856 resultados para Professores - Stress ocupacional - Brasil


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No Brasil, a partir dos anos 90, as pesquisas educacionais passaram a focalizar a prática docente e os saberes pedagógicos, pois eram temas poucos explorados, colocando em cena o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores, pois havia necessidade de se construir lógicas de formação que valorizassem a experiência, como: aluno, aluno-mestre, estagiário, professor principiante, professor titular, professor reformado. Nesse universo escolheu-se pesquisar as representações que os alunos/estudantes de um curso de licenciatura, Educação Física, construíram de seus professores e orientadores nos agradecimentos de seus trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC), tendo como referência a prática docente. Portanto, buscou-se identificar nos saberes da experiência, ou dessa experiência, registrados em 150 TCC, os aspectos significativos de histórias de vidas circunscritas em micro narrativas que apontam para o desenvolvimento pessoal, bem como para dimensões do exercício profissional de professores e orientadores (TCC). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, tendo como técnicas fonte documental, entrevista e análise de conteúdo. Entre os resultados encontrados nas categorias orientador, professor geral e professor específico se pode apontar no âmbito dos licenciandos, a emergência de uma pedagogia oculta que valoriza de forma muito acentuada aspectos da dimensão humana nas relações interpessoais da prática docente com ênfase maior no afetivo, seguido da moral, do cognitivo. Como considerações finais, aponta-se que, em termos de perfil profissional, valoriza-se tanto nos orientadores como nos professores (geral e específico) o exercício da profissionalidade docente composto pela obrigação moral, compromisso com a comunidade e competência profissional.


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No Brasil, com o Golpe Militar de 1964, iniciou-se um período ditatorial que se intensificou com o Ato Institucional nº 5. Com esta nova forma política imposta no país, foi necessário intervir em diversas esferas sociais, para validar o regime. A esfera educacional recebeu intervenções políticas para que se tornasse mais um instrumento de manutenção da ditadura. Através da educação, o governo pretendia interferir nas idéias e pensamentos dos alunos, para validar a própria permanência no poder. No entanto, houve professores que se negaram a agir como legitimadores do governo militar e iniciaram um movimento no sentido oposto: o de atuar contra este regime. Assim como em muitos outros setores sociais, os professores também participaram intensamente da luta contra a ditadura e, consequentemente, sofreram repressões. Esta pesquisa busca trabalhar com a análise de documentos produzidos por um órgão de repressão desse período relativos a professores acusados de crimes políticos. Trata-se do Departamento Estadual de Ordem Política e Social - DEOPS, mais especificamente o do estado de São Paulo, um dos mais expressivos órgãos de repressão da ditadura militar. O período selecionado para este trabalho vai do ano de 1968, no qual foi instituído o AI-5, até 1974, com o fim do Governo Médici. Buscou-se, portanto, fazer um levantamento do perfil de casos de professores considerados criminosos políticos, a partir da análise de prontuários e dossiês do DEOPS/SP.


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In 2002, the Ministry of Education (MEC) published the Curriculum Guidelines for Engineering courses in the country. The Guidelines contain subjects like the profile of graduates, the course structure, curriculum, internships and skills and abilities, all geared to guide the training of engineers in Brazil. The objective of this study is to evaluate together with teachers of the Production Department of this University and students of the fifth year of Production Engineering is how student learning of Production Engineering for the development and importance of skills within the course and skills for engineers who are present in the Curriculum Guidelines for engineering courses developed by MEC


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Tuberculosis and brucellosis are important diseases in national scenario, as they affect national cattle and can be transmitted to human, as they are zoonosis. The transmission risk increases mostly for those who have strict contact with animals, as is this case of slaughterhouse workers. This paper presents a bibliographic review of data referent to both diseases occurring in bovine slaughterhouse workers in Brazil, characterizing as occupational zoonosis diseases. We still have few data available of this subject, what raise difficulties to know the real incidence of both diseases in national cattle and in people who work in contact with animals, and most of the time are not instructed to the risk that they are exposed and how to prevent it. It’s important to know which is the situation of both diseases so that prevention and even eradication measures can be taken, as we know the Veterinary has an essential function in this matter, protecting animal health as much as protecting national public health


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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This article discusses data obtained through a qualitative study carried out from 2012 to 2013, the aim of which was to investigate the knowledge of teachers and managers of Early Childhood Education regarding laws and documents published in Brazil since 1980, geared towards this stage of Basic Education. The results suggest that subjects have a knowledge of the laws and documents relating to Early Childhood Education, but that there are major gaps that could affect their practices in nurseries and pre-schools, and the construction of their professional identities


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This article chiefly aims at discussing issues concerning reflective teacher education for and in virtual environments for language learning. Given the need for research on reflective practice in new virtual environments, we present the experience of pedagogical supervision through mediation in the virtual context for collaborative learning in teletandem. Some research results in this context, such as in Salomão (2008), Kfouri-Kaneoya (2008), Cândido (2010) and Silva (2010), show how favorable and conducive to the development of reflective pre-service teacher education it seems to be, as it emphasizes the co-construction of knowledge in a dynamic relationship between theory and practice.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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We developed a case study aimed to identify and to analyze how the approach to teaching and learning strategies occurs in a science teaching degree course and what are the possible influences of this formation on the pedagogical practice of these educators. The analysis focused on documents, questionnaires and interviews with lecturers and students. There is reduced diversity of strategies in the disciplines of the specific area, with prevalence of expository classes and of laboratory, and the lecturers seem to believe that a good knowledge of specific content is enough for teaching. Despite that pedagogical disciplines do explore diverse practices, many students incorporate the academic view prevailing in the course, repeating the model of their lecturers. We stress the need for initial teacher training to take into account both aspects, the domain of the specific contents and the best ways to mediate them, forming intellectuals able to discuss and to redraw their educative actions in a perspective of transformation of the reality.


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This article aims to describe how ICT can contribute to the training of teachers on sex education through the lived experience with the implementation of Workshops, which occurred on I COES - I Conference online of sexual education. This Conference was organized by the University of Lisbon-PT, in partnership with UNESP, SP and SC-UDESC. I COES involved education professionals, who work directly in the school to discuss and exchange their experiences related to sexuality education and related fields, through an online space. The research on teacher formation, initial and continuing on sexuality, sex education, gender and sexual diversity, have demonstrated the need to promote and encourage teachers from all areas, to adopt an intentional and emancipatory, their role as sexual educators . Through web conferencing tool Cisco System, I COES was enable the interaction and questioning of ninety five teachers from various parts of Brazil and Portugal, providing opportunities for rich moments of dialogue and reflection on the issues already mentioned, referring to the brazilian and portuguese realities.