402 resultados para Pharmacists.


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Objective: To measure length of hospital stay (LHS) in patients receiving medication reconciliation. Secondary characteristics included analysis of number of preadmission medications, medications prescribed at admission, number of discrepancies, and pharmacists interventions done and accepted by the attending physician. Methods: A 6 month, randomized, controlled trial conducted at a public teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Patients admitted to general wards were randomized to receive usual care or medication reconciliation, performed within the first 72 hours of hospital admission. Results: The randomization process assigned 68 patients to UC and 65 to MR. LHS was 10±15 days in usual care and 9±16 days in medication reconciliation (p=0.620). The total number of discrepancies was 327 in the medication reconciliation group, comprising 52.6% of unintentional discrepancies. Physicians accepted approximately 75.0% of the interventions. Conclusion: These results highlight weakness at patient transition care levels in a public teaching hospital. LHS, the primary outcome, should be further investigated in larger studies. Medication reconciliation was well accepted by physicians and it is a useful tool to find and correct discrepancies, minimizing the risk of adverse drug events and improving patient safety.


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Objective: To evaluate the reliability of a peer evaluation instrument in a longitudinal team-based learning setting. Methods: Student pharmacists were instructed to evaluate the contributions of their peers. Evaluations were analyzed for the variance of the scores by identifying low, medium, and high scores. Agreement between performance ratings within each group of students was assessed via intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: We found little variation in the standard deviation (SD) based on the score means among the high, medium, and low scores within each group. The lack of variation in SD of results between groups suggests that the peer evaluation instrument produces precise results. The ICC showed strong concordance among raters. Conclusions: Findings suggest that our student peer evaluation instrument provides a reliable method for peer assessment in team-based learning settings.


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International audience


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Objectives: To explore whether an association exists between health care professionals’ (HCPs) asthma knowledge and inhaler technique demonstration skills. Methods: HCPs’ asthma knowledge and inhaler technique demonstration skills were assessed at baseline at an inter-professional educational workshop focusing on asthma medication use. Asthma knowledge was assessed via a published questionnaire. Correct inhaler technique for the three inhalers, the Accuhaler, Turbuhaler and pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI) was assessed using published checklists. Results: Two hundred HCPs agreed to participate: 10 specialists (medical doctors specialized in respiratory diseases) (5%), 46 general practitioners (23%), 79 pharmacists (39%), 15 pharmacists assistants (8%), 40 nurses (20%) and 10 respiratory therapists (5%). Backwards stepwise multiple regression conducted to determine predictors of HCPs’ inhaler technique, showed that out of many independent variables (asthma knowledge score, profession, age, gender, place of work, years in practice and previous personal use of the study inhaler/s), asthma knowledge score was the only variable showing significant association with inhaler technique (R²=0.162, p<0.001). Conclusion: This study revealed significant associations between asthma knowledge and inhaler technique scores for all HCPs. Providing inter-professional workshops for all HCPs involved integrating education on asthma knowledge and practice of inhaler technique skills are looked-for.


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Informed consent is an essential element of research, and signing this document is required to conduct most clinical trials. Its aim is to inform patients what their participation in the study will involve. However, increasingly, their complexity and length are making them difficult to understand, which might lead patients to give their authorization without having read them previously or without having understood what is stated. In this sense, the Ethics Committees for Clinical Research, and Pharmacists specialized in Hospital Pharmacy and Primary Care in their capacity as members of said committees, play an important and difficult role in defending the rights of patients. These Committees will review thoroughly these documents to guarantee that all legal requirements have been met and, at the same time, that they are easy to understand by the potential participants in a clinical trial.


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Pre-exposure prophylaxis" (PrEP) has been recently developed as a prevention strategy which involves the administration of drugs to non-infected individuals who present high exposure or susceptibility to HIV. Although this use is not approved in our country, several guidelines recommend PrEP as a prevention option in adult MSM, heterosexual men and women, and users of parenteral drugs at risk of acquiring the infection. This article presents the characteristics that an ideal agent to be used as PrEP should meet, recent efficacy published data and barriers for the implementation of this new strategy. On the other hand, the role of hospital pharmacists will be discussed.


