965 resultados para Protein secondary structure


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We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the protein complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A using a combination of chemical cross-linking, mass spectrometry and molecular docking. The locations of three intermolecular cross-links were identified using mass spectrometry and these constraints were used in combination with a speed-optimised docking algorithm allowing us to evaluate more than 3 x 10(11) possible conformations. While cross-links represent only limited structural constraints, the combination of only three experimental cross-links with very basic molecular docking was sufficient to determine the complex structure. The crystal structure of the complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A4 determined recently allowed us to assess the success of this structure determination approach. Our structure was shown to be within 4 angstrom r.m.s. deviation of C alpha atoms of the crystal structure. The study demonstrates that cross-linking in combination with mass spectrometry can lead to efficient and accurate structural modelling of protein complexes.


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A 13-residue peptide sequence from a respiratory syncitial virus fusion protein was constrained in an alpha-helical conformation by fusing two back-to-back cyclic alpha-turn mimetics. The resulting peptide, Ac-(3 -> 7; 8 -> 12)-bicyclo-FP[KDEFD][KSIRD]V-NH2, was highly alpha-helical in water by CD and NMR spectroscopy, correctly positioning crucial binding residues (F488, I491, V493) on one face of the helix and side chain-side chain linkers on a noninteracting face of the helix. This compound displayed potent activity in both a recombinant fusion assay and an RSV antiviral assay (IC50 = 36 nM) and demonstrates for the first time that back-to-back modular alpha-helix mimetics can produce functional antagonists of important protein-protein interactions.


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Purple acid phosphatases are a family of binuclear metallohydrolases that have been identified in plants, animals and fungi. Only one isoform of similar to 35 kDa has been isolated from animals, where it is associated with bone resorption and microbial killing through its phosphatase activity, and hydroxyl radical production, respectively. Using the sensitive PSI-BLAST search method, sequences representing new purple acid phosphatase-like proteins have been identified in mammals, insects and nematodes. These new putative isoforms are closely related to the similar to 55 kDa purple acid phosphatase characterized from plants. Secondary structure prediction of the new human isoform further confirms its similarity to a purple acid phosphatase from the red kidney bean. A structural model for the human enzyme was constructed based on the red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase structure. This model shows that the catalytic centre observed in other purple acid phosphatases is also present in this new isoform. These observations suggest that the sequences identified in this study represent a novel subfamily of plant-like purple acid phosphatases in animals and humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multitasking protein involved in RNA packaging, alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. telomere maintenance, cytoplasmic RNA trafficking, and translation. It binds short segments of single-stranded nucleic acids, including the A2RE11 RNA element that is necessary and sufficient for cytoplasmic transport of a subset of rnRNAs in oligodendrocytes and neurons. We have explored the structures of hnRNP A2, its RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and Gly-rich module, and the RRM complexes with A2RE11. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that the secondary structure of the first 189 residues of hnRNP A2 parallels that of the tandem beta alpha beta beta alpha beta RRMs of its paralogue, hnRNP A1, previously deduced from X-ray diffraction studies. The unusual GRD was shown to have substantial beta-sheet and beta-turn structure. Sedimentation equilibrium and circular dichroism results were consistent with the tandem RRM region being monomeric and supported earlier evidence for the binding of two A2RE11 oligoribonucleotides to this domain, in contrast to the protein dimer formed by the complex of hnRNP A1 with the telomeric ssDNA repeat. A three-dimensional structure for the N-terminal, two-RRM-containing segment of hnRNP A2 was derived by homology modeling. This structure was used to derive a model for the complex with A2RE11 using the previously described interaction of pairs of stacked nucleotides with aromatic residues on the RRM beta-sheet platforms, conserved in other RRM-RNA complexes, together with biochemical data and molecular dynamics-based observations of inter-RRM mobility.


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Kunjin virus is a member of the Flavivirus genus and is an Australian variant of West Nile virus. The C-terminal domain of the Kunjin virus NS3 protein displays helicase activity. The protein is thought to separate daughter and template RNA strands, assisting the initiation of replication by unwinding RNA secondary structure in the 3' nontranslated region. Expression, purification and preliminary crystallographic characterization of the NS3 helicase domain are reported. It is shown that Kunjin virus helicase may adopt a dimeric assembly in absence of nucleic acids, oligomerization being a means to provide the helicases with multiple nucleic acid-binding capability, facilitating translocation along the RNA strands. Kunjin virus NS3 helicase domain is an attractive model for studying the molecular mechanisms of flavivirus replication, while simultaneously providing a new basis for the rational development of anti-flaviviral compounds.


