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Purpose - This paper aims to validate a comprehensive aeroelastic analysis for a helicopter rotor with the higher harmonic control aeroacoustic rotor test (HART-II) wind tunnel test data. Design/methodology/approach - Aeroelastic analysis of helicopter rotor with elastic blades based on finite element method in space and time and capable of considering higher harmonic control inputs is carried out. Moderate deflection and coriolis nonlinearities are included in the analysis. The rotor aerodynamics are represented using free wake and unsteady aerodynamic models. Findings - Good correlation between analysis and HART-II wind tunnel test data is obtained for blade natural frequencies across a range of rotating speeds. The basic physics of the blade mode shapes are also well captured. In particular, the fundamental flap, lag and torsion modes compare very well. The blade response compares well with HART-II result and other high-fidelity aeroelastic code predictions for flap and torsion mode. For the lead-lag response, the present analysis prediction is somewhat better than other aeroelastic analyses. Research limitations/implications - Predicted blade response trend with higher harmonic pitch control agreed well with the wind tunnel test data, but usually contained a constant offset in the mean values of lead-lag and elastic torsion response. Improvements in the modeling of the aerodynamic environment around the rotor can help reduce this gap between the experimental and numerical results. Practical implications - Correlation of predicted aeroelastic response with wind tunnel test data is a vital step towards validating any helicopter aeroelastic analysis. Such efforts lend confidence in using the numerical analysis to understand the actual physical behavior of the helicopter system. Also, validated numerical analyses can take the place of time-consuming and expensive wind tunnel tests during the initial stage of the design process. Originality/value - While the basic physics appears to be well captured by the aeroelastic analysis, there is need for improvement in the aerodynamic modeling which appears to be the source of the gap between numerical predictions and HART-II wind tunnel experiments.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to discuss published research in rotorcraft which has taken place in India during the last ten years The helicopter research is divided into the following parts health monitoring smart rotor design optimization control helicopter rotor dynamics active control of structural response (ACSR) and helicopter design and development Aspects of health monitoring and smart rotor are discussed in detail Further work needed and areas for international collaboration are pointed out Design/methodology/approach - The archival journal papers on helicopter engineering published from India are obtained from databases and are studied and discussed The contribution of the basic research to the state of the art in helicopter engineering science is brought out Findings - It is found that strong research capabilities have developed in rotor system health and usage monitoring rotor blade design optimization ACSR composite rotor blades and smart rotor development Furthermore rotorcraft modeling and analysis aspects are highly developed with considerable manpower available and being generated in these areas Practical implications - Two helicopter projects leading to the advanced light helicopter and light combat helicopter have been completed by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd These helicopter programs have benefited from the basic research and also provide platforms for further basic research and deeper industry academic collaborations The development of well trained helicopter engineers is also attractive for international helicopter design and manufacturing companies The basic research done needs to be further developed for practical and commercial applications Originality/value - This is the first comprehensive research on rotorcraft research in India an important emerging market manufacturing and sourcing destination for the industry
Purpose - There are many library automation packages available as open-source software, comprising two modules: staff-client module and online public access catalogue (OPAC). Although the OPAC of these library automation packages provides advanced features of searching and retrieval of bibliographic records, none of them facilitate full-text searching. Most of the available open-source digital library software facilitates indexing and searching of full-text documents in different formats. This paper makes an effort to enable full-text search features in the widely used open-source library automation package Koha, by integrating it with two open-source digital library software packages, Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) and Fedora Generic Search Service (FGSS), independently. Design/methodology/approach - The implementation is done by making use of the Search and Retrieval by URL (SRU) feature available in Koha, GSDL and FGSS. The full-text documents are indexed both in Koha and GSDL and FGSS. Findings - Full-text searching capability in Koha is achieved by integrating either GSDL or FGSS into Koha and by passing an SRU request to GSDL or FGSS from Koha. The full-text documents are indexed both in the library automation package (Koha) and digital library software (GSDL, FGSS) Originality/value - This is the first implementation enabling the full-text search feature in a library automation software by integrating it into digital library software.
To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.
This paper focuses on studying the relationship between patent latent variables and patent price. From the existing literature, seven patent latent variables, namely age, generality, originality, foreign filings, technology field, forward citations, and backward citations were identified as having an influence on patent value. We used Ocean Tomo's patent auction price data in this study. We transformed the price and the predictor variables (excluding the dummy variables) to its logarithmic value. The OLS estimates revealed that forward citations and foreign filings were positively correlated to price. Both the variables jointly explained 14.79% of the variance in patent pricing. We did not find sufficient evidence to come up with any definite conclusions on the relationship between price and the variables such as age, technology field, generality, backward citations and originality. The Heckman two-stage sample selection model was used to test for selection bias. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose-In the present work, a numerical method, based on the well established enthalpy technique, is developed to simulate the growth of binary alloy equiaxed dendrites in presence of melt convection. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach-The principle of volume-averaging is used to formulate the governing equations (mass, momentum, energy and species conservation) which are solved using a coupled explicit-implicit method. The velocity and pressure fields are obtained using a fully implicit finite volume approach whereas the energy and species conservation equations are solved explicitly to obtain the enthalpy and solute concentration fields. As a model problem, simulation of the growth of a single crystal in a two-dimensional cavity filled with an undercooled melt is performed. Findings-Comparison of the simulation results with available solutions obtained using level set method and the phase field method shows good agreement. The effects of melt flow on dendrite growth rate and solute distribution along the solid-liquid interface are studied. A faster growth rate of the upstream dendrite arm in case of binary alloys is observed, which can be attributed to the enhanced heat transfer due to convection as well as lower solute pile-up at the solid-liquid interface. Subsequently, the influence of thermal and solutal Peclet number and undercooling on the dendrite tip velocity is investigated. Originality/value-As the present enthalpy based microscopic solidification model with melt convection is based on a framework similar to popularly used enthalpy models at the macroscopic scale, it lays the foundation to develop effective multiscale solidification.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility to construct tissue-engineered bone repair scaffolds with pore size distributions using rapid prototyping techniques. Design/methodology/approach - The fabrication of porous scaffolds with complex porous architectures represents a major challenge in tissue engineering and the design aspects to mimic complex pore shape as well as spatial distribution of pore sizes of natural hard tissue remain unexplored. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the three-dimensional printing process to study its potential for scaffold fabrication as well as some innovative design of homogeneously porous or gradient porous scaffolds is described and such design has wider implication in the field of bone tissue engineering. Findings - The present work discusses biomedically relevant various design strategies with spatial/radial gradient in pore sizes as well as with different pore sizes and with different pore geometries. Originality/value - One of the important implications of the proposed novel design scheme would be the development of porous bioactive/biodegradable composites with gradient pore size, porosity, composition and with spatially distributed biochemical stimuli so that stem cells loaded into scaffolds would develop into complex tissues such as those at the bone-cartilage interface.
At the first international Visualization Summit, more than 100 international researchers and practitioners defined and assessed nine original and important research goals in the context of Visualization Science, and proposed methods for achieving these goals by 2010. The synthesis of the whole event is presented in the 10th research goal. This article contributes a building block for systemizing visualization research by proposing mutually elaborated research goals with defined milestones. Such a consensus on where to go together is only one step toward establishing visualization science in the long-term perspective as a discipline with comparable relevance to chemistry, mathematics, language, or history. First, this article introduces the conference setting. Second, it describes the research goals and findings from the nine workshops. Third, a survey among 62 participants about the originality and importance of each research goal is presented and discussed. Finally, the article presents a synthesis of the nine research goals in the form of a 10th research goal, namely Visualizing Future Cities. The article is relevant for visualization researchers, trend scouts, research programme directors who define the topics that get funds. © 2007 Palgr aveMacmillan Ltd. All rights reserved.
