621 resultados para Posttreatment Abstinence Survivorship


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The blattisociid mite Lasioseius floridensis Berlese was found associated with the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), on gerbera leaves in Mogi das Cruzes, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Blattisociid mites are not common on aerial plant parts, except under high air humidity levels. Some Lasioseius species have been mentioned as effective control agents of rice pest mites, but nothing is known about the biology of L. floridensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the observed co-occurrence of L. floridensis and P. latus was just occasional or whether the latter could be important as food source for the former, assumed by laboratory evaluation of the ability of the predator to maintain itself, reproduce and develop on that prey. Biological parameters of L. floridensis were compared when exposed to P. latus and to other items as food. The study showed that mating is a pre-requisite for L. floridensis to oviposit and that oviposition rate was much higher on the soil nematode Rhabditella axei (Cobbold) (Rhabditidae) than on P. latus. Ovipositon on the acarid mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) was about the same as on P. latus, but it was nearly zero when the predator was fed the fungi Aspergillus flavus Link or Penicillium sp., or cattail (Typha sp.) pollen. Survivorship was higher in the presence of pollen and lower in the presence of A. flavus or Penicillium sp. than in the absence of those types of food. Life table parameters indicated that the predator performed much better on R. axei than on P. latus. To evaluate the potential effect of L. floridensis as predator of P. latus, complementary studies are warranted to determine the frequency of migration of L. floridensis to aerial plant parts, when predation on P. latus could occur.


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Defining pharmacokinetic parameters and depletion intervals for antimicrobials used in fish represents important guidelines for future regulation by Brazilian agencies of the use of these substances in fish farming. This article presents a depletion study for oxytetracycline (OTC) in tilapias (Orechromis niloticus) farmed under tropical conditions during the winter season. High performance liquid chromatography, with fluorescence detection for the quantitation of OTC in tilapia fillets and medicated feed, was developed and validated. The depletion study with fish was carried out under monitored environmental conditions. OTC was administered in the feed for five consecutive days at daily dosages of 80 mg/kg body weight. Groups of ten fish were slaughtered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 days after medication. After the 8th day posttreatment, OTC concentrations in the tilapia fillets were below the limit of quantitation (13 ng/g) of the method. Linear regression of the mathematical model of data analysis presented a coefficient of 0.9962. The elimination half- life for OTC in tilapia fillet and the withdrawal period were 1.65 and 6 days, respectively, considering a percentile of 99% with 95% of confidence and a maximum residue limit of 100 ng/g. Even though the study was carried out in the winter under practical conditions where water temperature varied, the results obtained are similar to others from studies conducted under controlled temperature.


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Purpose: Adequate denture hygiene can prevent and treat infection in edentulous patients, who are frequently elderly and have difficulty brushing their teeth. This study evaluated the efficacy of complete denture biofilm removal using a chlorhexidine solution in two concentrations: 0.12% and 2.0%. Materials and Methods: Sixty complete denture wearers participated in a trial for 21 days after receiving brushing instructions. They were distributed into three groups, according to the tested solution and regimen (n = 20): (G1) Control (daily overnight soaking in water); (G2) daily immersion at home in 0.12% chlorhexidine for 20 minutes after dinner; and (G3) a single immersion in 2.0% chlorhexidine for 5 minutes at the end of the experimental period, performed by a professional. Biofilm coverage area (%) was quantified on the internal surface of maxillary dentures at baseline and after 21 days. Afterward, the differences between initial and posttreatment results were compared by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test (a = 0.05). Results: Median values for biofilm coverage area after treatment were: (G1) 36.0%; (G2) 5.3%; and (G3) 1.4%. Differences were significant (KW = 35.25; p < 0.001), although G2 and G3 presented similar efficacy in terms of biofilm removal. Conclusions: Both chlorhexidine-based treatments had a similar ability to remove denture biofilm. Immersion in 0.12% or 2.0% chlorhexidine solutions can be used as an auxiliary method for cleaning complete dentures.


