946 resultados para Plasma Polymerization


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Objective: To determine methadone plasma trough and peak concentrations in patients presenting opiate withdrawal symptoms after introduction of nevirapine or efavirenz. To describe the disappearance of these symptoms after methadone titration based on plasma concentrations rather than on the symptoms. Methods: Nine patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and either nevirapine or efavirenz treatment were monitored daily for opiate withdrawal in a specialized drug addiction center. Methadone dose was titrated daily, and plasma concentrations were measured. The data are retrospective (case series). Results: Several patients complained of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, accelerated intestinal transit, or insomnia. Even after methadone titration based on clinical symptoms, patients and health-care providers trained in infectious disease did not classify these as withdrawal symptoms and considered them as the side effects of HAART or anxiety. Methadone plasma trough concentration showed low levels of (R)- and (R,S)-methadone. Further methadone dose adjustment according to plasma level resulted in the disappearance of these withdrawal symptoms. The daily methadone dose was split when the peak/trough (R)-methadone ratio was more than 2. Conclusions: When introducing efavirenz or nevirapine to patients undergoing methadone treatment, withdrawal symptoms should be monitored, especially those such as insomnia, vomiting, or nausea. Methadone plasma trough and peak measurements can be of value in preventing unnecessary side effects of HAART.


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BACKGROUND: Measurement of plasma renin is important for the clinical assessment of hypertensive patients. The most common methods for measuring plasma renin are the plasma renin activity (PRA) assay and the renin immunoassay. The clinical application of renin inhibitor therapy has thrown into focus the differences in information provided by activity assays and immunoassays for renin and prorenin measurement and has drawn attention to the need for precautions to ensure their accurate measurement. CONTENT: Renin activity assays and immunoassays provide related but different information. Whereas activity assays measure only active renin, immunoassays measure both active and inhibited renin. Particular care must be taken in the collection and processing of blood samples and in the performance of these assays to avoid errors in renin measurement. Both activity assays and immunoassays are susceptible to renin overestimation due to prorenin activation. In addition, activity assays performed with peptidase inhibitors may overestimate the degree of inhibition of PRA by renin inhibitor therapy. Moreover, immunoassays may overestimate the reactive increase in plasma renin concentration in response to renin inhibitor therapy, owing to the inhibitor promoting conversion of prorenin to an open conformation that is recognized by renin immunoassays. CONCLUSIONS: The successful application of renin assays to patient care requires that the clinician and the clinical chemist understand the information provided by these assays and of the precautions necessary to ensure their accuracy.


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A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method is presented which allows the simultaneous determination of the plasma concentrations of fluvoxamine and of the enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine after derivatization with the chiral reagent, (S)-(-)-N-trifluoroacetylprolyl chloride. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from six different human subjects. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 10 to 750 ng/ml for racemic fluoxetine and norfluoxetine and of 50 to 500 ng/ml for fluvoxamine. Recoveries ranged from 50 to 66% for the three compounds. Intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation ranged from 4 to 10% for fluvoxamine and from 4 to 13% for fluoxetine and norfluoxetine. The limits of quantitation of the method were found to be 2 ng/ml for fluvoxamine and 1 ng/ml for the (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine, hence allowing its use for single dose pharmacokinetics. Finally, by using a steeper gradient of temperature, much shorter analysis times are obtained if one is interested in the concentrations of fluvoxamine alone.