Resumen: Santa Gertrudis se ubica en el punto de inflexión en que la unidad tradicional entre teología y vida espiritual comienza a debilitarse. Contemporánea al desarrollo de la escolástica, pertenece sin embargo al mundo monástico, donde la integración entre la vida y la teología, se cultiva y se defiende. Su vida se nos presenta como la de aquélla en quien se cumple la finalidad teológica que subyace a toda vida cristiana: la comprensión vital del misterio por la experiencia de íntima comunión con lo divino. Su doctrina ilumina el núcleo de la fe a partir de las fuentes de la liturgia, la revelación y la tradición patrística, asimiladas a través de su experiencia espiritual. Esta se expresa en la originalidad y precisión teológica de sus visiones y oraciones, vertidas en un lenguaje afectivo y simbólico, en el equilibrio de su doctrina espiritual y en su hondo sentido de Iglesia. Su experiencia constituye una mística dogmática, eclesial y esponsal, cuya universalidad y actualidad la hacen apta y atractiva al público creyente y no creyente de hoy
Resumen: Algunos capítulos del último curso de antropología dictado por la filósofa Edith Stein, antes de su entrada a la vida contemplativa en el Carmelo, permiten relevar continuidades y novedades con respecto a Aristóteles y a Santo Tomás de Aquino en torno a la noción de alma y a su función integradora. Se enumeran en primer lugar algunas coincidencias entre los tres filósofos, para mostrar después los enfoques característicos de cada uno, destacando la independencia de criterio y la originalidad de Tomás sobre Aristóteles y de Edith Stein sobre ambos. Se repasan las diferentes maneras de entender el alma como acto y como forma y su modo de vinculación con el cuerpo, mostrando que la herencia de un vocabulario que puede tender al dualismo, no invalida la tesis de la unidad substancial del viviente.
This is an electronic version of the accepted paper in the journal:Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms. Volumen. 12
A presente tese versa sobre a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito Brasileiro ao mérito do litígio. Tendo em vista o ineditismo, em nosso País, do estudo das consequências advindas à sentença arbitral prolatada mediante uma aplicação equivocada do Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia, revelou-se fundamental uma análise de Direito Comparado. Assim, consultou-se o Direito dos Estados Unidos da América, do Reino Unido, da Alemanha, da Itália, da Áustria, da Suíça e da França, a fim de se constatar se é admissível, nos referidos Países, alguma medida judicial contra tal situação. Primeiramente, empreendeu-se um exame das consequências que podem advir, nos 7 (sete) Países citados, a uma sentença arbitral doméstica, assim definida conforme a legislação de cada País. Como a medida habitual para se afastar uma sentença arbitral doméstica é a ação de anulação, buscou-se examinar as hipóteses que ensejam seu ajuizamento em cada País estudado, a fim de se constatar se dentre elas insere-se a aplicação errônea do Direito que rege o fundo da disputa. Ou, em caso negativo, se a violação à ordem pública inclui-se nas hipóteses de anulação. E, por último, se a ofensa à ordem pública compreende a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito de cada País sub examine. Em segundo lugar, examinaram-se as consequências que advêm para uma sentença arbitral estrangeira em que se aplicou erroneamente o Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia. Como todos os sete Países examinados são Estados-membros da Convenção de Nova Iorque de 10 de junho de 1958 sobre o Reconhecimento e a Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, que prevê em seu artigo V, n 2, alínea b, a violação à ordem pública como óbice à homologação da sentença arbitra alienígena, a aplicação do referido dispositivo em cada Estado foi analisado. Tentou-se averiguar se a ofensa à ordem pública consubstanciada na referida Convenção poderia abranger a aplicação errônea do Direito material pelo árbitro. Em seguida, examinou-se a legislação e a doutrina brasileiras tanto no que tange à ação anulatória de laudos arbitrais brasileiros, quanto à homologação dos laudos estrangeiros , a fim de se proporem soluções para esta questão em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Por fim, analisou-se se é possível, no Brasil, homologar uma sentença arbitral estrangeira que tenha sido anulada no País em que foi prolatada com base no argumento da aplicação errônea do Direito do referido Estado ao mérito da arbitragem.
Esta tese de doutoramento tem como objeto as experiências de atores e atrizes na criação e apresentação de monólogos no Rio de Janeiro, a partir de 2006. Esta experiência artística é refletida aqui a partir de questões clássicas das Ciências Sociais sobre o indivíduo moderno, tais como as da singularidade, autenticidade e originalidade. A questão da autoria de tais monólogos é relacionada a perspectivas ligadas à ideologia individualista ocidental, tais como as da autonomia artística e construção de si, nas complexas imbricações entre o artista (ator/indivíduo criador) e sua obra (monólogo/performance/encenação/texto). O monólogo visto como um amplo projeto artístico, que abrange a experiência de sua elaboração, produção, apresentação e repercussão torna-se um objeto processual de autorreflexão do artista sobre si mesmo e sobre o mundo. O monólogo pode ser visto como uma experiência artística pessoal, onde a perspectiva autoral é posta em primeiro plano, dinamizando e realimentando aspectos associados à crença em um modelo de indivíduo que se expressa por um sujeito capaz de se autodefinir, mas que, neste contexto, encontra expressões particulares. Para esta abordagem, analiso três experiências monológicas: O Animal do Tempo, protagonizada pela atriz Ana Kfouri; A Alma Imoral, adaptada e protagonizada por Clarice Niskier; e Anticlássico: uma desconferência ou o enigma vazio, concebida e encenada pela atriz Alessandra Colasanti.