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Objetives: Determine the stability of tibial and femoral components of 20 cementless knee arthroplasties with rotating platform. Methods: The 20 patients (20 knees) underwent an analysis of dynamic radiographs with an image amplifier and maneuvers of varus and valgus which were compared to static frontal and lateral radiographs of the knees and analyzed by two experienced surgeons in a double-blind way. Results: We could observe in this study that both methods showed very similar results for the stability of the tibial and femoral components (p<0.001) using the Kappa method for comparison. Conclusion: The tibial component was more unstable in relation to the femoral component in both static and dynamic studies. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.


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Introduction: The aims of this meta-analysis were to quantify and to compare the amounts of distalization and anchorage loss of conventional and skeletal anchorage methods in the correction of Class II malocclusion with intraoral distalizers. Methods: The literature was searched through 5 electronic databases, and inclusion criteria were applied. Articles that presented pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric values were preferred. Quality assessments of the studies were performed. The averages and standard deviations of molar and premolar effects were extracted from the studies to perform a meta-analysis. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 studies were included in the systematic review. After the quality analysis, 2 articles were classified as high quality, 27 as medium quality, and 11 as low quality. For the meta-analysis, 6 studies were included, and they showed average molar distalization amounts of 3.34 mm with conventional anchorage and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage. The meta-analysis of premolar movement showed estimates of combined effects of 2.30 mm (mesialization) in studies with conventional anchorage and 4.01 mm (distalization) in studies with skeletal anchorage. Conclusions: There was scientific evidence that both anchorage systems are effective for distalization; however, with skeletal anchorage, there was no anchorage loss when direct anchorage was used.


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As projeções de gastos com saúde apontam para um crescimento considerável das despesas em decorrência do envelhecimento populacional. No entanto, estudos mostram que os gastos se concentram no fim da vida e, dessa forma, projeções que não levam em conta variáveis de proximidade à morte tendem a superestimar as projeções. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a magnitude dos gastos com internações públicas no Brasil por status de sobrevivência, e identificar se existe uma relação entre despesas com internações para indivíduos próximos à morte e idade à morte. O banco de dados empregado é oriundo do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do DATASUS - SIH/DATASUS - para o período de 1995 a 2007 no Brasil. Foi analisada a evolução dos gastos totais e a tendência dos gastos por grupo etário para aqueles pacientes que tiveram como motivo de saída do hospital a alta (sobreviventes) ou o óbito (pacientes terminais). A fim de analisar o efeito do status de sobrevivência sobre os gastos com internações no futuro, simulamos projeções de gastos em 2050, desagregados entre gastos de sobreviventes e gastos relacionados à morte. Os resultados mostram que o padrão de gastos por status de sobrevivência no Brasil é crescente por grupo etário para o grupo de sobreviventes, e decrescente para os indivíduos que faleceram. Também se verificou que a razão de gastos mortos/sobreviventes diminui com a idade. A simulação da projeção de gastos com internações para 2050 mostra que quando se considera apenas o perfil etário dos gastos médios em 2007, há um crescimento de mais de 380% nos gastos com internações em 2050 quando comparado a 2007, mas quando os gastos são projetados segundo o status de sobrevivência, o crescimento não passa de 70%. Projeção retrospectiva para 2007 mostra que o efeito do envelhecimento é menor quando o efeito da proximidade à morte é levado em consideração. Os resultados parecem indicar que os gastos hospitalares serão afetados mais por um aumento no número absoluto de idosos do que por um aumento da longevidade.


