985 resultados para One-dimensional model


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A near-isothermal micro-trickle bed reactor operated under radio frequency heating was developed. The reactor bed was packed with nickel ferrite micro-particles of 110. μm diameter, generating heat by the application of RF field at 180. kHz. Hydrodynamics in a co-current configuration was analysed and heat transfer rates were determined at temperature ranging from 55 to 100. °C. A multi-zone reactor bed of several heating and catalytic zones was proposed in order to achieve near-isothermal operations. Exact positioning, number of the heating zones and length of the heating zones composed of a mixture of nickel ferrite and a catalyst were determined by solving a one dimensional model of heat transfer by conduction and convection. The conductive losses contributed up to 30% in the total thermal losses from the reactor. Three heating zones were required to obtain an isothermal length of 50. mm with a temperature non-uniformity of 2. K. A good agreement between the modelling and experimental results was obtained for temperature profiles of the reactor. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The present study examined the factorial and construct validity of a Standard Chinese translation of the Body Appreciation Scale (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015b). Participants were 191 women and 154 men from mainland China who were resident in Hong Kong at the time of recruitment. Results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the one-dimensional model of the BAS-2, in which all 10 items loaded onto the same factor, had adequate fit and was invariant across sex. Body appreciation scores had good internal consistency and were significantly correlated with self-esteem and life satisfaction, and, in women, with weight discrepancy and body mass index. There were no significant differences in body appreciation scores between women and men. The present findings suggest that the Standard Chinese translation of the BAS-2 has the same one-dimensional factor structure as its parent scale and may facilitate cross-cultural studies of positive body image.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature.


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature


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In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal diffusivity of nano Ag metal dispersed ceramic alumina matrix sintered at different temperatures using laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique. Measurements of thermal diffusivity also have been carried out on specimens with various concentration of nano metal. Analysis of the data is done on the basis of one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present measurements on the thermal diffusivity of nano metal dispersed ceramic alumina shows that porosity has a great influence on the heat transport and the thermal diffusivity value. The present analysis also shows that the inclusion of nano metal into ceramic matrix increases its interconnectivity and hence the thermal diffusivity value. The present study on the samples sintered at different temperature shows that the porosity of the ceramics varies considerably with the change in sintering temperature. The results are interpreted in terms of phonon assisted heat transfer mechanism and the exclusion of pores with the increase in sintering temperature


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The laser induced non-destructive photoacoustic technique has been employed to measure the thermal diffusivity of lanthanum phosphate ceramics prepared by the sol–gel route. The thermal diffusivity value was evaluated by knowing the transition frequency between the thermally thin to thermally thick region from the log–log plot of photoacoustic amplitude versus chopping frequency. Analysis of the data was carried out on the basis of the one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho. The present investigation reveals that the sintering temperature has great influence on the propagation of heat carriers and hence on the thermal diffusivity value. The results were interpreted in terms of variations in porosity with sintering temperature as well as with changes in grain size.


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A laser-induced photoacoustic technique was employed to investigate thermal transport through nanocrystalline CePO4 samples prepared via the sol–gel route. Evaluation of thermal diffusivity was carried out using the one-dimensional model of Rosencwaig and Gersho for the reflection configuration of the photoacoustic method. Structural analyses of samples revealed that they are nanoporous in nature, possessing micron-sized grains. Analysis of results shows that thermal diffusivity value varies with sintering temperature. Results are explained in terms of the variation in porosity with sintering temperature and the effects of various scattering mechanisms on the propagation of phonons through the nanoporous ceramic matrix. Further analyses confirm that apart from porosity, grain boundary resistance and interface thermal resistance influence the effective value of thermal diffusivity of the samples under investigation.


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The Cassini flyby of Jupiter occurred at a time near solar maximum. Consequently, the pre-Jupiter data set reveals clear and numerous transient perturbations to the Parker Spiral solar wind structure. Limited plasma data are available at Cassini for this period due to pointing restrictions imposed on the instrument. This renders the identification of the nature of such structures ambiguous, as determinations based on the magnetic field data alone are unreliable. However, a fortuitous alignment of the planets during this encounter allowed us to trace these structures back to those observed previously by the Wind spacecraft near the Earth. Of the phenomena that we are satisfactorily able to trace back to their manifestation at 1 AU, two are identified as being due to interplanetary coronal mass ejections. One event at Cassini is shown to be a merged interaction region, which is formed from the compression of a magnetic cloud by two anomalously fast solar wind streams. The flux-rope structure associated with this magnetic cloud is not as apparent at Cassini and has most likely been compressed and deformed. Confirmation of the validity of the ballistic projections used here is provided by results obtained from a one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic projection of solar wind parameters measured upstream near the Earth. It is found that when the Earth and Cassini are within a few tens of degrees in heliospheric longitude, the results of this one-dimensional model predict the actual conditions measured at 5 AU to an impressive degree. Finally, the validity of the use of such one-dimensional projections in obtaining quasi-solar wind parameters at the outer planets is discussed.