[EN] Purpose. This work aims to present, from the company viewpoint, a structured account of management proposals and practices directed toward improving the intensity and effectiveness of continuous management training (CMT). Design/methodology/approach. The article takes as its main theoretical referents the Theory of Human Capital, the Resource-Based Vision and the contributions made via the new institutional economy with regard to the problems of information asymmetry between companies, employees and training providers and completes the proposals that derive from this theoretical approach. To do this, experience-based contributions are collected from a selection of company training and HR managers from twelve Basque companies characterised by their strong investment in management training. The methodology used was qualitative and obtained by different qualitative techniques: Focus Groups, Nominal Groups and the Delphi Method, which make up the so-called Hybrid Delphi. Findings and implications. The proposals are aimed at the main agents in training activity: training providers, associations and public agents engaged in management training and, particularly, companies themselves. The initiatives seek above all to increase training market transparency, to improve mutual commitments between companies and managers, and to link training and development with culture and strategic management, so that firms make optimal investment in management training. Originality/value. The methodology used is original, and the contributions are consistent with the theory, have a proven practical utility, and are presented in a hierarchy, which facilitates decision making.
Esta tese apresenta como um dos seus aspectos fundamentais a compreensão de outra cultura, outra versão, outro conjunto de valores: o pensamento indiano, berço da Ahamkãra a consciência individual, o eu e das práticas ascéticas de origem pré-ariana e autóctone. No interior dessa tradição, foram escolhidos os ensinamentos do Buddha Shãkyamuni, por sua absoluta originalidade na concepção da individualidade, transformando radicalmente as concepções de subjetividade existentes em sua época. O intuito, ao buscar uma tradição em tudo diferente da nossa, é, por dirigir o foco para o mais contrastante, iluminar nossa própria tradição, enriquecer o campo de discussão das novas matrizes de subjetivação em nossa sociedade ocidental pós-moderna e globalizada. Com essa abordagem objetiva-se contribuir para o debate em torno do despertar do budismo ocidental, no séc. XXI, lançando algumas linhas de reflexão que auxiliem, por um lado, a contextualizar esse acontecimento, e, por outro, a ampliar o debate sobre as questões relativas à noção de sujeito, utilizada pelos teóricos da psicanálise, através da apresentação de uma outra versão, a do eu budista. A comparação entre uma forma de individualidade oriunda de uma sociedade tradicional e holista e a forma da individualidade contemporânea, oriunda de uma sociedade secularizada e individualista, é possível através do que Harpham denomina imperativo ascético, uma força estruturante primária e transcultural. Nesse sentido visualiza-se uma relação entre as práticas ascéticas e a construção do eu. Segundo Mauss, o eu também é uma categoria universal, presente em todas as culturas. Assim como se encontram variações sobre o repertório das práticas ascéticas disponíveis em diferentes culturas, encontram-se variações na forma da subjetividade, de acordo com o seu solo cultural e sua paisagem mental. Fizemos uma conexão entre as práticas ascéticas indianas e o que denominamos de identificação mística, a partir da qual foi possível inferir essa imbricação entre ascetismo, construção e sacralização do eu nos primórdios da civilização indiana. Com o budismo ocorre uma espécie de descentramento, a sacralização é estendida a todo o cosmo, as práticas de meditação sintonizam com todos os seres, com todos os animais, para eliminar as causas do sofrimento. O budismo nasce com uma vocação universalista e leva para fora das fronteiras da Índia esse eu construído a partir dos conceitos da Ãhimsa, a não-violência, e da noção de ausência de existência inerente, inscritos no pensamento budista há dois mil e quinhentos anos, despertando o interesse do ocidente após um longo período de obscurecimento.