated. Diestus Simon and Lausus Simon are newly synonymized with Corinna C. L. Koch. Chemmis Simon is included in the synonymy of Megalostrata Karsch. Hypsinotus L. Koch is removed from the synonymy of Corinna and included in the synonymy of Creugas. Thirteen new species are described: Septentrinna yucatan and S. potosi from Mexico; Tupirinna rosae from Venezuela and Brazil; Tapixaua callida from Brazil and Peru; Abapeba hoeferi, A. rioclaro, A. taruma, Corinna ducke, C. colombo, C. mourai, C. recurva and Parachemmis manauara from Brazil; Creugas lisei from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Twenty seven species are redescribed. Fifty eight new combinations are presented: from Chemmis, Septentrinna steckleri (Gertsch); from Corinna, Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão), A. cleonei (Petrunkevitch), A. echinus (Simon), A. grassima (Chickering), A. guanicae (Petrunkevitch), A. lacertosa (Simon), A. luctuosa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. lugubris (Schenkel), A. pennata (Caporiacco), A. kochi (Petrunkevitch), A. saga (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. wheeleri (Petrunkevitch), Creugas annamae (Gertsch & Davis), C. apophysarius (Caporiacco), C. bajulus (Gertsch), C. bellator (L. Koch), C. bicuspis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. epicureanus (Chamberlin), C. falculus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. mucronatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. navus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. nigricans (C. L. Koch), C. plumatus (L. Koch), C. praeceps (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. silvaticus (Chickering), C. uncatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Erendira luteomaculatta (Petrunkevitch), E. pallidoguttata (Simon), E. subsignata (Simon), Falconina albomaculosa (Schmidt), F. crassipalpis (Chickering), F. gracilis (Keyserling), Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch), Paradiestus egregius (Simon), P. giganteus (Karsch), P. penicillatus (Mello-Leitão), P. vitiosus (Keyserling), Septentrinna bicalcarata (Simon), S. paradoxa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), S. retusa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Simonestus pseudobulbolus (Caporiacco), S. robustus (Chickering), S. semiluna (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), Stethorrhagus maculatus (L. Koch) and Xeropigo smedigari (Caporiacco); from Diestus, Corinna alticeps (Keyserling), C. kochi (Simon), Simonestus occidentalis (Schenkel), S. separatus (Schmidt) and S. validus (Simon); from Lausus, Corinna grandis (Simon) and Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão); from Medmassa, Corinna andina (Simon) and C. venezuelica (Caporiacco); from Megalostrata, Erendira atrox (Caporiacco) and Erendira pictitorax (Caporiacco); from Parachemmis, Tupirinna trilineata (Chickering). Five combinations are restaured: Corinna aenea Simon, Creugas cinnamius Simon, Creugas gulosus Thorell, Falconina melloi (Schenkel), Paradiestus aurantiacus Mello-Leitão. Twenty five new synonymies are proposed: Diestus altifrons Mello-Leitão with Corinna nitens (Keyserling); Corinna tomentosa Simon, C. tridentina Mello-Leitão, Hypsinotus flavipes Keyserling, H. humilis Keyserling and Xeropigo scutulatus Simon with Xeropigo tridentiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge); Corinna cribosa Mello-Leitão and C. stigmatica Simon with Falconina gracilis (Keyserling); Corinna casueta Chickering with SIMONestus separatus (Schmidt); Corinna abnormis Petrunkevitch, C. antillana BRYANT, C. consobrina Simon, C. inornata Kraus, C. nervosa F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, C. wolleboeki Banks, Creugas cetratus Simon, C. senegalensis Simon and Hypsinotus gracilipes Keyserling with Creugas gulosus Thorell; Chemmis frederici Simon, Delozeugma formidabile O. Pickard-Cambridge, D. mordicans O. Pickard-Cambridge, Megalostrata sperata Kraus and M. venifica KARSCH with Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch); Megalostrata lohmanderi Caporiacco with Erendira atrox (Caporiacco); Corinna tenubra Chickering with Parachemmis fuscus Chickering. One new name, Creugas berlandi, is erected for Corinna bellatrix Schmidt. Males of Creugas cinnamius, Corinna kochi, Methesis semirufa Simon, Paradiestus aurantiacus, Septentrinna steckleri and Xeropigo smedigari, the females of Paradiestus giganteus, Septentrinna bicalcarata and the adult female of S. steckleri are described for the first time.


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The genus Lissonoschema Martins & Monné is redefined and L. solangeae sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Mato Grosso). A key to the three species is added.


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Cephalobium bidentatum sp. nov., parasitizing nymphs of Gryllodes laplatae Sauss (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from Argentina, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from other members of the genus Cephalobium COBB, 1920, by having the buccal cavity very sclerotized with two hook-shaped teeth, vagina short and muscular, male has two spicules with hook-shaped tips, and by the distribution pattern of the postanal papillae: one pair under the anus, three pairs between the anus and the tail, and two pairs at the base of the tail appendage.


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New taxa described: Cometessoledari (Bolivia, Beni), Paracometesamabilis (Costa Rica), P. pojuca (Brasil, Pará) and Aiurasyma gen. nov., type-species, A. potira sp. nov. (Colombia).


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The new monotypic genus Ocellatocoris and its type species Ocellatocorisdasys, sp. nov. are described from Santa Catarina, Brazil.


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New taxa described, Cerambycinae: Ibidionini, Cecaibidion gen. nov., type species, C. bivittatus sp. nov. from Panama; Acangassuini trib. nov., Acangassu gen. nov., type species, A. diminuta sp. nov. from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro); Necydalopsini: Eucharassusflavotibiale sp. nov. from Colombia (Valle) and E. confusus sp. nov. from Venezuela (Distrito Federal). Lamiinae: Onciderini, Iaquira gen. nov., type species, I.viridis sp. nov. from Brazil (Espírito Santo); Phacellini, Phacellusplurimaculatus sp. nov. from Brazil (Amazonas). Notes on Phacellusfulguratus Monné, 1979 and a key to the species of Eucharassus are added.


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Rhabdepyris (Chlorepyris) humboldti sp. nov. and R. (C.) tarapachensis sp. nov. from Colombia are described and illustrated. These species are specially peculiar by having pectinate antennae, which is the first report of this character for the genus.


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Drosophila antonietae sp. nov. and D. gouveai sp. nov. are members of the D. buzzatii cluster of the D. repleta species group of the genus Drosophila. They can be distinguished from their cryptic species, D. borborema Vilela & Sene, 1977, D. koepferae Fontdevila & Wasserman, 1988, D. serido Vilela & Sene, 1977, and D. seriema Tidon-Sklorz & Sene, 1995 by morphological, genetic and ecological criteria.