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Background: The residue-wise contact order (RWCO) describes the sequence separations between the residues of interest and its contacting residues in a protein sequence. It is a new kind of one-dimensional protein structure that represents the extent of long-range contacts and is considered as a generalization of contact order. Together with secondary structure, accessible surface area, the B factor, and contact number, RWCO provides comprehensive and indispensable important information to reconstructing the protein three-dimensional structure from a set of one-dimensional structural properties. Accurately predicting RWCO values could have many important applications in protein three-dimensional structure prediction and protein folding rate prediction, and give deep insights into protein sequence-structure relationships. Results: We developed a novel approach to predict residue-wise contact order values in proteins based on support vector regression (SVR), starting from primary amino acid sequences. We explored seven different sequence encoding schemes to examine their effects on the prediction performance, including local sequence in the form of PSI-BLAST profiles, local sequence plus amino acid composition, local sequence plus molecular weight, local sequence plus secondary structure predicted by PSIPRED, local sequence plus molecular weight and amino acid composition, local sequence plus molecular weight and predicted secondary structure, and local sequence plus molecular weight, amino acid composition and predicted secondary structure. When using local sequences with multiple sequence alignments in the form of PSI-BLAST profiles, we could predict the RWCO distribution with a Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) between the predicted and observed RWCO values of 0.55, and root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.82, based on a well-defined dataset with 680 protein sequences. Moreover, by incorporating global features such as molecular weight and amino acid composition we could further improve the prediction performance with the CC to 0.57 and an RMSE of 0.79. In addition, combining the predicted secondary structure by PSIPRED was found to significantly improve the prediction performance and could yield the best prediction accuracy with a CC of 0.60 and RMSE of 0.78, which provided at least comparable performance compared with the other existing methods. Conclusion: The SVR method shows a prediction performance competitive with or at least comparable to the previously developed linear regression-based methods for predicting RWCO values. In contrast to support vector classification (SVC), SVR is very good at estimating the raw value profiles of the samples. The successful application of the SVR approach in this study reinforces the fact that support vector regression is a powerful tool in extracting the protein sequence-structure relationship and in estimating the protein structural profiles from amino acid sequences.


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Background: Designing novel proteins with site-directed recombination has enormous prospects. By locating effective recombination sites for swapping sequence parts, the probability that hybrid sequences have the desired properties is increased dramatically. The prohibitive requirements for applying current tools led us to investigate machine learning to assist in finding useful recombination sites from amino acid sequence alone. Results: We present STAR, Site Targeted Amino acid Recombination predictor, which produces a score indicating the structural disruption caused by recombination, for each position in an amino acid sequence. Example predictions contrasted with those of alternative tools, illustrate STAR'S utility to assist in determining useful recombination sites. Overall, the correlation coefficient between the output of the experimentally validated protein design algorithm SCHEMA and the prediction of STAR is very high (0.89). Conclusion: STAR allows the user to explore useful recombination sites in amino acid sequences with unknown structure and unknown evolutionary origin. The predictor service is available from http://pprowler.itee.uq.edu.au/star.


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The effect of the box shape on the dynamic behavior of proteins simulated under periodic boundary conditions is evaluated. In particular, the influence of simulation boxes defined by the near-densest lattice packing (NDLP) in conjunction with rotational constraints is compared to that of standard box types without these constraints. Three different proteins of varying size, shape, and secondary structure content were examined in the study. The statistical significance of differences in RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface, number of hydrogen bonds, and secondary structure content between proteins, box types, and the application or not of rotational constraints has been assessed. Furthermore, the differences in the collective modes for each protein between different boxes and the application or not of rotational constraints have been examined. In total 105 simulations were performed, and the results compared using a three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for properties derived from the trajectories and a three-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for collective modes. It is shown that application of roto-translational constraints does not have a statistically significant effect on the results obtained from the different simulations. However, the choice of simulation box was found to have a small (5-10%), but statistically significant effect on the behavior of two of the three proteins included in the study. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We present a machine learning model that predicts a structural disruption score from a protein’s primary structure. SCHEMA was introduced by Frances Arnold and colleagues as a method for determining putative recombination sites of a protein on the basis of the full (PDB) description of its structure. The present method provides an alternative to SCHEMA that is able to determine the same score from sequence data only. Circumventing the need for resolving the full structure enables the exploration of yet unresolved and even hypothetical sequences for protein design efforts. Deriving the SCHEMA score from a primary structure is achieved using a two step approach: first predicting a secondary structure from the sequence and then predicting the SCHEMA score from the predicted secondary structure. The correlation coefficient for the prediction is 0.88 and indicates the feasibility of replacing SCHEMA with little loss of precision. ©2005 IEEE


