938 resultados para On-off control
A number of computationally reliable direct methods for pole assignment by feedback have recently been developed. These direct procedures do not necessarily produce robust solutions to the problem, however, in the sense that the assigned poles are insensitive to perturbalions in the closed-loop system. This difficulty is illustrated here with results from a recent algorithm presented in this TRANSACTIONS and its causes are examined. A measure of robustness is described, and techniques for testing and improving robustness are indicated.
This paper describe a simulation program, which uses Trengenza’s average room illuminance method in conjunction with hourly solar irradiance and luminous efficacy, to predict the potential lighting energy saving for a side-lit room. Two lighting control algorithms of photoelectric switching (on/off) and photoelectric dimming (top-up) have been coded in the program. A simulation for a typical UK office room has been conducted and the results show that energy saving due to the sunlight dependent on the various factors such as orientation, control methods, building depth, glazing area and shading types, etc. This simple tool can be used for estimating the potential lighting energy saving of the windows with various shading devices at the early design stage.
In the ten years since the first edition of this book appeared there have been significant developments in food process engineering, notably in biotechnology and membrane application. Advances have been made in the use of sensors for process control, and the growth of information technology and on-line computer applications continues apace. In addition, plant investment decisions are increasingly determined by quality assurance considerations and have to incorporate a greater emphasis on health and safety issues. The content of this edition has been rearranged to include descriptions of recent developments and to reflect the influence of new technology on the control and operations of automated plant. Original examples have been retained where relevant and these, together with many new illustrations, provide a comprehensive guide to good practice.
The effects of auditory distraction in memory tasks have been examined to date with procedures that minimize participants’ control over their own memory processes. Surprisingly little attention has been paid to metacognitive control factors which might affect memory performance. In this study, we investigate the effects of auditory distraction on metacognitive control of memory, examining the effects of auditory distraction in recognition tasks utilizing the metacognitive framework of Koriat and Goldsmith (1996), to determine whether strategic regulation of memory accuracy is impacted by auditory distraction. Results replicated previous findings in showing that auditory distraction impairs memory performance in tasks minimizing participants’ metacognitive control (forced-report test). However, the results revealed also that when metacognitive control is allowed (free-report tests), auditory distraction impacts upon a range of metacognitive indices. In the present study, auditory distraction undermined accuracy of metacognitive monitoring (resolution), reduced confidence in responses provided and, correspondingly, increased participants’ propensity to withhold responses in free-report recognition. Crucially, changes in metacognitive processes were related to impairment in free-report recognition performance, as the use of the ‘don’t know’ option under distraction led to a reduction in the number of correct responses volunteered in free-report tests. Overall, the present results show how auditory distraction exerts its influence on memory performance via both memory and metamemory processes.
Energy storage is a potential alternative to conventional network reinforcementof the low voltage (LV) distribution network to ensure the grid’s infrastructure remainswithin its operating constraints. This paper presents a study on the control of such storagedevices, owned by distribution network operators. A deterministic model predictive control (MPC) controller and a stochastic receding horizon controller (SRHC) are presented, wherethe objective is to achieve the greatest peak reduction in demand, for a given storagedevice specification, taking into account the high level of uncertainty in the prediction of LV demand. The algorithms presented in this paper are compared to a standard set-pointcontroller and bench marked against a control algorithm with a perfect forecast. A specificcase study, using storage on the LV network, is presented, and the results of each algorithmare compared. A comprehensive analysis is then carried out simulating a large number of LV networks of varying numbers of households. The results show that the performance of each algorithm is dependent on the number of aggregated households. However, on a typical aggregation, the novel SRHC algorithm presented in this paper is shown to outperform each of the comparable storage control techniques.
