931 resultados para Proprietary Churches
In recent years, progress in the area of mobile telecommunications has changed our way of life, in the private as well as the business domain. Mobile and wireless networks have ever increasing bit rates, mobile network operators provide more and more services, and at the same time costs for the usage of mobile services and bit rates are decreasing. However, mobile services today still lack functions that seamlessly integrate into users’ everyday life. That is, service attributes such as context-awareness and personalisation are often either proprietary, limited or not available at all. In order to overcome this deficiency, telecommunications companies are heavily engaged in the research and development of service platforms for networks beyond 3G for the provisioning of innovative mobile services. These service platforms are to support such service attributes. Service platforms are to provide basic service-independent functions such as billing, identity management, context management, user profile management, etc. Instead of developing own solutions, developers of end-user services such as innovative messaging services or location-based services can utilise the platform-side functions for their own purposes. In doing so, the platform-side support for such functions takes away complexity, development time and development costs from service developers. Context-awareness and personalisation are two of the most important aspects of service platforms in telecommunications environments. The combination of context-awareness and personalisation features can also be described as situation-dependent personalisation of services. The support for this feature requires several processing steps. The focus of this doctoral thesis is on the processing step, in which the user’s current context is matched against situation-dependent user preferences to find the matching user preferences for the current user’s situation. However, to achieve this, a user profile management system and corresponding functionality is required. These parts are also covered by this thesis. Altogether, this thesis provides the following contributions: The first part of the contribution is mainly architecture-oriented. First and foremost, we provide a user profile management system that addresses the specific requirements of service platforms in telecommunications environments. In particular, the user profile management system has to deal with situation-specific user preferences and with user information for various services. In order to structure the user information, we also propose a user profile structure and the corresponding user profile ontology as part of an ontology infrastructure in a service platform. The second part of the contribution is the selection mechanism for finding matching situation-dependent user preferences for the personalisation of services. This functionality is provided as a sub-module of the user profile management system. Contrary to existing solutions, our selection mechanism is based on ontology reasoning. This mechanism is evaluated in terms of runtime performance and in terms of supported functionality compared to other approaches. The results of the evaluation show the benefits and the drawbacks of ontology modelling and ontology reasoning in practical applications.
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand während meiner Zeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Technische Informatik an der Universität Kassel. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden der Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Cluster-basierten verteilten Szenengraphen gezeigt. Bei der Implementierung des verteilten Szenengraphen wurde von der Entwicklung eines eigenen Szenengraphen abgesehen. Stattdessen wurde ein bereits vorhandener Szenengraph namens OpenSceneGraph als Basis für die Entwicklung des verteilten Szenengraphen verwendet. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Clusterunterstützung in den vorliegenden OpenSceneGraph integriert. Bei der Erweiterung des OpenSceneGraphs wurde besonders darauf geachtet den vorliegenden Szenengraphen möglichst nicht zu verändern. Zusätzlich wurde nach Möglichkeit auf die Verwendung und Integration externer Clusterbasierten Softwarepakete verzichtet. Für die Verteilung des OpenSceneGraphs wurde auf Basis von Sockets eine eigene Kommunikationsschicht entwickelt und in den OpenSceneGraph integriert. Diese Kommunikationsschicht wurde verwendet um Sort-First- und Sort-Last-basierte Visualisierung dem OpenSceneGraph zur Verfügung zu stellen. Durch die Erweiterung des OpenScenGraphs um die Cluster-Unterstützung wurde eine Ansteuerung beliebiger Projektionssysteme wie z.B. einer CAVE ermöglicht. Für die Ansteuerung einer CAVE wurden mittels VRPN diverse Eingabegeräte sowie das Tracking in den OpenSceneGraph integriert. Durch die Anbindung der Geräte über VRPN können diese Eingabegeräte auch bei den anderen Cluster-Betriebsarten wie z.B. einer segmentierten Anzeige verwendet werden. Die Verteilung der Daten auf den Cluster wurde von dem Kern des OpenSceneGraphs separat gehalten. Damit kann eine beliebige OpenSceneGraph-basierte Anwendung jederzeit und ohne aufwendige Modifikationen auf einem Cluster ausgeführt werden. Dadurch ist der Anwender in seiner Applikationsentwicklung nicht behindert worden und muss nicht zwischen Cluster-basierten und Standalone-Anwendungen unterscheiden.