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Open bite has fascinated Orthodontics due to the difficulties regarding its treatment and maintenance of results. This anomaly has distinct characteristics that, in addition to the complexity of multiple etiological factors, have aesthetic and functional consequences. Within this etiological context, several types of mechanics have been used in open bite treatment, such as palatal crib, orthopedic forces, occlusal adjustment, orthodontic camouflage with or without extraction, orthodontic intervention using mini-implants or mini-plates, and even orthognathic surgery. An accurate diagnosis and etiological determination are always the best guides to establish the objectives and the ideal treatment plan for such a malocclusion. This report describes two cases of open bite. At the end of the treatment, both patients had their canines and molars in Class I occlusion, normal overjet and overbite, and stability during the posttreatment period.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the stability and the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding treatment on cases with premolar extraction and evaluate the tendency of the teeth to return to their pretreatment position. METHODS: The experimental sample consisted of 70 patients of both sex with an initial Class I and Class II maloclusion and treated with first premolar extractions. The initial mean age was 13,08 years. Dental casts' measurements were obtained at three stages (pretreatment, posttreatment and posttreatment of 9 years on average) and the variables assessed were Little Irregularity Index, maxillary arch length and intercanine. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to know if some studied variable would have influence on the crowding in the three stages (LII1, LII2, LII3) and in each linear displacement of the Little irregularity index (A, B, C, D, E) in the initial and post-retention phases. RESULTS: The maxillary crowding relapse ( LII3-2) is influenced by the initial ( LII1), and the teeth tend to return to their pretreatment position. CONCLUSION: The results underline the attention that the orthodontist should be given to the maxillary anterior relapse, primarily on those teeth that are crowded before the treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to describe the patterns of maxillary incisor angulation in patients with upper interincisive diastemas, to evaluate angulation changes with treatment and posttreatment period, and to assess whether there are association between incisor angulation and interincisive diastema relapse. METHODS: The sample comprised 30 Class I or Class II patients with at least one pretreatment anterior diastema of 0.77 mm or greater after eruption of maxillary permanent canines. Data were obtained from panoramic radiographs at pretreatment, posttreatment and at least 2 years post-retention. RESULTS: Incisors presented a mesial tipping tendency after treatment, but only lateral incisors showed significant changes between pre and posttreatment stages. CONCLUSION: Regarding post-retention period, no changes were found. Finally, no relation was found between diastema relapse and maxillary incisor axial angulation.


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The timing of larval release may greatly affect the survivorship and distribution of pelagic stages and reveal important aspects of life history tactics in marine invertebrates. Endogenous rhythms of breeding individuals and populations are valuable indicators of selected strategies because they are free of the neutral effect of stochastic environmental variation. The high-shore intertidal barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus exhibits endogenous tidal and tidal amplitude rhythms in a way that larval release would more likely occur during fortnightly neap periods at high tide. Such timing would minimize larval loss due to stranding and promote larval retention close to shore. This fully explains temporal patterns in populations facing the open sea and inhabiting eutrophic areas. However, rhythmic activity breaks down to an irregular pattern in a population within the São Sebastião Channel subjected to large variation of food supply around a mesotrophic average. Peaks of chl a concentration precede release events by 6 d, suggesting resource limitation for egg production within the channel. Also, extreme daily temperatures imposing mortality risk correlate to release rate just 1 d ahead, suggesting a terminal reproductive strategy. Oceanographic conditions apparently dictate whether barnacles follow a rhythmic trend of larval release supported by endogenous timing or, alternatively, respond to the stochastic variation of key environmental factors, resulting in an erratic temporal pattern.


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Tumors involving bone and soft tissues are extremely challenging situations. With the recent advances of multi-modal treatment, not only the type of surgery has moved from amputation to limb-sparing procedures, but also the survivorship has improved considerably and reconstructive techniques have the goal to allow a considerably higher quality of life. In bone reconstruction, tissue engineering strategies are the main area of research. Re-vascularization and re-vitalisation of a massive allograft would considerably improve the outcome of biological reconstructions. Using a rabbit animal model, in this study we showed that, by implanting a vascular pedicle inside a weight bearing massive cortical allograft, the bone regeneration inside the allograft was higher compared to the non-vascularized implants, given the patency of the vascular pedicle. Improvement in the animal model and the addition of Stem Cells and Growth factors will allow a further improvement in the results. In soft tissue tumors, free and pedicled flaps have been proven to be of great help as reconstruction strategies. In this study we analyzed the functional and overall outcome of 14 patients who received a re-innervated vascularized flap. We have demonstrated that the use of the innovative technique of motor re-innervated muscular flaps is effective when the resection involves important functional compartments of the upper or lower limb, with no increase of post-operative complications. Although there was no direct comparison between this type of reconstruction and the standard non-innervated reconstruction, we underlined the remarkable high overall functional scores and patient satisfaction following this procedure.


