966 resultados para Photoinduced Electron-transfer
Die transmembrane Potenzialdifferenz Δφm ist direkt mit der katalytischen Aktivität der Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) verknüpft. Die CcO ist das terminale Enzym (Komplex IV) in der Atmungskette der Mitochondrien. Das Enzym katalysiert die Reduktion von O2 zu 2 H2O. Dabei werden Elektronen vom natürlichen Substrat Cytochrom c zur CcO übertragen. Der Eleltronentransfer innerhalb der CcO ist an die Protonentranslokation über die Membran gekoppelt. Folglich bildet sich über der inneren Membrane der Mitochondrien eine Differenz in der Protonenkonzentration. Zusätzlich wird eine Potenzialdifferenz Δφm generiert.rnrnDas Transmembranpotenzial Δφm kann mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzspektroskopie unter Einsatz eines potenzialemfindlichen Farbstoffs gemessen werden. Um quantitative Aussagen aus solchen Untersuchungen ableiten zu können, müssen zuvor Kalibrierungsmessungen am Membransystem durchgeführt werden.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit werden Kalibrierungsmessungen von Δφm in einer Modellmembrane mit inkorporiertem CcO vorgestellt. Dazu wurde ein biomimetisches Membransystem, die Proteinverankerte Doppelschicht (protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM), auf einem transparenten, leitfähigem Substrat (Indiumzinnoxid, ITO) entwickelt. ITO ermöglicht den simultanen Einsatz von elektrochemischen und Fluoreszenz- oder optischen wellenleiterspektroskopischen Methoden. Das Δφm in der ptBLM wurde durch extern angelegte, definierte elektrische Spannungen induziert. rnrnEine dünne Hydrogelschicht wurde als "soft cushion" für die ptBLM auf ITO eingesetzt. Das Polymernetzwerk enthält die NTA Funktionsgruppen zur orientierten Immobilisierung der CcO auf der Oberfläche der Hydrogels mit Hilfe der Ni-NTA Technik. Die ptBLM wurde nach der Immobilisierung der CcO mittels in-situ Dialyse gebildet. Elektrochemische Impedanzmessungen zeigten einen hohen elektrischen Widerstand (≈ 1 MΩ) der ptBLM. Optische Wellenleiterspektren (SPR / OWS) zeigten eine erhöhte Anisotropie des Systems nach der Bildung der Doppellipidschicht. Cyklovoltammetriemessungen von reduziertem Cytochrom c bestätigten die Aktivität der CcO in der Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM. Das Membranpotenzial in der Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM, induziert durch definierte elektrische Spannungen, wurde mit Hilfe der ratiometrischen Fluoreszenzspektroskopie gemessen. Referenzmessungen mit einer einfach verankerten Dopplellipidschicht (tBLM) lieferten einen Umrechnungsfaktor zwischen dem ratiometrischen Parameter Rn und dem Membranpotenzial (0,05 / 100 mV). Die Nachweisgrenze für das Membranpotenzial in einer Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM lag bei ≈ 80 mV. Diese Daten dienen als gute Grundlage für künftige Untersuchungen des selbstgenerierten Δφm der CcO in einer ptBLM.
