911 resultados para Output powers
Through a field experiment, we show that a predator has negative nonconsumptive effects (NCEs) on different life-history stages of the same prey species. Shortly before the recruitment season of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (May-June), we established experimental cages in rocky intertidal habitats in Nova Scotia, Canada. The cages were used to manipulate the presence and absence of dogwhelks, Nucella lapillus, the main predators of barnacles. At the centre of each cage, we installed a tile where barnacle pelagic larvae could settle and the resulting recruits grow. Mesh prevented caged dogwhelks from accessing the tiles, but allowed waterborne dogwhelk cues to reach the tiles. Results in May indicated that barnacle larvae settled preferentially on tiles from cages without dogwhelks. In November, at the end of the dogwhelk activity period and once the barnacle recruits had grown to adult size, barnacle body mass was lower in the presence of dogwhelks. This limitation may have resulted from a lower barnacle feeding activity with nearby dogwhelks, as found by a previous study. The observed larval and adult responses in barnacles are consistent with attempts to decrease predation risk. November data also indicated that dogwhelk cues limited barnacle reproductive output, a possible consequence of the limited growth of barnacles. Overall, this study suggests that a predator species might influence trait evolution in a prey species through NCEs on different life-history stages.
The Benguela Current, located off the west coast of southern Africa, is tied to a highly productive upwelling system**1. Over the past 12 million years, the current has cooled, and upwelling has intensified**2, 3, 4. These changes have been variously linked to atmospheric and oceanic changes associated with the glaciation of Antarctica and global cooling**5, the closure of the Central American Seaway**1, 6 or the further restriction of the Indonesian Seaway**3. The upwelling intensification also occurred during a period of substantial uplift of the African continent**7, 8. Here we use a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model to test the effect of African uplift on Benguela upwelling. In our simulations, uplift in the East African Rift system and in southern and southwestern Africa induces an intensification of coastal low-level winds, which leads to increased oceanic upwelling of cool subsurface waters. We compare the effect of African uplift with the simulated impact of the Central American Seaway closure9, Indonesian Throughflow restriction10 and Antarctic glaciation**11, and find that African uplift has at least an equally strong influence as each of the three other factors. We therefore conclude that African uplift was an important factor in driving the cooling and strengthening of the Benguela Current and coastal upwelling during the late Miocene and Pliocene epochs.
The BSRN Toolbox is a software package supplied by the WRMC and is freely available to all station scientists and data users. The main features of the package include a download manager for Station- to-Archive files, a tool to convert files into human readable TAB-separated ASCII-tables (similar to those output by the PANGAEA database), and a tool to check data sets for violations of the "BSRN Global Network recommended QC tests, V2.0" quality criteria. The latter tool creates quality codes, one per measured value, indicating if the data are "physically possible," "extremely rare," or if "intercomparison limits are exceeded." In addition, auxiliary data such as solar zenith angle or global calculated from diffuse and direct can be output. All output from the QC tool can be visualized using PanPlot (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.816201).
The software Pan2Applic is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to formats as used by applications, e.g. for visualization or further processing. It may also be used to convert files or zip-archives as downloaded from CD-ROM data collections, published in the WDC-MARE Reports series. Pan2Applic is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.
This talk illustrates how results from various Stata commands can be processed efficiently for inclusion in customized reports. A two-step procedure is proposed in which results are gathered and archived in the first step and then tabulated in the second step. Such an approach disentangles the tasks of computing results (which may take long) and preparing results for inclusion in presentations, papers, and reports (which you may have to do over and over). Examples using results from model estimation commands and various other Stata commands such as tabulate, summarize, or correlate are presented. Users will also be shown how to dynamically link results into word processors or into LaTeX documents.
This tutorial will show how results from various Stata commands can be processed efficiently for inclusion in customized reports. A two-step procedure is proposed in which results are gathered and archived in the first step and then tabulated in the second step. Such an approach disentangles the tasks of computing results (which may take long) and preparing results for inclusion in presentations, papers, and reports (which you may have to do over and over). Examples using results from model estimation commands and also various other Stata commands such as tabulate, summarize, or correlate are presented. Furthermore, this tutorial shows how to dynamically link results into word processors or into LaTeX documents.
Postestimation processing and formatting of regression estimates for input into document tables are tasks that many of us have to do. However, processing results by hand can be laborious, and is vulnerable to error. There are therefore many benefits to automation of these tasks while at the same time retaining user flexibility in terms of output format. The estout package meets these needs. estout assembles a table of coefficients, "significance stars", summary statistics, standard errors, t/z statistics, p-values, confidence intervals, and other statistics calculated for up to twenty models previously fitted and stored by estimates store. It then writes the table to the Stata log and/or to a text file. The estimates are formatted optionally in several styles: html, LaTeX, or tab-delimited (for input into MS Excel or Word). There are a large number of options regarding which output is formatted and how. This talk will take users through a range of examples, from relatively basic simple applications to complex ones.
The Asian International Input-Output (IO) Table that is compiled by Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO (IDE), was constructed in Isard type form. Thus, it required a lot of time to publish. In order to avoid this time-lag problem and establish a more simple compilation technique, this paper concentrates on verifying the possibility of using the Chenery-Moses type estimation technique. If possible, applying the Chenery-Moses instead of the Isard type would be effective for both impact and linkage analysis (except for some countries such as Malaysia and Singapore and some primary sectors. Using Chenery-Moses estimation method, production of the Asian International IO table can be reduced by two years. And more, this method might have the possibilities to be applied for updating exercise of Asian IO table.
Structural decomposition techniques based on input-output table have become a widely used tool for analyzing long term economic growth. However, due to limitations of data, such techniques have never been applied to China's regional economies. Fortunately, in 2003, China's Interregional Input-Output Table for 1987 and Multi-regional Input-Output Table for 1997 were published, making decomposition analysis of China's regional economies possible. This paper first estimates the interregional input-output table in constant price by using an alternative approach: the Grid-Search method, and then applies the standard input-output decomposition technique to China's regional economies for 1987-97. Based on the decomposition results, the contributions to output growth of different factors are summarized at the regional and industrial level. Furthermore, interdependence between China's regional economies is measured and explained by aggregating the decomposition factors into the intraregional multiplier-related effect, the feedback-related effect, and the spillover-related effect. Finally, the performance of China's industrial and regional development policies implemented in the 1990s is briefly discussed based on the analytical results of the paper.