999 resultados para Part-songs.


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Introduction.- Knowledge of predictors of an unfavourable outcome, e.g. non-return to work after an injury enables to identify patients at risk and to target interventions for modifiable predictors. It has been recently shown that INTERMED; a tool to measure biopsychosocial complexity in four domains (biologic, psychologic, social and care, with a score between 0-60 points) can be useful in this context. The aim of this study was to set up a predictive model for non-return to work using INTERMED in patients in vocational rehabilitation after orthopaedic injury.Patients and methods.- In this longitudinal prospective study, the cohort consisted of 2156 consecutively included inpatients with orthopaedic trauma attending a rehabilitation hospital after a work, traffic or sport related injury. Two years after discharge, a questionnaire regarding return to work was sent (1502 returned their questionnaires). In addition to INTERMED, 18 predictors known at baseline of the rehabilitation were selected based on previous research. A multivariable logistic regression was performed.Results.- In the multivariate model, not-returning to work at 2 years was significantly predicted by the INTERMED: odds-ratio (OR) 1.08 (95% confidence interval, CI [1.06; 1.11]) for a one point increase in scale; by qualified work-status before the injury OR = 0.74, CI (0.54; 0.99), by using French as preferred language OR = 0.60, CI (0.45; 0.80), by upper-extremity injury OR = 1.37, CI (1.03; 1.81), by higher education (> 9 years) OR = 0.74, CI (0.55; 1.00), and by a 10 year increase in age OR = 1.15, CI (1.02; 1.29). The area under the receiver-operator-characteristics curve (ROC)-curve was 0.733 for the full model (INTERMED plus 18 variables).Discussion.- These results confirm that the total score of the INTERMED is a significant predictor for return to work. The full model with 18 predictors combined with the total score of INTERMED has good predictive value. However, the number of variables (19) to measure is high for the use as screening tool in a clinic.


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Objectiu: Analitzar la situació actual de la normativa internacional de catalogació en els darrers anys per tal de determinar els motius que han provocat els canvis, els models i principis en què es fonamenten i les repercussions que poden tenir a curt o mitjà terminis en les eines de catalogació i també en els catàlegs.Metodologia: Anàlisi de contingut dels models FRBR, FRAD i FRSAR, dels Principis internacionals de catalogació, i de la reestructuració i actualització de la normativa ISBD. Resultats: Els motius que van iniciar la revisió i renovació de la normativa van ser bàsicament l'evolució de les tecnologies, el desenvolupament de noves formes de publicació i distribució electrònica i, també la necessitat d'abaratir els costos dels processos. Pel que fa a les tecnologies, s'anticipa que l'aplicació dels models FRBR, FRAD i FRSAR aportarà una flexibilitat als registres bibliogràfics i d'autoritats que els farà més adaptables a les tecnologies web. Respecte al desenvolupament de nous formats i de noves formes de publicació relacionades amb l'entorn digital i Internet, els documents de l¿IFLA no el tracten explícitament. Finalment, i pel que fa a la qüestió econòmica, la possibilitat d'abaratir costos amb l'aplicació de la normativa que es derivarà dels models i principis és més aviat migrada. S'acompanya d'una revisió bibliogràfica a l'entorn dels models i la normativa analitzats.


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This is the annual performance report for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C, which was submitted on February 2, 2010 to the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. The report provides data on the State's Early ACCESS system and the 10 Regional Grantees' performance in 14 national indicators.


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In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Iowa must have in place a Part C State Performance Plan that evaluates Iowa's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of Part C and describes how Iowa will improve such implementation. This plan is in effect for six years and Iowa will report annually to the U.S. Department of Education on the performance of the State under this plan.


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Estudi comparatiu dels serveis externs de catalogació i processament físic oferts pels proveïdors de material bibliogràfic a les biblioteques catalanes. Es fa un breu repàs al desenvolupament històric de la catalogació comercial i als elements considerats com a positiu i negatius d'aquesta pràctica. S¿analitzen els serveis oferts per onze de les més importants companyies proveïdores d'arreu del món. En l'àmbit català s'estudien nou companyies que, en aquests moments, estan oferint la catalogació i el processament físic com a valor afegit dels documents lliurats al Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona i a les biblioteques membres del Consorci de BibliotequesUniversitàries de Catalunya. Per últim, s'ofereix un directori d'empreses, així com el formulari emprat per a realitzar l'enquesta a les companyies proveïdores de l'àmbit català.