Gene expression analysis in ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’-resistant and -susceptible Malus genotypes
Apple proliferation (AP) disease is the most important graft-transmissible and vector-borne disease of apple in Europe. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (Ca. P. mali) is the causal agent of AP. Apple (Malus x domestica) and other Malus species are the only known woody hosts. In European apple orchards, the cultivars are mainly grafted on one rootstock, M. x domestica cv. M9. M9 like all other M. x domestica cultivars is susceptible to ‘Ca. P. mali’. Resistance to AP was found in the wild genotype Malus sieboldii (MS) and in MS-derived hybrids but they were characterised by poor agronomic value. The breeding of a new rootstock carrying the resistant and the agronomic traits was the major aim of a project of which this work is a part. The objective was to shed light into the unknown resistance mechanism. The plant-phytoplasma interaction was studied by analysing differences between the ‘Ca. P. mali’-resistant and -susceptible genotypes related to constitutively expressed genes or to induced genes during infection. The cDNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) technique was employed in both approaches. Differences related to constitutively expressed genes were identified between two ‘Ca. P. mali’-resistant hybrid genotypes (4551 and H0909) and the ‘Ca. P. mali’-susceptible M9. 232 cDNA-AFLP bands present in the two resistant genotypes but absent in the susceptible one were isolated but several different products associated to each band were found. Therefore, two different macroarray hybridisation experiments were performed with the cDNA-AFLP fragments yielding 40 sequences encoding for genes of unknown function or a wide array of functions including plant defence. In the second approach, individuation and analysis of the induced genes was carried out exploiting an in vitro system in which healthy and ‘Ca. P. mali’-infected micropropagated plants were maintained under controlled conditions. Infection trials using in vitro grafting of ‘Ca. P. mali’ showed that the resistance phenotype could be reproduced in this system. In addition, ex vitro plants were generated as an independent control of the genes differentially expressed in the in vitro plants. The cDNA-AFLP analysis in in vitro plants yielded 63 bands characterised by over-expression in the infected state of both the H0909 and MS genotypes. The major part (37 %) of the associated sequences showed homology with products of unknown function. The other genes were involved in plant defence, energy transport/oxidative stress response, protein metabolism and cellular growth. Real-time qPCR analysis was employed to validate the differential expression of the genes individuated in the cDNA-AFLP analysis. Since no internal controls were available for the study of the gene expression in Malus, an analysis on housekeeping genes was performed. The most stably expressed genes were the elongation factor-1 α (EF1) and the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4-A (eIF4A). Twelve out of 20 genes investigated through qPCR were significantly differentially expressed in at least one genotype either in in vitro plants or in ex vitro plants. Overall, about 20% of the genes confirmed their cDNA-AFLP expression pattern in M. sieboldii or H0909. On the contrary, 30 % of the genes showed down-regulation or were not differentially expressed. For the remaining 50 % of the genes a contrasting behaviour was observed. The qPCR data could be interpreted as follows: the phytoplasma infection unbalance photosynthetic activity and photorespiration down-regulating genes involved in photosynthesis and in the electron transfer chain. As result, and in contrast to M. x domestica genotypes, an up-regulation of genes of the general response against pathogens was found in MS. These genes involved the pathway of H2O2 and the production of secondary metabolites leading to the hypothesis that a response based on the accumulation of H2O2 in MS would be at the base of its resistance. This resembles a phenomenon known as “recovery” where the spontaneous remission of the symptoms is observed in old susceptible plants but occurring in a stochastic way while the resistance in MS is an inducible but stable feature. As additional product of this work three cDNA-AFLP-derived markers were developed which showed independent distribution among the seedlings of two breeding progenies and were associated to a genomic region characteristic of MS. These markers will contribute to the development of molecular markers for the resistance as well as to map the resistance on the Malus genome.
The membrane protein Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO) is one of the most important functional bio-molecules. It appears in almost every eukaryotic cell and many bacteria. Although the different species differ in the number of subunits, the functional differences are merely marginal. CcO is the terminal link in the electron transfer pathway of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons transferred to the catalytic center of the enzyme conduce to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Oxygen reduction is coupled to the pumping of protons into the inter-membrane space and hence generates a difference in electrochemical potential of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This potential difference drives the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the universal energy carrier within all biological cells. rnrnThe goal of the present work is to contribute to a better understanding of the functional mechanism of CcO by using time-resolved surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (TR-SERRS). Despite intensive research effort within the last decades, the functional mechanism of CcO is still subject to controversial