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Background: Imatinib has revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Considering the large inter-individual differences in the function of the systems involved in its disposition, exposure to imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients. This observational study aimed at describing imatinib pharmacokinetic variability and its relationship with various biological covariates, especially plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and at exploring the concentration-response relationship in patients. Methods: A population pharmacokinetic model (NONMEM) including 321 plasma samples from 59 patients was built up and used to derive individual post-hoc Bayesian estimates of drug exposure (AUC; area under curve). Associations between AUC and therapeutic response or tolerability were explored by ordered logistic regression. Influence of the target genotype (i.e. KIT mutation profile) on response was also assessed in GIST patients. Results: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption appropriately described the data, with an average oral clearance of 14.3 L/h (CL) and volume of distribution of 347 L (Vd). A large inter-individual variability remained unexplained, both on CL (36%) and Vd (63%), but AGP levels proved to have a marked impact on total imatinib disposition. Moreover, both total and free AUC correlated with the occurrence and number of side effects (e.g. OR 2.9±0.6 for a 2-fold free AUC increase; p<0.001). Furthermore, in GIST patients, higher free AUC predicted a higher probability of therapeutic response (OR 1.9±0.5; p<0.05), notably in patients with tumor harboring an exon 9 mutation or wild-type KIT, known to decrease tumor sensitivity towards imatinib. Conclusion: The large pharmacokinetic variability, associated to the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship uncovered are arguments to further investigate the usefulness of individualizing imatinib prescription based on TDM. For this type of drug, it should ideally take into consideration either circulating AGP concentrations or free drug levels, as well as KIT genotype for GIST.