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Human CD81 (hCD81) protein has been recombinantly produced in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The purified protein, produced at a yield of 1.75 mg/L of culture, was shown to interact with Hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein. Immunofluorescent and flow cytometric staining of P. pastoris protoplasts with monoclonal antibodies specific for the second extracellular loop (EC2) of hCD81 confirmed the antigenicity of the recombinant molecule. Full-length hCD81 was solubilized with an array of detergents and subsequently characterized using circular dichroism (CD) and analytical ultracentrifugation. These biophysical techniques confirmed that the protein solution comprises a homogenous species possessing a highly-defined alpha-helical secondary structure. The predicted alpha-helical content of the protein from CD analysis (77.1%) fits remarkably well with what would be expected (75.2%) from knowledge of the protein sequence together with the data from the crystal structure of the second extracellular loop. This study represents the first biophysical characterization of a full-length recombinant tetraspanin, and opens the way for structure-activity analyses of this ubiquitous family of transmembrane proteins.


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Responsive hydrophobically associating polymers can in many ways be considered to be analogous to proteins in their ability to form compact molecules with a defined secondary structure, and hence, functionality. These molecules are characterized by the presence of alternating charged and hydrophobic groups. The balance between charge repulsion and hydrophobic interactions is sensitive to environmental pH and therefore changes in pH produce controllable conformational changes. The change from a charged extended chain to a collapsed uncharged coil structure is sometimes referred to as hypercoiling behaviour and enables the polymer to act as a simple switch between an 'on' and 'off' state. The purpose of this review is to illustrate the structure and behaviour of polymers that exhibit hypercoiling behaviour and to highlight their potential pharmaceutical applications, which in terms of drug delivery is likely to be related to their surface behaviour and solubilizing activity. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Full text: The idea of producing proteins from recombinant DNA hatched almost half a century ago. In his PhD thesis, Peter Lobban foresaw the prospect of inserting foreign DNA (from any source, including mammalian cells) into the genome of a λ phage in order to detect and recover protein products from Escherichia coli [ 1 and 2]. Only a few years later, in 1977, Herbert Boyer and his colleagues succeeded in the first ever expression of a peptide-coding gene in E. coli — they produced recombinant somatostatin [ 3] followed shortly after by human insulin. The field has advanced enormously since those early days and today recombinant proteins have become indispensable in advancing research and development in all fields of the life sciences. Structural biology, in particular, has benefitted tremendously from recombinant protein biotechnology, and an overwhelming proportion of the entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are based on heterologously expressed proteins. Nonetheless, synthesizing, purifying and stabilizing recombinant proteins can still be thoroughly challenging. For example, the soluble proteome is organized to a large part into multicomponent complexes (in humans often comprising ten or more subunits), posing critical challenges for recombinant production. A third of all proteins in cells are located in the membrane, and pose special challenges that require a more bespoke approach. Recent advances may now mean that even these most recalcitrant of proteins could become tenable structural biology targets on a more routine basis. In this special issue, we examine progress in key areas that suggests this is indeed the case. Our first contribution examines the importance of understanding quality control in the host cell during recombinant protein production, and pays particular attention to the synthesis of recombinant membrane proteins. A major challenge faced by any host cell factory is the balance it must strike between its own requirements for growth and the fact that its cellular machinery has essentially been hijacked by an expression construct. In this context, Bill and von der Haar examine emerging insights into the role of the dependent pathways of translation and protein folding in defining high-yielding recombinant membrane protein production experiments for the common prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression hosts. Rather than acting as isolated entities, many membrane proteins form complexes to carry out their functions. To understand their biological mechanisms, it is essential to study the molecular structure of the intact membrane protein assemblies. Recombinant production of membrane protein complexes is still a formidable, at times insurmountable, challenge. In these cases, extraction from natural sources is the only option to prepare samples for structural and functional studies. Zorman and co-workers, in our second contribution, provide an overview of recent advances in the production of multi-subunit membrane protein complexes and highlight recent achievements in membrane protein structural research brought about by state-of-the-art near-atomic resolution cryo-electron microscopy techniques. E. coli has been the dominant host cell for recombinant protein production. Nonetheless, eukaryotic expression systems, including yeasts, insect cells and mammalian cells, are increasingly gaining prominence in the field. The yeast species Pichia pastoris, is a well-established recombinant expression system for a number of applications, including the production of a range of different membrane proteins. Byrne reviews high-resolution structures that have been determined using this methylotroph as an expression