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The climate belongs to the class of non-equilibrium forced and dissipative systems, for which most results of quasi-equilibrium statistical mechanics, including the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, do not apply. In this paper we show for the first time how the Ruelle linear response theory, developed for studying rigorously the impact of perturbations on general observables of non-equilibrium statistical mechanical systems, can be applied with great success to analyze the climatic response to general forcings. The crucial value of the Ruelle theory lies in the fact that it allows to compute the response of the system in terms of expectation values of explicit and computable functions of the phase space averaged over the invariant measure of the unperturbed state. We choose as test bed a classical version of the Lorenz 96 model, which, in spite of its simplicity, has a well-recognized prototypical value as it is a spatially extended one-dimensional model and presents the basic ingredients, such as dissipation, advection and the presence of an external forcing, of the actual atmosphere. We recapitulate the main aspects of the general response theory and propose some new general results. We then analyze the frequency dependence of the response of both local and global observables to perturbations having localized as well as global spatial patterns. We derive analytically several properties of the corresponding susceptibilities, such as asymptotic behavior, validity of Kramers-Kronig relations, and sum rules, whose main ingredient is the causality principle. We show that all the coefficients of the leading asymptotic expansions as well as the integral constraints can be written as linear function of parameters that describe the unperturbed properties of the system, such as its average energy. Some newly obtained empirical closure equations for such parameters allow to define such properties as an explicit function of the unperturbed forcing parameter alone for a general class of chaotic Lorenz 96 models. We then verify the theoretical predictions from the outputs of the simulations up to a high degree of precision. The theory is used to explain differences in the response of local and global observables, to define the intensive properties of the system, which do not depend on the spatial resolution of the Lorenz 96 model, and to generalize the concept of climate sensitivity to all time scales. We also show how to reconstruct the linear Green function, which maps perturbations of general time patterns into changes in the expectation value of the considered observable for finite as well as infinite time. Finally, we propose a simple yet general methodology to study general Climate Change problems on virtually any time scale by resorting to only well selected simulations, and by taking full advantage of ensemble methods. The specific case of globally averaged surface temperature response to a general pattern of change of the CO2 concentration is discussed. We believe that the proposed approach may constitute a mathematically rigorous and practically very effective way to approach the problem of climate sensitivity, climate prediction, and climate change from a radically new perspective.


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Parameterization schemes for the drag due to atmospheric gravity waves are discussed and compared in the context of a simple one-dimensional model of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). A number of fundamental issues are examined in detail, with the goal of providing a better understanding of the mechanism by which gravity wave drag can produce an equatorial zonal wind oscillation. The gravity wave–driven QBOs are compared with those obtained from a parameterization of equatorial planetary waves. In all gravity wave cases, it is seen that the inclusion of vertical diffusion is crucial for the descent of the shear zones and the development of the QBO. An important difference between the schemes for the two types of waves is that in the case of equatorial planetary waves, vertical diffusion is needed only at the lowest levels, while for the gravity wave drag schemes it must be included at all levels. The question of whether there is downward propagation of influence in the simulated QBOs is addressed. In the gravity wave drag schemes, the evolution of the wind at a given level depends on the wind above, as well as on the wind below. This is in contrast to the parameterization for the equatorial planetary waves in which there is downward propagation of phase only. The stability of a zero-wind initial state is examined, and it is determined that a small perturbation to such a state will amplify with time to the extent that a zonal wind oscillation is permitted.


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This paper presents the results of a numerical and experimental study of phase change material (PCM) filled walls and roofs under real operational conditions to achieve passive thermal comfort. The numerical part of the study was based on a one-dimensional model for the phase change problem controlled by pure conduction. Real radiation data was used to determine the external face temperature. The numerical treatment was based upon using finite difference approximations and the ADI scheme. The results obtained were compared with field measurements. The experimental set-up consisted of a small room with movable roof and side wall. The roof was constructed in the traditional way but with the phase change material enclosed. Thermocouples were distributed across the cross section of the roof. Another roof, identical but without the PCM, was also used during comparative tests. The movable wall was also constructed as is done traditionally but with the PCM enclosed. Again, thermocouples were distributed across the wall thickness to enable measurement of the local temperatures. Another wall, identical but without the PCM, was also used during comparative tests. The PCM used in the numerical and experimental tests was composed of a mixture of two commercial grades of glycol in order to obtain the required fusion temperature range. Comparison between the simulation results and the experiments indicated good agreement. Field tests also indicated that the PCM used was adequate and that the concept was effective in maintaining the indoor temperature very close to the established comfort limits. Further economical analysis indicated that the concept could effectively help in reducing the electric energy consumption and improving the energy demand pattern. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade das sementes de açaí rejeitadas após beneficiamento em Belém – Pará, a fim de ser usada como fonte de biomassa para a produção de energia por gaseificação. Resultados da análise elementar obtidas no LABCAT – UNB em base seca foram obtidas com percentuais de Carbono, 46,06 %, Hidrogênio 6,01 % Oxigênio 43,37 %, Nitrogênio 4,33 % e Enxofre 0,08%. Tais valores entre outros parâmetros obtidos em estudo experimental realizados por Santos 2011 e Cruz, 2010, foram utilizados para realizar uma simulação numérica do processo de gaseificação por meio de um código FORTRAN zero dimensional desenvolvido especificamente para esta finalidade. Variações da influência da razão de equivalência e teor de umidade nas concentrações de CO, H2 e CH4 foram comparados a resultados experimentais. Um modelo transiente unidimensional também foi analisado. Utilizando a aplicação de um mecanismo de pirólise de dois passos onde o alcatrão primário (ou oxigenados) são inicialmente formados e então craqueados em alcatrão secundário (ou hidrocarbonetos) e outros gases combustíveis. Assim se revela a complexidade dos processos físicos e químicos que ocorrem no reator pelo uso do balanço de energia e massa e com informações das taxas de reação das reções químicas e os processos de transporte físicos. O modelo computacional é capaz de prever o perfil da composição de gases, temperatura, alcatrão primário e secundário ao longo do eixo longitudinal do gaseificador. Foram obtidos resultados para simulações realizadas nos dois modelos e posteriormente analisado tal comportamento em comparação ao resultado experimental obtidos por Santos (2011).