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Abstract: The improvement in antiretroviral drug therapy has transformed HIV infection into a chronic disease. However, treatment failure and drug toxicity are frequent. Inadequate response to treatment is clearly multifactorial and, therefore, dosage individualisation based on demographic factors, genetic markers and measurement of cellular and plasma drug level may enhance both drug efficacy and tolerability. At present, antiretroviral drugs levels are monitored in plasma, whereas only drugs penetrating into cells are able to exert an antiviral activity, suggesting that cellular drug determination may more confidently reflect drug exposure at the site of pharmacological action. The overall objective of this thesis is to provide a better understanding of the Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors influencing the plasma and cellular disposition of antiretroviral drugs. To that endeavour, analytical methods for the measurements of plasma and cellular drug levels have been developed and validated using liquid chromatography methods coupled with ultraviolet and tandem mass spectrometry detection, respectively. Correlations between plasma and cellular exposures were assessed during observational and experimental studies. Cytochrome (CYP) 2B6, efflux transporters (ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2 and ABCG2) and orosomucoid (ORM) polymorphisms were determined and were related to plasma and cellular exposures, as well as toxicity of antiretroviral drugs. A Pharmacokinetic population model was developed to characterise inter- and intra-patient variability of atazanavir pharmacokinetics, and to identify covariates influencing drug disposition. In that context, a Pharmacokinetic interaction study between atazanavir and lopinavir, both boosted with ritonavir, has beén conducted to assess the safety and pharmacokinetics of this boosted double-protease inhibitors regimen. Well to moderately-correlated cellular and plasma drug levels are .observed or protease inhibitors, whereas for efavirenz and nevirapine these correlations are weak. Cellular exposure, and CYP2B6 genotype (516G>T) are predictors of efavirenz neuropsychological toxicity. Nevirapine plasma exposure is also influenced by CYPZB6 polymorphism. Nelfinavir cellular exposure appears to be significantly associated only with ABCB1 genotype (3435C>T and intron 26 + 80T>C). Indinavir and lopinavir clearance and lopinavir cellular/plasma exposure ratio are influenced by the concentration of the variant S of ORM, suggesting-a specific binding of these drugs to this variant. Nelfinavir and efavirenz are not influenced by ORM concentration and phenotype. The Pharmacokinetic parameters of atazanavir are adequately described by our population model. The atazanavir-lopinavir interaction study indicates no influence on plasma and cellular atazanavir pharmacokinetics, while limited decrease in lopinavir concentrations was observed after atazanavir addition. The residual variability unexplained by the considered variables suggests that other covariates either uncontrolled at present or remaining to be identified, such as genetic and environmental factors influence antiretroviral drug pharmacokinetics, with substantial impact on treatment efficacy and tolerability. In that context, a comprehensive approach taking into account drug pharmacokinetics and patient genetic background is expected to contribute to increase treatment success, and to reduce the occurrence of adverse drug reactions by stratifying patients in an individualised antiretroviral therapy approach. Résumé Facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux Les progrès de la thérapie antirétrovirale ont transformé l'infection par le VIH d'une affection mortelle à une maladie chronique. En dépit de ce succès, l'échec thérapeutique et la toxicité médicamenteuse restent fréquents. Une réponse inadéquate au traitement est clairement multifactorielle et une individualisation de la posologie des médicaments qui se baserait sur les facteurs démographiques et génétiques des patients et sur les taux sanguins des médicaments pourrait améliorer à la fois l'efficacité et la tolérance de la thérapie. Par ailleurs, seules les concentrations plasmatiques sont actuellement considérées pour le suivi thérapeutique des médicaments, alors que les taux cellulaires pourraient mieux refléter l'activité de ses médicaments qui agissent au niveau intracellulaire. L'objectif global de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacocénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des médicaments antirétroviraux. A cet effet, des méthodes pour quantifier les concentrations plasmatiques et cellulaires des antirétroviraux ont été développées et validées en utilisant la chromatographie liquide couplée à la détection ultraviolette et la spectrométrie de masse en tandem, respectivement. La corrélation entre l'exposition cellulaire et plasmatique de ces médicaments a été étudiée lors d'études observationnelles et expérimentales. Les polymorphismes du cytochrome (CYP) 2B6, ainsi que des transporteurs d'efflux (ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2 et ABCG2) et de l'orosomucoïde (ORM) ont été déterminés et corrélés avec l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux, ainsi qu'à leur toxicité. Un modèle de pharmacocinétique de population a été établi afin de caractériser la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle de l'atazanavir, et d'identifier les covariables pouvant influencer le devenir de ce médicament. Dans ce contexte, une étude d'interaction entre l'atazanavir et le lopinavir a été effectuée afin de déterminer la sécurité et le profil pharmacocinétique de ce régime thérapeutique. Des corrélations modérées à bonnes ont été observées entre les taux cellulaires et plasmatiques des inhibiteurs de protéase, alors que pour l'efavirenz et la névirapine ces corrélations sont faibles. L'exposition cellulaire, ainsi que le génotype du CYP2B6 (516G>T) sont des indices de la toxicité neuropsychologique de l'efavirenz. L'exposition plasmatique de la névirapine est également influencée par le polymorphisme du CYPZB6. L'exposition cellulaire du nelfinavir est significativement associée au génotype du ABCB1 (3435C>T et intron 26 + 80T>C). La clairance de l'indinavir et du lopinavir, ainsi que le rapport entre exposition cellulaire et plasmatique du lopinavir sont influencés par la concentration du variant S de l'ORM, suggérant une liaison spécifique de ces médicaments à ce variant. La clairance du nelfinavir et de l'efavirenz n'est pas influencée ni par la concentration ni par le phénotype de l'ORM. Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques de l'atazanavir ont été décrits de façon adéquate par le modèle de population proposé. De plus, le lopinavir n'influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques et cellulaires de l'atazanavir; alors que celui-ci conduit à une baisse limitée des taux de lopinavir. L'importante variabilité pharmacocinétique des antirétroviraux suggère que d'autres facteurs génétiques et environnementaux -qui restent encore à découvrir- influencent également leur disponibilité. Dans un proche futur, une prise en charge qui tienne. compte de la pharmacocinétique des médicaments et des caractéristiques génétiques du patient devrait permettre d'individualiser le traitement, contribuant certainement à une amélioration de la réponse thérapeutique et à une diminution de la toxicité. Résumé grand public Facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux Les progrès effectués dans le traitement de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine acquise (VIH), ont permis de transformer une maladie avec un pronostic sombre, en une maladie chronique traitable avec des médicaments de plus en plus efficaces. Malgré ce succès, de nombreux patients ne répondent pas de façon optimale à leur traitement et/ou souffrent d'effets indésirables médicamenteux entraînant fréquemment une modification de leur thérapie. Actuellement, le suivi de la réponse au traitement s'effectue par la mesure chez les patients de la quantité de virus et du nombre des cellules immunitaires dans le sang, ainsi que par la concentration sanguine des médicaments administrés. Cependant, comme le virus se réplique à l'intérieur de la cellule, la mesure des concentrations médicamenteuses au niveau intracellulaire pourrait mieux refléter l'activité pharmacologique au site d'action. De plus, il a été possible de mettre en évidence la grande variabilité des concentrations plasmatiques de médicaments chez des patients prenant pourtant la même dose de médicament. Comme cette variabilité est notamment due à des facteurs génétiques qui sont susceptibles d'influencer la réponse au traitement antirétroviral, des analyses génétiques ont été également effectuées chez ces patients. Cette thèse a eu pour objectif de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques influençant l'activité et la toxicité des médicaments antirétroviraux afin de réduire la variabilité de la réponse thérapeutique. A cet effet, une méthode de dosage permettant la quantification des médicaments anti-HIV au niveau intracellulaire a été développée. Par ailleurs, nos études ont également porté .sur les variations génétiques influençant la quantité et l'activité des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme et dans le transport des médicaments antirétroviraux. Enfin, les conséquences de ces variations sur la réponse clinique et la toxicité du traitement ont été évaluées. Nos études ont mis en évidence des associations significatives entre les variations génétiques considérées et la concentration sanguine, cellulaire et la toxicité de quelques médicaments antirétroviraux. La complémentarité des connaissances pharmacologiques, génétiques et virales pourrait aboutir à une stratégie globale permettant d'individualiser le traitement et la dose administrée, en fonction des caractéristiques propres de chaque patient. Cette approche pourrait contribuer à une optimisation du traitement antirétroviral dans la perspective d'une meilleure- efficacité thérapeutique à long terme et d'une diminution des effets indésirables rencontrés.


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OBJECTIVE: : Increases in plasma angiotensinogen (Ang-N) due to genetic polymorphisms or pharmacological stimuli like estrogen have been associated with a blood pressure (BP) rise, increased salt sensitivity and cardiovascular risk. The relationship between Ang-N, the resetting of the renin-angiotensin system, and BP still remains unclear. Angiotensin (Ang) II-induced genetic hypertension should respond to lisinopril treatment. METHODS: : A new transgenic rat line (TGR) with hepatic overexpression of native (rat) Ang-N was established to study high plasma Ang-N. The transgene contained a mutation producing Val-Ang-II, which was measured separately from nontransgenic Ile-Ang-II in plasma and renal tissue. RESULTS: : Male homozygous TGR had increased plasma Ang-N (∼20-fold), systolic BP (ΔBP + 26 mmHg), renin activity (∼2-fold), renin activity/concentration (∼5-fold), total Ang-II (∼2-fold, kidney 1.7-fold) but decreased plasma renin concentrations (-46%, kidney -85%) and Ile-Ang-I and II (-93%, -94%) vs. controls. Heterozygous TGR exhibited ∼10-fold higher plasma Ang-N and 17 mmHg ΔBP. Lisinopril decreased their SBP (-23 vs. -13 mmHg in controls), kidney Ang-II/I (∼3-fold vs. ∼2-fold) and Ile-Ang-II (-70 vs. -40%), and increased kidney renin and Ile-Ang-I (>2.5-fold vs. <2.5-fold). Kidney Ang-II remained higher and renin lower in TGR compared with controls. CONCLUSION: : High plasma Ang-N increases plasma and kidney Ang-II levels, and amplifies the plasma and renal Ang-II response to a given change in renal renin secretion. This enzyme-kinetic amplification dominates over the Ang-II mediated feedback reduction of renin secretion. High Ang-N levels thus facilitate hypertension via small increases of Ang II and may influence the effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors.


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In a classical dogma, pathogens are sensed (via recognition of Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)) by innate immune cells that in turn activate adaptive immune cells. However, recent data showed that TLRs (Toll Like Receptors), the most characterized class of Pattern Recognition Receptors, are also expressed by adaptive immune B cells. B cells play an important role in protective immunity essentially by differentiating into antibody-secreting cells (ASC). This differentiation requires at least two signals: the recognition of an antigen by the B cell specific receptor (BCR) and a T cell co-stimulatory signal provided mainly by CD154/CD40L acting on CD40. In order to better understand interactions of innate and adaptive B cell stimulatory signals, we evaluated the outcome of combinations of TLRs, BCR and/or CD40 stimulation. For this purpose, mouse spleen B cells were activated with synthetic TLR agonists, recombinant mouse CD40L and agonist anti-BCR antibodies. As expected, TLR agonists induced mouse B cell proliferation and activation or differentiation into ASC. Interestingly, addition of CD40 signal to TLR agonists stimulated either B cell proliferation and activation (TLR3, TLR4, and TLR9) or differentiation into ASC (TLR1/2, TLR2/6, TLR4 and TLR7). Addition of a BCR signal to CD40L and either TLR3 or TLR9 agonists did not induce differentiation into ASC, which could be interpreted as an entrance into the memory pathway. In conclusion, our results suggest that PAMPs synergize with signals from adaptive immunity to regulate B lymphocyte fate during humoral immune response.