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During the 2005 Legislative Session the Iowa Department of Revenue received an appropriation to establish the Tax Credits Tracking and Analysis Program (TCTAP) to track tax credit awards and claims. In addition, the Department was directed to perform periodic evaluations of tax credit programs. The purpose of these studies is three-fold: (1) To provide a comparison of the Iowa tax credit program to similar federal and other states’ programs (2) To summarize information related to the usage of the Iowa tax credit (3) To evaluate the economic impact of the tax credit program.


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The Rebuild Iowa Office is a part of the State of Iowa and, as such, has been included in our audits of the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and the State’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2009


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SUMMARY:: The EEG patterns seen with encephalopathies can be correlated to cerebral imaging findings including head computerized tomography and MRI. Background slowing without slow-wave intrusion is seen with acute and chronic cortical impairments that spare subcortical white matter. Subcortical/white matter structural abnormalities or hydrocephalus may produce projected slow-wave activity, while clinical entities involving both cortical and subcortical regions (diffuse cerebral abnormalities) engender both background slowing and slow-wave activity. Triphasic waves are seen with hepatic and renal insufficiency or medication toxicities (e.g., lithium, baclofen) in the absence of a significant cerebral imaging abnormality, Conversely, subcortical/white matter abnormalities may facilitate the appearance of triphasic waves without significant hepatic, renal, or toxic comorbidities. More specific syndromes, such as Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, autoimmune limbic encephalitis, autoimmune corticosteroid-responsive encephalopathy with thyroid autoimmunity, sepsis-associated encephalopathy, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, have imaging/EEG changes that are variable but which may include slowing and epileptiform activity. This overview highlighting EEG-imaging correlations may help the treating physician in the diagnosis, and hence the appropriate treatment, of patients with encephalopathy.


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Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2009


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Diversity patterns of ammonoids are analyzed and compared with the timing of anoxic deposits around the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary in the Vocontian, Anglo-Paris, and Monster basins of Western Europe. Differing from most previous studies, which concentrate on a narrow time span bracketing the C/T boundary, the present analysis covers the latest Albian to Early Turonian interval for which a high resolution, ammonoid-based biochronology, including 34 Unitary Associations zones, is now available. During the latest Albian-Middle Cenomanian interval, species richness of ammonoids reveals a dynamical equilibrium oscillating around an average of 20 species, whereas the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian interval displays an equilibrium centered on an average value of 6 species. The abrupt transition between these two successive equilibria lasted no longer than two Unitary Associations. The onset of the decline of species richness thus largely predates the spread of oxygen-poor water masses onto the shelves, while minimal values of species richness coincide with the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary only. The decline of species richness during the entire Late Cenomanian seems to result from lower origination percentages rather than from higher extinction percentages. This result is also supported by the absence of statistically significant changes in the extinction probabilities of the poly-cohorts. Separate analyses of species richness for acanthoceratids and heteromorphs, the two essential components of the Cenomanian ammonoid community, reveal that heteromorphs declined sooner than acanthoceratids. Moreover, acanthoceratids showed a later decline at the genus level than at the species level. Such a decoupling is accompanied by a significant increase in morphological disparity of acanthoceratids, which is expressed by the appearance of new genera. Last, during the Late Cenomanian, paedomorphic processes, juvenile innovations and reductions of adult size dominated the evolutionary radiation of acanthoceratids. Hence, the decrease in ammonoid species richness and their major evolutionary changes significantly predates the spread of anoxic deposits. Other environmental constraints such as global flooding of platforms, warmer and more equable climate, as well as productivity changes better correlate with the timing of diversity changes and evolutionary patterns of ammonoids and therefore, provide more likely causative mechanisms than anoxia alone.


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This report summarises the statewide efforts in dealing with the disaster of the floods of 1993.


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This report summarises the statewide efforts in dealing with the disaster of the floods of 1993.


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Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities


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Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities