887 resultados para Poor laws.
Using a survey of 19,977 children in two provinces, this paper explores the prevalence, correlates and potential consequences of poor vision among children in China's vast but understudied rural areas. We find that 24% of sample students suffer from reduced uncorrected visual acuity in either eye and 16% in both eyes. Poor vision is significantly correlated with individual, parental and family characteristics, with modest magnitudes for all correlates but home province and grade level. The results also suggest a possible adverse impact of poor vision on academic performance and mental health, particularly among students with severe poor vision.
Background: Poor follow-up after cataract surgery in developing countries makes assessment of operative quality uncertain. We aimed to assess two strategies to measure visual outcome: recording the visual acuity of all patients 3 or fewer days postoperatively (early postoperative assessment), and recording that of only those patients who returned for the final follow-up examination after 40 or more days without additional prompting. Methods: Each of 40 centres in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America recruited 40-120 consecutive surgical cataract patients. Operative-eye best-corrected visual acuity and uncorrected visual acuity were recorded before surgery, 3 or fewer days postoperatively, and 40 or more days postoperatively. Clinics logged whether each patient had returned for the final follow-up examination without additional prompting, had to be actively encouraged to return, or had to be examined at home. Visual outcome for each centre was defined as the proportion of patients with uncorrected visual acuity of 6/18 or better minus the proportion with uncorrected visual acuity of 6/60 or worse, and was calculated for each participating hospital with results from the early assessment of all patients and the late assessment of only those returning unprompted, with results from the final follow-up assessment for all patients used as the standard. Findings: Of 3708 participants, 3441 (93%) had final follow-up vision data recorded 40 or more days after surgery, 1831 of whom (51% of the 3581 total participants for whom mode of follow-up was recorded) had returned to the clinic without additional prompting. Visual outcome by hospital from early postoperative and final follow-up assessment for all patients were highly correlated (Spearman's rs=0·74, p<0·0001). Visual outcome from final follow-up assessment for all patients and for only those who returned without additional prompting were also highly correlated (rs=0·86, p<0·0001), even for the 17 hospitals with unprompted return rates of less than 50% (rs=0·71, p=0·002). When we divided hospitals into top 25%, middle 50%, and bottom 25% by visual outcome, classification based on final follow-up assessment for all patients was the same as that based on early postoperative assessment for 27 (68%) of 40 centres, and the same as that based on data from patients who returned without additional prompting in 31 (84%) of 37 centres. Use of glasses to optimise vision at the time of the early and late examinations did not further improve the correlations. Interpretation: Early vision assessment for all patients and follow-up assessment only for patients who return to the clinic without prompting are valid measures of operative quality in settings where follow-up is poor. Funding: ORBIS International, Fred Hollows Foundation, Helen Keller International, International Association for the Prevention of Blindness Latin American Office, Aravind Eye Care System. © 2013 Congdon et al. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY.
In common with many British cities, but unlike the rest of Ireland, late nineteenth-century Belfast experienced rapid industrialization and physical expansion. Women formed a significant proportion of the city’s workforce, attracted by the employment opportunities represented in the burgeoning textile industry. Many of them were economically vulnerable, however, and could find themselves destitute for a number of reasons. This article sets Belfast’s Poor Law workhouse in the landscape of welfare in the city, exploring how its use reflected the development of the city and the ways in which the female poor engaged with it in order to survive.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for commercial crabbing.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for the use of charter fishing laws.