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There is increasing evidence that the clinical efficacy of tamoxifen, the first and most widely used targeted therapy for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer, depends on the formation of the active metabolites 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen and 4-hydroxy-N-desmethyl-tamoxifen (endoxifen). Large inter-individual variability in endoxifen plasma concentrations has been observed and related both to genetic and environmental (i.e. drug-induced) factors altering CYP450s metabolizing enzymes activity. In this context, we have developed an ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (UPLC-MS/MS) requiring 100 μL of plasma for the quantification of tamoxifen and three of its major metabolites in breast cancer patients. Plasma is purified by a combination of protein precipitation, evaporation at room temperature under nitrogen, and reconstitution in methanol/20 mM ammonium formate 1:1 (v/v), adjusted to pH 2.9 with formic acid. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of tamoxifen, N-desmethyl-tamoxifen, 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen and 4-hydroxy-N-desmethyl-tamoxifen is performed within 13 min using elution with a gradient of 10 mM ammonium formate and acetonitrile, both containing 0.1% formic acid. Analytes quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples spiked with their respective deuterated internal standards, is performed by electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry using selected reaction monitoring detection in the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of relative matrix effects variability, as well as tamoxifen and metabolites short-term stability in plasma and whole blood. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 2.5-7.8%), accurate (-1.4 to +5.8%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification comprised between 0.4 and 2.0 ng/mL). Application of this method to patients' samples has made possible the identification of two further metabolites, 4'-hydroxy-tamoxifen and 4'-hydroxy-N-desmethyl-tamoxifen, described for the first time in breast cancer patients. This UPLC-MS/MS assay is currently applied for monitoring plasma levels of tamoxifen and its metabolites in breast cancer patients within the frame of a clinical trial aiming to assess the impact of dose increase on tamoxifen and endoxifen exposure.


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Introduction: Streptomycin, as other aminoglycosides, exhibits concentration-dependent bacterial killing but has a narrow therapeutic window. It is primarily eliminated unchanged by the kidneys. Data and dosing information to achieve a safe regimen in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis (HD) are scarce. Although main adverse reactions are related to prolonged, elevated serum concentrations, literature recommendation is to administer streptomycin after each HD. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: We report the case of a patient with end-stage renal failure, undergoing HD, who was successfully treated with streptomycin for gentamicin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia with prosthetic arteriovenous fistula infection. Streptomycin was administered intravenously 7.5 mg/kg, 3 hours before each dialysis (3 times a week) during 6 weeks in combination with amoxicillin. Streptomycin plasma levels were monitored with repeated blood sampling before, after, and between HD sessions. A 2-compartment model was used to reconstruct the concentration time profile over days on and off HD. Results: Streptomycin trough plasma-concentration was 2.8 mg/L. It peaked to 21.4 mg/L 30 minutes after intravenous administration, decreased to 18.2 mg/L immediately before HD, and dropped to 4.5 mg/L at the end of a 4-hour HD session. Plasma level increased again to 5.7 mg/L 2 hours after the end of HD and was 2.8 mg/L 48 hours later, before the next administration and HD. The pharmacokinetics of streptomycin was best described with a 2-compartment model. The computer simulation fitted fairly well to the observed concentrations during or between HD sessions. Redistribution between the 2 compartments after the end of HD reproduced the rebound of plasma concentrations after HD. No significant toxicity was observed during treatment. The outcome of the infection was favorable, and no sign of relapse was observed after a follow-up of 3 months. Conclusion: Streptomycin administration of 7.5 mg/kg 3 hours before HD sessions in a patient with end-stage renal failure resulted in an effective and safe dosing regimen. Monitoring plasma levels along with pharmacokinetic simulation document the suitability of this dosing scheme, which should replace current dosage recommendations for streptomycin in HD.