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Localizar em subsuperfície a região que mais influencia nas medidas obtidas na superfície da Terra é um problema de grande relevância em qualquer área da Geofísica. Neste trabalho, é feito um estudo sobre a localização dessa região, denominada aqui zona principal, para métodos eletromagnéticos no domínio da freqüência, utilizando-se como fonte uma linha de corrente na superfície de um semi-espaço condutor. No modelo estudado, tem-se, no interior desse semi-espaço, uma heterogeneidade na forma de camada infinita, ou de prisma com seção reta quadrada e comprimento infinito, na direção da linha de corrente. A diferença entre a medida obtida sobre o semi-espaço contendo a heterogeneidade e aquela obtida sobre o semi-espaço homogêneo, depende, entre outros parâmetros, da localização da heterogeneidade em relação ao sistema transmissor-receptor. Portanto, mantidos constantes os demais parâmetros, existirá uma posição da heterogeneidade em que sua influência é máxima nas medidas obtidas. Como esta posição é dependente do contraste de condutividade, das dimensões da heterogeneidade e da freqüência da corrente no transmissor, fica caracterizada uma região e não apenas uma única posição em que a heterogeneidade produzirá a máxima influência nas medidas. Esta região foi denominada zona principal. Identificada a zona principal, torna-se possível localizar com precisão os corpos que, em subsuperfície, provocam as anomalias observadas. Trata-se geralmente de corpos condutores de interesse para algum fim determinado. A localização desses corpos na prospecção, além de facilitar a exploração, reduz os custos de produção. Para localizar a zona principal, foi definida uma função Detetabilidade (∆), capaz de medir a influência da heterogeneidade nas medidas. A função ∆ foi calculada para amplitude e fase das componentes tangencial (Hx) e normal (Hz) à superfície terrestre do campo magnético medido no receptor. Estudando os extremos da função ∆ sob variações de condutividade, tamanho e profundidade da heterogeneidade, em modelos unidimensionais e bidimensionais, foram obtidas as dimensões da zona principal, tanto lateralmente como em profundidade. Os campos eletromagnéticos em modelos unidimensionais foram obtidos de uma forma híbrida, resolvendo numericamente as integrais obtidas da formulação analítica. Para modelos bidimensionais, a solução foi obtida através da técnica de elementos finitos. Os valores máximos da função ∆, calculada para amplitude de Hx, mostraram-se os mais indicados para localizar a zona principal. A localização feita através desta grandeza apresentou-se mais estável do que através das demais, sob variação das propriedades físicas e dimensões geométricas, tanto dos modelos unidimensionais como dos bidimensionais. No caso da heterogeneidade condutora ser uma camada horizontal infinita (caso 1D), a profundidade do plano central dessa camada vem dada pela relação po = 0,17 δo, onde po é essa profundidade e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana (em um meio homogêneo de condutividade igual à do meio encaixante (σ1) e a freqüência dada pelo valor de w em que ocorre o máximo de ∆ calculada para a amplitude de Hx). No caso de uma heterogeneidade bidimensional (caso 2D), as coordenadas do eixo central da zona principal vem dadas por do = 0,77 r0 (sendo do a distância horizontal do eixo à fonte transmissora) e po = 0,36 δo (sendo po a profundidade do eixo central da zona principal), onde r0 é a distância transmissor-receptor e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana, nas mesmas condições já estipuladas no caso 1D. Conhecendo-se os valores de r0 e δo para os quais ocorre o máximo de ∆, calculado para a amplitude de Hx, pode-se determinar (do, po). Para localizar a zona principal (ou, equivalentemente, uma zona condutora anômala em subsuperfície), sugere-se um método que consiste em associar cada valor da função ∆ da amplitude de Hx a um ponto (d, p), gerado através das relações d = 0,77 r e p = 0,36 δ, para cada w, em todo o espectro de freqüências das medidas, em um dado conjunto de configurações transmissor-receptor. São, então, traçadas curvas de contorno com os isovalores de ∆ que vão convergir, na medida em que o valor de ∆ se aproxima do máximo, sobre a localização e as dimensões geométricas aproximadas da heterogeneidade (zona principal).