Many online services access a large number of autonomous data sources and at the same time need to meet different user requirements. It is essential for these services to achieve semantic interoperability among these information exchange entities. In the presence of an increasing number of proprietary business processes, heterogeneous data standards, and diverse user requirements, it is critical that the services are implemented using adaptable, extensible, and scalable technology. The COntext INterchange (COIN) approach, inspired by similar goals of the Semantic Web, provides a robust solution. In this paper, we describe how COIN can be used to implement dynamic online services where semantic differences are reconciled on the fly. We show that COIN is flexible and scalable by comparing it with several conventional approaches. With a given ontology, the number of conversions in COIN is quadratic to the semantic aspect that has the largest number of distinctions. These semantic aspects are modeled as modifiers in a conceptual ontology; in most cases the number of conversions is linear with the number of modifiers, which is significantly smaller than traditional hard-wiring middleware approach where the number of conversion programs is quadratic to the number of sources and data receivers. In the example scenario in the paper, the COIN approach needs only 5 conversions to be defined while traditional approaches require 20,000 to 100 million. COIN achieves this scalability by automatically composing all the comprehensive conversions from a small number of declaratively defined sub-conversions.
Each player in the financial industry, each bank, stock exchange, government agency, or insurance company operates its own financial information system or systems. By its very nature, financial information, like the money that it represents, changes hands. Therefore the interoperation of financial information systems is the cornerstone of the financial services they support. E-services frameworks such as web services are an unprecedented opportunity for the flexible interoperation of financial systems. Naturally the critical economic role and the complexity of financial information led to the development of various standards. Yet standards alone are not the panacea: different groups of players use different standards or different interpretations of the same standard. We believe that the solution lies in the convergence of flexible E-services such as web-services and semantically rich meta-data as promised by the semantic Web; then a mediation architecture can be used for the documentation, identification, and resolution of semantic conflicts arising from the interoperation of heterogeneous financial services. In this paper we illustrate the nature of the problem in the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) industry and the viability of the solution we propose. We describe and analyze the integration of services using four different formats: the IFX, OFX and SWIFT standards, and an example proprietary format. To accomplish this integration we use the COntext INterchange (COIN) framework. The COIN architecture leverages a model of sources and receivers’ contexts in reference to a rich domain model or ontology for the description and resolution of semantic heterogeneity.
In this paper we examine the problem of compositional data from a different starting point. Chemical compositional data, as used in provenance studies on archaeological materials, will be approached from the measurement theory. The results will show, in a very intuitive way that chemical data can only be treated by using the approach developed for compositional data. It will be shown that compositional data analysis is a particular case in projective geometry, when the projective coordinates are in the positive orthant, and they have the properties of logarithmic interval metrics. Moreover, it will be shown that this approach can be extended to a very large number of applications, including shape analysis. This will be exemplified with a case study in architecture of Early Christian churches dated back to the 5th-7th centuries AD
La monografía explora las limitantes de construcción de ciudadanía integral en miembros de iglesias evangélicas con antecedentes de participación política en Colombia, a partir de un caso de estudio, con el fin de aportar a la comprensión del fenómeno político generado por estas comunidades.
INFO2009 Assignment 2 reference list for team "Quintinlessness" - Subject: Open source software
A Poster on the topic "A Guide on Open Source Software and Intellectual Property".
A web tutorial on the topic "A Guide to Open Source Software and Intellectual Property"
The reference list for the web tutorial and the poster
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal relatar la manera en que operan las iglesias pentecostales o conocidas popularmente en Colombia como cristianas y que tienen su sede principal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Para este fin se realizaron numerosas entrevistas a varios personajes que pertenecen a estas congregaciones y que se encargaron de contar cómo se crearon, de dónde viene el dinero que solventa sus necesidades, los gastos que tienen mensualmente y además, dieron detalles que permitirán al lector conocer de cerca las diferencias entre una iglesia pequeña, una mediana y una de gran tamaño. La voz de un experto y estudioso del fenómeno religioso en Colombia también está presente en este texto que además cuestiona de manera implícita el proceso de regulación que el Ministerio de Interior y las autoridades ejercen sobre estos lugares.