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Introduction: Oseltamivir phosphate (OP), the prodrug of oseltamivir carboxylate (OC; active metabolite), is marketed since 10 years for the treatment of seasonal influenza flu. It has recently received renewed attention because of the threat of avian flu H5N1 in 2006-7 and the 2009-10 A/H1N1 pandemic. However, relatively few studies have been published on OP and OC clinical pharmacokinetics. The disposition of OC and the dosage adaptation of OP in specific populations, such as young children or patients undergoing extrarenal epuration, have also received poor attention. An analytical method was thus developed to assess OP and OC plasma concentrations in patients receiving OP and presenting with comorbidities or requiring intensive care. Methods: A high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry method (HPLC-MS/MS) requiring 100-µL aliquot of plasma for quantification within 6 min of OP and OC was developed. A combination of protein precipitation with acetonitrile, followed by dilution of supernant in suitable buffered solvent was used as an extraction procedure. After reverse phase chromatographic separation, quantification was performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Deuterated isotopic compounds of OP and OC were used as internal standards. Results: The method is sensitive (lower limit of quantification: 5 ng/mL for OP and OC), accurate (intra-/inter-assay bias for OP and OC: 8.5%/5.5% and 3.7/0.7%, respectively) and precise (intra-/inter-assay CV%: 5.2%/6.5% and 6.3%/9.2%, respectively) over the clinically relevant concentration range (upper limits of quantification 5000 ng/mL). Of importance, OP, as in other previous reports, was found not to be stable ex vivo in plasma on standard anticoagulants (i.e. EDTA, heparin or citrate). This poor stability of OP has been prevented by collecting blood samples on commercial fluoride/oxalate tubes. Conclusions: This new simple, rapid and robust HPLC-MS/MS assay for quantification of OP and OC plasma concentrations offers an efficient tool for concentration monitoring of OC. Its exposure can probably be controlled with sufficient accuracy by thorough dosage adjustment according to patient characteristics (e.g. renal clearance). The usefulness of systematic therapeutic drug monitoring in patients appears therefore questionable. However, pharmacokinetic studies are still needed to extend knowledge to particular subgroups of patients or dosage regimens.


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A previously developed high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) procedure for the simultaneous determination of antidementia drugs, including donepezil, galantamine, memantine, rivastigmine and its metabolite NAP 226-90, was transferred to an ultra performance liquid chromatography system coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS). The drugs and their internal standards ([(2)H(7)]-donepezil, [(13)C,(2)H(3)]-galantamine, [(13)C(2),(2)H(6)]-memantine, [(2)H(6)]-rivastigmine) were extracted from 250μL human plasma by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a reverse phase column (BEH C18 2.1mm×50mm; 1.7μm) with a gradient elution of an ammonium acetate buffer at pH 9.3 and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.4mL/min and an overall run time of 4.5min. The analytes were detected on a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in positive electrospray ionization mode, and quantification was performed using multiple reaction monitoring. The method was validated according to the recommendations of international guidelines over a calibration range of 1-300ng/mL for donepezil, galantamine and memantine, and 0.2-50ng/mL for rivastimgine and NAP 226-90. The trueness (86-108%), repeatability (0.8-8.3%), intermediate precision (2.3-10.9%) and selectivity of the method were found to be satisfactory. Matrix effects variability was inferior to 15% for the analytes and inferior to 5% after correction by internal standards. A method comparison was performed with patients' samples showing similar results between the HPLC-MS and UPLC-MS/MS procedures. Thus, this validated UPLC-MS/MS method allows to reduce the required amount of plasma, to use a simplified sample preparation, and to obtain a higher sensitivity and specificity with a much shortened run-time.