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Drug addiction manifests clinically as compulsive drug seeking, and cravings that can persist and recur even after extended periods of abstinence. The fundamental principle that unites addictive drugs is that each one enhances synaptic DA by means that dissociate it from normal behavioral control, so that they act to reinforce their own acquisition. Our attention has focused on the study of phenomena associated with the consumption of alcohol and heroin. Alcohol has long been considered an unspecific pharmacological agent, recent molecular pharmacology studies have shown that acts on different primary targets. Through gene expression studies conducted recently it has been shown that the classical opioid receptors are differently involved in the consumption of ethanol and, furthermore, the system nociceptin / NOP, included in the family of endogenous opioid system, and both appear able to play a key role in the initiation of alcohol use in rodents. What emerges is that manipulation of the opioid system, nociceptin, may be useful in the treatment of addictions and there are several evidences that support the use of this strategy. The linkage between gene expression alterations and epigenetic modulation in PDYN and PNOC promoters following alcohol treatment confirm the possible chromatin remodeling mechanism already proposed for alcoholism. In the second part of present study, we also investigated alterations in signaling molecules directly associated with MAPK pathway in a unique collection of postmortem brains from heroin abusers. The interest was focused on understanding the effects that prolonged exposure of heroin can cause in an individual, over the entire MAPK cascade and consequently on the transcription factor ELK1, which is regulated by this pathway. We have shown that the activation of ERK1/2 resulting in Elk-1 phosphorylation in striatal neurons supporting the hypothesis that prolonged exposure to substance abuse causes a dysregulation of MAPK pathway.


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Die alkoholische Leberzirrhose ist eine anerkannte Indikation für eine Lebertransplantation. Die Prognose dieser Patientengruppe ist bei sicherer Langzeitabstinenz besser als diejenige von Patienten mit einer Leberzirrhose anderer Genese. Jeglicher Alkoholkonsum stellt eine absolute Kontraindikation für eine Transplantation dar. In vielen Ländern gibt es die Forderung nach einer sechsmonatigen Alkoholabstinenz sowie einer guten Compliance vor der Lebertransplantation. Zu deren Überprüfung stehen in der Praxis meist methodisch unzureichende Standards zur Verfügung. Mit der seit den 80er Jahren in der Rechtsmedizin etablierten Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse werden die Serumkonzentrationen von Ethanol und anderen Alkoholen und Begleitstoffen, wie z.B. dem Methanol, bestimmt. Methanol ist ein sensitiver und spezifischer Indikator für einen rezenten Alkoholkonsum, da es aufgrund von kompetitiver Hemmung der ADH durch exogen herbeigeführtes (konsumiertes) Ethanol im Serum akkumuliert. Die Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse eignet sich im klinischen Alltag zur Überprüfung eines rezenten Alkoholkonsums bei Patienten mit Alkoholismushintergrund. rnIn dieser Studie wurde der Methanoltest standardisiert bei 41 Patienten mit einer ALC auf der Warteliste für eine LTx angewandt. Es wurde bei 32 von 92 Blutuntersuchungen ein Rückfall nachgewiesen, während die Selbstauskunft und der Ethanoltest jeweils nur in 3 Fällen positiv ausfielen. Der Methanoltest wies also in 29 Fällen (1/3) einen rezenten Alkoholkonsum nach, der weder in der Selbstauskunft noch durch den Ethanoltest aufgedeckt worden war.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Methanoltest als Bestandteil der Alkoholbegleitstoff-Analyse für die Überprüfung des Abstinenzverhaltens von Patienten mit alkoholtoxischer Leberzirrhose auf der Warteliste vor Transplantation besser geeignet ist als die Selbstauskunft und der direkte Nachweis von Ethanol im Blut der Patienten. In der Praxis zeigte sich, dass mit einer unangekündigten Untersuchung mehr Rückfälle diagnostiziert werden können als bei länger im Voraus geplanten Routine-Untersuchungsterminen. rn