CBPP is an important transboundary disease in sub-Saharan Africa whose control is urgent. Participatory data collection involving 52 focus group discussions in 37 village clusters and key informant interviews, a cross-sectional study involving 232 households and a post-vaccination follow up involving 203 households was carried out in 2006-2007 in Narok South district of Kenya. This was to investigate knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and practices (KAPP) associated with control of CBPP as well as the adverse post-vaccination reactions in animals in order to advice the control policy. The community perceived trans-boundary CBPP threat to their cattle. They had traditional disease coping mechanisms and were conversant with CBPP prevention and control with 49.8% (95%CI: 42.8-56.7%) giving priority to CBPP control. However, 12.9% (95%CI: 9.0-18.1%) of pastoralists had no knowledge of any prevention method and 10.0% (95%CI: 6.5-14.7%) would not know what to do or would do nothing in the event of an outbreak. Although 43.5% (95%CI: 37.1-50.2%) of pastoralists were treating CBPP cases with antimicrobials, 62.5% (95%CI: 52.1-71.7%) of them doubted the effectiveness of the treatments. Pastoralists perceived vaccination to be the solution to CBPP but vaccination was irregular due to unavailability of the vaccine. Vaccination was mainly to control outbreaks rather than preventive and exhibited adverse post-vaccination reactions among 70.4% (95%CI: 63.6-76.5%) of herds and 3.8% (95%CI: 3.5-4.2%) of animals. Consequently, nearly 25.2% (95%CI: 18.5-33.2%) of pastoralists may resist subsequent vaccinations against CBPP. Pastoralists preferred CBPP vaccination at certain times of the year and that it is combined with other vaccinations. In conclusion, pastoralists were not fully aware of the preventive measures and interventions and post-vaccination reactions may discourage subsequent CBPP vaccinations. Consequently there is need for monitoring and management of post vaccination reactions and awareness creation on CBPP prevention and interventions and their merits and demerits. CBPP vaccine was largely unavailable to the pastoralists and the preference of the pastoralists was for vaccination at specified times and vaccine combinations which makes it necessary to avail the vaccine in conformity with the pastoralists preferences. In addition, planning vaccinations should involve pastoralists and neighbouring countries. As the results cannot be generalized, further studies on CBPP control methods and their effectiveness are recommended.
The evolution of fungicide resistance in the cereal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, is a serious threat to the sustainability and profitability of wheat production in Europe. Application of azole fungicides has been shown to affect fitness of Z. tritici variants differentially, so it has been hypothesised that combinations of azoles could slow the evolution of resistance. This work was initiated to assess the effects of dose, mixtures and alternations of two azoles on selection for isolates with reduced sensitivity and on disease control. Naturally infected field trials were carried out at six sites across Ireland and the sensitivity of Z. tritici isolates monitored pre- and post-treatment. The azoles epoxiconazole and metconazole were applied as solo products, in alternation with each other and as a pre-formulated mixture. Full and half label doses were tested. The two azoles were partially cross-resistant, with a common azole resistance principal component accounting for 75% of the variation between isolates. Selection for isolates with reduced azole sensitivity was correlated with disease control. Decreased doses were related to decreases in sensitivity but the effect was barely significant (P = 0.1) and control was reduced. Single applications of an active ingredient (a.i.) caused smaller decreases in sensitivity than double applications. Shifts in sensitivity to the a.i. applied to a plot were greater than to the a.i. not applied, and the decrease in sensitivity was greater to the a.i. applied at the second timing. These results confirm the need to mix a.i.s with different modes of action.
A novel technique for selecting the poles of orthonormal basis functions (OBF) in Volterra models of any order is presented. It is well-known that the usual large number of parameters required to describe the Volterra kernels can be significantly reduced by representing each kernel using an appropriate basis of orthonormal functions. Such a representation results in the so-called OBF Volterra model, which has a Wiener structure consisting of a linear dynamic generated by the orthonormal basis followed by a nonlinear static mapping given by the Volterra polynomial series. Aiming at optimizing the poles that fully parameterize the orthonormal bases, the exact gradients of the outputs of the orthonormal filters with respect to their poles are computed analytically by using a back-propagation-through-time technique. The expressions relative to the Kautz basis and to generalized orthonormal bases of functions (GOBF) are addressed; the ones related to the Laguerre basis follow straightforwardly as a particular case. The main innovation here is that the dynamic nature of the OBF filters is fully considered in the gradient computations. These gradients provide exact search directions for optimizing the poles of a given orthonormal basis. Such search directions can, in turn, be used as part of an optimization procedure to locate the minimum of a cost-function that takes into account the error of estimation of the system output. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is adopted here as the optimization procedure. Unlike previous related work, the proposed approach relies solely on input-output data measured from the system to be modeled, i.e., no information about the Volterra kernels is required. Examples are presented to illustrate the application of this approach to the modeling of dynamic systems, including a real magnetic levitation system with nonlinear oscillatory behavior.
In this work, we investigate the control of the two-photon absorption process of a series of organic compounds via spectral phase modulation of the excitation pulse. We analyzed the effect of the pulse central wavelength on the control of the two-photon absorption process for each compound. Depending on the molecules` two-photon absorption position relative to the excitation pulse wavelength, different levels of coherent control were observed. By simulating the two-photon transition probability in molecular systems, taking into account the band structure and its positions, we could explain the experimental results trends. We observed that the intrapulse coherent interference plays an important role in the nonlinear process control besides just the pulse intensity modulation.