discussions. It was the primary goal of this dissertation to initiate electron transfer to the redox centers CuA, heme a, heme a3 and CuB electrochemically and to observe the corresponding redox transitions in-situ with a focus on the two heme structures by using SERRS. A measuring cell was developed, which allowed combination of electrochemical excitation with Raman spectroscopy for the purpose of performing the accordant measurements. Cytochrome c was used as a benchmark system to test the new measuring cell and to prove the feasibility of appropriate Raman measurements. In contrast to CcO the heme protein cc contains only a single heme structure. Nevertheless, characteristic Raman bands of the hemes can be observed for both proteins.rnrnIn order to investigate CcO it was immobilized on top of a silver substrate and embedded into an artificial membrane. The catalytic activity of CcO and therefore the complete functional capability of the enzyme within the biomimetic membrane architecture was verified using cyclic voltammetry. Raman spectroscopy was performed using a special nano-structured silver surface, which was developed within the scope of the present work. This new substrate combined two fundamental properties. It facilitated the formation of a protein tethered bilayer lipid membrane (ptBLM) and it allowed obtaining Raman spectra with sufficient high signal-to-noise ratios.rnSpectro-electrochemical investigations showed that at open circuit potential the enzyme exists in a mixed-valence state, with heme a and and heme a3 in the reduced and oxidized state, respectively. This was considered as an intermediate state between the non-activated and the fully activated state of CcO. Time-resolved SERRS measurements revealed that a hampered electron transfer to the redox center heme a3 characterizes this intermediate state.rn
This thesis was focused on the investigation of the linear optical properties of novel two photon absorbers for biomedical applications. Substituted imidazole and imidazopyridine derivatives, and organic dendrimers were studied as potential fluorophores for two photon bioimaging. The results obtained showed superior luminescence properties for sulphonamido imidazole derivatives compared to other substituted imidazoles. Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines exhibited an important dependence on the substitution pattern of their luminescence properties. Substitution at imidazole ring led to a higher fluorescence yield than the substitution at the pyridine one. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines of Donor-Acceptor-Donor type were examined. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines dimerized at C3 position had better luminescence properties than those dimerized at C5, displaying high emission yields and important 2PA cross sections. Phosphazene-based dendrimers with fluorene branches and cationic charges on the periphery were also examined. Due to aggregation phenomena in polar solvents, the dendrimers registered a significant loss of luminescence with respect to fluorene chromophore model. An improved design of more rigid chromophores yields enhanced luminescence properties which, connected to large 2PA cross-sections, make this compounds valuable as fluorophores in bioimaging. The photophysical study of several ketocoumarine initiators, designed for the fabrication of small dimension prostheses by two photon polymerization (2PP) was carried out. The compounds showed low emission yields, indicative of a high population of the triplet excited state, which is the active state in producing the reactive species. Their efficiency in 2PP was proved by fabrication of microstructures and their biocompatibility was tested in the collaborator’s laboratory. In the frame of the 2PA photorelease of drugs, three fluorene-based dyads have been investigated. They were designed to release the gamma-aminobutyric acid via two photon induced electron transfer. The experimental data in polar solvents showed a fast electron transfer followed by an almost equally fast back electron transfer process, which indicate a poor optimization of the system.
Die letzten Jahrzehnte brachten eine Vielzahl neuer organischen Halbleiter hervor, welche erfolgreich als aktive Materialien in Bauteilen eingesetzt wurden, wie zum Beispiel Feldeffekttransistoren (FET), organische Leuchtdioden (OLED), organischen Photovoltaikzellen (OPV) und Sensoren. Einige dieser Materialien haben, obwohl sich die Technolgie noch in der „Pubertät“ befindet, die minimalen Anforderungen für eine kommerzielle Anwendung erreicht, wobei jedoch vieles noch zu entdecken, erklären und verstehen bleibt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt das Design, die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger halbleitender Polymere mit speziell eingestellten optoelektronischen Eigenschaften, welche effiziente ambipolare oder n-Leitung in OFET’s und OPV’s zeigen. Das Hauptziel wurde dadurch erreicht, dass sowohl die vorteilhaften Eigenschaften des planaren, elektronenarmen heterozyklischen Bausteines Thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxalin als auch von Ethinbrücken, welche den Donor (D) und den Akzeptor (A) in einem D-A-Copolymer verbinden, durch systematische Optimierung ausgenutzt wurden. Neben synthetischen Herausforderungen werden in dieser Arbeit auch detailiiete Untersuchungen der optoelektronischen Eigenschaften der hergestellten konjugierten Polymere und Modellverbindungen dargelegt. Darüber hinaus beschreibt diese Arbeit erstmals ein Beispiel für ein Polymer, welches Dreifachbindungen im Polymerrückgrat enthält, und nahezu eine ausgeglichene ambipolare Ladungsträgerleitung in OFET’s zeigt. Zusätzlich werden gemischt-valente Phenothiazine, verbrückt mittels elektronenarmen pi-Brücken wie etwa Benzo[c][2,1,3]thiadiazol, und deren Elektronentransferprozesse, im Rahmen der Marcus-Hush-Theorie, untersucht.