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os seguintes tópicos: a possibilidade de interpretação literal do artigo 798 do Código Civil brasileiro, a aplicação das súmulas 61 e 105 do STF, o cabimento de indenização à família do suicida, os entendimentos da neurociência sobre possibilidades que podem interferir na ideação suicida, a visão e, finalmente, posicionamentos do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e do Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil e quanto ao pagamento da indenização estabelecido no contrato de seguro de vida em caso de suicídio do contratante antes dos dois anos da assinatura do contrato. Buscou-se, também, comparar a doutrina e jurisprudência do Brasil e de Portugal. Na estrutura, iniciou-se por considerações sobre a interpretação jurídica e, em seguida, foram desenvolvidos os capítulos acerca de negócio jurídico, dos contratos, dos contratos de seguro de vida e da boa fé presente e necessária. Como o foco principal eram os contratos de seguro de vida e baseando-se na doutrina e na jurisprudência, de modo geral, mesmo a legislação dos dois países diferindo em pequenos aspectos, concluiu-se que: (1) o seguro é a cobertura de evento futuro e incerto que poderá gerar o dever de indenizar por parte do segurador; (2) a boa-fé - que é presumida - constitui elemento intrínseco do seguro, e é caracterizada pela lealdade nas informações prestadas pelo segurado ao garantidor do risco pactuado; (3) o legislador procurou evitar fraudes contra as seguradoras na hipótese de contratação de seguro de vida por pessoas que já tinham a idéia de suicídio quando firmaram o instrumento contratual; (4) uma coisa é a contratação causada pela premeditação ao suicídio, que pode excluir a indenização. Outra, diferente, é a premeditação para o próprio ato suicida;(5) é possível a interpretação entre os enunciados das Súmulas 105 do STF e 61 da Corte Superior na vigência do Código Civil de 2002; e (6) as regras relativas aos contratos de seguro devem ser interpretadas sempre com base nos princípios da boa fé e da lealdade contratual. Essa premissa é extremamente importante para a hipótese de indenização securitária decorrente de suicídio, pois dela extraise que a presunção de boa fé deverá também prevalecer sobre a exegese literal do art. 798 do Código Civil 2002. O período de 02 anos contido na norma não deve ser examinado isoladamente, mas em conformidade com as demais circunstâncias que envolveram sua elaboração, pois seu objetivo certamente não foi substituir a prova da premeditação do suicídio pelo mero transcurso de um lapso temporal. Há de se distinguir a premeditação que diz respeito ao ato do suicídio daquela que se refere ao ato de contratar o seguro com afinalidade única de favorecer o beneficiário que receberá o capital segurado. Somente a última hipótese permite a exclusão da cobertura contratada, pois configura a má-fé contratual. Em Portugal, salvo em raras exceções, apenas o critério temporal tem sido considerado. Continuando com o objetivo deste estudo, pretendeu-se refletir sobre as pesquisas neurocientíficas acerca do suicídio e, nelas, constam aspectos efetivamente que merecem ser considerados pela ciência jurídica. Suicídio é tema complexo e digno de reflexões por parte de profissionais de várias áreas de atuação. Suas causas ainda são motivo de curiosidade e de investigação. A idéia de uma associação entre disfunção serotoninérgica e suicídio é antiga e bastante consistente, surgindo ainda nos anos 1970 com as primeiras pesquisas. Defende-se que a boa fé necessária nos contratos de seguro, especialmente nos de seguro de vida, prevalece mesmo nos casos em que o contratante se esquece ou deixa de informar algum detalhe que, mais tarde, possa vir a comprometer o recebimento do prêmio por seus beneficiários. Há fortes evidências de que determinantes neurobiológicos, independentes das doenças psiquiátricas, implicam em comportamento suicida, estudados especialmente nos últimos 20 anos. Assim, noções básicas sobre a neurobiologia do suicídio podem finalmente produzir ferramentas clínicas para tratar comportamento suicida e evitar mortes, além de poder nortear seguradoras na análise de propostas de seguros de vida. Textos legais não têm sido elaborados com fundamento na sedimentação existente nos repositórios da psicopatologia forense, psiquiatria, psicanálise e sociologia sobre o suicídio, disponíveis há décadas e de forma reiteradamente confirmados. Na mesma linha, os textos deixaram de lado