host. Although it is not yet clear why P. pastoris is suited to producing such a wide range of membrane proteins, its ease of use and the availability of diverse tools that can be readily implemented in standard bioscience laboratories mean that it is likely to become an increasingly popular option in structural biology pipelines. The contribution by Columbus concludes the membrane protein section of this volume. In her overview of post-expression strategies, Columbus surveys the four most common biochemical approaches for the structural investigation of membrane proteins. Limited proteolysis has successfully aided structure determination of membrane proteins in many cases. Deglycosylation of membrane proteins following production and purification analysis has also facilitated membrane protein structure analysis. Moreover, chemical modifications, such as lysine methylation and cysteine alkylation, have proven their worth to facilitate crystallization of membrane proteins, as well as NMR investigations of membrane protein conformational sampling. Together these approaches have greatly facilitated the structure determination of more than 40 membrane proteins to date. It may be an advantage to produce a target protein in mammalian cells, especially if authentic post-translational modifications such as glycosylation are required for proper activity. Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cell lines have emerged as excellent hosts for heterologous production. The generation of stable cell-lines is often an aspiration for synthesizing proteins expressed in mammalian cells, in particular if high volumetric yields are to be achieved. In his report, Buessow surveys recent structures of proteins produced using stable mammalian cells and summarizes both well-established and novel approaches to facilitate stable cell-line generation for structural biology applications. The ambition of many biologists is to observe a protein's structure in the native environment of the cell itself. Until recently, this seemed to be more of a dream than a reality. Advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques, however, have now made possible the observation of mechanistic events at the molecular level of protein structure. Smith and colleagues, in an exciting contribution, review emerging ‘in-cell NMR’ techniques that demonstrate the potential to monitor biological activities by NMR in real time in native physiological environments. A current drawback of NMR as a structure determination tool derives from size limitations of the molecule under investigation and the structures of large proteins and their complexes are therefore typically intractable by NMR. A solution to this challenge is the use of selective isotope labeling of the target protein, which results in a marked reduction of the complexity of NMR spectra and allows dynamic processes even in very large proteins and even ribosomes to be investigated. Kerfah and co-workers introduce methyl-specific isotopic labeling as a molecular tool-box, and review its applications to the solution NMR analysis of large proteins. Tyagi and Lemke next examine single-molecule FRET and crosslinking following the co-translational incorporation of non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs); the goal here is to move beyond static snap-shots of proteins and their complexes and to observe them as dynamic entities. The encoding of ncAAs through codon-suppression technology allows biomolecules to be investigated with diverse structural biology methods. In their article, Tyagi and Lemke discuss these approaches and speculate on the design of improved host organisms for ‘integrative structural biology research’. Our volume concludes with two contributions that resolve particular bottlenecks in the protein structure determination pipeline. The contribution by Crepin and co-workers introduces the concept of polyproteins in contemporary structural biology. Polyproteins are widespread in nature. They represent long polypeptide chains in which individual smaller proteins with different biological function are covalently linked together. Highly specific proteases then tailor the polyprotein into its constituent proteins. Many viruses use polyproteins as a means of organizing their proteome. The concept of polyproteins has now been exploited successfully to produce hitherto inaccessible recombinant protein complexes. For instance, by means of a self-processing synthetic polyprotein, the influenza polymerase, a high-value drug target that had remained elusive for decades, has been produced, and its high-resolution structure determined. In the contribution by Desmyter and co-workers, a further, often imposing, bottleneck in high-resolution protein structure determination is addressed: The requirement to form stable three-dimensional crystal lattices that diffract incident X-ray radiation to high resolution. Nanobodies have proven to be uniquely useful as crystallization chaperones, to coax challenging targets into suitable crystal lattices. Desmyter and co-workers review the generation of nanobodies by immunization, and highlight the application of this powerful technology to the crystallography of important protein specimens including G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Recombinant protein production has come a long way since Peter Lobban's hypothesis in the late 1960s, with recombinant proteins now a dominant force in structural biology. The contributions in this volume showcase an impressive array of inventive approaches that are being developed and implemented, ever increasing the scope of recombinant technology to facilitate the determination of elusive protein structures. Powerful new methods from synthetic biology are further accelerating progress. Structure determination is now reaching into the living cell with the ultimate goal of observing functional molecular architectures in action in their native physiological environment. We anticipate that even the most challenging protein assemblies will be tackled by recombinant technology in the near future.