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Concerns over global change and its effect on coral reef survivorship have highlighted the need for long-term datasets and proxy records, to interpret environmental trends and inform policymakers. Citizen science programs have showed to be a valid method for collecting data, reducing financial and time costs for institutions. This study is based on the elaboration of data collected by recreational divers and its main purpose is to evaluate changes in the state of coral reef biodiversity in the Red Sea over a long term period and validate the volunteer-based monitoring method. Volunteers recreational divers completed a questionnaire after each dive, recording the presence of 72 animal taxa and negative reef conditions. Comparisons were made between records from volunteers and independent records from a marine biologist who performed the same dive at the same time. A total of 500 volunteers were tested in 78 validation trials. Relative values of accuracy, reliability and similarity seem to be comparable to those performed by volunteer divers on precise transects in other projects, or in community-based terrestrial monitoring. 9301 recreational divers participated in the monitoring program, completing 23,059 survey questionnaires in a 5-year period. The volunteer-sightings-based index showed significant differences between the geographical areas. The area of Hurghada is distinguished by a medium-low biodiversity index, heavily damaged by a not controlled anthropic exploitation. Coral reefs along the Ras Mohammed National Park at Sharm el Sheikh, conversely showed high biodiversity index. The detected pattern seems to be correlated with the conservation measures adopted. In our experience and that of other research institutes, citizen science can integrate conventional methods and significantly reduce costs and time. Involving recreational divers we were able to build a large data set, covering a wide geographic area. The main limitation remains the difficulty of obtaining an homogeneous spatial sampling distribution.


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L'indagine condotta, avvalendosi del paradigma della social network analysis, offre una descrizione delle reti di supporto personale e del capitale sociale di un campione di 80 italiani ex post un trattamento terapeutico residenziale di lungo termine per problemi di tossicodipendenza. Dopo aver identificato i profili delle reti di supporto sociale degli intervistati, si è proceduto, in primis, alla misurazione e comparazione delle ego-centered support networks tra soggetti drug free e ricaduti e, successivamente, all'investigazione delle caratteristiche delle reti e delle forme di capitale sociale – closure e brokerage – che contribuiscono al mantenimento dell'astinenza o al rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento. Fattori soggettivi, come la discriminazione pubblica percepita e l'attitudine al lavoro, sono stati inoltre esplorati al fine di investigare la loro correlazione con la condotta di reiterazione nell'uso di sostanze. Dai risultati dello studio emerge che un più basso rischio di ricaduta è positivamente associato ad una maggiore attitudine al lavoro, ad una minore percezione di discriminazione da parte della società, all'avere membri di supporto con un più alto status socio-economico e che mobilitano risorse reputazionali e, infine, all'avere reti più eterogenee nell'occupazione e caratterizzate da più elevati livelli di reciprocità. Inoltre, il capitale sociale di tipo brokerage contribuisce al mantenimento dell'astinenza in quanto garantisce l'accesso del soggetto ad informazioni meno omogenee e la sua esposizione a opportunità più numerose e differenziate. I risultati dello studio, pertanto, dimostrano l'importante ruolo delle personal support networks nel prevenire o ridurre il rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento, in linea con precedenti ricerche che suggeriscono la loro incorporazione nei programmi terapeutici per tossicodipendenti.