incontáveis pesquisas sobre o tema, notadamente a respeito de sua etiologia, causas primárias, efeitos, e correlação com outras ciências, como neurociência, psiquiatria e psicanálise. Não buscaram informações sobre o comportamento singular do suicida, nem reconheceram o estado sui generis de desequilíbrio mental em que o ato final foi praticado. Sabe-se que os transtornos psiquiátricos são fundamentais para o entendimento do comportamento suicida, mas também já está comprovada a realidade de problemas comuns, como distúrbios do sono, e sono insuficiente é um problema da sociedade moderna. Dentre os neurotransmissores, a serotonina é considerada como a maior candidata a um vínculo etiológico entre distúrbios do sono e suicídio, pois suas alterações promovem estados de vigília e de início do sono. Como somente 14% de pessoas que tentaram suicídio tiveram pensamentos suicidaprévios à tentativa de suicídio de forma potencialmente impulsiva ou reativa, a insônia foi o fator importante visualizado antes de tentativas de suicídio graves e letais em relação a planosespecíficos de suicídio. Nas pesquisas neurocientíficas revisadas, constatou-se que: (1) a frequência de pesadelos está diretamente associada a maior risco de suicídios na população em geral; (2) sono de má qualidade está associado a suicídios na maturidade e velhice na população em geral; (3) sono curto (menos de cinco horas) está associado a maiores probabilidades de ideação suicida e tentativa de suicídio; (4) pesadelos frequentes são preditores de tentativas de suicídio; e (5) a presença de qualquer problema de sono está associada com maior risco de suicídio na população em geral. A associação entre redução da resposta de hormônio de crescimento e comportamento suicida nos pacientes com depressão só é encontrada quando há simultaneamente uma alteração serotoninérgica. Geneticamente analisados, determinantes neurobiológicos são independentes de transtorno psiquiátrico com o qual estão associados, pois muitos suicídios ocorrem de maneira inesperada. Além disso, quando se considera a depressão como único fator, percebe-se que muitas pessoas depressivas nunca se tornam suicidas e muitos suicídios são cometidos por pessoas consideradas normais.Quanto à colesterolemia, na maior categoria de concentração de colesterol total no soro, o risco relativo ajustado de suicídio violento é mais do que o dobro em comparação com a categoria mais baixa. Nas avaliações eletroencefalográficas em adolescentes suicidas pode-se dizer existir uma hipótese de ativação reduzida esquerda posterior, que não está relacionada à depressão, mas ao comportamento agressivo ou suicida. Essas abordagens da Neurociência servem, portanto, para indicar que um contratante de seguro de vida, mesmo saudável, pode estar vivenciando problemas da vida contemporânea e, mesmo sem jamais ter tido qualquer pensamento ou ideação suicida, vir a cometer esse ato extremo por alterações independentes de sua vontade. Entende-se que, neste foco, a ciência jurídica deve refletir para fazer inserir de maneira obrigatória nos pré-requisitos da apólice, informações sobre exames molecu-lares e sobre algum eventual distúrbio do sono, já que existem achados evidenciados sobre alguns fenômenos não antes considerados. Como abordado neste estudo, já existe uma seguradora portuguesa que solicitam exames moleculares, mas nenhuma no Brasil. Assim, isto indica já ser um início de mudança.
This is a critical reading of the current literature on law and geography. The article argues that the literature is characterized by an undertheorization of the concept of space. The focus is either on the specific geography of law in the form of jurisdiction, or as a simple terminological innovation. Instead, the article suggests that law’s spatial turn ought to consider space as a singular parameter to the hitherto legal preoccupation with time, history and waiting. This forces law into dealing with a new, peculiarly spatial kind of uncertainty in terms of simultaneity, disorientation, materiality and exclusionary corporeal emplacement. The main area in which this undertheorization forcefully manifests itself is that of spatial justice. Despite its critical potential, the concept has been reduced by the majority of the relevant literature into another version of social, distributive or regional justice. On the contrary, if the peculiar characteristics of space are to be taken into account, a concept of justice will have to be rethought on a much more fundamental level than that.
