999 resultados para Prohibition--Michigan
Football squad on practice field
Full Squad posed on practice field.
Football squad on practice field, 1912
Football squad on practice field. 1913
Back Row: Chester Morrison, ?, Angus Goetz, Harold Cherry, ?, Abraham Cohn, ?, Eddy, Ward Culver, ?
Third Row: ?, Archie Weston, Oscar Cartwright, Skinner, trainer Harold Tuthill
Second Row: ?, J .Orton Goodsell, William Fortune, ?, Alan W. Boyd, Tad Wieman, Clifford Sparks
Front Row: Fred Hendershott, others unidentified
Others on team bur not identified in this picture:Charles Booth, Lee Bonar, William Cruse, Harold Froemke, Thomas Garrett, Lowell Genebach, Joseph Hanzlik, Oscar Lambert, L.O. Lindstom, Harold Rye, Richard F. Weske
Map shows size city wards, township sections, lot boundaries, buildings and other cultural features, and sections of land annexed by the city.
not drawn to scale; Oriented with north to the upper right.