Das Stannylen SnHyp2 (Hyp = Si(SiMe3)3) reagiert mit den Übergangsmetallhydrid-Komplexen Cp2MH2 (Cp = C5H5, M = Mo, W) in einer alpha-Additionsreaktion zu Cp2MSn(H)Hyp2. Ferner bilden sich unter Abspaltung von HSi(SiMe3)3 auch vierkernige Verbindungen der Form [Cp2MSn(H)Hyp]2, welche für M = Mo röntgendiffraktometrisch nachgewiesen wurden. Erhöht man den sterischen Anspruch der Silylreste des Stannylens, so nimmt die Tendenz der Adduktbildung ab, so dass nur die vierkernigen Komplexe nachweisbar sind. Im Fall für SnSit2 (Sit = Si(SiMe3)2SiMe2tBu) konnten sogar Stereoisomere der vierkernigen Verbindungen [Cp2MoSn(H)Sit]2 nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz dazu reagiert das Plumbylen PbHyp2 mit Cp2MoH2 in einer Substitutionsreaktion zu dem nachgewiesenen Cp2Mo(H)Hyp. Bei größer werdendem Silylrest werden andere Reaktionsabläufe bevorzugt. Auf dem Forschungsgebiet der Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion von Halogenstannanen und -plumbanen XER2R´ (X = Halogen; E = Sn, Pb; R = Silylrest; R = Aryl- / Alkylrest) mit dem 19-Elektronen-Komplex Decamethylcobaltocen CoCp*2 (Cp* = C5Me5) konnten Unterschiede zwischen den Verbindungen des Zinns und des Bleis festgestellt werden: Bei der Reduktion von Halogenstannanen fallen die erwarteten Decamethylcobaltocenium-Halogenide [CoCp*2]X aus und ESR-Messungen bestätigen die Anwesenheit von Stannylradikalen, während bei der Reduktion von hypersilylierten Halogenplumbanen unterschiedliche Folgeprodukte entstehen und Plumbylradikale via ESR-Spektroskopie nicht feststellbar sind. Bei alkylhaltigen Halogenplumbanen XPbHyp2R (R = Alkyl) findet eine Spaltung der Pb-C-Bindung statt und es bilden sich Plumbate der Form [CoCp*2][PbHyp2X], während die Reduktion von einem arylhaltigen Halogenplumban IPbHyp2Ph (Ph = Phenyl) das erwartete Decamethylcobaltocenium-Salze ergibt.
Graphene, the thinnest two-dimensional material possible, is considered as a realistic candidate for the numerous applications in electronic, energy storage and conversion devices due to its unique properties, such as high optical transmittance, high conductivity, excellent chemical and thermal stability. However, the electronic and chemical properties of graphene are highly dependent on their preparation methods. Therefore, the development of novel chemical exfoliation process which aims at high yield synthesis of high quality graphene while maintaining good solution processability is of great concern. This thesis focuses on the solution production of high-quality graphene by wet-chemical exfoliation methods and addresses the applications of the chemically exfoliated graphene in organic electronics and energy storage devices.rnPlatinum is the most commonly used catalysts for fuel cells but they suffered from sluggish electron transfer kinetics. On the other hand, heteroatom doped graphene is known to enhance not only electrical conductivity but also long term operation stability. In this regard, a simple synthetic method is developed for the nitrogen doped graphene (NG) preparation. Moreover, iron (Fe) can be incorporated into the synthetic process. As-prepared NG with and without Fe shows excellent catalytic activity and stability compared to that of Pt based catalysts.rnHigh electrical conductivity is one of the most important requirements for the application of graphene in electronic devices. Therefore, for the fabrication of electrically conductive graphene films, a novel methane plasma assisted reduction of GO is developed. The high electrical conductivity of plasma reduced GO films revealed an excellent electrochemical performance in terms of high power and energy densities when used as an electrode in the micro-supercapacitors.rnAlthough, GO can be prepared in bulk scale, large amount of defect density and low electrical conductivity are major drawbacks. To overcome the intrinsic limitation of poor quality of GO and/or reduced GO, a novel protocol is extablished for mass production of high-quality graphene by means of electrochemical exfoliation of graphite. The prepared graphene shows high electrical conductivity, low defect density and good solution processability. Furthermore, when used as electrodes in organic field-effect transistors and/or in supercapacitors, the electrochemically exfoliated graphene shows excellent device performances. The low cost and environment friendly production of such high-quality graphene is of great importance for future generation electronics and energy storage devices. rn