This dissertation studies the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the banking sector and the payments system. It provides insight into how technology-induced changes occur, by exploring both the nature and scope of main technology innovations and evidencing their economic implications for banks and payment systems. Some parts in the dissertation are descriptive. They summarise the main technological developments in the field of finance and link them to economic policies. These parts are complemented with sections of the study that focus on assessing the extent of technology application to banking and payment activities. Finally, it includes also some work which borrows from the economic literature on banking. The need for an interdisciplinary approach arises from the complexity of the topic and the rapid path of change to which it is subject. The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of developments in ICT on the evolution of financial services and international capital flows. We include main indicators and discuss innovation in the financial sector, exchange rates and international capital flows. The chapter concludes with impact analysis and policy options regarding the international financial architecture, some monetary policy issues and the role of international institutions. The second chapter is a technology assessment study that focuses on the relationship between technology and money. The application of technology to payments systems is transforming the way we use money and, in some instances, is blurring the definition of what constitutes money. This chapter surveys the developments in electronic forms of payment and their relationship to the banking system. It also analyses the challenges posed by electronic money for regulators and policy makers, and in particular the opportunities created by two simultaneous processes: the Economic and Monetary Union and the increasing use of electronic payment instruments. The third chapter deals with the implications of developments in ICT on relationship banking. The financial intermediation literature explains relationship banking as a type of financial intermediation characterised by proprietary information and multiple interactions with customers. This form of banking is important for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. We discuss the effects of ICT on the banking sector as a whole and then apply these developments to the case of relationship banking. The fourth chapter is an empirical study of the effects of technology on the banking business, using a sample of data from the Spanish banking industry. The design of the study is based on some of the events described in the previous chapters, and also draws from the economic literature on banking. The study shows that developments in information management have differential effects on wholesale and retail banking activities. Finally, the last chapter is a technology assessment study on electronic payments systems in Spain and the European Union. It contains an analysis of existing payment systems and ongoing or planned initiatives in Spain. It forms part of a broader project comprising a series of country-specific analyses covering ten European countries. The main issues raised across the countries serve as the starting point to discuss implications of the development of electronic money for regulation and policies, and in particular, for monetary-policy making.
La present tesi vol explicar la implantació de la Reforma Catòlica en una sèrie de parròquies rurals dels bisbats de Girona (valls de Ridaura, Bas, Hostoles i Amer) i Vic (El Collsacabra i les valls de Susqueda i Sau), entre 1587 i 1800, des dels bisbes posttrentins Jaume Caçador i Pedro Jaime als il·lustrats Tomàs de Lorenzana i Francisco de Veyan. La documentació principal són les sèries de les visites pastorals conservades a l'Arxiu Diocesà de Girona i l'Arxiu Episcopal de Vic; paral·lelament, s'ha reforçat amb documentació parroquial (llibres sagramentals, consuetes, llibres d'obra i confraries), protocols notarials (notaries de Rupit, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, El Mallol i Amer) i impresos episcopals. Els manaments de les visites pastorals s'han contrastat, amb semblances i diferències, amb els decrets del concili de Trento, de les constitucions provincials tarraconenses i les sinodals gironines i vigatanes, i amb les evidències artístiques, arquitectòniques i arqueològiques. Tots ells han servit per demostrar la lentitud en la implantació del programa tridentí, que s'assoleix, de fet, amb força retard (ben entrat el segle XVIII).
Assim como as ondas do mar, que nos deixam uma nítida sensação de um eterno ciclo de “início e quebra” constantes, no movimento neopentecostal transparecem ondas que se quebram e ressurgem. Variam apenas em seu tamanho e duração. No fundo são águas do mesmo mar, completando seu duradouro ciclo.