O crescimento desordenado das cidades tem gerado muitos problemas de infraestrutura e impactos ao meio ambiente. No que se refere aos recursos hídricos, problemas de abastecimento, poluição e enchentes são cada vez mais constantes. À medida que a cidade se urbaniza e se impermeabiliza, vários são os impactos que vão atuar no sentido de provocar ou agravar as enchentes urbanas. No caso da drenagem urbana é preciso repensar o que vem sendo feito, buscando soluções alternativas às atualmente apresentadas, uma vez que estas não têm se mostrado eficientes. Uma possível solução para estes problemas é a aplicação de medidas de controle do escoamento na fonte, dentre elas o microrreservatório de detenção. Baseando-se na busca de soluções para os problemas citados, este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de verificar experimentalmente o funcionamento de microrreservatórios de detenção no controle da geração do escoamento superficial. Para isso foi construído um módulo experimental nas dependências do IPH, composto por um microrreservatório de 1m3, monitorado através de linígrafos que registram as vazões de entrada e saída, recebendo contribuição de uma área de 337,5m2. O período de monitoramento iniciou em agosto de 2000 e se estendeu até janeiro de 2001. De posse dos dados coletados foi possível fazer uma análise da eficiência deste dispositivo no controle do escoamento superficial, bem como estudar a real necessidade de manutenção da estrutura. Também foi feita uma análise do impacto da presença de sedimentos (folhagens) na água de escoamento nas estruturas de descarga. O trabalho também deixa uma contribuição no que se refere a critérios de projeto e dimensionamento de estruturas desta natureza. Finalmente foi possível concluir que o sistema é eficiente no controle da vazão de pico, porém o reservatório não permitiu um aumento no tempo de resposta da bacia.
O setor citrícola enfrenta sérios problemas representados por doenças de flores e frutos jovens que, além de diminuir a produtividade, depreciam os frutos pelo aspecto que conferem aos mesmos. Tais doenças são representadas, principalmente, pela mancha preta dos frutos cítricos (MPC) e pela queda prematura dos frutos cítricos (QPFC), onde a medida predominante de controle é a pulverização com produtos químicos. Entretanto, os custos financeiros e ambientais de aplicações com tais produtos, aliado às crescentes restrições à presença de resíduos, estão a exigir o estudo de novas alternativas. Entre estas, o controle biológico surge como alternativa importante. Sabendo-se que, o conhecimento da biodiversidade dos seres vivos é importante para determinação de suas funções potenciais, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a diversidade genética, através de marcadores moleculares AFLP, de 32 isolados de B. subtilis com a finalidade de se encontrar, dentre os mesmos, um (ou mais isolados) que apresentasse maior similaridade com o isolado ACB-69, o qual apresenta potencial para o controle da doença. Diante disso, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, permitiram concluir que: a) os isolados de B. subtilis estudados agruparam-se no filograma de distância genética, independente da procedência ou do hospedeiro; b) os isolados ACB-69 e ACB-83, com potenciais para o controle da queda prematura dos frutos cítricos, compartilham da mesma ancestralidade, o que pode ser inferido pela metodologia aplicada; c) em termos biológicos; o isolado ACB-83 merece mais estudos quanto à viabilidade de controle de doenças de citros, como a queda prematura dos frutos cítricos e a manha preta dos frutos cítricos, sob condições de campo.
This paper proposes a procedure to control on-line processes for attributes, using an Shewhart control chart with two control limits (warning limit and control limit) and will be based on a sequence of inspection (h). The inspection procedure is based on Taguchi et al. (1989), in which to inspect the item, if the number of non-conformities is higher than an upper control limit, the process needs to be stopped and some adjustment is required; and, if the last inspection h, from all items inspected present a number of non-conformities between the control limit and warning limit. The items inspected will suffer destructive inspection, being discarded after inspection. Properties of an ergodic Markov chain are used to get the expression of average cost per item and the aim was the determination of four optimized parameters: the sampling interval of the inspections (m); the constant W to draw the warning limit (W); the constant C to draw the control limit (C), where W £ C, and the length of sequence of inspections (h). Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure
The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.
The objectives of the IPP Project-Periodic Inspection on Crop Sprayers-are to develop methods for sprayer certification, analyze quality on spray operation, propose an inspection system for crop sprayers in Brazil, improve environmental quality on spray operation, and reduce costs on chemical control for plant protection systems. Periodic inspections on crop sprayers are performed in several countries and are compulsory in most of them, and it is becoming an important tool for improvement and optimization of use of chemicals. The IPP Project in Brazil is funded by FAPESP-Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. The results so far showed that all the sprayers presented failures. However, most of them could be approved with minor services. As an example, 56.6% of the sprayers with more than 2 years of use presented leaks, 47% of them had damaged hoses and 80.5% presented bad tips (nozzles). These results indicate the need for better procedures of use and maintenance of sprayers, justifying the periodic inspection system.