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We hypothesized that acute volume expansion by saline infusion triggers the release of endothelin-1. Bolus intravenous saline infusion (8 mL/min) in six groups of conscious Wistar rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats did not change mean arterial pressure or heart rate (n = 8 to 12). At 1 min after infusion, the plasma endothelin-1 level was significantly increased in Wistar rats and in spontaneously hypertensive rats by 42% and 61%, respectively (unpaired data). In 12 Wistar rats, the endothelin-1 level increased from 0.68 +/- 0.13 to 1.19 +/- 0.17 fmol/mL (mean +/- SEM, P <.0001, paired data). Thus, acute volume load by rapid saline infusion increases plasma endothelin-1 levels. Vasoconstriction induced by endothelin-1 may counteract enhanced circumferential stretch created by volume expansion.


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Successful implantation is still the limiting step in IVF. We hypothesized that maternal plasma concentrations of certain cytokines at the time of embryo transfer could predict the likelihood of successful implantation and pregnancy. sIL-2R, IL-6, LIF, and MMP2 concentrations were measured in plasma from 160 IVF patients (natural and stimulated IVF cycles) on the morning of the embryo transfer (ET0) and 14days later (ET+14). Patients were ultimately subdivided into four groups depending on the IVF treatment outcome (pregnancy failure, biochemical pregnancy, first-trimester miscarriage and normal term delivery). In natural and stimulated IVF cycles at ET0, sIL-2R concentrations were threefold higher in biochemical pregnancies than in pregnancy failures (P=0.020), and in natural cycles only, 2.5-fold higher in normal term deliveries than in pregnancy failures (P=0.023). Conversely, in natural and stimulated IVF cycles at ET0, LIF concentrations were one third lower in biochemical pregnancies/first-trimester miscarriages compared with pregnancy failures (P=0.042). We suggest that high sIL-2R and low LIF concentrations in maternal plasma on the morning of the embryo transfer might be associated with increased risks of early pregnancy loss, while a basal level of sIL-2R is necessary for normal term delivery outcome. Both cytokine measurements might therefore be useful in the management of IVF patients, and modulation of their concentrations could be investigated as a therapeutic alternative for women with abnormal concentrations at the time of embryo transfer.


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Aims: A rapid and simple HPLC-MS method was developed for the simultaneousdetermination of antidementia drugs, including donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmineand its major metabolite NAP 226 - 90, and memantine, for TherapeuticDrug Monitoring (TDM). In the elderly population treated with antidementiadrugs, the presence of several comorbidities, drug interactions resulting frompolypharmacy, and variations in drug metabolism and elimination, are possiblefactors leading to the observed high interindividual variability in plasma levels.Although evidence for the benefit of TDM for antidementia drugs still remains tobe demonstrated, an individually adapted dosage through TDM might contributeto minimize the risk of adverse reactions and to increase the probability of efficienttherapeutic response. Methods: A solid-phase extraction procedure with amixed-mode cation exchange sorbent was used to isolate the drugs from 0.5 mL ofplasma. The compounds were analyzed on a reverse-phase column with a gradientelution consisting of an ammonium acetate buffer at pH 9.3 and acetonitrile anddetected by mass spectrometry in the single ion monitoring mode. Isotope-labeledinternal standards were used for quantification where possible. The validatedmethod was used to measure the plasma levels of antidementia drugs in 300patients treated with these drugs. Results: The method was validated accordingto international standards of validation, including the assessment of the trueness(-8 - 11 %), the imprecision (repeatability: 1-5%, intermediate imprecision:2 - 9 %), selectivity and matrix effects variability (less than 6 %). Furthermore,short and long-term stability of the analytes in plasma was ascertained. Themethod proved to be robust in the calibrated ranges of 1 - 300 ng/mL for rivastigmineand memantine and 2 - 300 mg/mL for donepezil, galantamine and NAP226 - 90. We recently published a full description of the method (1). We found ahigh interindividual variability in plasma levels of these drugs in a study populationof 300 patients. The plasma level measurements, with some preliminaryclinical and pharmacogenetic results, will be presented. Conclusion: A simpleLC-MS method was developed for plasma level determination of antidementiadrugs which was successfully used in a clinical study with 300 patients.