979 resultados para Potts, Andy


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Learning mathematics is a complex and dynamic process. In this paper, the authors adopt a semiotic framework (Yeh & Nason, 2004) and highlight programming as one of the main aspects of the semiosis or meaning-making for the learning of mathematics. During a 10-week teaching experiment, mathematical meaning-making was enriched when primary students wrote Logo programs to create 3D virtual worlds. The analysis of results found deep learning in mathematics, as well as in technology and engineering areas. This prompted a rethinking about the nature of learning mathematics and a need to employ and examine a more holistic learning approach for the learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas.


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This paper presents the results of an investigation into contextual differences in the development and delivery of enterprise education in higher education globally. Using information gathered from an online survey distributed to enterprise educators, distinct differences in the provision of enterprise education are identified, as are differences of opinion among enterprise educators. The findings demonstrate that although enterprise education is highly diversified in terms of presentation, content and style, there are clear commonalities with regard to expected student outcomes. The respondents reported low levels of business start-up activity among students during enterprise education and/or within one year of graduation. Over 75% of the educators surveyed had personal start-up experience, and there was limited reliance on academic literature, with a preference for referencing broader stakeholder perspectives. With regard to the practical implications of this research, the international metric of enterprise education appears to be a broad set of enterprising skills that equip and enable students to recognize and exploit opportunities in order to navigate future unknowns. The commonly employed metric of business start-up appears less valid in light of this investigation.


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High levels of percentage green veneer recovery can be obtained from temperate eucalypt plantations. Recovery traits are affected by site and log position in the stem. Of the post-felling log traits studied, out-of-roundness was the best predictor of green recovery.


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Key message Log-end splitting is one of the single most important defects in veneer logs. We show that log-end splitting in the temperate plantation species Eucalyptus nitens varies across sites and within-tree log position and increases with time in storage. Context Log-end splitting is one of the single most important defects in veneer logs because it can substantially reduce the recovery of veneer sheets. Eucalyptus nitens can develop log-end splits, but factors affecting log-end splitting in this species are not well understood. Aims The present study aims to describe the effect of log storage and steaming on the development of log-end splitting in logs from different plantations and log positions within the tree. Methods The study was conducted on upper and lower logs from each of 41 trees from three 20–22-year-old Tasmanian E. nitens plantations. Log-end splitting was assessed immediately after felling, after transport and storage in a log-yard, and just before peeling. A pre-peeling steam treatment was applied to half the logs. Results Site had a significant effect on splitting, and upper logs split more than lower logs with storage. Splitting increased with tree diameter breast height (DBH), but this relationship varied with site. The most rapidly growing site had more splitting even after accounting for DBH. No significant effect of steaming was detected. Conclusion Log-end splitting varied across sites and within-tree log position and increased with time in storage.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of enterprise educators working collectively to develop a unique scholarship of teaching. The authors argue that the time is right for educators in this domain to secure the future of enterprise education. Acknowledging the debate between "entrepreneurship education" and "enterprise education," the authors set out to develop a unification model through which educators can act collectively to demonstrate the leadership required to secure the autonomy of the domain. Design/methodology/approach The authors bring several pertinent ideas (pedagogical content knowledge, heutagogy and academagogy) to the attention of academics/researchers involved in the design, development and delivery of enterprise education. The innovative approach to combine these ideas with prevailing thinking in this domain has facilitated a model for collective action. Findings It is at the level of the shared philosophical positions that the authors can best cooperate to shape the future direction of enterprise education. The authors argue against dwelling upon how the authors differ in terms of context and process issues. Such matters can only fragment the theory and practice of enterprise education. The authors need to develop greater appreciation of shared philosophical positions and leverage this understanding into a unique scholarship of teaching, specific to enterprise education. Practical implications – As enterprise education becomes more global, it is also likely to become more attractive to business schools that long for a new positioning tool in the increasingly overcrowded markets that they compete in. Originality/value This paper encourages enterprise educators to reflect upon the knowledge they hold of their own practice, and that of other enterprise educators.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to approach the debate surrounding the role of business plans in enterprise/entrepreneurship education from a different perspective; that of the student. The paper argues that much of the consternation within this stubborn debate derives from a lack of appreciation of the context actually occurring in the lives of our students. The paper aims to explore several arguments directly related to these contexts. Design/methodology/approach The approach is to build around a combining of cycles of reflective practice via the authors' iterative consultation with each other. The paper seeks to explore the world of the student via an enfolding of the literature, but ultimately we do not claim to have hidden our personal biases. Findings It is important to separate enterprise education (EE) from entrepreneurship education when discussing the role of the business plan. While the business plan has a place in the latter, it makes little sense for it to be a focal learning activity in the former. In addition, we see this outcome as a positive outcome for our field with little point in continuing on with what has become a fairly pointless debate. Practical implications: The paper concludes that once EE is viewed as being distinctly different from entrepreneurship education it is free to be considered with more precision what learning needs exist. Focusing on learning needs changes the direction of the discussion, with the business plan only up for discussion if it contributes a learning activity related to pre-determined learning outcomes. Originality/value The paper offers a constructive way forward from a debate that has been beset with extreme vested interests for too long.