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Functionalized diphenylalkynes provide a template for the presentation of protein-like surfaces composed of multistrand β-sheets. The conformational properties of three-, four-, and seven-stranded systems have been investigated in the solid- and solution-state. This class of molecule may be suitable for the mediation of therapeutically relevant protein-protein interactions.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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Experimental characterization of molecular details is challenging, and although single molecule experiments have gained prominence, oligomer characterization remains largely unexplored. The ability to monitor the time evolution of individual molecules while they self assemble is essential in providing mechanistic insights about biological events. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can fill the gap in knowledge between single molecule experiments and ensemble studies like NMR, and are increasingly used to gain a better understanding of microscopic properties. Coarse-grained (CG) models aid in both exploring longer length and time scale molecular phenomena, and narrowing down the key interactions responsible for significant system characteristics. Over the past decade, CG techniques have made a significant impact in understanding physicochemical processes. However, the realm of peptide-lipid interfacial interactions, primarily binding, partitioning and folding of amphipathic peptides, remains largely unexplored compared to peptide folding in solution. The main drawback of existing CG models is the inability to capture environmentally sensitive changes in dipolar interactions, which are indigenous to protein folding, and lipid dynamics. We have used the Drude oscillator approach to incorporate structural polarization and dipolar interactions in CG beads to develop a minimalistic peptide model, WEPPROM (Water Explicit Polarizable PROtein Model), and a lipid model WEPMEM (Water Explicit Polarizable MEmbrane Model). The addition of backbone dipolar interactions in a CG model for peptides enabled us to achieve alpha-beta secondary structure content de novo, without any added bias. As a prelude to studying amphipathic peptide-lipid membrane interactions, the balance between hydrophobicity and backbone dipolar interactions in driving ordered peptide aggregation in water and at a hydrophobic-hydrophilic interface, was explored. We found that backbone dipole interactions play a crucial role in driving ordered peptide aggregation, both in water and at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces; while hydrophobicity is more relevant for aggregation in water. A zwitterionic (POPC: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and an anionic lipid (POPS: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine) are used as model lipids for WEPMEM. The addition of head group dipolar interactions in lipids significantly improved structural, dynamic and dielectric properties of the model bilayer. Using WEPMEM and WEPPROM, we studied membrane-induced peptide folding of a cationic antimicrobial peptide with anticancer activity, SVS-1. We found that membrane-induced peptide folding is driven by both (a) cooperativity in peptide self interaction and (b) cooperativity in membrane-peptide interactions. The dipolar interactions between the peptide and the lipid head-groups contribute to stabilizing folded conformations. The role of monovalent ion size and peptide concentration in driving lipid domain formation in anionic/zwitterionic lipid mixtures was also investigated. Our study suggest monovalent ion size to be a crucial determinant of interaction with lipid head groups, and hence domain formation in lipid mixtures. This study reinforces the role of dipole interactions in protein folding, lipid membrane properties, membrane induced peptide folding and lipid domain formation. Therefore, the models developed in this thesis can be used to explore a multitude of biomolecular processes, both at longer time-scales and larger system sizes.