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Introduction: Since 2005, the workload of community pharmacists in England has increased with a concomitant increase in stress and work pressure. However, it is unclear how these factors are impacting on the ability of community pharmacists to ensure accuracy during the dispensing process. This research seeks to extend our understanding of the nature, outcome, and predictors of dispensing errors. Methodology: A retrospective analysis of a purposive sample of incident report forms (IRFs) from the database of a pharmacist indemnity insurance provider was conducted. Data collected included; type of error, degree of harm caused, pharmacy and pharmacist demographics, and possible contributory factors. Results: In total, 339 files from UK community pharmacies were retrieved from the database. The files dated from June 2006 to November 2011. Incorrect item (45.1%, n = 153/339) followed by incorrect strength (24.5%, n = 83/339) were the most common forms of error. Almost half (41.6%, n = 147/339) of the patients suffered some form of harm ranging from minor harm (26.7%, n = 87/339) to death (0.3%, n = 1/339). Insufficient staff (51.6%, n = 175/339), similar packaging (40.7%, n = 138/339) and the pharmacy being busier than normal (39.5%, n = 134/339) were identified as key contributory factors. Cross-tabular analysis against the final accuracy check variable revealed significant association between the pharmacy location (P < 0.024), dispensary layout (P < 0.025), insufficient staff (P < 0.019), and busier than normal (P < 0.005) variables. Conclusion: The results provide an overview of some of the individual, organisational and technical factors at play at the time of a dispensing error and highlight the need to examine further the relationships between these factors and dispensing error occurrence.


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La automedicación no responsable se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública global en las últimas décadas, por sus consecuencias individuales (por ejemplo, la intoxicación) y colectivas (por ejemplo, la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos). Las intervenciones orientadas a este comportamiento han sido aisladas y muy diferentes. Aunque se tiene evidencia de que su aplicación puede traer beneficios en diferentes poblaciones, no se halló en la literatura una compilación sistemática de dichas intervenciones. El objetivo de la presente revisión es sistematizar la literatura científica sobre las diferentes alternativas de intervención del comportamiento individual de automedicación no responsable. En cuanto al método, la revisión de literatura involucró la búsqueda sistemática de “automedicación” e “intervención” en las bases de datos académicas internacionales con contenidos de psicología, suscritas por la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario. Como resultado se encontró que las intervenciones orientadas al comportamiento de automedicación no responsable se pueden clasificar en dos grandes grupos: (a) intervenciones regulatorias, con dirección “arriba hacia abajo”, que suponen una acción de los Estados nacionales por medio de sus legislaciones o de entidades internacionales (por ejemplo, Organización Mundial de la Salud); y (b) intervenciones educativas, con dirección “abajo hacia arriba”, que suponen acciones con individuos y comunidades con el fin de enseñar acerca del uso adecuado de los medicamentos. Se concluye acerca de la necesidad de complementar ambos tipos de intervención, los cuales, si bien demuestran resultados positivos, aisladamente son insuficientes para contrarrestar integralmente este fenómeno creciente y complejo.