In questo lavoro di tesi sperimentale si è sintetizzata e caratterizzata la prima classe di complessi tetrazolici di Ir(III) anionici con formula generale [Ir(C^N)2(L)2]-, in cui oltre ai leganti ciclometallanti ”C^N” quali 2-fenilpiridinato (ppy) o 2-(2,4-difluorofenil)piridinato (F2ppy), sono stati introdotti due anioni tetrazolato (L) come il 5-fenil tetrazolato (Tph) oppure 5-(4-cianofenil) tetrazolato (TphCN). I complessi di Ir(III) anionici ottenuti si sono mostrati intensamente fosforescenti, con emissioni centrate nella regione del blu o del verde (460 < λmax<520 nm). I derivati anionici sono stati poi combinati con complessi Ir(III) tetrazolici cationici in grado di fornire emissione nella regione del rosso (λmax > 650 nm), formando così i primi esempi di coppie ioniche (“soft salts”) a matrice puramente tetrazolica. In tutti i casi si è osservato come il colore emesso da parte dei soft salts sia il risultato di una vera propria sintesi additiva delle emissioni derivanti da componenti ioniche con proprietà fotoemittive differenti. La sostanziale assenza di fenomeni di energy o electron transfer tra la componente anionica e cationica e il giusto bilancio tra le emissioni blu o verdi e rosse si sono tradotte, in taluni casi, nell’ottenimento di luce bianca, con la possibilità di variare ulteriormente i colori emessi in seguito all’allontanamento dell’ossigeno molecolare disciolto nelle soluzioni dei soft salts stessi.
The energetics, structures, stabilities and reactivities of[CnH2]2+ ions have been investigated using computational methods and experimental mass spectrometric techniques. Spontaneous decompositions of [CnH2]2+ into [CnH]+ + H+ products, observed for ions with odd-n values, have been explained by invoking the formation of excited triplet states. Even-n [CnH]+ ions possess triplet ground states with low-lying excited states, whereas odd-n ions have triplet states with energies several eV above ground singlet states. Radiationless transitions of vibrationally excited long-lived triplet state ions into singlet state continua are suggested as possible mechanisms for spontaneous deprotonation processes of odd-n [CnH2]2+ ions. Evidence for these long-lived excited states has been obtained in bimolecular single electron transfer reactions.
The redox chemistry and the related surface phase behavior of Safranine (SAF) and Janus Green B (JGB) have been studied by means of cyclic voltammetry in combination with in situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy using HOPG (Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite) and single crystalline Cu(1 0 0) as model substrates, both revealing different widths of the accessible potential windows. JGB and SAF serve as prototypical heterocyclic suppressor/leveler additives that are used for the metallization of 3D-TSVs (3D Through Silicon Vias) following a classical "leveling" concept. SAF can be considered as the reductive decomposition product of JGB that is formed at the copper/electrolyte interface upon electroplating. Both additives reveal a pronounced pH-dependent redox-chemistry with redox-transitions lying close to or even beyond the anodic limit of the copper potential window. Affected by these redox-processes are in particular the aromatic cores of those heterocycles that can be (quasi)reversibly reduced by a two electron transfer process within the potential window of copper. Therefore we identify the reduced form of those dyes as the active components for the suppressing/leveling effect in copper plating. STM data clearly shows a dye surface phase behavior that is crucially determined by its potential-dependent redox-chemistry. This will be exemplarily discussed for the SAF dye. On chloride-modified Cu(1 0 0) mono-reduced SAF forms a structurally well-defined monolayer of cationic stacking polymers. However, this coupled anion/cation layer reveals only minor suppressing capabilities with respect to the copper dissolution and deposition processes. Complete reduction of the aromatic heterocycle finally leads to the 3D precipitation of hydrophobic reaction products. 