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This article offers a critical discussion of the role of the business plan in current enterprise educational practice. In addition to reviewing recent work that considers the ‘for’ and ‘against’ arguments about the use of business plans in higher education, the authors suggest that the context of student learning is largely omitted from these discussions. As such, they contextualize the debate so that the purpose of the business plan can be better appreciated. They build on recent work that offers alternatives to the business plan – approaches directly focused on customer discovery and explicit testing of assumptions. In doing so, recent concerns about the value of business plans and, conversely, the views of those who argue in favour of the role of business plans in enterprise education, are noted. The article provides insights into emerging alternative practices in the field of enterprise education, practices based on students’ use of such education as a vehicle for skills and knowledge development and/or wealth creation. It is acknowledged that various biases are present in the current debate, including those of the present authors: whilst it is accepted that these biases are unlikely to disappear, the article contextualizes their origins.


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Imbalance is not only a direct major cause of downtime in wind turbines, but also accelerates the degradation of neighbouring and downstream components (e.g. main bearing, generator). Along with detection, the imbalance quantification is also essential as some residual imbalance always exist even in a healthy turbine. Three different commonly used sensor technologies (vibration, acoustic emission and electrical measurements) are investigated in this work to verify their sensitivity to different imbalance grades. This study is based on data obtained by experimental tests performed on a small scale wind turbine drive train test-rig for different shaft speeds and imbalance levels. According to the analysis results, electrical measurements seem to be the most suitable for tracking the development of imbalance.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta koskevaa julkista keskustelua. Aineisto koostuu viiden levikiltään Suomen suurimpien joukkoon kuuluvan sanomalehden yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta käsittelevistä pääkirjoituksista ajalta 1.1.2008–31.12.2009. Pääkirjoituksia on aineistossa yhteensä 110. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on täydentää politiikan tutkimuksen alalla laiminlyötyä koulutuspolitiikan tutkimusta paneutuen yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskeviin merkityksiin, jotka nousivat aktiiviseen julkiseen keskusteluun yliopistolain uudistuksen myötä. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, minkälaisia representaatioita yliopiston roolista yhteiskunnassa suomalaiset sanomalehdet välittivät pääkirjoituksissaan uuden yliopistolain säätämistä edeltäneessä uutisoinnissaan? Tutkielmassa eritellään pääkirjoituksista löytyviä yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskevia merkitysjärjestelmiä eli diskursseja käyttäen menetelmänä Teun van Dijkin diskurssianalyysia. Yliopiston roolia koskevia representaatioita tarkastellaan Jürgen Habermasin tiedon intressien teoriaan peilaten. Muita keskeisiä teoreetikkoja ovat Gerard Delanty, Henry Etzkowitz, Helga Nowotny, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Andy Green ja Marek Kwiek. Yliopiston kolmannen tehtävän korostumista pohjustetaan historiallisella kuvauksella modernin yliopiston synnystä ja yliopistoinstituution kehityksestä Euroopassa ja tarkemmin Suomessa. Työssä käydään myös läpi tutkimusta, joka pureutuu kansallisvaltion ja yliopistoinstituution historiallisen siteen purkautumiseen ja yliopiston toiminnan legitimiteetin uudelleenmäärittelyyn. Lisäksi nostetaan esiin näkemyksiä tiedon tuotannon monopolin irtautumisesta yliopistolta yhä suuremmalle joukolle toimijoita. Analyysia taustoitetaan myös uuden yliopistolain ja sen taustalla olleen ylikansallisen koulutuspolitiikan konsensuksen kautta. Pääkirjoituksissa esiintyneitä yliopiston yhteiskunnallisen roolin saamia merkityksiä tarkastellaan ensin lehtikohtaisesti, minkä jälkeen pääkirjoitusten sisältämistä representaatioista muodostetaan diskursseja. Aineistosta muodostui viisi diskurssia: globaalin selviämistaistelun diskurssi, lokaalin identiteetin diskurssi, maineenrakennuksen diskurssi, panos-tuotos-diskurssi ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden diskurssi. Yliopisto representoitiin alueellisen identiteetinrakennuksen ja integraation välineenä ja sellaiseksi alueen integraation välineeksi, jolle valtio on prosessin laidalla oleva tukiverkko. Alueen integraation välineeksi representoitu yliopisto esitettiin samalla globaalille huipulle tähtäämisen myötä legitimoituvaksi instituutioksi. Yliopisto representoitiin siis glokaalin huipulle nousun välineenä. Pääkirjoituksissa epäpolitisoitiin yliopiston ja alueen välinen yhteys sekä yliopiston ja elinkeinoelämän välinen yhteys. Globaalin selviämistaistelun ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden välinen merkityskamppailu kulki läpi aineiston. Yliopisto representoitiin teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisesti välineeksi globaalin kilpailukyvyn nostamiseksi. Toisaalta yliopisto esitettiin myös myyttisen humboldtilaiseksi puhdasta tutkimusta tekeväksi ympäröivästä yhteiskunnasta eristäytyneeksi instituutioksi. Aineistossa ei representoitu yliopistoa emansipatorista tiedon intressiä toteuttavana instituutiona vaihtoehtona teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisille representaatioille. Myöskään kommunikatiivisen tiedon intressin mukainen yliopisto ei tullut aineistossa esiin. Aineistossa annettiin vastoin tutkimuskirjallisuuden näkemyksiä yliopistolle legitiimin tiedon monopolin haltijan rooli. Pääkirjoituksissa representoitiin valtiovallan, yksityisen sektorin ja tiedeyhteisön yliopistoa koskevia intressejä. Kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja yliopiston välistä vuorovaikutusta aineisto ei nostanut esiin. Keskeisimmäksi jatkotutkimuksen aiheeksi identifioitiin tämän myötä yliopiston ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden välisen vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelu.