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Sumário: A morbilidade evitável relacionada com medicamentos (MERM) é um problema de saúde pública com considerável impacto negativo para os doentes e os sistemas de saúde. Os indicadores de MERM constituem medidas operacionais de gestão do risco terapêutico, uma vez que permitem identificar processos de cuidados de saúde que predizem um resultado clínico negativo potencialmente evitável. O uso destes indicadores pode contribuir para reduzir a morbilidade evitável relacionada com medicamentos, evitando danos desnecessários e desperdício de recursos. Objectivo: Desenvolver novos indicadores de MERM para cuidados primários em Portugal a partir da análise de resumos das características de medicamentos (RCM's) e determinar a validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo dos indicadores derivados para este setting. Métodos: A primeira fase deste estudo consistiu num ensaio piloto, com o intuito de testar uma metodologia de inclusão dos RCM's com base na frequência de dispensa da especialidade farmacêutica no ambulatório. Seguidamente procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de mais indicadores de MERM utilizando a metodologia testada no ensaio piloto. Os indicadores obtidos foram alvo de uma primeira análise com base em aspectos como duplicações e relevância para cuidados primários, de modo a seleccionar os que poderiam passar à fase de validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo. Procedeu­ se então à pesquisa de evidência clínica em fontes de referência para estes indicadores. Na última fase do estudo estes indicadores, bem como a respectiva evidência clínica, foram analisados por um painel de peritos constituído por quatro académicos (dois médicos de família e dois farmacêuticos), sendo aprovados ou eliminados com base num critério de consenso. Resultados: Obteve-se um total de 64 indicadores de MERM, a partir da análise de 35 RCM's. Sujeitaram-se à determinação da validade preliminar de face e de conteúdo 44 indicadores. Foram aprovados por consenso 28 indicadores, tendo sido excluídos 17 (4 por consenso e 13 sem obtenção de consenso). Conclusão: É exequível derivar novos indicadores de MERM para cuidados primários a partir da análise de RCM's. A validade formal de face e de conteúdo destes indicadores obtidos será objecto de estudo de ulterior investigação. /ABSTRACT: Backgroud: Preventable drug-relate morbidity (PDRM) is a public health problem with significant negative impact at a patient and system level. PDRM indicators are operational measures of therapeutic risk management; they identifying processes of care leading to preventable adverse outcomes. The use of these indicators may contribute to tackle preventable drug related morbidity, avoiding unnecessary harm and waste of resources. Objective: To develop new PDRM indicators to Portuguese primary care based on the analysis of summaries of product characteristics (SPC’s) and to determine their preliminary face and content validity to this setting. Methods: Firstly a pilot study was conducted to test a methodology for including SPC's based on the most frequently sold medicines in the ambulatory. Then more indicators were developed using the previously tested methodology. The indicators obtained were analyzed in respect to aspects such as duplications and relevance for primary care to select those that could proceed to the next stage. Clinical evidence was searched for each of these indicators in gold-standard information sources. Finally, this set of indicators and the respective clinical evidence were analysised by a panel of four experts (two academic general practitioners and two academic pharmacists). Preliminary face and content validity was established by means of consensus. Results: A total of 64 indicators was obtained, based on the analysis of 35 SPCs. Forty­ four indicators were subjected to a preliminary assessment of face and content validity, resulting in 28 consensus-approved indicators. Seventeen indicators were excluded (4 rejected by consensus and 13 that did not reach consensus). Conclusion: lt is feasible to derive new PDRM indicators for primary care based on SPC's. The formal face and content validity of the indicators will be determined in a further study.


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Objectivos: Identificar e compreender as barreiras e os facilitadores à prática do Acompanhamento Farmacoterapêutico (AFT) nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares portugueses. Método: Estudo qualitativo mediante realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a farmacêuticos hospitalares com e sem experiência no AFT e análise de conteúdo, retroactiva e temática. Resultados: Estrutura dos serviços farmacêuticos: barreiras (1) falta de tempo, organização das actividades orientadas para a logística, instabilidade dos recursos humanos, barreiras físicas à comunicação, relações em divergência; facilitadores (2) reestruturação, trabalho em equipa. Farmacêutico: (1) resistência à mudança, qualificação inadequada; (2) atitude positiva, legitimação, formação. Meio externo: (1) falta de apoio institucional, relacionamento com o doente, o médico e farmacêutico comunitário, ensino inadequado; (2) apoio institucional, procura do doente, cooperação com o médico e o farmacêutico comunitário, ensino adequado. Tecnologia: (1) acesso aos dados clínicos e a informação, método inadequado; (2) acesso à informação, método adequado, documentação, informatização, marketing, boas práticas. Conclusão: As entrevistas semi-estruturadas fornecerem uma visão ampla, detalhada e pragmática dos potenciais determinantes de uma prática generalizada do AFT nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares portugueses. /ABSTRACT: Objectives: To identify and understand the barriers and facilitators for the practice of Medication Therapy Management (MTM) in portuguese’s hospital pharmacy. Method: Qualitative study trough semi-structured interviews with MTM experienced and inexperienced hospital pharmacists followed by retroactive content and thematic analysis. Results: Structure of hospital pharmacy: barriers (1) lack of time, activities focused on logistics, instability of human resources, physical barriers to communication, divergent relationships; facilitators (2) restructuring, teamwork. Pharmacist: (1) resistance to change, inadequate skills, (2) positive attitude, legitimating, formation. Environment: (1) lack of institutional support, relationship with patient, physician and community pharmacist, inadequate teaching, (2) institutional support, patient's demand, cooperation with physician and community pharmacist, appropriate teaching. Technology: (1) lack of access to clinical data and information, inadequate method, (2) access to information, appropriate method, documentation, computerization, marketing, good pharmacy practices. Conclusion: The semi-structured interviews provide a broad, comprehensive and pragmatic view of potential determinants for wide practice of MTM in Portuguese’s hospital pharmacy.