3D clusters of this SAF precipitate are discussed as the active structural motif for the suppressing effect of these dyes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The histidine triad nucleotide-binding (Hint2) protein is a mitochondrial adenosine phosphoramidase expressed in liver and pancreas. Its physiological function is unknown. To elucidate the role of Hint2 in liver physiology, the Hint2 gene was deleted. Hint2(-/-) and Hint2(+/+) mice were generated in a mixed C57Bl6/J x 129Sv background. At 20 weeks, the phenotypic changes in Hint2(-/-) relative to Hint2(+/+) mice were an accumulation of hepatic triglycerides, decreased tolerance to glucose, a defective counter-regulatory response to insulin-provoked hypoglycaemia, an increase in plasma interprandial insulin but a decrease in glucose stimulated insulin secretion and defective thermoregulation upon fasting. Leptin mRNA in adipose tissue and plasma leptin were elevated. In mitochondria from Hint2(-/-) hepatocytes, state 3 respiration was decreased, a finding confirmed in HepG2 cells where HINT2 mRNA was silenced. The linked complex II to III electron transfer was decreased in Hint2(-/-) mitochondria, which was accompanied by a lower content of coenzyme Q. HIF-2α expression and the generation of reactive oxygen species were increased. Electron microscopy of mitochondria in Hint2(-/-) mice aged 12 months revealed clustered, fused organelles. The hepatic activities of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase short chain and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were decreased by 68% and 60%, respectively, without a change in protein expression. GDH activity was similarly decreased in HINT2-silenced HepG2 cells. When measured in the presence of purified sirtuin 3, latent GDH activity was recovered (126% in Hint2(-/-) vs. 83% in Hint2(+/+) ). This suggests a greater extent of acetylation in Hint2(-/-) than in Hint2(+/+) . Conlusions: Hint2 positively regulates mitochondrial lipid metabolism and respiration, and glucose homeostasis. The absence of Hint2 provokes mitochondrial deformities and a change in the pattern of acetylation of selected proteins. (HEPATOLOGY 2012.).
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is an enzyme that is essential for multiple metabolic processes, chiefly among them are reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P450 proteins for metabolism of steroid hormones, drugs and xenobiotics. Mutations in POR cause a complex set of disorders that often resemble defects in steroid metabolizing enzymes 17α-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and aromatase. Since our initial reports of POR mutations in 2004, more than 200 different mutations and polymorphisms in POR gene have been identified. Several missense variations in POR have been tested for their effect on activities of multiple steroid and drug metabolizing P450 proteins. Mutations in POR may have variable effects on different P450 partner proteins depending on the location of the mutation. The POR mutations that disrupt the binding of co-factors have negative impact on all partner proteins, while mutations causing subtle structural changes may lead to altered interaction with specific partner proteins and the overall effect may be different for each partner. This review summarizes the recent discoveries related to mutations and polymorphisms in POR and discusses these mutations in the context of historical developments in the discovery and characterization of POR as an electron transfer protein. The review is focused on the structural, enzymatic and clinical implications of the mutations linked to newly identified disorders in humans, now categorized as POR deficiency.
This is a report on a symposium sponsored by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and held at the Experimental Biology 2012 meeting in San Diego, California, on April 25, 2012. The symposium speakers summarized and critically evaluated our current understanding of the physiologic, pharmacological, and toxicological roles of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR), a flavoprotein involved in electron transfer to microsomal cytochromes P450 (P450), cytochrome b(5), squalene mono-oxygenase, and heme oxygenase. Considerable insight has been derived from the development and characterization of mouse models with conditional Por deletion in particular tissues or partial suppression of POR expression in all tissues. Additional mouse models with global or conditional hepatic deletion of cytochrome b(5) are helping to clarify the P450 isoform- and substrate-specific influences of cytochrome b(5) on P450 electron transfer and catalytic function. This symposium also considered studies using siRNA to suppress POR expression in a hepatoma cell-culture model to explore the basis of the hepatic lipidosis phenotype observed in mice with conditional deletion of Por in liver. The symposium concluded with a strong translational perspective, relating the basic science of human POR structure and function to the impacts of POR genetic variation on human drug and steroid metabolism.