Adulteration of Ginkgo products sold as unregistered supplements within the very large market of Ginkgo products (reputedly £650 million annually) through the post-extraction addition of cheaper (e.g. buckwheat derived) rutin is suspected to allow sub-standard products to appear satisfactory to third parties, e.g. secondary buyers along the value chain or any regulatory authorities. This study was therefore carried out to identify products that did not conform to their label specification and may have been actively adulterated to enable access to the global markets. 500 MHz Bruker NMR spectroscopy instrumentation combined with Topspin version 3.2 and a CAMAG HPTLC system (HPTLC Association for the analysis of Ginkgo biloba leaf) were used to generate NMR spectra (focusing on the 6–8 ppm region for analysis) and chromatograms, respectively. Out of the 35 samples of Ginkgo biloba analysed, 33 were found to contain elevated levels of rutin and/or quercetin, or low levels of Ginkgo metabolites when compared with the reference samples. Samples with disproportional levels of rutin or quercetin compared with other gingko metabolites are likely to be adulterated, either by accident or intentionally, and those samples with low or non-existent gingko metabolite content may have been produced using poor extraction techniques. Only two of the investigated samples were found to match with the High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprint of the selected reference material. All others deviated significantly. One product contained a 5-hydroxytryptophan derivative, which is not a natural constituent of Ginkgo biloba. Overall, these examples either suggest a poor extraction technique or deliberate adulteration along the value chain. Investigating the ratio of different flavonoids e.g. quercetin and kaempferol using NMR spectroscopy and HPTLC will provide further evidence as to the degree and kind of adulteration of Gingko supplements. From a consumer perspective the equivalence in identity and overall quality of the products needs to be guaranteed for supplements too and not only for products produced according to a quality standard or pharmacopoeial monograph.
Proteins are biochemical entities consisting of one or more blocks typically folded in a 3D pattern. Each block (a polypeptide) is a single linear sequence of amino acids that are biochemically bonded together. The amino acid sequence in a protein is defined by the sequence of a gene or several genes encoded in the DNA-based genetic code. This genetic code typically uses twenty amino acids, but in certain organisms the genetic code can also include two other amino acids. After linking the amino acids during protein synthesis, each amino acid becomes a residue in a protein, which is then chemically modified, ultimately changing and defining the protein function. In this study, the authors analyze the amino acid sequence using alignment-free methods, aiming to identify structural patterns in sets of proteins and in the proteome, without any other previous assumptions. The paper starts by analyzing amino acid sequence data by means of histograms using fixed length amino acid words (tuples). After creating the initial relative frequency histograms, they are transformed and processed in order to generate quantitative results for information extraction and graphical visualization. Selected samples from two reference datasets are used, and results reveal that the proposed method is able to generate relevant outputs in accordance with current scientific knowledge in domains like protein sequence/proteome analysis.
Power law distributions, also known as heavy tail distributions, model distinct real life phenomena in the areas of biology, demography, computer science, economics, information theory, language, and astronomy, amongst others. In this paper, it is presented a review of the literature having in mind applications and possible explanations for the use of power laws in real phenomena. We also unravel some controversies around power laws.
A simple procedure to measure the cohesive laws of bonded joints under mode I loading using the double cantilever beam test is proposed. The method only requires recording the applied load–displacement data and measuring the crack opening displacement at its tip in the course of the experimental test. The strain energy release rate is obtained by a procedure involving the Timoshenko beam theory, the specimen’s compliance and the crack equivalent concept. Following the proposed approach the influence of the fracture process zone is taken into account which is fundamental for an accurate estimation of the failure process details. The cohesive law is obtained by differentiation of the strain energy release rate as a function of the crack opening displacement. The model was validated numerically considering three representative cohesive laws. Numerical simulations using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling were performed. The good agreement between the inputted and resulting laws for all the cases considered validates the model. An experimental confirmation was also performed by comparing the numerical and experimental load–displacement curves. The numerical load–displacement curves were obtained by adjusting typical cohesive laws to the ones measured experimentally following the proposed approach and using finite element analysis including cohesive zone modeling. Once again, good agreement was obtained in the comparisons thus demonstrating the good performance of the proposed methodology.
Power law (PL) distributions have been largely reported in the modeling of distinct real phenomena and have been associated with fractal structures and self-similar systems. In this paper, we analyze real data that follows a PL and a double PL behavior and verify the relation between the PL coefficient and the capacity dimension of known fractals. It is to be proved a method that translates PLs coefficients into capacity dimension of fractals of any real data.
Power law (PL) distributions have been largely reported in the modeling of distinct real phenomena and have been associated with fractal structures and self-similar systems. In this paper, we analyze real data that follows a PL and a double PL behavior and verify the relation between the PL coefficient and the capacity dimension of known fractals. It is to be proved a method that translates PLs coefficients into capacity dimension of fractals of any real data.