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Transition metal sulfite hydrazine hydrates, MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O whereM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn have been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, thermoanalytical and combustion studies. The colours,x andy parameters of the complexes varied depending upon the preparation conditions. Thermal decomposition characteristics differ from metal to metal yielding metal oxides at relatively low temperatures.Mittels chemischer Analyse, IR-Spektren, thermoanalytischen und Verbrennungsstudien wurden die Hydrazinhydrate der hergestellten Übergangsmetallsulfite MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O mitM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni und Zn beschrieben. Farbe sowie die Parameterx undy der Komplexe hängen von den Herstellungsbedingungen ab. Die thermische Zersetzung, bei der bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen Metalloxide entstehen, ist von Metall zu Metall verschieden.


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Morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) systems are characterized by the coexistence of two ferroelectric phases and are associated with anomalous piezoelectric properties. In general, such coexistence is brought about by composition induced ferroelectric-ferroelectric instability. Here we demonstrate that a pure ferroelectric compound Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) exhibits the coexistence of two ferroelectric phases, rhombohedral (R3c) and monoclinic (Cc), in its equilibrium state at room temperature. This was unravelled by adopting a unique strategy of comparative structural analysis of electrically poled and thermally annealed specimens using high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction data. The relative fraction of the coexisting phases was found to be highly sensitive to thermal, mechanical, and electrical stimuli. The coexistence of ferroelectric phases in the ground state of the pure compound will have significant bearing on the way MPB is induced in NBT-based lead-free piezoceramics. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.060102


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Piezoelectric and ex situ electric-field induced structural studies were carried out on closely spaced compositions in the morphotropic phase boundary region of (1 - x) PbTiO3-(x)BiScO3. While the common approach of zero field structural analysis failed to provide a unique relationship between the anomalous piezoresponse of x = 0.3725 and structural factor(s), ex situ study of electric-field induced structural changes revealed that the composition exhibiting the highest piezoelectric response is the one which also exhibits significantly enhanced polarizability of the lattices of both coexisting (monoclinic and tetragonal) phases. The enhanced lattice polarizability manifests as a significant fraction of the monoclinic phase transforming irreversibly to the tetragonal phase after electric poling. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.064106


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A `powder-poling' technique was developed to study electric field induced structural transformations in ferroelectrics exhibiting a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB). The technique was employed on soft PZT exhibiting a large longitudinal piezoelectric response (d(33) similar to 650 pCN(-1)). It was found that electric poling brings about a considerable degree of irreversible tetragonal to monoclinic transformation. The same transformation was achieved after subjecting the specimen to mechanical stress, which suggests an equivalence of stress and electric field with regard to the structural mechanism in MPB compositions. The electric field induced structural transformation was also found to be accompanied by a decrease in the spatial coherence of polarization.