Mutations in NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR) cause a broad spectrum of human disease with abnormalities in steroidogenesis. We have studied the impact of P450 reductase mutations on the activity of CYP19A1. POR supported CYP19A1 activity with a calculated Km of 126 nm for androstenedione and a Vmax of 1.7 pmol/min. Mutations R457H and V492E located in the FAD domain of POR that disrupt electron transfer caused a complete loss of CYP19A1 activity. The A287P mutation of POR decreased the activities of CYP17A1 by 60-80% but had normal CYP19A1 activity. Molecular modeling and protein docking studies suggested that A287P is involved in the interaction of POR:CYP17A1 but not in the POR:CYP19A1 interaction. Mutations C569Y and V608F in the NADPH binding domain of POR had 49 and 28% of activity of CYP19A1 compared with normal reductase and were more sensitive to the amount of NADPH available for supporting CYP19A1 activity. Substitution of NADH for NADPH had a higher impact on C569Y and V608F mutants of POR. Similar effects were obtained at low/high (5.5/8.5) pH, but using octanol to limit the flux of electrons from POR to CYP19A1 inhibited activity supported by all variants. High molar ratios of KCl also reduced the CYP19A1 supporting activities of C569Y and V608F mutants of POR to a greater extent compared to normal POR and A287P mutant. Because POR supports many P450s involved in steroidogenesis, bone formation, and drug metabolism, variations in the effects of POR mutations on specific enzyme activities may explain the broad clinical spectrum of POR deficiency.
Interest in the study of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayered structures took a giant leap since Grünberg and his group established that the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) is a function of the non-magnetic spacer width. This interest was further fuelled by the discovery of the phenomenal Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. In fact, in 2007 Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contribution to the discovery of GMR. GMR is the key property that is being used in the read-head of the present day computer hard drive as it requires a high sensitivity in the detection of magnetic field. The recent increase in demand for device miniaturization encouraged researchers to look for GMR in nanoscale multilayered structures. In this context, one dimensional(1-D) multilayerd nanowire structure has shown tremendous promise as a viable candidate for ultra sensitive read head sensors. In fact, the phenomenal giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, which is the novel feature of the currently used multilayered thin film, has already been observed in multilayered nanowire systems at ambient temperature. Geometrical confinement of the supper lattice along the 2-dimensions (2-D) to construct the 1-D multilayered nanowire prohibits the minimization of magnetic interaction- offering a rich variety of magnetic properties in nanowire that can be exploited for novel functionality. In addition, introduction of non-magnetic spacer between the magnetic layers presents additional advantage in controlling magnetic properties via tuning the interlayer magnetic interaction. Despite of a large volume of theoretical works devoted towards the understanding of GMR and IEC in super lattice structures, limited theoretical calculations are reported in 1-D multilayered systems. Thus to gauge their potential application in new generation magneto-electronic devices, in this thesis, I have discussed the usage of first principles density functional theory (DFT) in predicting the equilibrium structure, stability as well as electronic and magnetic properties of one dimensional multilayered nanowires. Particularly, I have focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire structures and the role of non-magnetic Pt spacer in modulating the magnetic properties of the wire. It is found that the average magnetic moment per atom in the nanowire increases monotonically with an ~1/(N(Fe)) dependance, where N(Fe) is the number of iron layers in the nanowire. A simple model based upon the interfacial structure is given to explain the 1/(N(Fe)) trend in magnetic moment obtained from the first principle calculations. A new mechanism, based upon spin flip with in the layer and multistep electron transfer between the layers, is proposed to elucidate the enhancement of magnetic moment of Iron atom at the Platinum interface. The calculated IEC in the Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire is found to switch sign as the width of the non-magnetic spacer varies. The competition among short and long range direct exchange and the super exchange has been found to play a key role for the non-monotonous sign in IEC depending upon the width of the Platinum spacer layer. The calculated magnetoresistance from Julliere's model also exhibit similar switching behavior as that of IEC. The universality of the behavior of exchange coupling has also been looked into by introducing different non-magnetic spacers like Palladium, Copper, Silver, and Gold in between magnetic Iron layers. The nature of hybridization between Fe and other non-magnetic spacer is found to dictate the inter layer magnetic interaction. For example, in Fe/Pd nanowire the d-p hybridization in two spacer layer case favors anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration over ferromagnetic (FM) configuration. However, the hybridization between half-filled Fe(d) and filled Cu(p) state in Fe/Cu nanowire favors FM coupling in the 2-spacer system.